927 resultados para ferro metálico
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Machining is one of the most commonly manufacturing processes used in the modern world, consuming millions of dollars annually. Because of this, it is crucial for the automotive industry to reduce costs on their heat-resistant alloy machining processes, such as compacted graphite iron (CGI), which has shown an increasing trend of its application in diesel engine blocks, brakes disks, among other applications, due to its superior mechanical properties to gray cast iron. Despite this advantage, its use is still limited due to its difficulty of machining, moreover, cutting tools are displayed as the main factor in increasing the machining cost. Seeking an alternative to a better machinability of CGI, this paper aims to study two types of ceramic tools developed in Brazil, and benchmark their performance by dry turning. For this, were used CGI class 450 and two tools: ceramic of silicon nitride (Si3N4) and alumina-based (Al2O3), with a cutting speed (Vc) of 300, 400 and 500 m / min; feed (f) of 0.2 mm / rev and depth of cut (ap) of 0.5 mm, using three replicates and starting with new cutting edges. The results showed that the Al2O3 tool had the best performance in Vc of 500 m / min, while the Si3N4 tool had the best results in Vc of 300 m / min. This can be explained by the tool of Si3N4 based include soft intergranular phase, called amorphous, while alumina has higher abrasion resistance due to its high refractoriness. The results make it clear that the tools have significant potential for machining of compacted graphite iron, being necessary a strict control of the cutting parameters used
This work deals in a general way, the history and advantages of steel buildings, as well as its increasing usage in Brazil in the last century. This work also generally describes some types and its uses of metal frame. It also demonstrates the use of the NBR 8800: 2008 standard and its calculation methods through the scale out materials regulated in Brazil for an industrial warehouse project small and simple portico metal frame. Given that the construction requirements include a locational influence following the normative indications of the NBR 6123, for the winding scale out, since this effect combined with the permanent loads must be seriously evaluated due to the shape type effort about acting simultaneous axial force and bending moments obeying the limitations applied to the structure according to NBR 8800. As it has been explained the calculations that ensures mechanical stability and suggesting an analysis of the efficiency of the used materials
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Machining is one of the most commonly manufacturing processes used in the modern world, consuming millions of dollars annually. Because of this, it is crucial for the automotive industry to reduce costs on their heat-resistant alloy machining processes, such as compacted graphite iron (CGI), which has shown an increasing trend of its application in diesel engine blocks, brakes disks, among other applications, due to its superior mechanical properties to gray cast iron. Despite this advantage, its use is still limited due to its difficulty of machining, moreover, cutting tools are displayed as the main factor in increasing the machining cost. Seeking an alternative to a better machinability of CGI, this paper aims to study two types of ceramic tools developed in Brazil, and benchmark their performance by dry turning. For this, were used CGI class 450 and two tools: ceramic of silicon nitride (Si3N4) and alumina-based (Al2O3), with a cutting speed (Vc) of 300, 400 and 500 m / min; feed (f) of 0.2 mm / rev and depth of cut (ap) of 0.5 mm, using three replicates and starting with new cutting edges. The results showed that the Al2O3 tool had the best performance in Vc of 500 m / min, while the Si3N4 tool had the best results in Vc of 300 m / min. This can be explained by the tool of Si3N4 based include soft intergranular phase, called amorphous, while alumina has higher abrasion resistance due to its high refractoriness. The results make it clear that the tools have significant potential for machining of compacted graphite iron, being necessary a strict control of the cutting parameters used
This work deals in a general way, the history and advantages of steel buildings, as well as its increasing usage in Brazil in the last century. This work also generally describes some types and its uses of metal frame. It also demonstrates the use of the NBR 8800: 2008 standard and its calculation methods through the scale out materials regulated in Brazil for an industrial warehouse project small and simple portico metal frame. Given that the construction requirements include a locational influence following the normative indications of the NBR 6123, for the winding scale out, since this effect combined with the permanent loads must be seriously evaluated due to the shape type effort about acting simultaneous axial force and bending moments obeying the limitations applied to the structure according to NBR 8800. As it has been explained the calculations that ensures mechanical stability and suggesting an analysis of the efficiency of the used materials
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Esse trabalho consiste na caracterização do resíduo de mármore, lama fina de aciaria e borra de alumínio, para averiguar a viabilidade técnica da utilização de tais resíduos na dessulfuração e desfosforação de ferro-gusa líquido. A caracterização desses resíduos foi feita através de análises químicas, granulométricas, difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) com micro análise por Espectroscopia por Energia Dispersiva de Raios X (EDS). A lama fina de aciaria apresenta um teor de FeO de 84,90%, o resíduo de mármore apresentou um teor de 61,5% de CaO e 33,9% de MgO e a borra de alumínio apresentou 36,5% de Al metálico e 62% de Al2O3. A granulometria do resíduo de mármore apresentou um tamanho de grão médio igual 42,810 µm. Já, na borra de alumínio, o tamanho médio foi de 101,803 µm. A lama fina de aciaria LD apresentou, em torno de 54,7% de sua granulometria, entre 0,15 e 0,075mm. Esses resultados apontam para a viabilidade técnica da utilização desses materiais na dessulfuração e desfosforação do ferro-gusa.
