970 resultados para disaster management


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This study presents an overview of seismic microzonation and existing methodologies with a newly proposed methodology covering all aspects. Earlier seismic microzonation methods focused on parameters that affect the structure or foundation related problems. But seismic microzonation has generally been recognized as an important component of urban planning and disaster management. So seismic microzonation should evaluate all possible hazards due to earthquake and represent the same by spatial distribution. This paper presents a new methodology for seismic microzonation which has been generated based on location of study area and possible associated hazards. This new method consists of seven important steps with defined output for each step and these steps are linked with each other. Addressing one step and respective result may not be seismic microzonation, which is practiced widely. This paper also presents importance of geotechnical aspects in seismic microzonation and how geotechnical aspects affect the final map. For the case study, seismic hazard values at rock level are estimated considering the seismotectonic parameters of the region using deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Surface level hazard values are estimated considering site specific study and local site effects based on site classification/characterization. The liquefaction hazard is estimated using standard penetration test data. These hazard parameters are integrated in Geographical Information System (GIS) using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and used to estimate hazard index. Hazard index is arrived by following a multi-criteria evaluation technique - AHP, in which each theme and features have been assigned weights and then ranked respectively according to a consensus opinion about their relative significance to the seismic hazard. The hazard values are integrated through spatial union to obtain the deterministic microzonation map and probabilistic microzonation map for a specific return period. Seismological parameters are widely used for microzonation rather than geotechnical parameters. But studies show that the hazard index values are based on site specific geotechnical parameters.


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Wireless Sensor Networks have gained popularity due to their real time applications and low-cost nature. These networks provide solutions to scenarios that are critical, complicated and sensitive like military fields, habitat monitoring, and disaster management. The nodes in wireless sensor networks are highly resource constrained. Routing protocols are designed to make efficient utilization of the available resources in communicating a message from source to destination. In addition to the resource management, the trustworthiness of neighboring nodes or forwarding nodes and the energy level of the nodes to keep the network alive for longer duration is to be considered. This paper proposes a QoS Aware Trust Metric based Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks. The proposed framework safeguards a wireless sensor network from intruders by considering the trustworthiness of the forwarder node at every stage of multi-hop routing. Increases network lifetime by considering the energy level of the node, prevents the adversary from tracing the route from source to destination by providing path variation. The framework is built on NS2 Simulator. Experimental results show that the framework provides energy balance through establishment of trustworthy paths from the source to the destination. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The goal of this work was developing a query processing system using software agents. Open Agent Architecture framework is used for system development. The system supports queries in both Hindi and Malayalam; two prominent regional languages of India. Natural language processing techniques are used for meaning extraction from the plain query and information from database is given back to the user in his native language. The system architecture is designed in a structured way that it can be adapted to other regional languages of India. . This system can be effectively used in application areas like e-governance, agriculture, rural health, education, national resource planning, disaster management, information kiosks etc where people from all walks of life are involved.


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Agent based simulation is a widely developing area in artificial intelligence.The simulation studies are extensively used in different areas of disaster management. This work deals with the study of an agent based evacuation simulation which is being done to handle the various evacuation behaviors.Various emergent behaviors of agents are addressed here. Dynamic grouping behaviors of agents are studied. Collision detection and obstacle avoidances are also incorporated in this approach.Evacuation is studied with single exits and multiple exits and efficiency is measured in terms of evacuation rate, collision rate etc.Net logo is the tool used which helps in the efficient modeling of scenarios in evacuation


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La presente investigación diagnóstica tiene como propósito responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Que tan preparada se encuentra Bogotá D.C., para afrontar la materialización de un fenómeno natural, como lo es un terremoto? Y ¿Es lo suficientemente eficaz para garantizar la seguridad, la gobernabilidad y la estabilidad socioeconómica de sus habitantes?.


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Este trabajo pretende mostrar el manejo que le da la comunidad internacional a los desastres naturales, a partir del envío de cooperación humanitaria y de emergencia. Para ello se realizó un estudio de caso de Japón y la ayuda que recibió luego del terremoto y tsunami del 11 de marzo de 2011. Esta tesis está dividida en 4 partes: el primer capítulo está dedicado a Japón, en este se pretende mostrar la vulnerabilidad del país frente a los desastres y los problemas que afrontó luego de la emergencia. El segundo capítulo está dedicado a la cooperación humanitaria y de emergencia, mostrando las distintas estrategias en esta materia que tienen los actores de la comunidad internacional. En el tercer capítulo se muestra el tipo de ayuda humanitaria que se envió a Japón por parte de la comunidad internacional frente a las principales necesidades y problemas de su población. Finalmente se establecen una serie de conclusiones que muestran como se dio el envío de la ayuda, si esta fue oportuna y si el manejo que dio el gobierno de Japón fue el adecuado.


