958 resultados para gramicidin-perforated patch clamp, cortical development, shunting inhibition


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Land plants are prone to strong thermal variations and must therefore sense early moderate temperature increments to induce appropriate cellular defenses, such as molecular chaperones, in anticipation of upcoming noxious temperatures. To investigate how plants perceive mild changes in ambient temperature, we monitored in recombinant lines of the moss Physcomitrella patens the activation of a heat-inducible promoter, the integrity of a thermolabile enzyme, and the fluctuations of cytoplasmic calcium. Mild temperature increments, or isothermal treatments with membrane fluidizers or Hsp90 inhibitors, induced a heat shock response (HSR) that critically depended on a preceding Ca(2+) transient through the plasma membrane. Electrophysiological experiments revealed the presence of a Ca(2+)-permeable channel in the plasma membrane that is transiently activated by mild temperature increments or chemical perturbations of membrane fluidity. The amplitude of the Ca(2+) influx during the first minutes of a temperature stress modulated the intensity of the HSR, and Ca(2+) channel blockers prevented HSR and the onset of thermotolerance. Our data suggest that early sensing of mild temperature increments occurs at the plasma membrane of plant cells independently from cytosolic protein unfolding. The heat signal is translated into an effective HSR by way of a specific membrane-regulated Ca(2+) influx, leading to thermotolerance.


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BACKGROUND: Mutations in SCN4A may lead to myotonia. METHODS: Presentation of a large family with myotonia, including molecular studies and patch clamp experiments using human embryonic kidney 293 cells expressing wild-type and mutated channels. RESULTS: In a large family with historic data on seven generations and a clear phenotype, including myotonia at movement onset, with worsening by cold temperature, pregnancy, mental stress, and especially after rest after intense physical activity, but without weakness, the phenotype was linked with the muscle sodium channel gene (SCN4A) locus, in which a novel p.I141V mutation was found. This modification is located within the first transmembrane segment of domain I of the Na(v)1.4 alpha subunit, a region where no mutation has been reported so far. Patch clamp experiments revealed a mutation-induced hyperpolarizing shift (-12.9 mV) of the voltage dependence of activation, leading to a significant increase (approximately twofold) of the window current amplitude. In addition, the mutation shifted the voltage dependence of slow inactivation by -8.7 mV and accelerated the entry to this state. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that the gain-of-function alteration in activation leads to the observed myotonic phenotype, whereas the enhanced slow inactivation may prevent depolarization-induced paralysis.


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Chloride channels represent a group of targets for major clinical indications. However, molecular screening for chloride channel modulators has proven to be difficult and time-consuming as approaches essentially rely on the use of fluorescent dyes or invasive patch-clamp techniques which do not lend themselves to the screening of large sets of compounds. To address this problem, we have developed a non-invasive optical method, based on digital holographic microcopy (DHM), allowing monitoring of ion channel activity without using any electrode or fluorescent dye. To illustrate this approach, GABA(A) mediated chloride currents have been monitored with DHM. Practically, we show that DHM can non-invasively provide the quantitative determination of transmembrane chloride fluxes mediated by the activation of chloride channels associated with GABA(A) receptors. Indeed through an original algorithm, chloride currents elicited by application of appropriate agonists of the GABA(A) receptor can be derived from the quantitative phase signal recorded with DHM. Finally, chloride currents can be determined and pharmacologically characterized non-invasively simultaneously on a large cellular sampling by DHM.


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Purpose: To examine the possible role of H+-activated acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) in pain perception we characterized their expression in bladder dome biopsies of Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS) patients and controls, in cultured human urothelium and in urothelial TEU-2 cells.Materials and Methods: Cold cut biopsies from the bladder dome were obtained in 8 asymptomatic controls and 28 patients with symptoms of BPS. ASIC expression was analyzed by QPCR and immunofluorescence. The channel function was measured by electrophysiology.Results: ASIC1a, ASIC2a and ASIC3 mRNAs were detected in human bladder. Similar amounts of ASIC1a and -3 were detected in detrusor smooth muscle, whereas in urothelium ASIC3 levels were higher than -1a. ASIC2a mRNA levels were lower than either -1a or -3 in both layers. ASIC currents were measured in TEU-2 cells and in primary cultures of human urothelium, and ASIC expression was confirmed by QPCR. Differentiation of TEU-2 cells caused an up-regulation of ASIC2a and ASIC3, and a down-regulation of ASIC1a mRNAs. BPS patients showed an up-regulation of ASIC2a and -3 mRNA, whereas ASIC1a remained unchanged. In contrast, the mRNA levels of TRPV1 were down-regulated during BPS. All differences were statistically significant (p<0.05)Conclusions: Several different ASIC subunits are expressed in human bladder and TEU-2 cells, where their levels are regulated during urothelial differentiation. An up-regulation of ASIC2a and -3 in BPS suggests their involvement in increased pain and hyperalgesia. A down-regulation of TRPV1 mRNA levels might indicate a different regulatory mechanism, controlling its expression in human bladder.


