992 resultados para drying parameters


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Management of nanopowder and reactive plasma parameters in a low-pressure RF glow discharge in silane is studied. It is shown that the discharge control parameters and reactor volume can be adjusted to ensure lower abundance of nanopowders, which is one of the requirements of the plasma-assisted fabrication of low-dimensional quantum nanostructures. The results are relevant to micro- and nanomanufacturing technologies employing low-pressure glow discharge plasmas of silane-based gas mixtures.


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The equilibrium profiles of the plasma parameters of large-area if discharges in a finite-length metal-shielded dielectric cylinder are computed using a two-dimensional fluid code. The rf power is coupled to the plasma through edge-localized surface waves traveling in the azimuthal direction along the plasma edge. It is shown that self-consistent accounting for axial plasma diffusion and radial nonuniformity of the electron temperature can explain the frequently reported deviations of experimentally measured radial density profiles from that of the conventional linear diffusion models. The simulation results are in a good agreement with existing experimental data obtained from surface-wave sustained large-diameter plasmas. © 2002 The American Physical Society.


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This paper presents a comprehensive numerical procedure to treat the blast response of laminated glass (LG) panels and studies the influence of important material parameters. Post-crack behaviour of the LG panel and the contribution of the interlayer towards blast resistance are treated. Modelling techniques are validated by comparing with existing experimental results. Findings indicate that the tensile strength of glass considerably influences the blast response of LG panels while the interlayer material properties have a major impact on the response under higher blast loads. Initially, glass panes absorb most of the blast energy, but after the glass breaks, interlayer deforms further and absorbs most of the blast energy. LG panels should be designed to fail by tearing of the interlayer rather than failure at the supports to achieve a desired level of protection. From this aspect, material properties of glass, interlayer and sealant joints play important roles, but unfortunately they are not accounted for in the current design standards. The new information generated in this paper will enhance the capabilities of engineers to better design LG panels under blast loads and use better materials to improve the blast response of LG panels.


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A new source of low-frequency (0.46 MHz) inductively coupled plasmas sustained by the internal planar "unidirectional" RF current driven through a specially designed internal antenna configuration has been developed. The experimental results of the investigation of the optical and global argon plasma parameters by the optical and Langmuir probes are presented. It is shown that the spatial profiles of the electron density, the effective electron temperature and plasma potential feature a great deal of the radial and axial uniformity compared with conventional sources of inductively coupled plasmas with external at coil configurations. The measurements also reveal a weak azimuthal dependence of the global plasma parameters at low values of the input RF power, which was earlier predicted theoretically. The azimuthal dependence of the global plasma parameters vanishes at high input RF powers. Moreover, under certain conditions, the plasma becomes unstable due to spontaneous transitions between low-density (electrostatic, E) and high-density (electromagnetic, H) operating modes. Excellent uniformity of high-density plasmas makes the plasma reactor promising for various plasma processing applications and surface engineering.


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Drying is a key processing techniques used in food engineering which demands continual developments on advanced analysis techniques in order to optimize the product and the process. In this regard, plant based materials are a frequent subject of interest where microstructural studies can provide a clearer understanding on the fundamental physical mechanisms involved. In this context, considering numerous challenges of using conventional numerical grid-based modelling techniques, a meshfree particle based model was developed to simulate extreme deformations of plant microstructure during drying. The proposed technique is based on a particle based meshfree method: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and a Discrete Element Method (DEM). A tissue model was developed by aggrading individual cells modelled with SPH-DEM coupled approach by initializing the cells as hexagons and aggregating them to form a tissue. The model also involves a middle lamella resembling real tissues. Using the model, different dried tissue states were simulated with different moisture content, the turgor pressure, and cell wall contraction effects. Compared to the state of the art grid-based microscale plant tissue drying models, the proposed model is capable of simulating plant tissues at lower moisture contents which results in excessive shrinkage and cell wall wrinkling. Model predictions were compared with experimental findings and a fairly good agreement was observed both qualitatively and quantitatively.


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Cells are the fundamental building block of plant based food materials and many of the food processing born structural changes can fundamentally be derived as a function of the deformations of the cellular structure. In food dehydration the bulk level changes in porosity, density and shrinkage can be better explained using cellular level deformations initiated by the moisture removal from the cellular fluid. A novel approach is used in this research to model the cell fluid with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and cell walls with Discrete Element Methods (DEM), that are fundamentally known to be robust in treating complex fluid and solid mechanics. High Performance Computing (HPC) is used for the computations due to its computing advantages. Comparing with the deficiencies of the state of the art drying models, the current model is found to be robust in replicating drying mechanics of plant based food materials in microscale.


