966 resultados para exploding in oil layers
How have shocks to supply and demand affected global oil prices; and what are key policy implications following the resurgence of oil production in the United States? Highlights: − The recent collapse in global oil prices was dominated by oversupply. − The future of tight oil in the United States is vulnerable to obstacles beyond oil prices. − Opinions on tight oil from the Top 25 think tank organizations are considered. Global oil prices have fallen more than fifty percent since mid-2014. While price corrections in the global oil markets resulted from multiple factors over the past twelve months, surging tight oil production from the United States was a key driver. Tight oil is considered an unconventional or transitional oil source due to its location in oil-bearing shale instead of conventional oil reservoirs. These qualities make tight oil production fundamentally different from regular crude, posing unique challenges. This case study examines these challenges and explores how shocks to supply and demand affect global oil prices while identifying important policy considerations. Analysis of existing evidence is supported by expert opinions from more than one hundred scholars from top-tier think tank organizations. Finally, implications for United States tight oil production as well as global ramifications of a new low price environment are explored.
The northeastern region of Brazil has a large number of wells producing oil using a method of secondary recovery steam injection, since the oil produced in this region is essentially viscous. This recovery method puts the cement / coating on thermal cycling, due to the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between cement and metal coating causes the appearance of cracks at this interface, allowing the passage of the annular fluid, which is associated with serious risk socioeconomic and environmental. In view of these cracks, a correction operation is required, resulting in more costs and temporary halt of production of the well. Alternatively, the oil industry has developed technology for adding new materials in cement pastes, oil well, providing high ductility and low density in order to withstand the thermo-mechanical loads generated by the injection of water vapor. In this context, vermiculite, a clay mineral found in abundance in Brazil has been applied in its expanded form in the construction industry for the manufacture of lightweight concrete with excellent insulation and noise due to its high melting point and the presence of air in their layers lamellar. Therefore, the vermiculite is used for the purpose of providing low-density cement paste and withstand high temperatures caused by steam injection. Thus, the present study compared the default folder containing cement and water with the folders with 6%, 8% and 10% vermiculite micron conducting tests of free water, rheology and compressive strength where it obtained the concentration of 8 % with the best results. Subsequently, the selected concentration, was compared with the results recommended by the API standard tests of filtered and stability. And finally, analyzed the results from tests of specific gravity and time of thickening. Before the study we were able to make a folder with a low density that can be used in cementing oil well in order to withstand the thermo-mechanical loads generated by steam injection
One of the major current challenges for oilwell companies is the extraction of oil from evaporitic zones, also known as pre-salt basins. Deep reservoirs are found under thick salt layers formed from the evaporation of sea water. Salt layers seal the flow of oil from underneath rock formations, which store hydrocarbons and increase the probability of success in oil and gas exploration. Oilwells are cemented using Portland-based slurries to promote mechanical stability and zonal isolation. For pre-salt oilwells, NaCl must be added to saturate the cement slurries, however, the presence of salt in the composition of slurries affects their overall behavior. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of 5 to 25% NaCl on selected properties of Portland-based slurries. A series of tests were carried out to assess the rheological behavior, thickening time, free water and ultrassonic compressive strength. In addition, the slurries were also characterized by thermal analysis, X ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the addition of NaCl affected the thickening time of the slurries. NaCl contents up to 10% shortened the thickening time of the slurries. On the other hand, concentrations in excess of 20% not only extended the thickening time, but also reduced the strength of hardened slurries. The addition of NaCl resulted in the formation of a different crystalline phase called Friedel´s salt, where free chlorine is bonded to tricalcium aluminate
One of the major challenges faced nowadays by oil companies is the exploration of pre-salt basins. Thick salt layers were formed in remote ages as a consequence of the evaporation of sea water containing high concentrations of NaCl and KCl. Deep reservoirs can be found below salt formations that prevent the outflow of oil, thus improving the success in oil prospection. The slurries used in the cement operations of salt layers must be adequate to the properties of those specific formations. At the same time, their resulting properties are highly affected by the contamination of salt in the fresh state. It is t herefore important to address the effects of the presence of salt in the cement slurries in order to assure that the well sheath is able to fulfill its main role to provide zonal isolation and mechanical stability. In this scenario, the objective of the present thesis work was to evaluate the effect of the presence of NaCl and KCl premixed with cement and 40% silica flour on the behavior of cement slurries. Their effect in the presence of CO2 was also investigated. The rheological behavior of slurries containing NaCl and KCl was evaluated along with their mechanical strength. Thermal and microstructural tests were also carried out. The results revealed that the presence of NaCl and KCl affected the pozzolanic activity of silica flour, reducing the strength of the hardened slurries containing salt. Friedel´s salt was formed as a result of the bonding between free Cl- and tricalcium aluminate. The presence of CO2 also contributed to the degradation of the slurries as a result of a process of carbonation/bicarbonataion