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La douleur est définie par l'International association for the study of pain (IASP) comme une expérience sensorielle et émotionnelle désagréable, associée à une lésion tissulaire réelle ou à une lésion potentielle, ou décrite en des termes évoquant une telle lésion. Sa fonction est de signaler une menace potentielle pour l'intégrité de l'organisme. Mais ce ressenti peut persister ou être présent en l'absence d'une telle menace. Il s'agit dans ce cas d'une douleur pathologique dont les mécanismes étiologiques et physiopathologiques ne sont pas encore bien compris.¦Ce travail de maîtrise a pour objectif l'étude d'une mutation génétique responsable d'un syndrome douloureux chronique. Cette mutation génétique a été décelée chez une famille de patients lausannois atteints de PEPD (paroxysmal extreme pain disorder) et touche le canal sodique Nav1.7. Ce canal est exprimé principalement dans les neurones des ganglions sensitifs et des ganglions sympathiques. Il est considéré comme responsable de la transmission de la douleur vers le SNC car des mutations « perte de fonction » de ce canal sont à l'origine d'une insensibilité congénitale à la douleur. Les mutations « gain de fonction » de ce canal sont à l'origine de syndromes douloureux chroniques tel le syndrome PEPD ou l'érythromélalgie. La mutation présente chez les patients lausannois est située entre les segments transmembranaires S4 et S5 sur le 4ème domaine de la sous-unité α du canal sodique Nav1.7. Cette mutation ne touche qu'un seul acide aminé, en position 1612 où une leucine est remplacée par une proline.¦Les méthodes employées dans ce travail sont la mutagenèse pour générer des plasmides contenant le gène SCN9A muté (T4835C) codant pour le canal Nav1.7 muté (L1612P), l'amplification de ces plasmides dans des bactéries et la transfection de cellules HEK293 avec les plasmides contenant le gène SCN9A muté (T4835C). Nous avons ainsi pu induire l'expression du canal muté dans des cellules HEK293. Ces cellules pourront être utilisées par la suite pour enregistrer les courants ioniques transitant à travers les canaux exprimés à la membrane plasmique. Cela permettra de comparer les propriétés électrophysiologiques du canal Nav1.7 muté L1612P avec celles du canal non muté. Nous avons également recherché l'expression d'ARNm codant pour les composants des canaux sodiques (sous-unités α et β) dans les cellules HEK293 non transfectées par la technique de qRT-PCR. Ceci afin de répertorier les composants des canaux sodiques exprimés constitutivement par les cellules HEK293 qui pourraient avoir une influence sur les mesures électrophysiologiques qui seront effectuées sur ces cellules.¦Ce travail a permis de générer des plasmides contenant le gène SCN9A muté T4835C qui sont des outils nécessaires à la réalisation d'études plus détaillées sur le fonctionnement et les propriétés du canal Nav1.7 muté L1612P. Ce travail a également permis, par la méthode de la qRT-PCR, une analyse de l'expression d'ARNm codant pour la sous-unité α du canal Nav1.7 et des sous-unités β 1 à 4 par les cellules HEK293. Les résultats ainsi obtenus permettent de mieux caractériser le transcriptome des cellules HEK293 et seront utiles pour interpréter avec plus de précisions les expérimentations électrophysiologiques utilisant ces cellules. L'étude électrophysiologique des cellules HEK293 exprimant le canal Nav1.7 muté par la technique du patch clamp est en cours. Elle sera poursuivie dans le cadre d'un travail de recherche dépassant le cadre de ce travail de maîtrise. Les cellules HEK293 exprimant le canal Nav1.7 muté (L1612P) pourront être également utilisées pour tester l'effet de divers médicaments sur ce canal. Ce qui pourrait d'une part permettre d'optimiser le traitement des patients souffrant de PEPD et d'autre part être utile pour tout traitement à but antalgique.


