896 resultados para fertilizers


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Les métaux lourds (ML) s’accumulent de plus en plus dans les sols à l’échelle mondiale, d’une part à cause des engrais minéraux et divers produits chimiques utilisés en agriculture intensive, et d’autre part à cause des activités industrielles. Toutes ces activités génèrent des déchets toxiques qui s’accumulent dans l’environnement. Les ML ne sont pas biodégradables et leur accumulation cause donc des problèmes de toxicité des sols et affecte la biodiversité des microorganismes qui y vivent. La fertilisation en azote (N) est une pratique courante en agriculture à grande échelle qui permet d’augmenter la fertilité des sols et la productivité des cultures. Cependant, son utilisation à long terme cause plusieurs effets néfastes pour l'environnement. Par exemple, elle augmente la quantité des ML dans les sols, les nappes phréatiques et les plantes. En outre, ces effets néfastes réduisent et changent considérablement la biodiversité des écosystèmes terrestres. La structure des communautés des champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA) a été étudiée dans des sols contaminés par des ML issus de la fertilisation à long terme en N. Le rôle des différentes espèces de CMA dans l'absorption et la séquestration des ML a été aussi investigué. Dans une première expérience, la structure des communautés de CMA a été analysée à partir d’échantillons de sols de sites contaminés par des ML et de sites témoins non-contaminés. Nous avons constaté que la diversité des CMA indigènes a été plus faible dans les sols et les racines des plantes récoltées à partir de sites contaminés par rapport aux sites noncontaminés. Nous avons également constaté que la structure de la communauté d'AMF a été modifiée par la présence des ML dans les sols. Certains ribotypes des CMA ont été plus souvent associés aux sites contaminés, alors que d’autres ribotypes ont été associés aux sites non-contaminés. Cependant, certains ribotypes ont été observés aussi bien dans les sols pollués que non-pollués. Dans une deuxième expérience, les effets de la fertilisation organique et minérale (N) sur les différentes structures des communautés des CMA ont été étudiés. La variation de la structure de la communauté de CMA colonisant les racines a été analysée en fonction du type de fertilisation. Certains ribotypes de CMA étaient associés à la fertilisation organique et d'autres à la fertilisation minérale. En revanche, la fertilisation minérale a réduit le nombre de ribotypes de CMA alors que la fertilisation organique l’a augmenté. Dans cette expérience, j’ai démontré que le changement de structure des communautés de CMA colonisant des racines a eu un effet significatif sur la productivité des plantes. Dans une troisième expérience, le rôle de deux espèces de CMA (Glomus irregulare et G. mosseae) dans l'absorption du cadmium (Cd) par des plants de tournesol cultivés dans des sols amendés avec trois niveaux différents de Cd a été évalué. J’ai démontré que les deux espèces de CMA affectent différemment l’absorption ou la séquestration de ce ML par les plants de tournesol. Cette expérience a permis de mieux comprendre le rôle potentiel des CMA dans l'absorption des ML selon la concentration de cadmium dans le sol et les espèces de CMA. Mes recherches de doctorat démontrent donc que la fertilisation en N affecte la structure des communautés des CMA dans les racines et le sol. Le changement de structure de la communauté de CMA colonisant les racines affecte de manière significative la productivité des plantes. J’ai aussi démontré que, sous nos conditions expériemntales, l’espèce de CMA G. irregulare a été observée dans tous les sites (pollués et non-pollués), tandis que le G. mosseae n’a été observé en abondance que dans les sites contaminés. Par conséquent, j’ai étudié le rôle de ces deux espèces (G. irregulare et G. mosseae) dans l'absorption du Cd par le tournesol cultivé dans des sols amendés avec trois différents niveaux de Cd en serre. Les résultats indiquent que les espèces de CMA ont un potentiel différent pour atténuer la toxicité des ML dans les plantes hôtes, selon le niveau de concentration en Cd. En conclusion, mes travaux suggèrent que le G. irregulare est une espèce potentiellement importante pour la phytoextration du Cd, alors que le G. mosseae pourrait être une espèce appropriée pour phytostabilisation du Cd et du Zn.


