974 resultados para geographic distribution
Epyris longus sp. nov., Epyris paramedius sp. nov., Epyris distinctus sp. nov. and Epyris variatus sp. nov. from Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas, Espírito Santo, Brazil are described and illustrated. Examination of additional specimens of Epyris crassifemur Evans, 1969 allowed to analyse the intraspecific variation as well as to widen the geographic distribution from Santa Catarina to Espírito Santo. Epyris Westwood, 1832 is recorded for the first time in Espírito Santo.
The flea, Myodopsylla wolffsohni wolffsohni (Rothschild, 1903), had been recorded for the first time in the State of Paraná in 1940, on the bat, Myotis levis (I. Geoffroy, 1824). Previously, this species of flea had only been recorded on Myotis nigricans, in the Amazonian region. This is the second record of M. w. wolffsohni on M. nigricans in Brazil, and the first in the State of Paraná. Although this flea has been found on undetermined Chiroptera in the State of Santa Catarina, the present record represents the meridional limit of geographic distribution for the infestation on M. nigricans.
The genus Anthidium Fabricius in the South America: key for the species, descriptive notes, and geographical distribution (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae, Anthidiini). The Anthidiini, in South America, is represented by a single genus Anthidium Fabricius, 1804 (type-species: Apis manicata Linnaeus, 1758). Thirty nine species are treated in this paper, as follows: Anthidium alsinai Urban, 2001; A. andinum Joergensen, 1912; A. anurospilum Moure, 1957 nom. reval. (formerly = A. espinosai Ruiz, 1938); A. atricaudum Cockerell, 1926; A. aymara Toro & Rodríguez, 1998; A. chilense Spinola, 1851; A. chubuti Cockerell, 1910; A. colliguayanum Toro & Rojas, 1970; A. cuzcoense Schrottky, 1910; A. danieli Urban, 2001; A. decaspilum Moure, 1957; A. deceptum Smith, 1879; A. edwini Ruiz, 1935; A. espinosai Ruiz, 1938; A. falsificum Moure, 1957; A. friesei Cockerell, 1911; A. funereum Schletterer, 1890; A. garleppi Schrottky, 1910 = A. matucanense Cockerell, 1914 syn. nov.; A. gayi Spinola, 1851; A. igori Urban, 2001; A. larocai Urban, 1997; A. latum Schrottky, 1902; A. luizae Urban, 2001; A. manicatum (Linnaeus, 1758); A. masunariae Urban, 2001; A. nigerrimum Schrottky, 1910; A. paitense Cockerell, 1926; A. penai Moure, 1957; A. peruvianum Schrottky, 1910; A. rafaeli Urban, 2001; A. rozeni Urban, 2001; A. rubripes Friese, 1908 = A. boliviense Friese, 1920 syn. nov. = A. adriani Ruiz, 1935 syn. nov. = A. kuscheli Moure, 1957 syn. nov.; A. sanguinicaudum Schwarz, 1933; A. sertanicola Moure & Urban, 1964; A. tarsoi Urban, 2001; A. toro Urban. 2001; A. vigintiduopunctatum Friese, 1904; A. vigintipunctatum Friese, 1908, and A. weyrauchi Schwarz, 1943. Some taxonomic comments are made for each species, and new data on geographic distribution are also given. The females of A. andinum, A. igori, A. rozeni and the male of A. anurospilum are described for the first time. Identification keys (for males and females), as well as illustrations for almost all species, are provided.
Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840: redescriptions and considerations about the synonymy with Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 (Coleoptera, Anthribidae, Anthribinae). The genus Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 and the species S. platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 (type species), are redescribed. Illustrations of the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation, male and female terminalia, and rectal plates, are given for the first time. New data on geographic distribution are also presented. Nomenclatural changes introduced: Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.; Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.