The occurrence of heavy oil reservoirs have increased substantially and, due to the high viscosity characteristic of this type of oil, conventional recovery methods can not be applied. Thermal methods have been studied for the recovery of this type of oil, with a main objective to reduce its viscosity, by increasing the reservoir temperature, favoring the mobility of the oil and allowing an increasing in the productivity rate of the fields. In situ combustion (ISC) is a thermal recovery method in which heat is produced inside the reservoir by the combustion of part of the oil with injected oxygen, contrasting with the injection of fluid that is heated in the surface for subsequent injection, which leads to loss heat during the trajectory to the reservoir. The ISC is a favorable method for recovery of heavy oil, but it is still difficult to be field implemented. This work had as an objective the parametric analysis of ISC process applied to a semi-synthetic reservoir with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast reservoirs using vertical production and vertical injection wells, as the air flow injection and the wells completions. For the analysis, was used a commercial program for simulation of oil reservoirs using thermal processes, called Steam, Thermal and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator (STARS) from Computer Modelling Group (CMG). From the results it was possible to analyze the efficiency of the ISC process in heavy oil reservoirs by increasing the reservoir temperature, providing a large decrease in oil viscosity, increasing its mobility inside the reservoir, as well as the improvement in the quality of this oil and therefore increasing significantly its recovered fraction. Among the analyzed parameters, the flow rate of air injection was the one which had greater influence in ISC, obtaining higher recovery factor the higher is the flow rate of injection, due to the greater amount of oxygen while ensuring the maintenance of the combustion front
Solos submetidos ao mesmo sistema de manejo manifestam variabilidade espacial diferenciada de seus atributos. A variabilidade espacial da estabilidade de agregados foi caracterizada em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico e Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar. Foram realizadas amostragens de terra nos pontos de interseção de uma malha de 10 x 10 linhas, espaçadas de 10 m, totalizando 100 pontos de amostragem por área, coletadas nas camadas de 0,0-0,2 e 0,2-0,4 m de profundidade, para determinação de diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG), diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP), agregados na classe >2,0 mm e teor de matéria orgânica do solo. O Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico apresenta maior estabilidade de agregados quando comparado com o Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, condizente com o maior teor de argila, matéria orgânica e mineralogia gibbsítica. A evolução diferenciada dos Latossolos estudados explica os maiores alcances, o menor coeficiente de variação (CV) e a menor variabilidade, observados no Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico para todos os atributos estudados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os resíduos vegetais das culturas, ao se decomporem, alteram os atributos químicos do solo e, como consequência, influenciam a produtividade das culturas em sucessão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos químicos do solo e a produtividade das culturas de soja, milho e arroz, cultivadas no verão, em sucessão a culturas de inverno em semeadura direta. O experimento foi realizado em Jaboticabal-SP (48 ° 18 ' 58 '' W e 21 ° 15 ' 22 '' S), em um Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, no esquema em faixas, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de quatro sequências de culturas de verão (monoculturas de milho e soja e rotações soja/milho e arroz/feijão/algodão) com sete culturas de inverno (milho, girassol, nabo forrageiro, milheto, guandu, sorgo e crotalária). Os cultivos iniciaram-se em 2002. Após o manejo das culturas de inverno e antes da semeadura das culturas de verão do ano agrícola 2006/2007, foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas de 0-2,5; 2,5-5,0; 5-10; 10-20; e 20-30 cm. Nas amostras de solo, foram determinados: teores de matéria orgânica, pH, teores de P (resina), K, Ca e Mg trocáveis e acidez potencial (H + Al). As sequências de verão rotação soja/milho e milho em monocultura proporcionaram no solo menores teores de matéria orgânica na camada de 0-10 cm e de P do solo na camada de 0-20 cm. Na sequência de verão arroz/feijão/algodão, maiores teores de K foram proporcionados pelas culturas de inverno crotalária e nabo forrageiro, na camada de 0-10 cm, e milheto, na de 0-2,5 cm. Crotalária, milheto, nabo forrageiro e sorgo, cultivados no inverno, proporcionaram maiores teores de matéria orgânica no solo na camada de 0-30 cm. Maiores teores de P no solo foram proporcionados pela crotalária, na camada de 0-2,5 cm, e pelo nabo forrageiro, na de 0-5 cm. Maiores produtividades de soja, como monocultura de verão, foram obtidas após nabo forrageiro e crotalária e, quando em rotação com milho no verão, após nabo forrageiro, crotalária e milheto. Maiores produtividades de milho foram obtidas após nabo forrageiro, milheto e guandu, e menor produtividade de arroz foi obtida após sorgo.
