257 resultados para effusion


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The thesis contributed to the volcanic hazard assessment through the reconstruction of some historical flank eruptions of Etna in order to obtain quantitative data (volumes, effusion rates, etc.) for characterizing the recent effusive activity, quantifying the impact on the territory and defining mitigation actions for reducing the volcanic risk as for example containment barriers. The reconstruction was based on a quantitative approach using data extracted from aerial photographs and topographic maps. The approach allows to obtain the temporal evolution of the lava flow field and estimating the Time Average Discharge Rate (TADR) by dividing the volume emplaced over a given time interval for the corresponding duration. The analysis concerned the 2001, 1981 and 1928 Etna eruptions. The choice of these events is linked to their impact on inhabited areas. The results of the analysis showed an extraordinarily high effusion rate for the 1981 and 1928 eruptions (over 600 m^3/s), unusual for Etna eruptions. For the 1981 Etna eruption an eruptive model was proposed to explain the high discharge rate. The obtained TADRs were used as input data for simulations of the propagation of the lava flows for evaluating different scenarios of volcanic hazard and analyse different mitigation actions against lava flow invasion. It was experienced how numerical simulations could be adopted for evaluating the effectiveness of barrier construction and for supporting their optimal design. In particular, the gabions were proposed as an improvement for the construction of barriers with respect to the earthen barriers. The gabion barriers allow to create easily modular structures reducing the handled volumes and the intervention time. For evaluating operational constrain an experimental test was carried out to test the filling of the gabions with volcanic rock and evaluating their deformation during transport and placement.


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi magistrale sono stati depositati e caratterizzati film sottili (circa 10 nm) di silicio amorfo idrogenato (a-Si:H), studiando in particolare leghe a basso contenuto di ossigeno e carbonio. Tali layer andranno ad essere implementati come strati di passivazione per wafer di Si monocristallino in celle solari ad eterogiunzione HIT (heterojunctions with intrinsic thin layer), con le quali recentemente è stato raggiunto il record di efficienza pari a 24.7% . La deposizione è avvenuta mediante PECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition). Tecniche di spettroscopia ottica, come FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) e SE (spettroscopic ellipsometry) sono state utilizzate per analizzare le configurazioni di legami eteronucleari (Si-H, Si-O, Si-C) e le proprietà strutturali dei film sottili: un nuovo metodo è stato implementato per calcolare i contenuti atomici di H, O e C da misure ottiche. In tal modo è stato possibile osservare come una bassa incorporazione (< 10%) di ossigeno e carbonio sia sufficiente ad aumentare la porosità ed il grado di disordine a lungo raggio del materiale: relativamente a quest’ultimo aspetto, è stata sviluppata una nuova tecnica per determinare dagli spettri ellisometrici l’energia di Urbach, che esprime la coda esponenziale interna al gap in semiconduttori amorfi e fornisce una stima degli stati elettronici in presenza di disordine reticolare. Nella seconda parte della tesi sono stati sviluppati esperimenti di annealing isocrono, in modo da studiare i processi di cristallizzazione e di effusione dell’idrogeno, correlandoli con la degradazione delle proprietà optoelettroniche. L’analisi dei differenti risultati ottenuti studiando queste particolari leghe (a-SiOx e a-SiCy) ha permesso di concludere che solo con una bassa percentuale di ossigeno o carbonio, i.e. < 3.5 %, è possibile migliorare la risposta termica dello specifico layer, ritardando i fenomeni di degradazione di circa 50°C.


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Non-contrast post-mortem computed tomography (pm-CT) is useful in the evaluation of bony pathologies, whereas minimally invasive pm-CT-angiography allows for the detection of subtle vascular lesions. We present a case of an accidentally self-inflicted fatal bullet wound to the chest where pm-CT-angiography revealed a small laceration of the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery and a tiny disruption of the right ventricle with pericardial and pleural effusion. Subsequent autopsy confirmed our radiological findings. Post-mortem CT-angiography has a great potential for the detection of vascular lesions and can be considered equivalent to autopsy for selected cases in forensic medicine.