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La germination des spores est une étape essentielle dans le cycle de vie de la majorité des champignons filamenteux. Les champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA) forment un certain nombre de propagules infectieuses différentes qui augmentent leur potentiel à coloniser les racines. Parmi elles se trouvent les spores extraracinaires et intraracinaires. La paroi cellulaire des spores joue un rôle majeur dans la survie de ces propagules en étant une barrière physique et osmotique. Puisque une cellule peut faire des ajustements considérables dans la composition et la structure de sa paroi, en réponse aux conditions environnementales, il est possible que les parois des spores intraracinaires et extraracinaires montrent des propriétés mécaniques et osmotiques différentes affectant leur germination et leur survie. Pourtant, contrairement à la connaissance de la génétique moléculaire et de la formation de la paroi cellulaire des CMA, peu d’information est disponible au sujet de ces propriétés mécaniques. Les informations sur la germination des CMA dans des conditions hypertoniques sont aussi rares, et les modèles expérimentaux ne séparent généralement pas les effets directs de la forte pression osmotique externe sur la germination des champignons et les effets attribuables aux plantes. Cette étude avait pour but de répondre à deux importantes séries de questions concernant le comportement des spores mycorhiziennes. Nous avons d'abord déterminé la relation entre la composition de la paroi cellulaire, la structure et les propriétés mécaniques du champignon modèle Glomus irregulare (isolat DAOM 197198). La micro-indentation a été utilisée pour mesurer quantitativement les propriétés mécaniques de la paroi cellulaire. La composition (contenu de chitine et de glomaline) de la paroi cellulaire a été quantifiée par immunofluorescence tandis que la microscopie optique a été utilisée pour mesurer l'épaisseur de la paroi cellulaire. La densité locale en glomaline et l’épaisseur de la paroi étaient significativement plus élevées pour les parois des spores extraracinaires alors que la densité locale en chitine et la rigidité n’ont pas montré de variations entre les spores extraracinaires et intraracinaires. La grande variabilité dans les paramètres étudiés nous a empêchés de cibler un facteur principal responsable de la force totale de la paroi lors de la compression. La diminution des concentrations de chitine et de glomaline a été corrélée à l'évolution de la paroi du champignon au cours de son cycle de vie. On a aussi observé une composition différentielle des couches de la paroi: les polymères de chitine et de glomaline furent localisés principalement dans les couches externes et internes de la paroi, respectivement. Dans la deuxième partie de notre travail, nous avons exploré les effets directs d'engrais, par rapport à leur activité de l'eau (aw), sur la germination des spores et la pression de turgescence cellulaire. Les spores ont été soumises à trois engrais avec des valeurs de aw différentes et la germination ainsi que la cytorrhyse (effondrement de la paroi cellulaire) des spores ont été évaluées après différents temps d'incubation. Les valeurs de aw des engrais ont été utilisées comme indicateurs de leurs pressions osmotiques. L'exposition des spores de Glomus irregulare au choc osmotique causé par les engrais dont les valeurs de aw se situent entre 0,982 et 0,882 a provoqué des changements graduels au niveau de leur cytorrhyse et de leur germination. Avec l'augmentation de la pression de turgescence externe, la cytorrhyse a augmenté, tandis que le taux de germination a diminué. Ces effets ont été plus prononcés à des concentrations élevées en éléments nutritifs. La présente étude, bien qu’elle constitue une étape importante dans la compréhension des propriétés mécaniques et osmotiques des spores de CMA, confirme également que ces propriétés dépendent probablement de plusieurs facteurs, dont certains qui ne sont pas encore identifiés.


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In the present study the nutrient dynamics and fertility of Kuttanad waters is addressed. Kuttanad represent a wetland system with considerable agricultural activities. The hydrographical features of the Kuttanad waters are controlled by discharges from Manimala, Meenachil, Pamba, Achencoil and Muvattupuzha rivers and also by tidal intrusions of saline waters from Cochin backwaters during summers. The fertility of these water bodies were significantly high and supported good agricultural production. Kuttanad water forms the southern part of this aquatic systems and is considered as the most productive zones. As a part of the management scheme for a higher agricultural activity, the Thannermukkam bund was constructed to block and regulate the intrusion of saline water. The increased use of artificial fertilizers along with stagnant character of the water body in this area has resulted in sharp decline in the water quality, productivity and aquatic resources.


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Phosphate (Pi) is one among the most important essential residues in maintenance and inheritance of life, with far diverse physiological role as structural, functional and energy transduction. Phosphate accumulation in wastewaters containing run off of fertilizers and industrial discharges is a global problem that results in algal blooms in bays, lakes and waterways. Currently available methods for removing phosphates from wastewater are based primarily on polyP accumulation by the activated sludge bacteria. PolyP plays a critical role in several environmental and biotechnological problems. Possible relation of interaction between polyP accumulation phenomenon, the low biomass, low Pi uptake, and varying results obtained in response to the impact of sodium chloride, pH, temperature, various inorganic salts and additional carbon sources studied, are all intriguing observations in the present investigation. The results of the present study have evidenced very clearly the scope for potential strains of bacteria from both sea water and marine sediments which could be exploited both for Pi removal in wastewater released by industries and intensive aquaculture practices in to the aquatic environment as well as to harness the potential strains for industrial production of polyP which was wide range of applications.