Neotropical Meliponini: the genus Partamona Schwarz, 1939 (Hymenoptera, Apidae). The systematics and biogeography of Partamona Schwarz, a Neotropical genus of stingless bees (Meliponini, Apinae, Apidae), are revised. Seventeen new species are described: P. epiphytophila sp. nov., P. subtilis sp. nov., P. nhambiquara sp. nov., P. batesi sp. nov., P. yungarum sp. nov., P. vitae sp. nov., P. ferreirai sp. nov., P. gregaria sp. nov., P. auripennis sp. nov., P. nigrilabris sp. nov., P. combinata sp. nov., P. chapadicola sp. nov., P. seridoensis sp. nov., P. littoralis sp. nov., P. criptica sp. nov., P. rustica sp. nov. and P. sooretamae sp. nov. Partamona pseudomusarum Camargo, 1980, is considered as junior synonym of P. vicina Camargo, 1980. Types of P. grandipennis (Schwarz, 1951), P. xanthogastra Pedro & Camargo, 1996-1997, P. pearsoni (Schwarz, 1938), P. ailyae Camargo, 1980, P. pseudomusarum, P. vicina, P. mulata Moure in Camargo, 1980, P. aequatoriana Camargo, 1980, P. mourei Camargo, 1980, P. peckolti, (Friese, 1901), P. testacea (Klug, 1807), P. helleri (Friese, 1900) and P. musarum (Cockerell, 1917) were examined. Lectotypes of P. orizabaensis (Strand, 1919), and P. cupira (Smith, 1863) are designated. An identification key for the species and drawings of morphological characters are presented. A phylogenetic hypothesis, based mainly on morphological characters is proposed. Four groups are defined, considering the shape of mandible of workers and sternum VII of males: bilineata / epiphytophila group (western Amazon to México), including P. bilineata (Say), P. grandipennis, P. xanthogastra P. orizabaensis P. peckolti P. epiphytophila sp. nov., P. subtilis sp. nov., P. nhambiquara sp. nov., P. batesi sp. nov., P. yungarum sp. nov. and P. vitae sp. nov.; musarum group (Central Brazil, north of South America to Central America), including P. musarum, P. aequatoriana, P. vicina, P. mourei, P. pearsoni, P. ferreirai sp. nov., P. gregaria sp. nov. and P. testacea; nigrior group (Central Brazil to northeast of South America) including P. nigrior (Cockerell, 1925), P. auripennis sp. nov., P. nigrilabris sp. nov., P. combinata sp. nov., P. chapadicola sp. nov., P. seridoensis sp. nov. and P. littoralis sp. nov., and cupira group (southeastern and Central Brazil), including P. cupira, P. mulata, P. ailyae, P. sooretamae sp. nov., P. criptica sp. nov., P. rustica sp. nov. and P. helleri. Some geographic distribution patterns, congruent with that of other Meliponini bees, are commented.
Some species of drosophilids have been intensely studied, especially in the areas of genetics and molecular biology. However, little is known about their ecology and biogeography. Here, we revise the records of Drosophilidae species in the Cerrado domain, in order to organize the available information and to recognize patterns of geographic distribution and endemism. The 43 sampled sites in this domain reveal 100 species of drosophilids (10 of them exotic to the Neotropical region), distributed in eight genera. The collections were concentrated mainly in the States of Goiás (including the Federal District) and Minas Gerais. Serra do Cipó is the site with the highest richness of these insects. Of the 90 neotropical species found in the Cerrado, 77 also occur outside this domain, most of which are in the Atlantic Forest. Since extensive areas of this domain were poorly sampled for drosophilids and most studies used only baited traps to collect the flies, this absence of endemism should be carefully considered. It is recommended new inventories in poorly sampled regions, especially in the northeastern part of the domain. Also diversification of collection methods and improvement in the taxonomy of these flies are proposed. These directions should provide a significant increase in the list of species of drosophilids of the Cerrado; and thus, increase our knowledge about its biodiversity.
A new species of Aristobrotica Bechynéand a checklist of the genus (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). A new neotropical species of the Section Diabroticites (Luperini, Diabroticina) is described and illustrated. Aristobrotica capillosa sp. nov., from the state of Amazonas, northern Brazil, is the only species of the genus with elytra densely covered by erect hairs. The genus Aristobrotica Bechyné, 1956 now comprises 17 species, with only one occurring in Central America, Aristobrotica allardi (Jacoby, 1887) from Panama, and the remaining 16 are South American. A checklist of Aristobrotica species and their geographic distribution is also provided.
First record of Coprophanaeus bellicosus (Olivier) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in a "Brejo de Altitude" forest in northeastern Brazil: a historical biogeographical approach. This note presents the first record for a species of dung beetle of the genus Coprophanaeus, subgenus Megaphanaeus, in a "Brejo de Altitude" forest. Besides the new record, the paper discusses biogeographic aspects of the species and subgenus, as well as of the natural history of the "Brejos de Altitude", unique ecosystems in the northeast region of Brazil.
Distinct genetic structure in populations of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) shown by genetic markers ISSR and COI gene. Green lacewings are generalist predators, and the species Chrysoperla externa presents a great potential for use in biological control of agricultural pests due to its high predation and reproduction capacities, as well as its easy mass rearing in the laboratory. The adaptive success of a species is related to genetic variability, so that population genetic studies are extremely important in order to maximize success of the biological control. Thus, the present study used nuclear (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat - ISSR) and mitochondrial (Cytochrome Oxidase I - COI) molecular markers to estimate the genetic variability of 12 populations in the São Paulo State, Brazil, as well as the genetic relationships between populations. High levels of genetic diversity were observed for both markers, and the highest values of genetic diversity appear associated with municipalities that have the greatest areas of native vegetation. There was high haplotype sharing, and there was no correlation between the markers and the geographic distribution of the populations. The AMOVA indicated absence of genetic structure for the COI gene, suggesting that the sampled areas formed a single population unit. However, the great genetic differentiation among populations showed by ISSR demonstrates that these have been under differentiation after their expansion or may also reflect distinct dispersal behavior between males and females.
