707 resultados para glyphosate isopropilamina
The loss of grains during the harvest of glyphosate tolerant corn may generate volunteer plants, which can interfere in the conventional or glyphosate crop in succession. The current work aim to evaluate the control of the volunteer corn glyphosate tolerant under two weed stages. Aimed to evaluate the control of volunteer glyphosate tolerant corn in two stages of development. There were conducted two experiments with hybrid 2B688 HR (lepidoptera and glyphosate tolerant), the application were at V5 and V8 stage. The experiment was randomized block design with four replicates, using the treatments: haloxyfop at 25, 50 and 62 g ha-1 alone and associated with 2,4-D at 670 g ha-1 or fluroxypyr at 200 g ha-1. The standard was clethodim at 84 g ha-1 with 2,4-D and fluroxypyr at same rates. The applications of haloxyfop and clethodim both isolated or in a mixture with 2,4-D and fluroxypyr at V5 stage showed total control (100%) at 32 and 39 days after the application, except for haloxyfop + 2,4-D (25 + 670 g ha-1) mixture, which did not provided adequate control. At V8 stage, haloxyfop + 2,4-D (50 + 670 g ha-1) and haloxyfop + 2,4-D (62 + 670 g ha-1) mixtures took up to 6 and 10 days or longer to reach adequate to excellent control, when compared to haloxyfop isolated applications in the same doses, respectively. Either isolated clethodim or mixed with 2, 4-D and fluroxypyr did not show adequate control. The treatments showed efficient control on volunteer corn plants at V5 stage, except for haloxyfop + 2, 4-D (25 + 670 g ha-1) mixture. At V8 stage applications, haloxyfop either isolated or mixture with fluroxypyr demonstrated excellent control on every evaluated dose. The mixture with 2, 4-D can reduce haloxyfop efficiency at low doses. Clethodim alone or mixed with 2,4-D or furoxypyr did not provide acceptable level of control.
Mycorrhizal association promotes better survival and nutrition of colonized seedling on field, and consequently, increasing of productivity. However, the weed management can interfere on this association, due to incorrect use of glyphosate. This work has assessed the effects of glyphosate drift on the growth and nutrition of arabica coffee plants (Catuaí Vermelho - IAC 99) colonized with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The experiment was conducted in 2 x 5 factorial scheme, and included inoculated and non-inoculated plants, and five glyphosate subdoses (0.0, 57.6, 115.2, 230.4, and 460.8 g ha-1 of glyphosate), in randomized blocks with five replication. The inoculation was carried during the greenhouse phase of seedlings production with a mixture of Rhizophagus clarus and Gigaspora margarita, and after to transplanting, when the plants had seven pairs of leaves, glyphosate subdoses were applied. The product caused intoxication in up to 60% of non-inoculated and 45% on inoculated plants, when the highest dose of 460.8 g a.e. ha-1 was applied. A negative effect was noted on the growth and phosphorus content of coffee plants, this effect increased depending on glyphosate subdose, but regardless of inoculation. Glyphosate drift reduces the growth and nutrition of plants colonized by species of AMF and native fungi, negatively affecting root colonization of plants treated.
The technology that employs genetic modifications brought a significant increase in the utilization of glyphosate. Transgenic soybean has been suffering injury, even though it possesses a resistance mechanism to glyphosate. Currently, there are only a few studies on the dynamics of glyphosate in transgenic soybean planted in soils with different textures interacting with phosphorus concentrations. This study focused on assessing the effects of glyphosate in transgenic soybean plants on different types of soil and at different phosphorus levels. The experimental design was completely randomized, in factorial design: 2 x 6 x 3, that being 2 soil types, 6 doses of glyphosate and 3 levels of phosphorus, and four replications. Plants were cultivated for thirty days in pots with two types of soil, one being clayey (Red-Yellow Latosol) and the other sandy (Quartzarenic Neosol). They received one, two, and three times the maintenance dose of fertilization of phosphorus, corresponding to: 170, 250 and 330 kg of P2O5 ha-1 to QN, and 380, 460 and 540 kg P2O5 ha-1 to RYL, respectively. Glyphosate was applied at six different doses: 0, 1,200, 2,400, 12,000, 60,000 and 120,000 g ha-1 of active ingredient. Plant height, a and b chlorophyll, and shoot were lower for the plants that received lower doses of glyphosate, regardless of the type of soil. Greater availability of phosphorus and lower amount of glyphosate used in Quartzarenic Neosol soil provided for less phytointoxication symptoms in transgenic soybean.
