999 resultados para envelhecimento demográfico


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A malha rodoviária brasileira apresenta-se, em sua maior extensão, em má condições de serventia. Uma das alternativas para se evitar deformações permanentes e trincamentos no pavimento é a adição, a quente e em reatores especiais, de polímeros ao asfalto. Esta prática já é realizada no Brasil há alguns anos, porém ainda não se tem um domínio do assunto, principalmente no caso da modificação de ligantes asfálticos brasileiros. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência de algumas propriedades do polímero modificador no envelhecimento do ligante asfáltico modificado. Para tanto se realizou inicialmente um estudo sobre o mecanismo de envelhecimento de ligantes puros, inclusive frente a radiação ultravioleta do sol, e em seguida utilizou-se a mesma metodologia para avaliar o papel do polímero neste processo. Além disso, relacionou-se através de um projeto de experimentos a massa molar e teor de estireno do polímero SBS linear com suas propriedades clássicas, estabilidade, temperatura de transição vítrea e morfologia. Observou-se que a simulação de envelhecimento UV em laboratório, desenvolvida neste estudo, foi extremamente satisfatória. Os processos de foto-oxidação e termooxidação resultam em mecanismos diferentes de envelhecimento. A origem e composição química dos ligantes é de suma importância no mecanismo de envelhecimento UV destes. A massa molar e o teor de estireno do polímero modificador representam propriedades importantes para a estabilidade e durabilidade do ligante asfáltico modificado.


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O envelhecimento da população brasileira é um fato que já alcança o presente. Nunca se viveu tanto como agora, e a longevidade tende a avançar ainda mais. Isto, num cenário em que a taxa de natalidade decresce e, ao mesmo tempo, as famílias demoram mais a ter filhos. De acordo com o IBGE (2014), daqui a alguns anos iremos assistir a redução da população brasileira. E, como o número de jovens entrantes no mercado de trabalho será cada vez menor, as empresas não terão alternativas, senão aproveitar esta mão-de-obra mais idosa. Existem alguns trabalhos no sentido de aferir como as empresas estão se preparando para este futuro. Inclusive, temas como o ageism, que se traduz pela prática de discriminação dos mais velhos, tem sido abordados e debatidos. Mas, o presente estudo tem como objetivo entender como as pessoas estão se preparando para uma vida mais longa e produtiva. Assim, foi realizada uma pesquisa com pessoas acima de 40 anos e, portanto, mais próximas da aposentadoria, de maneira a aferir suas expectativas com relação ao trabalho, como se posicionam em relação ao futuro, suas visões pessoais a respeito do sentido do trabalho, realização profissional, reconhecimento, carreira, limitações físicas e empregabilidade. As entrevistas foram semi-estruturadas, contemplando dados categóricos, e adotando como método para o tratamento dos dados, a análise do discurso. Como resultado, esta pesquisa revelou que a grande preocupação dos entrevistados é preparar-se para o futuro por meio de mais qualificação e mais estudo, sem deixar de se manterem atualizados a tudo que consideram importante ao seu desempenho profissional, e também sem revelar preocupações ou maiores cuidados com a saúde.


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A mudança do perfil demográfico e epidemiológico das populações, com progressivo envelhecimento populacional e aumento de portadores de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, somado a necessidade da ampliação da oferta de serviços de saúde e crescentes custos em saúde, impõe enormes desafios aos sistemas e serviços de saúde. A eficiência organizacional dos serviços de saúde tem papel importante tanto na racionalização dos custos quanto na melhoria da qualidade e segurança assistencial. Tendo papel central nos sistemas de saúde como centros difusores de conhecimento, capacitação profissional, incorporação de tecnologias, prestação de serviços de maior complexidade aos pacientes e, consequentemente, elevados custos destes serviços, aos hospitais é fundamental a busca por essa eficiência. Este estudo buscou analisar se existe trade-off entre eficiência e qualidade em organizações hospitalares e identificar quais determinantes poderiam estar associados com maiores ou menores escores de eficiência. Utilizou-se dois modelos de análise de envelopamento de dados (data envelopment analysis, DEA), sem e com variáveis de qualidade, com retornos variáveis de escala e orientados para resultado. Foram estudados 47 hospitais gerais públicos do estado de São Paulo. No modelo sem variáveis de qualidade 14 deles foram considerados eficientes, enquanto que 33 no modelo com estas variáveis. O coeficiente de correlação de Spearman entre os dois modelos foi de 0,470 (correlação moderada). Não há evidências de que haja trade-off entre eficiência e qualidade nestas organizações hospitalares. Hospitais eficientes no modelo sem variáveis de qualidade, também o foram com variáveis de qualidade, assim como houve hospitais ineficientes no modelo sem variáveis de qualidade que foram eficientes com estas variáveis. Não foram encontradas associações estatisticamente significantes (p<0,05) entre eficiência e as características dos hospitais estudados, como acreditação, modelos de gestão, porte hospitalar e atividades de ensino, apesar de alguns achados de maior ou menor escore de eficiência para alguns determinantes. Desta maneira, concluiu-se que a utilização de variáveis de qualidade é um fator fundamental na determinação da eficiência de organizações de saúde, e não podem estar dissociadas. Gestões eficientes também estão relacionadas à obtenção de melhores resultados assistenciais sem a necessidade que se tenha de optar em alcançar melhores resultados econômico-financeiros ou melhores resultados assistenciais.