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Regulation of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) by ubiquitylation is controlled by the activity of two counteracting enzymes, the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 (mouse ortholog of human Nedd4L) and the ubiquitin-specific protease Usp2-45. Previously, Usp2-45 was shown to decrease ubiquitylation and to increase surface function of ENaC in Xenopus laevis oocytes, whereas the splice variant Usp2-69, which has a different N-terminal domain, was inactive toward ENaC. It is shown here that the catalytic core of Usp2 lacking the N-terminal domain has a reduced ability relative to Usp2-45 to enhance ENaC activity in Xenopus oocytes. In contrast, its catalytic activity toward the artificial substrate ubiquitin-AMC is fully maintained. The interaction of Usp2-45 with ENaC exogenously expressed in HEK293 cells was tested by coimmunoprecipitation. The data indicate that different combinations of ENaC subunits, as well as the α-ENaC cytoplasmic N-terminal but not C-terminal domain, coprecipitate with Usp2-45. This interaction is decreased but not abolished when the cytoplasmic ubiquitylation sites of ENaC are mutated. Importantly, coimmunoprecipitation in HEK293 cells and GST pull-down of purified recombinant proteins show that both the catalytic domain and the N-terminal tail of Usp2-45 physically interact with the HECT domain of Nedd4-2. Taken together, the data support the conclusion that Usp2-45 action on ENaC is promoted by various interactions, including through binding to Nedd4-2 that is suggested to position Usp2-45 favorably for ENaC deubiquitylation.


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In human, neuronal migration disorders are commonly associated with developmental delay, mental retardation, and epilepsy. We describe here a new mouse mutant that develops a heterotopic cortex (HeCo) lying in the dorsolateral hemispheric region, between the homotopic cortex (HoCo) and subcortical white matter. Cross-breeding demonstrated an autosomal recessive transmission. Birthdating studies and immunochemistry for layer-specific markers revealed that HeCo formation was due to a transit problem in the intermediate zone affecting both radially and tangentially migrating neurons. The scaffold of radial glial fibers, as well as the expression of doublecortin is not altered in the mutant. Neurons within the HeCo are generated at a late embryonic age (E18) and the superficial layers of the HoCo have a correspondingly lower cell density and layer thickness. Parvalbumin immunohistochemistry showed the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acidergic cells in the HeCo and the mutant mice have a lowered threshold for the induction of epileptic seizures. The mutant showed a developmental delay but, in contrast, memory function was relatively spared. Therefore, this unique mouse model resembles subcortical band heterotopia observed in human. This model represents a new and rare tool to better understand cortical development and to investigate future therapeutic strategies for refractory epilepsy.


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The bleeding disorder Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS) is caused by mutations in the genes coding for the platelet glycoprotein GPIb/IX receptor. The septin SEPT5 is important for active membrane movement such as vesicle trafficking and exocytosis in non-dividing cells (i.e. platelets, neurons). We report on a four-year-old boy with a homozygous deletion comprising not only glycoprotein Ibβ (GP1BB) but also the SEPT5 gene, located 5' to GP1BB. He presented with BSS, cortical dysplasia (polymicrogyria), developmental delay, and platelet secretion defect. The homozygous deletion of GP1BB and SEPT5, which had been identified by PCR analyses, was confirmed by Southern analyses and denaturing HPLC (DHPLC). The parents were heterozygous for this deletion. Absence of GPIbβ and SEPT5 proteins in the patient's platelets was illustrated using transmission electron microscopy. Besides decreased GPIb/IX expression, flow cytometry analyses revealed impaired platelet granule secretion. Because the bleeding disorder was extremely severe, the boy received bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from a HLA-identical unrelated donor. After successful engraftment of BMT, he had no more bleeding episodes. Interestingly, also his mental development improved strikingly after BMT. This report describes for the first time a patient with SEPT5 deficiency presenting with cortical dysplasia (polymicrogyria), developmental delay, and platelet secretion defect.


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Changes in intracellular Na(+) concentration underlie essential neurobiological processes, but few reliable tools exist for their measurement. Here we characterize a new synthetic Na(+)-sensitive fluorescent dye, Asante Natrium Green (ANG), with unique properties. This indicator was excitable in the visible spectrum and by two-photon illumination, suffered little photobleaching and located to the cytosol were it remained for long durations without noticeable unwanted effects on basic cell properties. When used in brain tissue, ANG yielded a bright fluorescent signal during physiological Na(+) responses both in neurons and astrocytes. Synchronous electrophysiological and fluorometric recordings showed that ANG produced accurate Na(+) measurement in situ. This new Na(+) indicator opens innovative ways of probing neuronal circuits.