Recent studies indicate that glyphosate applied in post-emergence in RR soybean can eventually cause phytotoxic effects. However, there are many questions that need to be clarified in the scientific and technical contexts, involving the issue of RR soybeans regarding the use of glyphosate. This study has assessed the impact of the application of different doses and formulations of glyphosate in the reproductive period of RR soybean (R1 stage). For that purpose, an experiment in the field was conducted in two harvests (2011/12 and 2012/13), in which a 2 x 5 factorial design was used (formulations versus doses) totaling 10 treatments. In these two experiments the variables related to agronomic performance were: phytotoxicity (7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application), plant height, number of pods per plant, yield and weight of 100 grains (end of soy cycle). The results obtained allowed characterizing phytotoxicity and damages to the height and yield in RR soybean, with increasing rates of glyphosate applied in the reproductive period.
This study aimed to control different populations of Digitaria insularisby glyphosate herbicide, isolated and mixed, besides the combination of methods (chemical and mechanical) to manage resistant adult plants. Three experiments were conducted, one in pots which were maintained under non-controlled conditions and two under field conditions. In the experiment in pots, twelve populations of D. insularis were sprayed with isolated glyphosate (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha-1) and mixed (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha-1) with quizalofop-p tefuryl (0.12 kg i.a. ha-1). The treatment of 1.44 kg a.e. ha-1 of glyphosate plus 0.12 kg a.i. ha-1 of quizalofop was sufficient for adequate control (>95%) of all populations. Population 11 (area of grain production in Itumbiara, GO) was considered sensitive to glyphosate. Others populations were moderately sensitive or tolerant to the herbicide. In the field, the plants of D. insularis of one of the experiments were mowed and, in the other, there were not. Eight treatments with herbicides [isolated glyphosate (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha-1) and mixed (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha-1) with quizalofop-p-tefuryl at 0.12 kg a.i. ha-1), clethodim at 0.108 kg a.i. ha-1) or nicosulfuron at 0.06 kg a.i. ha-1)] were assessed, in combination with or without sequential application of the standard treatment, sprayed 15 days after the first application. The combination of the mechanic control with the application of glyphosate (2.16 and 1.44 kg a.e. ha-1) plus quizalofop-p-tefuryl (0.12 kg a.i. ha-1) or clethodim (0.108 kg a.i. ha-1), associated to the sequential application, was the most effective strategy for the management of adult plants of resistant D. insularis.
In Brazil, few research works on mechanisms of weed resistance to glyphosate have been conducted so far. Therefore, this research aimed to study analytical procedures determining the relation between the concentration of plant shikimate after glyphosate application and the plant resistance to this herbicide; and evaluate the glyphosate absorption and translocation into two resistant ® and susceptible (S) horseweed biotypes to glyphosate. Horseweed plants with nine true leaves received glyphosate (720 g a.e. ha-1), and 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 days after application (DAA) the concentration of shikimic acid was measured by HPLC. In another experiment, plants were treated with radiolabeled glyphosate (14C) (1.456 MBq mmol-1 specific activity) and radioactivity was measured 4, 8, 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment (HAT) by liquid scintillation spectrometry. The shikimate concentration in plants increased 16,351.14 and 7,892.25 mg kg-1 of dry weight, for R and S plants respectively, at seven DAA. Therefore, the procedure for quantification of shikimic acid was suitable for R and S plants differentiation to glyphosate, indicating that the R population is actually resistant to glyphosate. On average, 98% of glyphosate applied was absorbed by the studied biotypes, at 72 HAT. Around 68% of the absorbed radioactivity remained on the biotypes leaves treated, the S biotype showing the highest translocation. Therefore, the R biotype resistance mechanism studied is associated to the differential translocation.