Un total de 403 especies de crustáceos decápodos y 15 de estomatópodos se han registrado para el mar, las costas y las aguas continentales peruanas. Por efecto de eventos El Niño, 16 especies de decapodos (3,97%) han ampliado su área de distribución hasta Perú. Actualmente, sólo para Perú se han colectado 23 especies de decápodos (5,71%) y 2 especies de estomatópodos (13,33%). Se proporciona información sobre aspectos taxonómicos, distribución geográfica general y localidades peruanas, hábitat y nombres comunes.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: Hospital preparedness is an essential component of any developed health care system. However, there is no national legislation in Switzerland. The objective of this inquiry was to establish the geographic distribution, availability and characteristics of hospital preparedness across Switzerland. METHODS: A questionnaire regarding hospital preparedness in 2006 was addressed to all heads responsible for emergency departments (ED). The survey was initiated in 2007 and finalised in 2012. RESULTS: Of the 138 ED, 122 (88%) returned the survey. Eighty nine EDs (82%) had a disaster plan. CONCLUSIONS: Our study identified an insufficient rate of hospitals in which emergency physicians reported a disaster plan. The lack of national or cantonal legislation regulating disaster preparedness may be partially responsible for this.
We investigated the ecogeographic characteristics of 118 Swiss plant species listed as those deserving highest conservation priority in a national conservation guide and classified them into the seven Rabinowitz' rarity types, taking geographic distribution, habitat rarity and local population size into account. Our analysis revealed that species with high conservation priority in Switzerland mostly have a very restricted geographic distribution in Switzerland and generally occur in rare habitats, but do not necessarily constitute small populations and are generally not endemics on a global scale. Moreover, species that are geographically very restricted on a regional scale are not generally restricted on a global scale. By analysing relationships between rarity and IUCN extinction risks for Switzerland, we demonstrated that species with the highest risk of extinction are those with the most restricted geographic distribution; whereas species with lower risk of extinction (but still high conservation priority) include many regional endemics. Habitat rarity and local population size appeared to be of minor importance for the assessment of extinction risk in Switzerland, but the total number of fulfilled rarity criteria still correlated positively with the severity of extinction risk. Our classification is the first preliminary assessment of the relative importance of each rarity type among endangered plant species of the Swiss flora and our results underline the need to distinguish between a regional and a global responsibility for the conservation of rare and endangered species.
Peripheral NK/T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) is a heterogeneous group of uncommon hematologic malignancies with aggressive clinical course and unfavorable prognosis. Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (NKTCL) is the most common extranodal entity worldwide, with heterogeneous geographic distribution, and it is characterized by its association with EBV, a nasal or less often extranasal presentation and aggressive behavior. Recent works using array-based technologies have provided novel insights into the pathogenesis and discovered new biomarkers with diagnostic and therapeutic implications in NKTCL. Gene expression profiling identified that most of the NKTCL are derived from activated natural killer cells with distinctively high expression of granzyme H compared to other PTCLs, which might serve as a new diagnostic biomarker. Frequent deletions and promoter methylations in PRDM1, ATG5, AIM1, FOXO3, HACE1 mapping to 6q21-q25, suggest their roles as potential tumor suppressors. The deregulation of oncogenic pathways (PDGF, JAK-STAT, AKT) provides a rationale for developing targeted therapies in the future.
We compared specimens of Tripterygion tripteronotus from 52 localities of the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent waters, using four gene sequences (12S rRNA, tRNA-valine, 16S rRNA and COI) and morphological characters. Two well-differentiated clades with a mean genetic divergence of 6.89±0.73% were found with molecular data, indicating the existence of two different species. These two species have disjunctive geographic distribution areas without any molecular hybrid populations. Subtle but diagnostic morphological differences were also present between the two species. T. tripteronotus is restricted to the northern Mediterranean basin, from the NE coast of Spain to Greece and Turkey, including the islands of Malta and Cyprus. T. tartessicum n. sp. is geographically distributed along the southern coast of Spain, from Cape of La Nao to the Gulf of Cadiz, the Balearic Islands and northern Africa, from Morocco to Tunisia. According to molecular data, these two species could have diverged during the Pliocene glaciations 2.7-3.6 Mya.
Many species contain genetic lineages that are phylogenetically intermixed with those of other species. In the Sorex araneus group, previous results based on mtDNA and Y chromosome sequence data showed an incongruent position of Sorex granarius within this group. In this study, we explored the relationship between species within the S. araneus group, aiming to resolve the particular position of S. granarius. In this context, we sequenced a total of 2447 base pairs (bp) of X-linked and nuclear genes from 47 individuals of the S. araneus group. The same taxa were also analyzed within a Bayesian framework with nine autosomal microsatellites. These analyses revealed that all markers apart from mtDNA showed similar patterns, suggesting that the problematic position of S. granarius is best explained by an incongruent behavior by mtDNA. Given their close phylogenetic relationship and their close geographic distribution, the most likely explanation for this pattern is past mtDNA introgression from S. araneus race Carlit to S. granarius.