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Perante o progressivo envelhecimento da sociedade e o aumento da longevidade as questões relativas ao envelhecimento adquiriram um maior interesse e uma maior preocupação. Consequentemente, emergiu a política social do envelhecimento que pretende que os idosos sejam activos, ou seja, que participem nas questões sociais, económicas, culturais, espirituais e cívicas. Neste sentido, esta investigação pretende aferir o modo como os idosos não institucionalizados do concelho de São Vicente vivem o seu quotidiano e se o seu envelhecimento se enquadra no conceito de envelhecimento activo. Para isso, utilizámos simultaneamente os métodos quantitativo e qualitativo e recorremos às técnicas de inquérito por questionário e à entrevista. Como estratégia de pesquisa realizámos o estudo de caso onde participaram 12 idosos (6 homens e 6 mulheres). De forma a abranger os vários contextos sociais neste conjunto de indivíduos incluímos casais, viúvos que vivem sozinhos e ainda idosos que vivem acompanhados. Na globalidade deste estudo podemos concluir que o envelhecimento activo é um desafio para os idosos porque apesar destes se considerarem activos, pois ainda gozam de autonomia física e dedicam-se a actividades de lazer, não se enquadram na definição de envelhecimento activo.


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O presente estudo tem como principal objectivo explorar a relação entre o autoconceito e a percepção sobre o envelhecimento dos funcionários de uma instituição de 3ª idade que têm um contacto directo com o idoso no exercício das suas funções. Participaram no estudo 148 sujeitos, 135 do sexo feminino e 12 do sexo masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 21 e os 65 anos. Para a avaliação do autoconceito foi utilizada a Escala de Autoconceito, versão portuguesa em fase experimental (Novo, 2002) da Tenesse Self-Concept Scale (TSCS:2) de Fitts e Warren (1996), enquanto para avaliar a percepção sobre o envelhecimento foi administrado o Questionário de Percepções sobre o Envelhecimento, versão portuguesa em fase experimental (Beja & Franco, 2009) do Aging Perceptions Questionnaire (APQ) de Barker, O´Hanlon, McGee, Hickey e Conroy (2007). Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que os adultos com mais idade apresentam uma percepção do envelhecimento mais negativa e têm um autoconceito mais fraco, principalmente a nível físico e académico. Por outro lado, os indivíduos com mais habilitações académicas e formação na área de saúde têm uma percepção sobre o envelhecimento mais positiva. Quanto à relação entre autoconceito e percepção sobre o envelhecimento, os sujeitos com um autoconceito mais forte apresentam uma percepção sobre o envelhecimento mais positiva.


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The gradual replacement of conventional materials by the ones called composite materials is becoming a concern about the response of these composites against adverse environmental conditions, such as ultraviolet radiation, high temperature and moist. Also the search for new composite using natural fibers or a blend of it with synthetic fibers as reinforcement has been studied. In this sense, this research begins with a thorough study of microstructural characterization of licuri fiber, as a proposal of alternative reinforcement to polymeric composites. Thus, a study about the development of two composite laminates was done. The first one, involving only the fiber of licuri and the second comprising a hybrid composite based of fiber glass E and the fiber of licuri, in order to know the performance of the fiber when of fiber across the hybridization process. The laminates were made in the form of plates using the tereftálica ortho-polyester resin as matrix. The composite laminate made only by licuri fiber had two reinforcing fabric layers of unidirectional licuri and the hybrid composite had two reinforcing layers of unidirectional licuri fabric and three layers of fiber short glass-E mat. Finally, both laminates was exposed to aging acceleration in order to study the influence of environmental degradation involving the mechanical properties and fracture characteristics thereof. Regarding the mechanical properties of composites, these were determined through uniaxial tensile tests, uniaxial compression and three bending points for both laminates in original state, and uniaxial tensile tests and three bending points after accelerated aging. As regards the study of structural degradation due to aging of the laminates, it was carried out based on microscopic analysis and microstructure, as well as measuring weight loss. The characteristics of the fracture was performed by macroscopic and microscopic (optical and SEM) analysis. In general, the laminated composites based on fiber licuri showed some advantages in their responses to environmental aging. These advantages are observed in the behavior related to stiffness as well as the microstructural degradation and photo-oxidation processes. However, the structural integrity of this laminate was more affected in case the action of uniaxial tensile loads, where it was noted a lower rate of withholding his last resistance property


