957 resultados para fluidized beds


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The particle behaviour in a heat treatment fluidised bed was studied by the analysis of particle images taken with a high speed CCD digital video camera. The comparison of particle dynamics was performed for the fluidised beds without part, with single part and with multi-parts. The results show that there are significant differences in particle behaviours both in different beds and at different locations of part surfaces. The total and radiative heat transfer coefficients at different surfaces of a metallic part in a fluidised bed were measured by a heat transfer probe developed in the present work. The structure of the probe was optimized with numerical simulation of energy conservation for measuring the heat transfer coefficient of 150-600 W/m2K. The relationship between the particle dynamics and the heat transfer was analysed to form the basis for future more rational designs of fluidised beds as well as for improved quality control.


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Cities globally and nationally are facing a range of daunting challenges to respond to a suite of emerging imperatives including a low carbon future, oil vulnerability, demographic re-composition, and the prospect of unpredictable economic shocks. To pursue a future that is sustainable and resilient requires substantial transformation of existing urban areas and creation of new mechanisms to guide and manage delivery of physical, economic and social changes.

Mid-sized cities provide legible, nimble test beds for exploring cross-disciplinary models and innovative governance and delivery techniques. Australia’s ‘MidiCities’ – home to 4 million urban dwellers frequently overlooked by urban policy or research effort – are emerging as crucibles of innovation and experimentation. Most of these cities retain that essential key ingredient for sustainable urbanism, economic resilience and community identity: a strong, highly legible city centre with a tightly clustered diversity of facilities and functions – the multi-functional activity centre that metropolitan suburban hubs yearn to grow up to become!

These diverse MidiCities are passing a threshold of self-confident sophistication, and are now providing valuable lessons for each other, which could be adopted or adapted by metropolitan cities where scale and complexity can often overwhelm the search for new and appropriate approaches to delivery of rapid change while maintaining clear guidance toward the vision of a ‘preferred’ future. A network of professionals working with Australian and New Zealand MidiCities is coalescing toward a cross-disciplinary platform for exchange of experiences and information, mutual support, improved research and understanding, capacity-building and the refinement of new specialist skills and structures.


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Seagrass meadows are among the most efficient and long-term carbon sinks on earth, but disturbances could threaten this capacity, so understanding the impacts of disturbance on carbon stored within seagrass meadows—‘blue carbon’—is of prime importance. To date, there have been no published studies on the impacts of seagrass loss on ‘blue carbon’ stocks. We experimentally created several kinds of small-scale disturbances, representative of common grazer and boating impacts, within seagrass (Zostera nigracaulis) meadows in Port Phillip Bay (Australia) and measured the impacts on sediment organic carbon stocks (‘Corg’, and other geochemical variables—%N, δ13C, δ15N). Disturbance had no detectable effect on Corg levels within seagrass sediments, even for high-intensity disturbance treatments, which remained bare (i.e. no seagrass recovery) for 2 years after the disturbance. These findings challenge the widely held assumption that disturbance and concomitant loss of seagrass habitat cause release of carbon, at least for small-scale disturbances. We suggest that larger (e.g. meadow scale) disturbances may be required to trigger losses of ‘blue carbon’ from seagrass meadows.


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Investigations into vacuum fluidised beds has improved understanding of heat transfer and hydrodynamics which will enable optimization of various industrial processes. Significant contributions were made in theoretical and experimental analysis.