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Failures on rolling element bearings usually originate from cracks that are detectable even in their early stage of propogation by properly analyzing vibration signals measured in the proximity of the bearing. Due to micro-slipping in the roller-races contact, damage-induced vibration signals belong to the family of quasi-periodic signals with a strong second order cyclostationary component. Cyclic coherence and its integrated form are widely considered as the most suitable tools for bearing fault diagnostics and their theoretical bases have been already consolidated. This paper presents how to correctly set the parameters of the cyclostationary analysis tool to be implemented in an automatable algorithm. In the first part of the paper some general guidelines are provided for the specific application. These considerations are further verified, applying cyclostationary tools to data collected in an experimental campaign on a specific test-rig.


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AIMS The aims of the study are to characterize changes in JK-1 (FAM134B) at the DNA level in colorectal adenocarcinoma and adenoma and exploring the possible correlations with clinical and pathological features. METHOD JK-1 gene DNA copy number changes were studied in 211 colorectal carcinomas, 32 colorectal adenoma and 20 colorectal non-cancer colorectal tissue samples by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The results were correlated with clinical and pathological parameters. RESULTS Colorectal adenomas were more likely to be amplified than deleted with regard to JK-1 (FAM134B) DNA copy number change. The copy number level of JK-1 (FAM134B) DNA in colorectal adenocarcinomas was significantly lower in comparison to colorectal adenomas. Changes in JK-1 (FAM134B) DNA copy number were associated with histological subtypes, and cancer stage. Lower copy numbers were associated with higher tumor stage, lymph node stage and overall pathological stage of cancer. Conversely, higher DNA copy numbers were detected more often in the mucinous adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSIONS This is the first study showing significant correlations of the JK-1 (FAM134B) gene copy number alterations with clinical and pathological features in a large cohort of pre-invasive and invasive colorectal malignancies. The changes in DNA copy number associated with progression of colorectal malignancies reflect that JK-1 (FAM134B) gene could play a role in controlling some steps in development of the invasive phenotypes.


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Large arrays and networks of carbon nanotubes, both single- and multi-walled, feature many superior properties which offer excellent opportunities for various modern applications ranging from nanoelectronics, supercapacitors, photovoltaic cells, energy storage and conversation devices, to gas- and biosensors, nanomechanical and biomedical devices etc. At present, arrays and networks of carbon nanotubes are mainly fabricated from the pre-fabricated separated nanotubes by solution-based techniques. However, the intrinsic structure of the nanotubes (mainly, the level of the structural defects) which are required for the best performance in the nanotube-based applications, are often damaged during the array/network fabrication by surfactants, chemicals, and sonication involved in the process. As a result, the performance of the functional devices may be significantly degraded. In contrast, directly synthesized nanotube arrays/networks can preclude the adverse effects of the solution-based process and largely preserve the excellent properties of the pristine nanotubes. Owing to its advantages of scale-up production and precise positioning of the grown nanotubes, catalytic and catalyst-free chemical vapor depositions (CVD), as well as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) are the methods most promising for the direct synthesis of the nanotubes.


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Mutation of the BRAF gene is common in thyroid cancer. Follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma is a variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma that has created continuous diagnostic controversies among pathologists. The aims of this study are to (1) investigate whether follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma has a different pattern of BRAF mutation than conventional papillary thyroid carcinoma in a large cohort of patients with typical features of follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma and (2) to study the relationship of clinicopathological features of papillary thyroid carcinomas with BRAF mutation. Tissue blocks from 76 patients with diagnostic features of papillary thyroid carcinomas (40 with conventional type and 36 with follicular variant) were included in the study. From these, DNA was extracted and BRAF V600E mutations were detected by polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction enzyme digestion and sequencing of exon 15. Analysis of the data indicated that BRAF V600E mutation is significantly more common in conventional papillary thyroid carcinoma (58% versus 31%, P = .022). Furthermore, the mutation was often noted in female patients (P = .017), in high-stage cancers (P = .034), and in tumors with mild lymphocytic thyroiditis (P = .006). We concluded that follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma differs from conventional papillary thyroid carcinoma in the rate of BRAF mutation. The results of this study add further information indicating that mutations in BRAF play a role in thyroid cancer development and progression.