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This work reports the influence of the poly (ethylene terephthalate) textile surface modification by plasmas of O2 and mixtures (N2 + O2), on their physical and chemical properties. The treatment was carried out in a vacuum chamber. Some parameters remained constant during all treatment, such as: Voltage 470 V; Pressure 1,250 Mbar; Current: 0, 10 A and gas flow: 10 cm3/min. Other parameters, such as working gas composition and treatment time, were modified as the following: to the O2 plasma modified samples only the treatment time was changed (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes). To the plasma with O2 and N2 only the chemical concentrations were changed. Through Capillary tests (vertical) an increase in textile wettability was observed as well as its influence on aging time and its consequence on wettability. The surface functional groups created after plasma treatments were investigated using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The surface topography was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM)


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Although many studies point to alterations in the organic concentrations of zinc in elderly patients, the mechanisms by which aging might cause changes in the metabolism of this nutrient remain unclear. Thus, we assessed the changes in plasma zinc, Zinc Binding Capacity to Plasma Protein (ZnBCPP) and Saturation Index (SI), comparing elderly individuals and young adults. The zinc analyses were performed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) was found between the two groups, in relation to plasma zinc and SI, but the ZnBCPP did not differ between the younger and older subjects. In agreement with this result, it was shown in the young group that 76% (R2 = 0.760) of the ZnBCPP variations are explained by the variations in plasma zinc and SI. In the elderly group this measure decreased to 30.5% (R2 = 0.305). We conclude, therefore, that aging may be a factor associated to changes in control mechanisms and in zinc homeostasis, and could even alter ZnBCPP response patterns and other zinc-related indicators of nutritional status.


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This study aims to identify the social representations built on senior care health workers of Primary Care. This is an exploratory research within the subsidized social representations held in 100 Basic Health Units in the city of João Pessoa-PB, with a sample of n= 204 workers of both sexes, who agreed to participate. To collect the data used to set an interview in two parts: the first looked at the Test of Free Association of Words using the inductive stimulus "senior care". The interviews were analyzed with the help of a software for quantitative analysis of textual data ALCESTE (version 2010). The results were interpreted from the theoretical framework of social representations. The study included 178 women (87.25%) and 26 men (12.75%), working in Family Health Units in the city of João Pessoa, the majority are aged between 40-49 years of age ( 28.92%), and have higher education with 81.86%. The results of Alceste link to the term inducer six (6) where the hierarchical classes representing senior care workers as synonymous with care and attention, showing situations neglect of the elderly, for that patience is required to promote the increase of disease prevention and living with the elderly to generate humanization in health services. It is considered that the social representations of health workers on assistance to the elderly may support modeling of strategic actions in health services with health promotion programs for large groups, able to modify practices and behavior in elder care and strengthening the policy was directed at the elderly