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ABSTRACT: Horse kicks are rare incidents-especially, if they end in fatality. In this case, a 13-year-old girl collapsed 3 minutes after sustaining a kick to the chest from a pony. Resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful. Postmortem computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed before autopsy.Imaging revealed a 3-cm long laceration of the left ventricle and a large pericardial effusion. Using segmentation techniques, the amount of blood inside the pericardium was determined. These findings correlated well with the autopsy findings. Pericardial tamponade was determined at autopsy to be the cause of death.Postmortem imaging may prove useful for the diagnosis of these types of injury, but further studies are needed to document accuracy.


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Arthrocentesis, injection and infiltration of joints and soft tissues belong to the basic procedures in rheumatology. The indications and the practical performance are based on experience and tradition. Nowadays, a crucial reappraisal and adaption of indications and technical aspects appear important in the light of new evidence and technical developments. The main indications for puncture remain the search of an infectious arthritis and reduction of intra-articular pressure due to effusion. Good indications for the injection of glucocorticoids are inflammation in sterile joints and activated osteoarthritis. The local infiltration with corticosteroids in mechanically induced enthesopathies at the lateral epicondyle of the humerus or at the plantar fascia have to be questioned in the light of recent publications which show that this common practice is associated with a poorer outcome than without injection.


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Two healthy cats underwent elective surgical procedures under general anesthesia. One developed severe esophagitis leading to esophageal rupture, mediastinitis, and pyothorax. The other cat developed esophageal stricture, diverticulum formation, and suspected iatrogenic perforation. Both cats had signs of dysphagia and regurgitation beginning a few days after anesthesia. The first cat also had severe dyspnea due to septic pleural effusion and pneumomediastinum. In the second cat, endoscopy revealed diffuse esophagitis, an esophageal stricture, and a large esophageal diverticulum. Rupture of the esophageal wall occurred while inflating the esophagus for inspection. Due to the poor prognosis, both cats were euthanized. Necropsy revealed severe esophageal changes. Postanesthetic esophagitis has been previously described in dogs and cats; however, severe life-threatening esophageal injuries rarely occur as a sequel to general anesthesia. To the authors' knowledge, esophageal rupture secondary to perianesthetic reflux has never been reported in cats.


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Three horses (age 17 - 23 years) were referred to the equine clinic of the University of Berne due to colic, fever, tachycardia and tachypnea. All horses showed pleural effusion. Clinical findings in 2 of the horses were highly suggestive of an intra-thoracic esophageal perforation. Severe septic pleuropneumonia without suspicion of an esophageal lesion was diagnosed in the 3rd horse. In addition, an 11 year old stallion was referred to the equine clinic for treatment of a presumptive large colon impaction. The horse was given laxatives after nasogastric intubation. Subsequent dramatic clinical deterioration and signs consistent with severe pleuropneumonia suggest that esophageal perforation had occurred when passing the nasogastric tube. All 4 horses were euthanized due to a poor prognosis. Esophageal perforation was diagnosed or confirmed post mortem in all cases. A hypertrophy of the tunica muscularis of the intra-thoracic esophagus was found in 3 of 4 horses.


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Case Description-A 9-year-old spayed female green iguana (Iguana iguana) was evaluated because of a distended coelom and weight loss. History included a single episode of egg binding and subsequent bilateral ovariosalpingectomy.;Clinical Findings-Physical examination revealed a mass within the coelomic cavity. Ultrasonography revealed a large, irregular mass with hypoechoic regions and coelomic effusion. Clinicopathologic derangements included heterophilia, monocytosis, lymphopenia, basophilia, hypocholesterolemia, hypoproteinemia, and hypercalcemia. Results of cytologic evaluation of the mass were suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia, but neoplastic cells were not found in the effusion. An ovarian tumor was suspected on the basis of clinical signs, clinicopathologic findings, and results of cytologic evaluation of the mass.;Treatment and Outcome-Surgical exploration revealed a large left ovary, a normal-appearing contralateral ovary, and a mass in the fat body, all of which were removed and submitted for histologic examination. The histologic diagnosis was granulosa cell tumor with metastasis to the fat body. The patient died 11 months after evaluation, and disseminated granulosa cell tumor was confirmed at necropsy; histologic examination at that time also identified systemic mastocytosis.;Clinical Relevance-Granulosa cell tumors are uncommon in reptiles, and this was the first granulosa cell tumor described antemortem cytologically, histologically, and ultrastructurally in an iguana. Findings in this iguana underscored concerns associated with incomplete oophorectomy of iguanas; cytologic and histopathologic findings were similar to those observed in other domestic animals. Oophorectomy should be considered as an alternative to standard ovariosalpingectomy to avoid potential complications in pet reptiles, and use of microsurgical instruments and vascular clips is advised. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011239:237-242)