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Silicified stromatolites have been described in the Permian Teresina Formation, Passa Dois Group, of the Parana Basin. These stromatolites occur as blocks in the Fazenda Monte Alegre area at the headwaters of the creek known as Corrego Catanduva in the municipality of Angatuba. These blocks originate from the Serra de Angatuba region and were recognized in a road that was cut in the midst of sandstones and siltites. The stromatolites are isolated bioherms that are domed to subspherical with a flat base in profile and a rounded to lenticular shape in plan view. The stromatolites exhibit a reddish coloration and are composed of microcrystalline quartz. Lamination is continuous, non-columnar, and anastomosed, showing parallel to divergent growth; however, divergent columns also occur, especially at the tops of the bioherms. The lamination is fine and well preserved, with alternating light and dark laminas. Microfossils of filamentous cyanobacteria are preserved and were related to the genera Microcoleus and Rivularia. Silicified bivalves occur in association with the stromatolites and are preserved in the form of coquina beds and rare isolated specimens within the bioherms. The described specimens belong to the Pinzonella illusa biozone, with representatives of the species Pinzonella illusa, Angatubia cowperesioides, and Houldausiella elongata. The formation environment of these stromatolites is associated with tidal plains of shallow, brackish, relatively calm, warm waters of good luminosity with the presence of weak currents. There was likely a low level of predation, and the environment may have been hypersaline. The coquina beds associated with the stromatolites indicate a probable proximal tempestite, i.e., they were formed near the coastline. The stromatolites were originally composed of carbonates, although these were replaced by silica during early diagenesis.


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The hydrodynamic characterization and the performance evaluation of an aerobic three phase fluidized bed reactor in wastewater fish culture treatment are presented in this report. The objective of this study was to evaluate the organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorous removal efficiency in a physical and biological wastewater treatment system of an intensive Nile Tilapia laboratory production with recirculation. The treatment system comprised of a conventional sedimentation basin operated at a hydraulic detention time HDT of 2.94 h and an aerobic three phase airlift fluidized bed reactor AAFBR operated at an 11.9 min HDT. Granular activated carbon was used as support media with density of 1.64 g/cm(3) and effective size of 0.34 mm in an 80 g/L constant concentration. Mean removal efficiencies of BOD, COD, phosphorous, total ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen were 47%, 77%, 38%, 27% and 24%, respectively. The evaluated system proved an effective alternative for water reuse in the recirculation system capable of maintaining water quality characteristics within the recommended values for fish farming and met the Brazilian standards for final effluent discharges with exception of phosphorous values. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microstratigraphic, sedimentological, and taphonomic features of the Ferraz Shell Bed, from the Upper Permian (Kazanian-Tatarian?) Corumbatai Formation of Rio Claro Region (the Parana Basin, Brazil), indicate that the bed consists of four distinct microstratigraphic units. They include, from bottom to top, a lag concentration (Unit 1), a partly reworked storm deposit (Unit 2), a rapidly deposited sandstone unit with three thin horizons recording episodes of reworking (Unit 3), and a shell-rich horizon generated by reworking/winnowing that was subsequently buried by storm-induced obrution deposit (Unit 4). The bioclasts of the Ferraz Shell Bed represent exclusively bivalve mollusks. Pinzonella illusa and Terraia aequilateralis are the dominant species. Taphonomic analysis indicates that mollusks are heavily time-averaged (except for some parts of Unit 3). Moreover, different species are time-averaged to a different degree (disharmonious time-averaging). The units differ statistically from one another in their taxonomic and ecological composition, in their taphonomic pattern, and in the size-frequency distributions of the two most common species. Other Permian shell beds of the Parana Basin are similar to the Ferraz Shell Bed in their faunal composition (they typically contain similar sets of 5 to 10 bivalve species) and in their taphonomic, sedimentologic, and microstratigraphic characteristics. However, rare shell beds that include 2-3 species only and are dominated by articulated shells preserved in life position also occur. Diversity levels in the Permian benthic associations of the Parana Basin were very low, with the point diversity of 2-3 species and with the within-habitat and basin-wide (alpha and gamma) diversities of 10 species, at most. The Parana Basin benthic communities may have thus been analogous to low-diversity bivalve-dominated associations of the present-day Baltic Sea. The 'Ferraz-type' shell beds of the Parana Basin represent genetically complex and highly heterogeneous sources of paleontological data. They are cumulative records of spectra of benthic ecosystems time-averaged over long periods of time (10(2)-10(4) years judging from actualistic research). Detailed biostratinomic reconstructions of shell beds can not only offer useful insights into their depositional histories, but may also allow paleoecologists to optimize their sampling designs, and consequently, refine paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)