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It discusses the Health Care of the Elderly in the town of Mossoró, traversing the paths that discussed the history of health care, which has been altered by the new (con) formation and required adjustments of society which led the development and implementation of the National Health Care for the Elderly with the backdrop of the guiding principles of the Health System - SUS. The goals outlined were: To map the implementation of the policy of health care for the elderly in Mossoró considering whether this is based on the principles and guidelines of the NHS and National Health Policy of the Elderly; Check if health promotion is seen as a strategy that favors the elderly mossoroenses the possibility of healthy aging; identify the discourse of the elderly about the aging process and the strategies you use to take care of your needs. Applies as a methodological strategy BOAS, complemented by interviews with twenty (20) elderly residents of Mossoró with a view to understand the objective elements, and the political and subjective traits that express a regularity which marks the area of health care mossoroense elderly. The data were tabulated and the BOAS divided into nine sections for analysis. The speeches were transcribed seized and subjected to a thorough reading that allowed the visualization of issues that have been examined with theoretical and methodological support to the model proposed by Boaventura de Souza Santos (2006) designated this cosmopolitan reason being supported by three meta-sociological procedures, namely, the sociology of absences, the sociology of translation work and emergencies. It appears as a result the exclusion and discrimination of the elderly in different social settings, a condition that prevents them from being aware of their importance as citizens deserving of decent treatment and respect for the family, society and the government, when addressing health the elderly said the need to propose alternative models of care that has the paradigm of health promotion. We conclude that in these areas, meetings are held, to draw lines that were heterogeneous because they were built by the dissimilarities that engender incessantly and show that although we have advanced regarding the attention of the elderly in Mossoró there is still a long way to go in order to meet the needs revealed by the elderly. It is suggested that the practice of trial-creation-differentiation, while highlighting the historical and procedural dimension, deconstructions and negotiations with collective effects. A democratic paradigm and analytical creeps: the constitution are moments of Health Care for the Elderly shaping a new landscape in the town of Mossoró.


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One of the greatest challenges of demography, nowadays, is to obtain estimates of mortality, in a consistent manner, mainly in small areas. The lack of this information, hinders public health actions and leads to impairment of quality of classification of deaths, generating concern on the part of demographers and epidemiologists in obtaining reliable statistics of mortality in the country. In this context, the objective of this work is to obtain estimates of deaths adjustment factors for correction of adult mortality, by States, meso-regions and age groups in the northeastern region, in 2010. The proposal is based on two lines of observation: a demographic one and a statistical one, considering also two areas of coverage in the States of the Northeast region, the meso-regions, as larger areas and counties, as small areas. The methodological principle is to use the General Equation and Balancing demographic method or General Growth Balance to correct the observed deaths, in larger areas (meso-regions) of the states, since they are less prone to breakage of methodological assumptions. In the sequence, it will be applied the statistical empirical Bayesian estimator method, considering as sum of deaths in the meso-regions, the death value corrected by the demographic method, and as reference of observation of smaller area, the observed deaths in small areas (counties). As results of this combination, a smoothing effect on the degree of coverage of deaths is obtained, due to the association with the empirical Bayesian Estimator, and the possibility of evaluating the degree of coverage of deaths by age groups at counties, meso-regions and states levels, with the advantage of estimete adjustment factors, according to the desired level of aggregation. The results grouped by State, point to a significant improvement of the degree of coverage of deaths, according to the combination of the methods with values above 80%. Alagoas (0.88), Bahia (0.90), Ceará (0.90), Maranhão (0.84), Paraíba (0.88), Pernambuco (0.93), Piauí (0.85), Rio Grande do Norte (0.89) and Sergipe (0.92). Advances in the control of the registry information in the health system, linked to improvements in socioeconomic conditions and urbanization of the counties, in the last decade, provided a better quality of information registry of deaths in small areas


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The aging process lived by the Brazilian population concurred to the transformation in the family models, causing difficulties related to the elderly care on the Family environment, a fact that is one of the main reasons for their institutionalization. Facing this scenario, the need of investigating how the elderly lives on the long-term facilities (ILPI) has aroused. In this study, it has been conducted an analysis of the populational aging process, contrasting the Rio Grande do Norte to Brazil and the Northeast Region, between 1980 to 2010. Faced with the realization of this process, and the rising number of long-term facilities for the elderly (ILPI), it was needed to make a rescue of the abiding laws regarding elderly institutionalization, on the scope of Natal, which surged after the 1988 Federal Constitution, checking what were the impacts on the assistance of the institutionalized elderly. Lastly, it were investigated the possible determinants associated with the institutionalization, in Natal-RN, considering the aspects of the family structure, family relationship, economic, health and well being of the elderly. The results showed that Rio Grande do Norte, particularly Natal, follows the national scene, since between 1980 and 2000 its population passed the intermediate level in the process of population aging for, in 2010, to be considered elderly. Throughout this process, it was observed that Natal has been adapting to the federal legislation, through the creation of the municipal policy, City Council and other relevant standards for the elderly, promoting significant changes in ILPI.However, philanthropic institutions needs better resources for their maintenance. In research with the elderly, it was found that although the majority of the elderly have declared themselves satisfied with life, they had indicators of impairment of functional capacity and cognitive, isolated social behavior and depression, affecting the life quality of these elderly. These results reflect the need for greater investment of public power in the drafting, implementation and monitoring of public policies aimed at promoting changes that raise the level of life quality of this segment of the population