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Pelvic limb lameness that was localized clinically to the lateral gastrocnemius head was observed in dogs without history of trauma. The aim of this retrospective study was to describe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of this condition. Nine dogs were identified, eight Border Collies and one Australian Shepherd. They all had chronic pelvic limb lameness; no signs of joint effusion or instability were present. In MR images there was high signal intensity in the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle around the sesamoid bone in T2-weighted, T2*-weighted, and STIR images and an iso- to mildly hyperintense signal in T1-weighted images with marked contrast enhancement. The abnormal signal intensity most likely represents a myotendinous strain. The breed affiliation to Border Collies is striking, and a relation to biomechanical forces or motion pattern may be possible. Except for the dog with the most extensive lesion all dogs had an excellent outcome.


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An expert multidisciplinary panel in the treatment of type B aortic dissection reviewed available literature to develop treatment algorithms using a consensus method. Data from 63 studies published from 2006 to 2012 were retrieved for a total of 1,548 patients treated medically, 1,706 patients who underwent open surgery, and 3,457 patients who underwent thoracic endovascular repair (TEVAR). For acute (first 2 weeks) type B aortic dissection, the pooled early mortality rate was 6.4% with medical treatment and increased to 10.2% with TEVAR and 17.5% with open surgery, mostly for complicated cases. Limited data for treatment of subacute (2 to 6 weeks after onset) type B aortic dissection showed an early mortality rate of 2.8% with TEVAR. In chronic (after 6 weeks) type B aortic dissection, 5-year survival of 60% to 80% was expected with medical therapy because complications were likely. If interventional treatment was applied, the pooled early mortality rate was 6.6% with TEVAR and 8.0% with open surgery. Medical treatment of uncomplicated acute, subacute, and chronic type B aortic dissection is managed with close image monitoring. Hemodynamic instability, organ malperfusion, increasing periaortic hematoma, and hemorrhagic pleural effusion on imaging identify patients with complicated acute type B aortic dissection requiring urgent aortic repair. Recurrence of symptoms, aortic aneurysmal dilation (>55 mm), or a yearly increase of >4 mm after the acute phase are predictors of adverse outcome and need for delayed aortic repair ("complicated chronic aortic dissections"). The expert panel is aware that this consensus document provides proposal for strategies based on nonrobust evidence for management of type B aortic dissection, and that literature results were largely heterogeneous and should be interpreted cautiously.


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Exaggerated renal sodium retention with concomitant potassium loss is a hallmark of cirrhosis and contributes to the accumulation of fluid as ascites, pleural effusion, or edema. This apparent mineralocorticoid effect is only partially explained by increased aldosterone concentrations. I present evidence supporting the hypothesis that cortisol confers mineralocorticoid action in cirrhosis. The underlying molecular pathology for this mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activation by cortisol is a reduced activity of the 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, an enzyme protecting the MR from promiscuous activation by cortisol in healthy mammalians.


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OBJECTIVE: Postmortem examination of chest trauma is an important domain in forensic medicine, which is today performed using autopsy. Since the implementation of cross-sectional imaging methods in forensic medicine such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a number of advantages in comparison with autopsy have been described. Within the scope of validation of cross-sectional radiology in forensic medicine, the comparison of findings of postmortem imaging and autopsy in chest trauma was performed. METHODS: This retrospective study includes 24 cases with chest trauma that underwent postmortem CT, MRI, and autopsy. Two board-certified radiologists, blind to the autopsy findings, evaluated the radiologic data independently. Each radiologist interpreted postmortem CT and MRI data together for every case. The comparison of the results of the radiologic assessment with the autopsy and a calculation of interobserver discrepancy was performed. RESULTS: Using combined CT and MRI, between 75% and 100% of the investigated findings, except for hemomediastinum (70%), diaphragmatic ruptures (50%; n=2) and heart injury (38%), were discovered. Although the sensitivity and specificity regarding pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, and pericardial effusion were not calculated, as these findings were not mentioned at the autopsy, these findings were clearly seen radiologically. The averaged interobserver concordance was 90%. CONCLUSION: The sensitivity and specificity of our results demonstrate that postmortem CT and MRI are useful diagnostic methods for assessing chest trauma in forensic medicine as a supplement to autopsy. Further radiologic-pathologic case studies are necessary to define the role of postmortem CT and MRI as a single examination modality.