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In the present study the nutrient dynamics and fertility of Kuttanad waters is addressed. Kuttanad represent a wetland system with considerable agricultural activities. The hydrographical features of the Kuttanad waters are controlled by discharges from Manimala, Meenachil, Pamba, Achencoil and Muvattupuzha rivers and also by tidal intrusions of saline waters from Cochin backwaters during summers. The fertility of these water bodies were significantly high and supported good agricultural production. Kuttanad water forms the southern part of this aquatic systems and is considered as the most productive zones. As a part of the management scheme for a higher agricultural activity, the Thannermukkam bund was constructed to block and regulate the intrusion of saline water. The increased use of artificial fertilizers along with stagnant character of the water body in this area has resulted in sharp decline in the water quality, productivity and aquatic resources.


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The main purpose of the present study is to examine the growth and development problems of a new industry ,the chemical industry in the state of kerala. Problems of productivity and efficiency are studied with respect to the different branches of the industry such as fertilizers and insecticides basic inorganic and organic chemicals drugs and pharmaceuticals and miscellaneous chemicals. A study of partial input output linkages between the different chemical units is also attempted. The chemical industry is generally characterized by high linkage effects .These linkages could be used to generate subsidiary industries and thereby help in the growth and diversification of the industry. The efficiency of the working of individual units is also studied to understand the problems involved and to suggest remedial measures.


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People in several parts of the world as well in India countenance an immense confront to meet the basic needs of water. The crisis is not due to lack of fresh water but its availability in adequate superiority. Environmental quality objectives should be developed in order to define acceptable loads on the terrain. There has been a number of initiatives in water quality monitoring but the next step towards improving its quality hasn’t taken the required pace. Today, there is a growing need to create awareness among citizens on the different technologies available for improving the water quality. Monitoring facilitate to apprehend how land and water use distress the quality of water and assist in estimating the extent of pollution. Once these issues are recognized, people can work towards local solutions to manage the indispensable resource effectively. Ground waters are extremely precious resources and in many countries together with India they represent the most important drinking water supply. They are generally microbiologically pure and, in most cases, they do not need any treatment. This communiqué is intended to act as a channel on the various paraphernalia and techniques accessible for groundwater quality assessment and suggesting the assured precautionary measures to embark on environment management. This learning is imperative considering that groundwater as the exclusive source of drinking water in the region which not makes situation alarming but also calls for immediate attention. The scope of this work is somewhat vast. Water quality in Ernakulam district is getting deteriorated due to the fast growth of urbanization. The closure of several water bodies due to land development and construction prevents infiltration of rainwater into the ground and hence recharge the aquifers. Most of the aquifers are getting polluted from the industrial effluents and chemicals and fertilizers used in agriculture. Such serious issues require proper monitoring of groundwater and steps are to be taken for remedial measures. This study helps in the total protection of the rich resource of groundwater and its sustainability. Socio-economic aspect covered could be used for conducting further individual case studies and to suggest remedial measures on a scientific basis. The specific study taken up for 15 sites can be further extended to the sources of pollution, especially industrial and agriculture


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Little is known about nutrient fluxes as a criterion to assess the sustainability of traditional irrigation agriculture in eastern Arabia. In this study GIS-based field research on terraced cropland and groves of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) was conducted over 2 years in two mountain oases of northern Oman to determine their role as hypothesized sinks for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). At Balad Seet 55% of the 385 fields received annual inputs of 100–500 kg N ha^-1 and 26% received 500–1400 kg N ha^-1. No N was applied to 19% of the fields which were under fallow. Phosphorus was applied annually at 1–90 kg ha^-1 on 46% of the fields, whereas 27% received 90–210 kg ha^-1. No K was applied to 27% of the fields, 32% received 1–300 kg K ha^-1, and the remaining fields received up to 1400 kg ha^-1. At Maqta N-inputs were 61–277 kg ha^-1 in palm groves and 112–225 kg ha^-1 in wheat (Triticum spp.) fields, respective P inputs were 9–40 and 14–29 kg ha^-1, and K inputs were 98–421 and 113–227 kg ha^-1. For cropland, partial oasis balances (comprising inputs of manure, mineral fertilizers, N2-fixation and irrigation water, and outputs of harvested products) were similar for both oases, with per hectare surpluses of 131 kg N, 37 kg P, and 84 kg K at Balad Seet and of 136 kg N, 16 kg P and 66 kg K at Maqta. This was despite the fact that N2-fixation by alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), estimated at up to 480 kg ha^-1 yr^-1 with an average total dry matter of 22 t ha^-1, contributed to the cropland N-balance only at the former site. Respective palm grove surpluses, in contrast were with 303 kg N, 38 kg P, and 173 kg K ha^-1 much higher at Balad Seet than with 84 kg N, 14 kg P, and 91 kg K ha^-1 at Maqta. The data show that both oases presently are large sinks for nutrients. Potential gaseous and leaching losses could at least partly be controlled by a decrease in nutrient input intensity and careful incorporation of manure.