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Subplate neurons are among the earliest born cells of the neocortex and play a fundamental role in cortical development, in particular in the formation of thalamocortical connections. Subplate abnormalities have been described in several neuropathological disorders including schizophrenia, autism and periventricular eukomalacia (Eastwood and Harrison, Schizophr Res, 79, 2005; McQuillen and Ferriero, Brain Pathol, 15, 2005). We have identified and confirmed a range of specific markers for murine subplate using a microarray based approach and found that different subplate subpopulations are characterized by distinct expression patterns of these genes (Hoerder-Suabedissen et al., Cereb Cortex, 19, 2009). In this current study, we are making use of these markers to investigate neuropathological changes of the subplate after cerebral hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the neonatal rat. First, we characterized the expression of a number of murine subplate markers in the postnatal rat using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. While several genes (Nurr1, Cplx3, Ctgf and Tmem163) presented very similar expression patterns as in the mouse, others (Ddc, MoxD1 and TRH) were completely absent in the rat cortex. This finding suggests important differences in the subplate populations of these two rodent species. In a neonatal rat model of HI, selective vulnerability of subplate has been suggested using BrdU birthdating methods (McQuillen et al., J Neurosci, 15, 2003). We hypothesized that certain subplate subpopulations could be more susceptible than others and analyzed the above subplate markers in a similar yet slightly milder HI model. Two-day old male rat pups underwent permanent occlusion of the right common carotid artery followed by a period of hypoxia (6% O2, 1.5h or 2h) and were analyzed six days later. Preliminary counts on three subplate subpopulations (Nurr1+, Cplx3+ and Ctgf+ cells, respectively) showed similar reductions in cell numbers for all three groups. In addition, we found that the majority of cases which show changes in the subplate also exhibit lesions in the deep cortical layers VI (identified by FoxP2 expression) and sometimes even layer V (revealed by Er81 immunoreactivity), which questions the selective susceptibility of subplate over other cortical layers under the conditions we used in our model. Supported by MRC, FMO holds a Berrow Scholarship, Lincoln College, Oxford.


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The HeCo mouse model is characterized by a subcortical heterotopia formed by misplaced neurons normally migrating into the superficial cortical layers. The mutant mouse has a tendency to epileptic seizures. In my thesis project we discovered the mutated Eml1 gene, a member of the echinoderm microtubule-associated protein (EMAP) family, in HeCo as well as in a family of three children showing complex malformation of cortical development. This discovery formed an important step in exploring the pathogenic mechanisms underlying the HeCo phenotype. In vitro results showed that during cell division the EML1 protein is associated with the midbody and a mutated version of Eml1 highlighted an important role of the protein in the astral MT array during cell cycle. In vivo, we found that already at an early age of cortical development (E13), ectopic progenitors such as RGs (PAX6) and IPCs (TBR2) accumulate in the IZ along the entire neocortex. We demonstrated that in the VZ of the HeCo mouse, spindle orientation and cell cycle exit are perturbed. In later stages (E17), RG fibers are strongly disorganized with deep layer (TBR1) and upper layer (CUX1) neurons trapped within an ectopic mass. At P3, columns of upper layer neurons were present between the heterotopia and the developing cortex; these columns were also present at P7 but at lesser extent. Time lapse video recording (E15.5) revealed that the parameters characterizing the migration of individual neurons are not disturbed in HeCo; however, this analysis showed that the density of migrating neuron was smaller in HeCo. In conclusion, truncated EML1 is likely to play a prominent role during cell cycle but also acts on the cytoskeletal architecture altering the shape of RG fibers thus influencing the pattern of neuronal migration. The signal transduction between external cues and intracellular effector pathways through MTs may be secondary but sustains the heterotopia development and further studies are needed to clarify the impact of EML1 in progenitors versus post-mitotic cells.


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Extracellular acidification has been shown to generate action potentials (APs) in several types of neurons. In this study, we investigated the role of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) in acid-induced AP generation in brain neurons. ASICs are neuronal Na(+) channels that belong to the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family and are transiently activated by a rapid drop in extracellular pH. We compared the pharmacological and biophysical properties of acid-induced AP generation with those of ASIC currents in cultured hippocampal neurons. Our results show that acid-induced AP generation in these neurons is essentially due to ASIC activation. We demonstrate for the first time that the probability of inducing APs correlates with current entry through ASICs. We also show that ASIC activation in combination with other excitatory stimuli can either facilitate AP generation or inhibit AP bursts, depending on the conditions. ASIC-mediated generation and modulation of APs can be induced by extracellular pH changes from 7.4 to slightly <7. Such local extracellular pH values may be reached by pH fluctuations due to normal neuronal activity. Furthermore, in the plasma membrane, ASICs are localized in close proximity to voltage-gated Na(+) and K(+) channels, providing the conditions necessary for the transduction of local pH changes into electrical signals.