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Umbilical venous catheters allow rapid central access in neonates, but may be associated with various complications. We present a case of a newborn with pericardial effusion following umbilical venous catheterization. An extremely low birth weight infant was intubated for respiratory distress syndrome and had umbilical venous and arterial lines in place. Massive cardiomegaly was noted on the subsequent chest X-ray. Echocardiography revealed a large pericardial effusion without signs of tamponade. After removing the catheter, the effusion gradually resolved. While pericardial effusion is a well-known complication of percutaneous long central lines, only a few case reports have documented sudden cardiovascular compromise associated with umbilical venous catheters. Pericardial effusion may be asymptomatic and should be suspected in infants with central catheters and progressive cardiomegaly. The prompt removal of catheters and, if signs of cardiac tamponade are present, emergency pericardiocentesis may prove to be life-saving.


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BACKGROUND: Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a lung malformation characterized by nonfunctioning lung tissue without primary communication with the tracheobronchial tree. Intrauterine complications such as mediastinal shift, pleural effusion or fetal hydrothorax can be present. We present the case of a newborn with bilateral intralobar pulmonary sequestration. METHODS: Prenatal ultrasonography in a primigravida at 20 weeks of gestation revealed echogenic masses in the right fetal hemithorax with mediastinal shift towards the left side. Serial ultrasound confirmed persistence of the lesion with otherwise appropriate fetal development. Delivery was uneventful and physical examination revealed an isolated intermittent tachypnea. Chest CT scan and CT angiography showed a bilateral intrathoracic lesion with arterial supply from the aorta. Baby lung function testing suggested possible multiple functional compartments. RESULTS: Right and left thoracotomy was performed at the age of 7 months. A bilateral intralobar sequestration with vascularisation from the aorta was resected. Pathological and histological examination of the resected tissue confirmed the surgical diagnosis. At the age of 24 months, the child was doing well without pulmonary complications. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral pulmonary sequestration requires intensive prenatal and postnatal surveillance. Though given the fact of a bilateral pulmonary sequestration, postnatal outcome showed similar favourable characteristics to an unilateral presentation. Baby lung function testing could provide additional information for optimal postnatal management and timing of surgical intervention.


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Volcán de Colima has been continuously erupting since the onset of dome growth in 1998. This period of unrest has had 4 prominent periods; 1998-1999, 2003, 2004-2005, and the current dome growth that began in February of 2007. Each of these episodes was marked by lava extrusion forming a dome and lava flows, followed by explosions that destroyed the dome. The Correlation Spectrometer (COSPEC) was used to determine SO2 emission rates on 164 days from May 2003 to February 2007, using both stationary ground based scans and some flight traverses. Scans were separated into the categories of explosive degassing and passive, or background degassing. These scans show variation in the SO2 flow rate from below detection limit (~3 t/d depending on environmental conditions) during background, passive emissions to a peak of 2949 t/d (34 kilograms/second) during an explosion on 9 October, 2004. Both passive and explosive degassing increased when there was lava extrusion in 2004 and with the increased explosive activity in 2005. These two different processes of degassing wax with each other when activity increases and wane together as well, indicating a parallel cyclicity in the volcanic eruption and degassing rates, where the conduit partially seals (pressurizes) between explosions. Colima’s gas and eruptive behavior is compared to similar systems such as Santiaguito and Soufrière Hills, Montserrat. About 2/3 of Colima’s SO2 degassing, amounting to 1.3 x 105 tonnes in 3.74 yrs has come in short lived small (VEI=0-1) vertical explosions that occurred at the rate of 100-3000explosions/ month, and the remaining third has occured in continuous passive degassing. Colima emits sulfur at a rate equivalent to about 0.04 to 0.08 wt % S, similar to other andesitic convergent plate boundary volcanoes. There has been an explosive destruction of the dome in every cycle for that past 5 years, and it is assumed that the current dome which began growth in February, 2007 (just at the end of this study) will be destroyed. Higher emission rates seen in the quiescence of 2006 may have eased the pressure at the time, resulting in the slow effusion of the current dome and lack of explosivity.