The application of lime oil the soil surface is necessary in son-le agricultural situations. The objective of this work was to verify changes ill chemical attributes of a medium texture soil as a result of lime application with and without amending. The experiment was carried out in a laboratory setting, in PVC columns, in a completely randomized design, with a 2 x 4 factorial design and a control, with four replicates, totaling 36 columns. The treatments were the combination of two little rates (4 and 2 t ha(-1)) and four types of little application (oil surface without amending, and amending in layers of 0 to 5; 0 to 10 and 0 to 20 cm depths), in addition to the control, to which lime was not applied. After 326 days of soil incubation with lime, there was a corrective effect front the lime until 5 cm or 10 cm below the depth in which there was the application or amending. The application of little resulted in increases of soil base saturation until 10 cm of depth, and until 40 cut of depth when the little was amended in the layers of 0 to 5, 0 to 10 or 0 to 20 cm depth.
This study aims to evaluate the mechanical properties of polymer matrix composites reinforced with sisal fabric bidirectional tissue (Agave sisalana,) and E-glass fibers, containing the following configuration: a polymer matrix hybrid composite (Polyester Resin orthophalic) reinforced with three (3) layers of glass fibers and alternating-2 (two) layers of bidirectional sisal fabric, and finally a composite of polymer matrix reinforced with five (5) layers of glass fiber mat-type E. For this purpose as first step, the preparation of by sisal, since they are not on the market. The composites were made by manual lamination (Hand lay-up) and evaluated for tensile properties and three point bending both in the dry, and wet conditions aswele as immersed in oil. Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the materialsweve awalysed, after the completion of the mechanical tests. After the studies, it was proven that the sisal fiber decreases the tensile stiffness of the material above 50% for both situations studied the tensile strength of the material decreases by approximately 40% for the cases mentioned, and when compared to the specific strength stiffness values drop to 14.6% and 29.02% respectively for the dry state only. Constants for bending the values were are to approximately 50% to 25% for strength and stiffness of the material for the cases dry, wet and immersed in oil. Under the influence of tension fluids do not interfere in the stiffness of the material for the bending tests, the same does not occur with the resistance, and these values are modified only in the cases stiffness and flexural strength
No Rio Grande do Sul (RS), muitas áreas sob plantio direto apresentam elevada saturação por Al e baixa saturação por bases na camada de 0,10-0,20 m (subsuperfície), e isso pode diminuir a produção de grãos de culturas anuais. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar se a ocorrência de alta saturação por Al e baixa saturação por bases em subsuperfície (0,10-0,20 m), no plantio direto, pode representar um ambiente restritivo para a produção de culturas, bem como avaliar os modos de incorporação de calcário na correção da acidez do solo em subsuperfície. Para isso, foi realizado um experimento com os cultivos de soja (2005/ 2006), milho (2006/2007), trigo (2007) e soja (2007/2008), em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), 2006) de textura franco arenosa, há quatro anos sob plantio direto, no município de Tupanciretã (RS). Os seis tratamentos foram: sem revolvimento com ou sem calcário; lavração com ou sem calcário; e escarificação com ou sem calcário. Aos 24 meses após a aplicação dos tratamentos e nas camadas de 0-0,05, 0,05-0,10, 0,10-0,15, 0,15-0,20 e 0,20-0,30 m, foram avaliados os valores de pH-H2O, saturação por Al e por bases. Avaliou-se a produtividade de soja (2005/2006), milho (2006/2007), trigo (2007) e soja (2007/2008). A acidez do solo em subsuperfície não alterou a produtividade das culturas quando as propriedades de acidez na camada de 0-0,10 m estavam em níveis em que não se recomenda a aplicação de calcário, segundo a CQFSRS/SC (2004). A incorporação de calcário com aração foi o modo mais eficiente de corrigir a acidez em profundidade.