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of glyphosate, as Rodeo(r) formulation, to control Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia molesta, Salvinia herzogii and Urochloa subquadripara, under greenhouse conditions. The doses assessed were (480, 960, 1440, 1920, 2400, 2880, 3360 and 3840 g ha-1 of glyphosate) with 0.5% of the Aterbane(r) BR surfactant and a control, with no herbicide application. All experiments were conducted in a completely randomized experimental design with ten replications. Applications were carried out by precision backpack sprayer at a CO2 constant pressure of 25 psi and spray solution consumption of 200 L ha-1. Product effectiveness was determined by assessing the growth inhibitions and phytotoxicity signals during the periods of 3, 7, 15, 21, 30 and 45 days after application (DAA). At 45 DAA, the highest glyphosate dose (3840 g ha-1) displayed 100% effectiveness for all four macrophyte species. Under greenhouse conditions, the glyphosate in formulation Rodeo(r) with 0.5% of Aterbarne(r) BR surfactant showed excellent effectiveness, inhibiting the growth of the floating aquatic macrophytes. This procedure can be included on the tillage plans for these species.
This study has aimed to develop a method for simultaneous extraction and determination by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) of glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), shikimic acid, quinic acid, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan. For the joint analysis of these compounds the best conditions of ionization in mass spectrometry and for chromatographic separation of the compounds were selected. Calibration curves and linearity ranges were also determined for each compound. Different extraction systems of the compounds were tested from plant tissues collected from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urophylla platiphylla) plants two days after the glyphosate application at the dose of 720 g a.e. ha-1. The plant material was dried in a forced air circulation drying oven and in a lyophilizer, and subsequently the extractions with acidified water (pH 2.5), acetonitrile-water (50:50) [v/v] and methanol-water (50:50) [v/v] were tested. To verify the recovery of the compounds in the plant matrix with acidified water as an extracting solution, the samples were fortified with a solution containing the mixture of the different analytical standards present so that this one presented the same levels of 50 and 100 μg L-1 of each compound. All experiments were conducted with three replicates. The analytical method developed was efficient for compounds quantifications. The extraction from the samples dried in an oven and using acidified water allowed better extraction levels for all compounds. The recovery levels of the compounds in the fortified samples with known amounts of each compound for both plants samples were rather satisfactory.
Além do impacto ambiental, a deriva de glyphosate pode causar danos sobre culturas sensíveis a esse herbicida. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de adjuvantes e pontas de pulverização na deriva de glyphosate aplicado via terrestre. O estudo foi conduzido em campo, arranjado em esquema fatorial (3 x 9), sendo o primeiro fator constituído por três pontas de pulverização: uma de jato plano (Teejet XR 110.015) e duas de jato plano com indução de ar (Teejet AIXR 110.015 e Teejet TTI 110.015). O segundo fator foi composto por sete adjuvantes: Break Thru(r) (0,1% v.v.), Grap' Oil(r) (0,5% v.v.), Grap Super Gun(r) (0,03% v.v.), Iharol(r) (1% v.v.), NP-10(r) (0,075 L ha-1), Dash HC(r) (0,5% v.v.) e Emultec R(r) (0,05 L ha-1). Os adjuvantes foram adicionados à calda de aplicação juntamente com o herbicida Roundup Transorb R(r) na dose de 2,16 kg e.a. ha-1. Além desses, foram incluídos dois tratamentos testemunha: um sem aplicação e outro com aplicação de glyphosate sem adjuvante. As variáveis avaliadas foram a distância percorrida pelas gotas para fora do alvo, a fitotoxicidade causada pela deriva, o diâmetro mediano volumétrico, a densidade de gotas e o volume recuperado pela utilização de papéis hidrossensíveis. As pontas de pulverização TTI 110.015 e AIXR 110.015 proporcionaram menor deriva que a ponta XR 110.015. As pontas TTI e AIXR apresentaram menor densidade de gotas e maior diâmetro mediano volumétrico, quando comparadas à ponta XR. A utilização dos adjuvantes NP-10(r) e Emultec R(r) com a ponta de pulverização XR 110.015 aumentou a deriva quando comparada com a aplicação de glyphosate sem adjuvante, porém não diferiram dos demais adjuvantes. O adjuvante Emultec R(r) aumentou o DMV das gotas, quando geradas pela ponta XR 110.015. A utilização dos adjuvantes Grap' Oil(r), Grap Super Gun(r), Iharol(r) e Dash HC(r) diminuiu a densidade de gotas derivadas, quando geradas pela ponta XR 110.015.