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BACKGROUND:: Voltage-gated sodium channels dysregulation is important for hyperexcitability leading to pain persistence. Sodium channel blockers currently used to treat neuropathic pain are poorly tolerated. Getting new molecules to clinical use is laborious. We here propose a drug already marketed as anticonvulsant, rufinamide. METHODS:: We compared the behavioral effect of rufinamide to amitriptyline using the Spared Nerve Injury neuropathic pain model in mice. We compared the effect of rufinamide on sodium currents using in vitro patch clamp in cells expressing the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7 isoform and on dissociated dorsal root ganglion neurons to amitriptyline and mexiletine. RESULTS:: In naive mice, amitriptyline (20 mg/kg) increased withdrawal threshold to mechanical stimulation from 1.3 (0.6-1.9) (median [95% CI]) to 2.3 g (2.2-2.5) and latency of withdrawal to heat stimulation from 13.1 (10.4-15.5) to 30.0 s (21.8-31.9), whereas rufinamide had no effect. Rufinamide and amitriptyline alleviated injury-induced mechanical allodynia for 4 h (maximal effect: 0.10 ± 0.03 g (mean ± SD) to 1.99 ± 0.26 g for rufinamide and 0.25 ± 0.22 g to 1.92 ± 0.85 g for amitriptyline). All drugs reduced peak current and stabilized the inactivated state of voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7, with similar effects in dorsal root ganglion neurons. CONCLUSIONS:: At doses alleviating neuropathic pain, amitriptyline showed alteration of behavioral response possibly related to either alteration of basal pain sensitivity or sedative effect or both. Side-effects and drug tolerance/compliance are major problems with drugs such as amitriptyline. Rufinamide seems to have a better tolerability profile and could be a new alternative to explore for the treatment of neuropathic pain.


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Methadone inhibits the cardiac potassium channel hERG and can cause a prolonged QT interval. Methadone is chiral but its therapeutic activity is mainly due to (R)-methadone. Whole-cell patch-clamp experiments using cells expressing hERG showed that (S)-methadone blocked the hERG current 3.5-fold more potently than (R)-methadone (IC50s (half-maximal inhibitory concentrations) at 37 degrees C: 2 and 7 microM). As CYP2B6 slow metabolizer (SM) status results in a reduced ability to metabolize (S)-methadone, electrocardiograms, CYP2B6 genotypes, and (R)- and (S)-methadone plasma concentrations were obtained for 179 patients receiving (R,S)-methadone. The mean heart-rate-corrected QT (QTc) was higher in CYP2B6 SMs (*6/*6 genotype; 439+/-25 ms; n=11) than in extensive metabolizers (non *6/*6; 421+/-25 ms; n=168; P=0.017). CYP2B6 SM status was associated with an increased risk of prolonged QTc (odds ratio=4.5, 95% confidence interval=1.2-17.7; P=0.03). This study reports the first genetic factor implicated in methadone metabolism that may increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death. This risk could be reduced by the administration of (R)-methadone.


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We have investigated the effect of extracellular proteases on the amiloride-sensitive Na+ current (INa) in Xenopus oocytes expressing the three subunits alpha, beta, and gamma of the rat or Xenopus epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). Low concentrations of trypsin (2 microg/ml) induced a large increase of INa within a few minutes, an effect that was fully prevented by soybean trypsin inhibitor, but not by amiloride. A similar effect was observed with chymotrypsin, but not with kallikrein. The trypsin-induced increase of INa was observed with Xenopus and rat ENaC, and was very large (approximately 20-fold) with the channel obtained by coexpression of the alpha subunit of Xenopus ENaC with the beta and gamma subunits of rat ENaC. The effect of trypsin was selective for ENaC, as shown by the absence of effect on the current due to expression of the K+ channel ROMK2. The effect of trypsin was not prevented by intracellular injection of EGTA nor by pretreatment with GTP-gammaS, suggesting that this effect was not mediated by G proteins. Measurement of the channel protein expression at the oocyte surface by antibody binding to a FLAG epitope showed that the effect of trypsin was not accompanied by an increase in the channel protein density, indicating that proteolysis modified the activity of the channel present at the oocyte surface rather than the cell surface expression. At the single channel level, in the cell-attached mode, more active channels were observed in the patch when trypsin was present in the pipette, while no change in channel activity could be detected when trypsin was added to the bath solution around the patch pipette. We conclude that extracellular proteases are able to increase the open probability of the epithelial sodium channel by an effect that does not occur through activation of a G protein-coupled receptor, but rather through proteolysis of a protein that is either a constitutive part of the channel itself or closely associated with it.