Nove amostras de minerais de ferro, provenientes de diferentes minas (jazidas) pertencentes à Vale, foram o objeto desse trabalho, que buscou correlacionar a depressão das referidas amostras com amido e carboximetil celulose versus parâmetros mineralógicos e morfológicos. O amido de milho convencional se mostrou capaz de realizar ação depressora sobre todas as amostras, exceto sobre aquelas que se mostraram mais ricas em hematita compacta (HC). Tais hematitas podem ser chamadas de "problemáticas", visto que interagem fortemente com o coletor e apresentam deficiência de serem deprimidas pelo amido, exigindo elevadas dosagens para minimização de sua tendência à flotação. Carboximetil celulose não apresentou ação depressora sobre nenhuma das amostras estudadas. A flotabilidade das amostras ricas em HC pode ser minimizada pela ação do amido de milho condicionado em pH 8,0-8,5. Testes de flotação com minério itabirítico, contendo elevado percentual de hematitas compactas de pequeno tamanho de cristal, confirmaram a redução do teor de Fe no rejeito com a utilização de amido condicionado em pH≅8.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to monitor the migration of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION)-labeled C6 cells, which were used to induce glioblastoma tumor growth in an animal model, over time using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with the goal of aiding in tumor prognosis and therapy. METHODS: Two groups of male Wistar rats were used for the tumor induction model. In the first group (n=3), the tumors were induced via the injection of SPION-labeled C6 cells. In the second group (n=3), the tumors were induced via the injection of unlabeled C6 cells. Prussian Blue staining was performed to analyze the SPION distribution within the C6 cells in vitro. Tumor-inducing C6 cells were injected into the right frontal cortex, and subsequent tumor monitoring and SPION detection were performed using T2- and T2*-weighted MRI at a 2T field strength. In addition, cancerous tissue was histologically analyzed after performing the MRI studies. RESULTS: The in vitro qualitative evaluation demonstrated adequate distribution and satisfactory cell labeling of the SPIONs. At 14 or 21 days after C6 injection, a SPION-induced T2- and T2*-weighted MRI signal reduction was observed within the lesion located in the left frontal lobe on parasagittal topography. Moreover, histological staining of the tumor tissue with Prussian Blue revealed a broad distribution of SPIONs within the C6 cells. CONCLUSION: MRI analyses exhibit potential for monitoring the tumor growth of C6 cells efficiently labeled with SPIONs.
INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento endovascular dos aneurismas da aorta abdominal tem revolucionado o tratamento dessa afecção, em decorrência das baixas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade. Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos ocorridos nas endopróteses, ainda existem limitações anatômicas para o emprego da técnica. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os resultados imediatos do tratamento de pacientes portadores de aneurisma da aorta abdominal com anatomia complexa com uma endoprótese de segunda geração. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, prospectivo, não-randomizado, realizado em um único centro, em uma série de pacientes submetidos a tratamento endovascular de aneurismas da aorta abdominal infrarrenais complexos, com prótese com arcabouço metálico disposta em anéis (Anaconda - Vascutek, Terumo, Inchinnan, Escócia). Foram avaliados as características clínicas e angiográficas, o sucesso técnico, o sucesso terapêutico, a morbidade e a mortalidade, e a taxa de reintervenção perioperatória. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados, no período de fevereiro de 2010 a dezembro de 2011, 108 pacientes consecutivos portadores de aneurisma da aorta, dos quais 16 eram portadores de aneurisma da aorta abdominal com anatomia complexa tratados com a prótese Anaconda . A média de idade foi de 76 + 7 anos e 75% eram do sexo masculino. Houve sucesso técnico em 94% e êxito terapêutico em 75% dos casos. Ocorreu um óbito no pós-operatório. As complicações perioperatórias mais prevalentes foram sangramento da ferida operatória (2/16) e embolia periférica (2/16). Foram necessárias reintervenções em 12,5% dos pacientes durante o seguimento. CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, a segunda geração da endoprótese Anaconda foi efetiva e apresenta resultados imediatos satisfatórios no tratamento do aneurisma da aorta abdominal infrarrenal de anatomia complexa.