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Little is known about plant biodiversity, irrigation management and nutrient fluxes as criteria to assess the sustainability of traditional irrigation agriculture in eastern Arabia. Therefore interdisciplinary studies were conducted over 4 yrs on flood-irrigated fields dominated by wheat (Triticum spp.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in two mountain oases of northern Oman. In both oases wheat landraces consisted of varietal mixtures comprising T. aestivum and T. durum of which at least two botanical varieties were new to science. During irrigation cycles of 6-9 days on an alfalfa-planted soil, volumetric water contents ranged from 30-13%. For cropland, partial oasis balances (comprising inputs of manure, mineral fertilizers, N2-fixation and irrigation water, and outputs of harvested products) were similar for both oases, with per hectare annual surpluses of 131 kg N, 37 kg P and 84 kg K at Balad Seet and of 136 kg N, 16 kg P and 66 kg K at Maqta. Respective palm grove surpluses, in contrast were with 303 kg N, 38 kg P, and 173 kg K ha^-1 yr^-1 much higher at Balad Seet than with 84 kg N, 14 kg P and 91 kg K ha^-1 yr^-1 at Maqta. The results show that the sustainability of these irrigated landuse systems depends on a high quality of the irrigation water with low Na but high CaCO3, intensive recycling of manure and an elaborate terrace structure with a well tailored water management system that allows adequate drainage.


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Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) increasingly supplies food and non-food values to the rapidly growing West African cities. However, little is known about the resource use efficiencies in West African small-scale UPA crop and livestock production systems, and about the benefits that urban producers and retailers obtain from the cultivation and sale of UPA products. To contribute to filling this gap of knowledge, the studies comprising this doctoral thesis determined nutrient use efficiencies in representative urban crop and livestock production system in Niamey, Niger, and investigated potential health risks for consumers. Also assessed was the economic efficiency of urban farming activities. The field study, which was conducted during November 2005 to January 2008, quantified management-related horizontal nutrient flows in 10 vegetable gardens, 9 millet fields and 13 cattle and small ruminant production units. These farms, selected on the basis of a preceding study, represented the diversity of UPA crop and livestock production systems in Niamey. Based on the management intensity, the market orientation and especially the nutrient input to individual gardens and fields, these were categorized as high or low input systems. In the livestock study, high and low input cattle and small ruminant units were differentiated based on the amounts of total feed dry matter offered daily to the animals at the homestead. Additionally, economic returns to gardeners and market retailers cultivating and selling amaranth, lettuce, cabbage and tomato - four highly appreciated vegetables in Niamey were determined during a 6-months survey in forty gardens and five markets. For vegetable gardens and millet fields, significant differences in partial horizontal nutrient balances were determined for both management intensities. Per hectare, average annual partial balances for carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) amounted to 9936 kg C, 1133 kg N, 223 kg P and 312 kg K in high input vegetable gardens as opposed to 9580 kg C, 290 kg N, 125 kg P and 351 kg K in low input gardens. These surpluses were mainly explained by heavy use of mineral fertilizers and animal manure to which irrigation with nutrient rich wastewater added. In high input millet fields, annual surpluses of 259 kg C ha-1, 126 kg N ha-1, 20 kg P ha-1 and 0.4 kg K ha-1 were determined. Surpluses of 12 kg C ha-1, 17 kg N ha-1, and deficits of -3 kg P ha-1 and -3 kg K ha-1 were determined for low input millet fields. Here, carbon and nutrient inputs predominantly originated from livestock manure application through corralling of sheep, goats and cattle. In the livestock enterprises, N, P and K supplied by forages offered at the farm exceeded the animals’ requirements for maintenance and growth in high and low input sheep/goat as well as cattle units. The highest average growth rate determined in high input sheep/goat units was 104 g d-1 during the cool dry season, while a maximum average gain of 70 g d-1 was determined for low input sheep/goat units during the hot dry season. In low as well as in high input cattle units, animals lost weight during the hot dry season, and gained weight during the cool dry season. In all livestock units, conversion efficiencies for feeds offered at the homestead were rather poor, ranging from 13 to 42 kg dry matter (DM) per kg live weight gain (LWG) in cattle and from 16 to 43 kg DM kg-1 LWG in sheep/goats, pointing to a substantial waste of feeds and nutrients. The economic assessment of the production of four high value vegetables pointed to a low efficiency of N and P use in amaranth and lettuce production, causing low economic returns for these crops compared to tomato and cabbage to which inexpensive animal manure was applied. The net profit of market retailers depended on the type of vegetable marketed. In addition it depended on marketplace for amaranth and lettuce, and on season and marketplace for cabbage and tomato. Analysis of faecal pathogens in lettuce irrigated with river water and fertilized with animal manure indicated a substantial contamination by Salmonella spp. with 7.2 x 104 colony forming units (CFU) per 25 g of produce fresh matter, while counts of Escherichia coli averaged 3.9 x 104 CFU g-1. In lettuce irrigated with wastewater, Salmonella counts averaged 9.8 x 104 CFU 25 g-1 and E. coli counts were 0.6 x 104 CFU g-1; these values exceeded the tolerable contamination levels in vegetables of 10 CFU g-1 for E. coli and of 0 CFU 25 g-1 for Salmonella. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that Niamey’s UPA enterprises put environmental safety at risk since excess inputs of N, P and K to crop and livestock production units favour N volatilisation and groundwater pollution by nutrient leaching. However, more detailed studies are needed to corroborate these indications. Farmers’ revenues could be significantly increased if nutrient use efficiency in the different production (sub)systems was improved by better matching nutrient supply through fertilizers and feeds with the actual nutrient demands of plants and animals.