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A single plant cell was modeled with smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and a discrete element method (DEM) to study the basic micromechanics that govern the cellular structural deformations during drying. This two-dimensional particle-based model consists of two components: a cell fluid model and a cell wall model. The cell fluid was approximated to a highly viscous Newtonian fluid and modeled with SPH. The cell wall was treated as a stiff semi-permeable solid membrane with visco-elastic properties and modeled as a neo-Hookean solid material using a DEM. Compared to existing meshfree particle-based plant cell models, we have specifically introduced cell wall–fluid attraction forces and cell wall bending stiffness effects to address the critical shrinkage characteristics of the plant cells during drying. Also, a moisture domain-based novel approach was used to simulate drying mechanisms within the particle scheme. The model performance was found to be mainly influenced by the particle resolution, initial gap between the outermost fluid particles and wall particles and number of particles in the SPH influence domain. A higher order smoothing kernel was used with adaptive smoothing length to improve the stability and accuracy of the model. Cell deformations at different states of cell dryness were qualitatively and quantitatively compared with microscopic experimental findings on apple cells and a fairly good agreement was observed with some exceptions. The wall–fluid attraction forces and cell wall bending stiffness were found to be significantly improving the model predictions. A detailed sensitivity analysis was also done to further investigate the influence of wall–fluid attraction forces, cell wall bending stiffness, cell wall stiffness and the particle resolution. This novel meshfree based modeling approach is highly applicable for cellular level deformation studies of plant food materials during drying, which characterize large deformations.


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Sewer main chokes (blockages) are a key performance indicator for Australian water utilities. Blockages caused by tree roots often result in wastewater overflow posing an environmental and health risk and also requiring service interruptions to repair asset. The purpose of the research project outlined in this paper was to understand the role of environmental parameters, in particular soil type and tree density, in determining the propensity of a sewer to become blocked. The paper demonstrates the application of spatial analysis to inform and communicate the results of the analysis. GIS was used to explore the relationship between tree density and previously recorded sewer blockages for a Melbourne utility. Initial results from the research reveal a relationship between increased tree densities and occurrence of sewer blockages. An improved understanding of the influence of environmental parameters on the inherent risk of sewer blockage will enable asset managers to identify those assets requiring proactive management in order to minimise service interruptions, repairs and environmental impacts.


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Commercially viable carbon–neutral biodiesel production from microalgae has potential for replacing depleting petroleum diesel. The process of biodiesel production from microalgae involves harvesting, drying and extraction of lipids which are energy- and cost-intensive processes. The development of effective large-scale lipid extraction processes which overcome the complexity of microalgae cell structure is considered one of the most vital requirements for commercial production. Thus the aim of this work was to investigate suitable extraction methods with optimised conditions to progress opportunities for sustainable microalgal biodiesel production. In this study, the green microalgal species consortium, Tarong polyculture was used to investigate lipid extraction with hexane (solvent) under high pressure and variable temperature and biomass moisture conditions using an Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) method. The performance of high pressure solvent extraction was examined over a range of different process and sample conditions (dry biomass to water ratios (DBWRs): 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% and temperatures from 70 to 120 ºC, process time 5–15 min). Maximum total lipid yields were achieved at 50% and 75% sample dryness at temperatures of 90–120 ºC. We show that individual fatty acids (Palmitic acid C16:0; Stearic acid C18:0; Oleic acid C18:1; Linolenic acid C18:3) extraction optima are influenced by temperature and sample dryness, consequently affecting microalgal biodiesel quality parameters. Higher heating values and kinematic viscosity were compliant with biodiesel quality standards under all extraction conditions used. Our results indicate that biodiesel quality can be positively manipulated by selecting process extraction conditions that favour extraction of saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids over optimal extraction conditions for polyunsaturated fatty acids, yielding positive effects on cetane number and iodine values. Exceeding biodiesel standards for these two parameters opens blending opportunities with biodiesels that fall outside the minimal cetane and maximal iodine values.


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Plant food materials have a very high demand in the consumer market and therefore, improved food products and efficient processing techniques are concurrently being researched in food engineering. In this context, numerical modelling and simulation techniques have a very high potential to reveal fundamentals of the underlying mechanisms involved. However, numerical modelling of plant food materials during drying becomes quite challenging, mainly due to the complexity of the multiphase microstructure of the material, which undergoes excessive deformations during drying. In this regard, conventional grid-based modelling techniques have limited applicability due to their inflexible grid-based fundamental limitations. As a result, meshfree methods have recently been developed which offer a more adaptable approach to problem domains of this nature, due to their fundamental grid-free advantages. In this work, a recently developed meshfree based two-dimensional plant tissue model is used for a comparative study of microscale morphological changes of several food materials during drying. The model involves Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) to represent fluid and solid phases of the cellular structure. Simulation are conducted on apple, potato, carrot and grape tissues and the results are qualitatively and quantitatively compared and related with experimental findings obtained from the literature. The study revealed that cellular deformations are highly sensitive to cell dimensions, cell wall physical and mechanical properties, middle lamella properties and turgor pressure. In particular, the meshfree model is well capable of simulating critically dried tissues at lower moisture content and turgor pressure, which lead to cell wall wrinkling. The findings further highlighted the potential applicability of the meshfree approach to model large deformations of the plant tissue microstructure during drying, providing a distinct advantage over the state of the art grid-based approaches.