This study describes the influence of incubation temperature during initial development phase on the morphology and muscle growth characteristics in the pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Pacu eggs were incubated at 25, 27, and 29 degreesC until hatching. After day 5, fish from each temperature were transferred to 5001 tanks. At hatching and after 5, 25, and 60 days, muscle samples were collected, some were frozen in liquid nitrogen and others fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde or 2.5% glutaraldehyde. These samples were used for morphological, histochemical, immunohistochemical, and morphometric analysis. At hatching, we observed a superficial monolayer of small diameter fibers, lying just beneath the skin surrounding several round cells. From day 5, we observed two distinct populations of muscle fibers distributed in two layers: (1) red-in a superficial region with aerobic activity, and following acid preincubation, high mATPase activity, and 2) white-with anaerobic activity, and following alkaline preincubation, high mATPase activity. Twenty-five days after hatching, an intermediate layer and cell proliferating zones could be seen in the dorsal fin muscle region, with intermediate characteristics. Throughout the experimental period, there was an increase in muscle mass due to new fiber recruitment in the cell proliferating zones and between the more differentiated fibers in red, intermediate, and white muscles. This was more obvious from day 25, and at 29 degreesC than at 25 and 27 degreesC. Fiber hypertrophy occurred from hatching to 60 days and was more evident from 5 to 25 days. The number of proliferating nuclei (PCNA-labelling) increased from hatching to 60 days, and was more obvious in the 29 degreesC group at 60 days. Our results show that at incubation temperatures of 25, 27 and 29 degreesC, hypertrophy was predominantly from hatching to 25 days, after that muscle growth by hyperplastic mechanism increased. The interaction of muscle hypertrophic and hyperplastic growth processes in the 29 degreesC group produced the largest fish at the end of the experiment. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We studied the distribution of NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity in the prefrontal cortex of normal adult Cebus apella monkeys using NADPH-d histochemical protocols. The following regions were studied: granular areas 46 and 12, dysgranular areas 9 and 13, and agranular areas 32 and Oap. NADPH-d-positive neurons were divided into two distinct types, both non-pyramidal. Type I neurons had a large soma diameter (17.24 +/- 1.73 pm) and were densely stained. More than 90% of these neurons were located in the subcortical white matter and infragranular layers. The remaining type I neurons were distributed in the supragranular layers. Type II neurons had a small, round or oval soma (9.83 +/- 1.03 mu m), and their staining pattern varied markedly. Type II neurons were distributed throughout the cortex, with their greatest numerical density being observed in layers II and III. In granular areas, the number of type II neurons was up to 20 times that of type I neurons, but this proportion was smaller in agranular areas. Areal density of type II neurons was maximum in the supragranular layers of granular areas and minimum in agranular areas. Statistical analysis revealed that these areal differences were significant when comparing some specific areas. In conclusion, our results indicate a predominance of NADPH-d-positive cells in supragranular layers of granular areas in the Cebus prefrontal cortex. These findings support previous observations on the role of type II neurons as a new cortical nitric oxide source in supragranular cortical layers in primates, and their potential contribution to cortical neuronal activation in advanced mammals. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The follicular epithelium and theca of oocytes in Serrasalmus spilopleura differentiates during the initial primary growth phase. The follicular cells are squamous and the thecal cells are disposed in two layers. During the secondary growth phase, follicular cells become cuboidal, acquire characteristics typical of protein- or glycoprotein-producing cells, and show dilated intercellular spaces. Formation of the egg envelope in S. spilopleura begins in the previtellogenic oocytes as a layer of amorphous electron-dense material is laid down on the oolemma. During vitellogenesis, another layer of electron-dense material appears beneath the first layer. Also during this phase, a layer of amorphous, less electron-dense material is formed adjacent to the follicular epithelium. The secondary egg envelope appears at the postvitellogenic phase and is composed of a filamentous and undulant material. The morphology of the egg envelopes in S. spilopleura reflects not only its oviparous nature but also the fact that its eggs are adhesive.
Spermiogenesis and spermatozoal structure were studied in Cichla intermedia, a primitive species of Neotropical cichlids. The analysis shows that spermiogenesis is characterized by chromatin compaction, flagellum development, nuclear rotation, nuclear fossa formation and residual cytoplasm elimination. In the spermatozoa, the head is round, the nucleus contains highly condensed filamentous clusters of chromatin and an acrosome is absent. The nuclear fossa is slightly eccentric and shows a projection that penetrates into the nuclear outline. The proximal centriole is located in the initial segment of the nuclear fossa. The midpiece and the cytoplasmic channel are long. The mitochondria, about 10 in number, are round or slightly elongated, disposed in two layers around the initial segment of the flagellum. The flagellum has a classical 9 + 2 axoneme and two lateral fins. The data available show that no characteristics of spermiogenesis or spermatozoa are exclusively found in members of the suborder Labroidei. However, three characteristics seem to be exclusively observed in Cichlidae: (1) compact filamentous clusters of chromatin; (2) slightly eccentric nuclear fossa; and, (3) number of mitochondria. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.