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Type and rate of fertilizers influence the level of soil organic carbon (Corg) and total nitrogen (Nt) markedly, but the effect on C and N partitioning into different pools is open to question. The objectives of the present work were to: (i) quantify the impact of fertilizer type and rate on labile, intermediate and passive C and N pools by using a combination of biological, chemical and mathematical methods; (ii) explain previously reported differences in the soil organic matter (SOM) levels between soils receiving farmyard manure with or without biodynamic preparations by using Corg time series and information on SOM partitioning; and (iii) quantify the long-term and short-term dynamics of SOM in density fractions and microbial biomass as affected by fertilizer type and rate and determine the incorporation of crop residues into labile SOM fractions. Samples were taken from a sandy Cambisol from the long-term fertilization trial in Darmstadt, Germany, founded in 1980. The nine treatments (four field replicates) were: straw incorporation plus application of mineral fertilizer (MSI) and application of rotted farmyard manure with (DYN) or without (FYM) addition of biodynamic preparations, each at high (140 – 150 kg N ha-1 year-1; MSIH, DYNH, FYMH), medium (100 kg N ha-1 year-1; MSIM, DYNM, FYMM) and low (50 – 60 kg N ha-1 year-1; MSIL, DYNL, FYML) rates. The main findings were: (i) The stocks of Corg (t ha-1) were affected by fertilizer type and rate and increased in the order MSIL (23.6), MSIM (23.7), MSIH (24.2) < FYML (25.3) < FYMM (28.1), FYMH (28.1). Stocks of Nt were affected in the same way (C/N ratio: 11). Storage of C and N in the modelled labile pools (turnover times: 462 and 153 days for C and N, respectively) were not influenced by the type of fertilizer (FYM and MSI) but depended significantly (p ≤ 0.05) on the application rate and ranged from 1.8 to 3.2 t C ha 1 (7 – 13% of Corg) and from 90 to 140 kg N ha-1 (4-5% of Nt). In the calculated intermediate pool (C/N ratio 7), stocks of C were markedly higher in FYM treatments (15-18 t ha-1) compared to MSI treatments (12-14 t ha-1). This showed that differences in SOM stocks in the sandy Cambisol induced by fertilizer rate may be short-lived in case of changing management, but differences induced by fertilizer type may persist for decades. (ii) Crop yields, estimated C inputs (1.5 t ha-1 year-1) with crop residue, microbial bio¬mass C (Cmic, 118 – 150 mg kg-1), microbial biomass N (17 – 20 mg kg-1) and labile C and N pools did not differ significantly between FYM and DYN treatments. However, labile C increased linearly with application rate (R2 = 0.53) from 7 to 11% of Corg. This also applied for labile N (3.5 to 4.9% of Nt). The higher contents of Corg in DYN treatments existed since 1982, when the first sampling was conducted for all individual treatments. Contents of Corg between DYN and FYM treatments con-verged slightly since then. Furthermore, at least 30% of the difference in Corg was located in the passive pool where a treatment effect could be excluded. Therefore, the reported differences in Corg contents existed most likely since the beginning of the experiment and, as a single factor of biodynamic agriculture, application of bio-dynamic preparations had no effect on SOM stocks. (iii) Stocks of SOM, light fraction organic C (LFOC, ρ ≤ 2.0 g cm-3), light fraction organic N and Cmic decreased in the order FYMH > FYML > MSIH, MSIL for all sampling dates in 2008 (March, May, September, December). However, statistical significance of treatment effects differed between the dates, probably due to dif-ferences in the spatial variation throughout the year. The high proportion of LFOC on total Corg stocks (45 – 55%) highlighted the importance of selective preservation of OM as a stabilization mechanism in this sandy Cambisol. The apparent turnover time of LFOC was between 21 and 32 years, which agreed very well with studies with substantially longer vegetation change compared to our study. Overall, both approaches; (I) the combination of incubation, chemical fractionation and simple modelling and (II) the density fractionation; provided complementary information on the partitioning of SOM into pools of different stability. The density fractionation showed that differences in Corg stocks between FYM and MSI treatments were mainly located in the light fraction, i.e. induced by higher recalcitrance of the organic input in the FYM treatments. Moreover, the use of the combination of biological, chemical and mathematical methods indicated that effects of fertilizer rate on total Corg and Nt stocks may be short-lived, but that the effect of fertilizer type may persist for longer time spans in the sandy Cambisol.