ABSTRACTGlyphosate has significant effects on the growth and development of plants when in underdoses. This work was developed to verify the effect of the application of glyphosate in underdoses in lignin synthesis and consequently decomposition of maize stover. Two experiments were conducted; the first one in a greenhouse for underdoses adjustments and the second one in the production area. The experimental design of the first trial was completely randomized with four replications. The treatments consisted in the application of the underdoses: 0, 25, 50 and 100 g ha-1 of glyphosate. In the production area, the experimental design was a randomized block with four replications, in underdoses: 0, 12.5, 25 and 50 g ha-1. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and regression. The underdoses of 25 g a.e. ha-1in a greenhouse promoted 36% increase in productivity of stover, in addition to increasing the lignin content in 16%, with no change in the unwanted growth of maize plants. In the production area, the concentration of 12.5 g a.e. ha-1 of glyphosate reduced the lignin content and the other underdoses have not changed this feature in maize plants. None of the underdoses affected the height and biomass produced by the maize plants. The highest underdose tested promoted acceleration in the decomposition of maize stover.
RESUMOO azevém é uma planta daninha de ciclo anual, encontrada em praticamente todas as lavouras de inverno, em pomares e vinhedos da região Sul do Brasil. A espécie é normalmente controlada pelo herbicida glyphosate, no entanto, o uso continuado desse produto selecionou biótipos resistentes. Diferenças na suscetibilidade do azevém a herbicidas têm sido atribuídas a características morfológicas, anatômicas e genéticas das plantas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram realizar a caracterização morfoanatômica, adequar metodologia para a análise citológica de cromossomos e indicar corantes para testes de viabilidade polínica de biótipos de azevém suscetível e resistentes ao herbicida glyphosate. As sementes dos biótipos de azevém suspeitos de resistência provieram do município de São Valentin, RS (SVA 1 e SVA 4), e Passo Fundo, RS (PFU 5), e as do biótipo conhecidamente suscetível (SVA 2), de São Valentin. Os biótipos de azevém estudados que apresentam resistência ao herbicida glyphosate não podem ser diferenciados do biótipo suscetível através de aspectos morfológicos, não existindo diferenças anatômicas de folha e raiz que evidenciem possibilidade da absorção diferencial do herbicida glyphosate entre os biótipos de azevém. A metodologia para a análise citológica dos biótipos de azevém merece adequações para melhor nitidez dos cromossomos, podendo-se aumentar o tempo de hidrólise e de exposição ao agente antimitótico utilizado neste trabalho, bem como testar outros agentes. Todos os corantes apresentaram bom desempenho na determinação da viabilidade polínica frente aos biótipos avaliados, exceto o azul de tripan, que subestimou os resultados.
ABSTRACT The recent introduction of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Brazilian agricultural areas may promote several changes on weed management, especially in no-till systems and in glyphosate-resistant crops, since glyphosate-resistant biotypes of A. palmerihave been frequently selected in other countries. Therefore, this research was developed in order to evaluate the glyphosate susceptibility of a Palmer amaranth biotype recently identified in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. For this purpose, glyphosate susceptibility of three Amaranthusbiotypes was compared: A.hybridus var. patulus, collected in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil; A.hybridus var. patulus, collected in the State of São Paulo - Brazil; and A.palmeri, collected in the State of Mato Grosso - Brazil. Dose-response curves were generated for all biotypes, considering eight rates of glyphosate and six replicates. All the experiments were repeated twice. Both A.hybridus biotypes were satisfactorily controlled by glyphosate, demanding rates equal to or lower than 541.15 g a.e. ha-1 for 80% control (LD80). The A.palmeri biotype was not controlled by glyphosate in any of the assessments and required rates greater than 4,500 g a.e. ha-1 to reach LD80, which are economically and environmentally unacceptable. Comparison of the Brazilian A.palmeri biotype to the A. hybridus biotypes, as well as, to the results available in scientific international literature, led to the conclusion that the Brazilian Palmer amaranth biotype is resistant to glyphosate.