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Many plant strengtheners are promoted for their supposed effects on nutrient uptake and/or resistance induction (IR). In addition, many organic fertilizers are supposed to enhance plant health and several studies have shown that tomatoes grown organically are more resistant to late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans to tomatoes grown conventionally. Much is known about the mechanisms underlying IR. In contrast, there is no systematic knowledge about genetic variation for IR. Therefore, the following questions were addressed in the presented dissertation: (i) Is there genetic variation among tomato genotypes for inducibility of resistance to P. infestans? (ii) How do different PS compare with the chemical inducer BABA in their ability to IR? (iii) Does IR interact with the inducer used and different organic fertilizers? A varietal screening showed that contrary to the commonly held belief IR in tomatoes is genotype and isolate specific. These results indicate that it should be possible to select for inducibility of resistance in tomato breeding. However, isolate specificity also suggests that there could be pathogen adaptation. The three tested PS as well as two of the three tested organic fertilisers all induced resistance in the tomatoes. Depending on PS or BABA variety and isolate effects varied. In contrast, there were no variety and isolate specific effects of the fertilisers and no interactions with the PS and fertilisers. This suggests that the different PS should work independent of the soil substrate used. In contrast the results were markedly different when isolate mixtures were used for challenge inoculations. Plants were generally less susceptible to isolate mixtures than to single isolates. In addition, the effectiveness of the PS was greater and more similar to BABA when isolate mixtures were used. The fact that the different PS and BABA differed in their ability to induce resistance in different host genotype -pathogen isolate combinations puts the usefulness of IR as a breeding goal in question. This would result in varieties depending on specific inducers. The results with the isolate mixtures are highly relevant. On the one hand they increase the effectiveness of the resistance inducers. On the other hand, measures that increase the pathogen diversity such as the use of diversified host populations will also increase the overall resistance of the hosts. For organic tomato production the results indicate that it is possible to enhance the tomato growing system with respect to plant health management by using optimal fertilisers, plant strengtheners and any measures that increase system diversity.