ABSTRACTEfficiency of weed control can be increased if the herbicide formulation provides higher target coverage and evaporation time that enable an adequate distribution of herbicide on the target plant, allowing the absorption to continue even after the droplets evaporation. The aim of this research was to assess the influence of glyphosate formulations on the wetted area and evaporation time of droplets on different targets. Tests were conducted with droplets sizing from 500 μm containing three formulations of glyphosate (isopropylamine salt, ammonium salt and potassium salt) deposited on three surfaces, two leaves (Bidens pilosa and Cenchrus echinatus) and glass slides. Sequential images analyses were used to quantify the evaporation time and the wetted area. An experimental system was utilized that was composed of a droplet generator, a stereo microscope with a camera to capture images, as well as an environmental chamber controlled for temperature and relative humidity. The kind of glyphosate formulations and target surfaces are crucial in the wetted area and evaporation time. The isopropylamine salt decreased the wetted area and evaporation time when compared with ammonium salt and potassium salt for all the surfaces deposited on. Bidens pilosa allows an increased wetted area for all the glyphosate formulations when compared to Cenchrus echinatus and glass slides.
ABSTRACTWith the present study we aim to assess the damage caused to Eucalyptus plants exposed to glyphosate drift in different canopy portions. The drift simulation was carried out through application of 1,080 g ha-1 of glyphosate in five canopy portions (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the low branches), in four areas of cultivation. Areas I and II, plants with 0.91 and 2.98 m, and height of canopy drift exposition of 0.30 and 1.0 m, respectively. In areas III and IV both cultivations were 8.15 m high, varying the height of drift exposition between 2.0 and 2.5 m, respectively. At 30 and 480 days after application (DAA), the survival rate was assessed, and at 300 and 480 DAA diameter at breast height (DBH), height, volume and their respective increment were determined. The medium annual increment (MAI) was determined at 480 DAA. Area I, in which the plants were 0.91 m high, we observed that treatment with 100% of the low branches exposed to drift led to stand reduction of the plants around 18.75 and 38.19% at 30 and 480 DAA, respectively. Areas I and II showed reduction in plant growth in height and DBH, wood volume and MAI, to the extent that there was an increase in the portion of canopy exposed to glyphosate drift. However, in areas III and IV, in which 8.15 m height plants were found, no changes were verified for the evaluated characteristics, regardless of the portion of canopy exposed to glyphosate drift.
RESUMO Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a interação entre o tamanho do vaso de cultivo e doses de glyphosate no crescimento, na fisiologia e na eficácia de controle de Brachiaria decumbens. A semeadura foi feita em vasos contendo 2, 5, 10 e 20 L de substrato, mantidos em casa de vegetação. Entre os 41 e 63 dias após a emergência (DAE), avaliou-se o crescimento deB. decumbens. Aos 64 DAE, fez-se a aplicação do glyphosate nas doses de 0,0, 0,8, 1,6 e 3,2 kg ha-1 de equivalente ácido. Foram avaliadas as trocas gasosas e a fluorescência da clorofila a, aos dois dias após a aplicação (DAA), bem como a eficácia de controle, aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 DAA, sendo nesta última avaliação determinada ainda a matéria seca da parte aérea. Por fim, aferiu-se ainda a capacidade de rebrota de B. decunbens aos 28 dias após o corte. O crescimento de B. decumbens aumentou linearmente com o aumento do tamanho do vaso. As trocas gasosas e os parâmetros de fluorescência foram afetados pelas doses de glyphosate, mas não pela variação do tamanho do vaso. Não houve interação significativa entre doses e tamanhos de vasos sobre a eficácia de controle, porém essa variável aumentou consideravelmente com o aumento da dose e, discretamente, com o aumento do tamanho de vaso, sobretudo nas avaliações até os 14 DAA. A matéria seca da parte área aos 28 DAA e de rebrota foi dependente da interação entre tamanho do vaso e dose de glyphosate. O tamanho do vaso deve ser escolhido com critério para ensaios de eficácia de controle de B. decumbens com herbicida sistêmico.