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The surge in the urban population evident in most developing countries is a worldwide phenomenon, and often the result of drought, conflicts, poverty and the lack of education opportunities. In parallel with the growth of the cities is the growing need for food which leads to the burgeoning expansion of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA). In this context, urban agriculture (UA) contributes significantly to supplying local markets with both vegetable and animal produce. As an income generating activity, UA also contributes to the livelihoods of poor urban dwellers. In order to evaluate the nutrient status of urban soils in relation to garden management, this study assessed nutrient fluxes (inputs and outputs) in gardens on urban Gerif soils on the banks of the River Nile in Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan. To achieve this objective, a preliminary baseline survey was carried out to describe the structure of the existing garden systems. In cooperation with the author of another PhD thesis (Ms. Ishtiag Abdalla), alternative uses of cow dung in brick making kilns in urban Khartoum were assessed; and the socio-economic criteria of the brick kiln owners or agents, economical and plant nutritional value of animal dung and the gaseous emission related to brick making activities were assessed. A total of 40 household heads were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire to collect information on demographic, socio-economic and migratory characteristics of the household members, the gardening systems used and the problems encountered in urban gardening. Based on the results of this survey, gardens were divided into three groups: mixed vegetable-fodder gardens, mixed vegetable-subsistence livestock gardens and pure vegetable gardens. The results revealed that UA is the exclusive domain of men, 80% of them non-native to Khartoum. The harvested produce in all gardens was market oriented and represented the main source of income for 83% of the gardeners. Fast growing leafy vegetables such as Jew’s mallow (Corchorous olitorius L.), purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) and rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) were the dominant cultivated species. Most of the gardens (95%) were continuously cultivated throughout the year without any fallow period, unless they were flooded. Gardeners were not generally aware of the importance of crop diversity, which may help them overcome the strongly fluctuating market prices for their produce and thereby strengthen the contributions of UA to the overall productivity of the city. To measure nutrient fluxes, four gardens were selected and their nutrients inputs and outputs flows were monitored. In each garden, all plots were monitored for quantification of nutrient inputs and outputs. To determine soil chemical fertility parameters in each of the studied gardens, soil samples were taken from three selected plots at the beginning of the study in October 2007 (gardens L1, L2 and H1) and in April 2008 (garden H2) and at the end of the study period in March 2010. Additional soil sampling occurred in May 2009 to assess changes in the soil nutrient status after the River Nile flood of 2008 had receded. Samples of rain and irrigation water (river and well-water) were analyzed for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and carbon (C) content to determine their nutrient inputs. Catchment traps were installed to quantify the sediment yield from the River Nile flood. To quantify the nutrient inputs of sediments, samples were analyzed for N, P, K and organic carbon (Corg) content, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the particle size distribution. The total nutrient inputs were calculated by multiplying the sediment nutrient content by total sediment deposits on individual gardens. Nutrient output in the form of harvested yield was quantified at harvest of each crop. Plant samples from each field were dried, and analyzed for their N, P, K and Corg content. Cumulative leaching losses of mineral N and P were estimated in a single plot in garden L1 from December 1st 2008 to July 1st 2009 using 12 ion exchange resins cartridges. Nutrients were extracted and analyzed for nitrate (NO3--N), ammonium (NH4+-N) and phosphate PO4-3-P. Changes in soil nutrient balance were assessed as inputs minus outputs. The results showed that across gardens, soil N and P concentrations increased from 2007 to 2009, while particle size distribution remained unchanged. Sediment loads and their respective contents of N, P and Corg decreased significantly (P < 0.05) from the gardens of the downstream lowlands (L1 and L2) to the gardens of the upstream highlands (H1 and H2). No significant difference was found in K deposits. None of the gardens received organic fertilizers and the only mineral fertilizer applied was urea (46-0-0). This equaled 29, 30, 54, and 67% of total N inputs to gardens L1, L2, H1, and H2, respectively. Sediment deposits of the River Nile floods contributed on average 67, 94, 6 and 42% to the total N, P, K and C inputs in lowland gardens and 33, 86, 4 and 37% of total N, P, K and C inputs in highland gardens. Irrigation water and rainfall contributed substantially to K inputs representing 96, 92, 94 and 96% of total K influxes in garden L1, L2, H1 and H2, respectively. Following the same order, total annual DM yields in the gardens were 26, 18, 16 and 1.8 t ha-1. Annual leaching losses were estimated to be 0.02 kg NH4+-N ha-1 (SE = 0.004), 0.03 kg NO3--N ha-1 (SE = 0.002) and 0.005 kg PO4-3-P ha-1 (SE = 0.0007). Differences between nutrient inputs and outputs indicated negative nutrient balances for P and K and positive balances of N and C for all gardens. The negative balances in P and K call for adoptions of new agricultural techniques such as regular manure additions or mulching which may enhance the soil organic matter status. A quantification of fluxes not measured in our study such as N2-fixation, dry deposition and gaseous emissions of C and N would be necessary to comprehensively assess the sustainability of these intensive gardening systems. The second part of the survey dealt with the brick making kilns. A total of 50 brick kiln owners/or agents were interviewed from July to August 2009, using a semi-structured questionnaire. The data collected included general information such as age, family size, education, land ownership, number of kilns managed and/or owned, number of months that kilns were in operation, quantity of inputs (cow dung and fuel wood) used, prices of inputs and products across the production season. Information related to the share value of the land on which the kilns were built and annual income for urban farmers and annual returns from dung for the animal raisers was also collected. Using descriptive statistics, budget calculation and Gini coefficient, the results indicated that renting the land to brick making kilns yields a 5-fold higher return than the rent for agriculture. Gini coefficient showed that the kiln owners had a more equal income distribution compared to farmers. To estimate emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and losses of N, P, K, Corg and DM from cow dung when used in brick making, samples of cow dung (loose and compacted) were collected from different kilns and analyzed for their N, P, K and Corg content. The procedure modified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 1994) was used to estimate the gaseous emissions of cow dung and fuel wood. The amount of deforested wood was estimated according to the default values for wood density given by Dixon et al. (1991) and the expansion ratio for branches and small trees given by Brown et al. (1989). The data showed the monetary value of added N and P from cow dung was lower than for mineral fertilizers. Annual consumption of compacted dung (381 t DM) as biomass fuel by far exceeded the consumption of fuel wood (36 t DM). Gaseous emissions from cow dung and fuel wood were dominated by CO2, CO and CH4. Considering that Gerif land in urban Khartoum supports a multifunctional land use system, efficient use of natural resources (forest, dung, land and water) will enhance the sustainability of the UA and brick making activities. Adoption of new kilns with higher energy efficiency will reduce the amount of biomass fuels (cow dung and wood) used the amount of GHGs emitted and the threat to the few remaining forests.


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The use of renewable primary products as co-substrate or single substrate for biogas production has increased consistently over the last few years. Maize silage is the preferential energy crop used for fermentation due to its high methane (CH4) yield per hectare. Equally, the by-product, namely biogas slurry (BS), is used with increasing frequency as organic fertilizer to return nutrients to the soil and to maintain or increase the organic matter stocks and soil fertility. Studies concerning the application of energy crop-derived BS on the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization dynamics are scarce. Thus, this thesis focused on the following objectives: I) The determination of the effects caused by rainfall patterns on the C and N dynamics from two contrasting organic fertilizers, namely BS from maize silage and composted cattle manure (CM), by monitoring emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and CH4 as well as leaching losses of C and N. II) The investigation of the impact of differences in soil moisture content after the application of BS and temperature on gaseous emissions (CO2, N2O and CH4) and leaching of C and N compounds. III) A comparison of BS properties obtained from biogas plants with different substrate inputs and operating parameters and their effect on C and N dynamics after application to differently textured soils with varying application rates and water contents. For the objectives I) and II) two experiments (experiment I and II) using undisturbed soil cores of a Haplic Luvisol were carried out. Objective III) was studied on a third experiment (experiment III) with disturbed soil samples. During experiment I three rainfall patterns were implemented including constant irrigation, continuous irrigation with periodic heavy rainfall events, and partial drying with rewetting periods. Biogas slurry and CM were applied at a rate of 100 kg N ha-1. During experiment II constant irrigation and an irrigation pattern with partial drying with rewetting periods were carried out at 13.5°C and 23.5°C. The application of BS took place either directly before a rewetting period or one week after the rewetting period stopped. Experiment III included two soils of different texture which were mixed with ten BS’s originating from ten different biogas plants. Treatments included low, medium and high BS-N application rates and water contents ranging from 50% to 100% of water holding capacity (WHC). Experiment I and II showed that after the application of BS cumulative N2O emissions were 4 times (162 mg N2O-N m-2) higher compared to the application of CM caused by a higher content of mineral N (Nmin) in the form of ammonium (NH4+) in the BS. The cumulative emissions of CO2, however, were on the same level for both fertilizers indicating similar amounts of readily available C after composting and fermentation of organic material. Leaching losses occurred predominantly in the mineral form of nitrate (NO3-) and were higher in BS amended soils (9 mg NO3--N m-2) compared to CM amended soils (5 mg NO3--N m-2). The rainfall pattern in experiment I and II merely affected the temporal production of C and N emissions resulting in reduced CO2 and enhanced N2O emissions during stronger irrigation events, but showed no effect on the cumulative emissions. Overall, a significant increase of CH4 consumption under inconstant irrigation was found. The time of fertilization had no effect on the overall C and N dynamics. Increasing temperature from 13.5°C to 23.5°C enhanced the CO2 and N2O emissions by a factor of 1.7 and 3.7, respectively. Due to the increased microbial activity with increasing temperature soil respiration was enhanced. This led to decreasing oxygen (O2) contents which in turn promoted denitrification in soil due to the extension of anaerobic microsites. Leaching losses of NO3- were also significantly affected by increasing temperature whereas the consumption of CH4 was not affected. The third experiment showed that the input materials of biogas plants affected the properties of the resulting BS. In particular the contents of DM and NH4+ were determined by the amount of added plant biomass and excrement-based biomass, respectively. Correlations between BS properties and CO2 or N2O emissions were not detected. Solely the ammonia (NH3) emissions showed a positive correlation with NH4+ content in BS as well as a negative correlation with the total C (Ct) content. The BS-N application rates affected the relative CO2 emissions (% of C supplied with BS) when applied to silty soil as well as the relative N2O emissions (% of N supplied with BS) when applied to sandy soil. The impacts on the C and N dynamics induced by BS application were exceeded by the differences induced by soil texture. Presumably, due to the higher clay content in silty soils, organic matter was stabilized by organo-mineral interactions and NH4+ was adsorbed at the cation exchange sites. Different water contents induced highest CO2 emissions and therefore optimal conditions for microbial activity at 75% of WHC in both soils. Cumulative nitrification was also highest at 75% and 50% of WHC whereas the relative N2O emissions increased with water content and showed higher N2O losses in sandy soils. In summary it can be stated that the findings of the present thesis confirmed the high fertilizer value of BS’s, caused by high concentrations of NH4+ and labile organic compounds such as readily available carbon. These attributes of BS’s are to a great extent independent of the input materials of biogas plants. However, considerably gaseous and leaching losses of N may occur especially at high moisture contents. The emissions of N2O after field application corresponded with those of animal slurries.


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Rice straw is used in Northeastern Thailand as an alternative to organic fertilizer for crop production. This enables farmers to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers which leads to a decrease in production costs. In spite of the beneficial effects in agricultural production, rice straw compost cannot be produced in large amounts because the burning of rice straws is a common farming practice. The decisions of farmers who use rice straw compost have been investigated by interviewing 120 households belonging to the members of an organic fertilizer user group using a household questionnaire. The study was conducted to evaluate the factors that affect the use of rice straw compost in Khon Kaen Province in Northeastern Thailand. Results of the logit model showed that the farmers’ education, number of rice straw compost trainings in which the farmer participated, lack of knowledge about technology, insufficient labour and difficulty in making rice straw compost had a significant impact on the farmer’s decision to use rice straw compost. Difficulty in making rice straw compost appeared to be the root cause because the procedure of making rice straw compost is complex and labour intensive. Repeated trainings thus, will have a positive and significant influence on farmers’ adoption of the technology. Training provides more knowledge and will presumably change the perception of the farmers towards new technologies and the awareness of positive effects of rice straw compost utilization.