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Luego del terremoto ocurrido en Haití en enero de 2010, el país quedo sumido en una inestable situación social, que requirió la ayuda de la comunidad internacional y de importantes organizaciones internacionales como Naciones Unidas y sus organismos especializados para salir de la difícil situación. Por medio de esta tesis se analiza el actuar de UNICEF y PNUD en el mejoramiento social de Haití después del terremoto, evaluando que tan positivos fueron sus programas de ayuda en la consecución de bienestar social para sus habitantes, pasando por las limitaciones que debieron enfrentar y los ámbitos en los que no se lograron las mejoras necesarias, partiendo de la hipótesis que las acciones de estos organismos especializados evidenciaron una capacidad limitada para cumplir con los objetivos propuestos.


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Las bases de datos geoespaciales temáticas en distintas escalas geográficas y temporales, son necesarias en multitud de líneas de investigación. Una de ellas es la gestión y alerta temprana de riesgos de desastres por amenazas naturales (inundaciones, huracanes, terremotos, etc.). Las noticias sobre éste tema se publican habitualmente en periódicos digitales de todo el mundo y comportan un alto contenido geográfico. Este trabajo pretende extraer automáticamente las noticias emitidas por canales de re-difusión web (conocidos por las siglas RSS en inglés) para georreferenciarlas, almacenarlas y distribuirlas como datos geoespaciales. Mediante técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural y consultas a bases de datos de topónimos realizaremos la extracción de la información. El caso de estudio se aplicará para México y todos los componentes utilizados serán de código abierto


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In the aftermath of earthquakes, tsunamis, such as the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami, caused enormous damage around the world. With the extreme disaster events of the past, nations improved disaster preparedness and response through sensors and tsunami early warning systems. Even with system usage, however, governments still need to warn the targeted citizens – who may be anywhere within the vulnerable areas – of predicted tsunami and ordered mass evacuations within a very limited lead time. While social media research is on the rise outside the domain of social networking, very little is written about Twitter use for tsunami early warning. In this research, therefore, we examined the utility of Twitter as a tsunami early warning network, which engages citizens and disaster management agencies in diffusing disaster information. We conducted a social network analysis of Twitter information flows among the central disaster warning agency’s Twitter followers during the 2012 Indonesia Earthquake.


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Little is known about nurses' direct experiences of ethical preparedness for dealing with catastrophic public health emergencies and healthcare disasters or the ethical quandaries that may arise during such events. A systematic literature review was undertaken to explore and synthesize qualitative research literature reporting nurses' direct experiences of being prepared for and managing the ethical challenges posed by catastrophic public health emergencies and healthcare disasters. Twenty-six research studies were retrieved for detailed examination and assessed by two independent reviewers for methodological validity prior to inclusion in the review. Of these, 12 studies published between 1973 and 2011 were deemed to meet the inclusion criteria and were critically appraised. The review confirmed there is a significant gap in the literature on nurses' experiences of ethical preparedness for managing public health emergencies and healthcare disasters, and the ethical quandaries they encounter during such events. This finding highlights the need for ethical considerations in emergency planning, preparedness, and response by nurses to be given more focused attention in the interests of better informing the ethical basis of emergency disaster management.


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Bevaola Kusumasari is an Indonesian who studied at Monash University in 2008-2012. She studied on an Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) and completed a PhD in Disaster Management. The interview was conducted in English on 28 May 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary, and a photograph.


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The increase in the number of natural disasters, as well as their social and economic effects, in recent years, has raised a larger collection, by the media, population and control organs, in the members of the Civil Defense system on the reduction of their effects on society, given that the same has been increasingly overwhelming. To this end, the research analyzes the screen because of the Civil Defense system, historically, have focused their actions, programs and public policies on disaster management, i.e. in the response and recovery at the expense of disaster risk management, i.e. on prevention, preparedness and mitigation of the same, given that the same cannot be avoided, but its effects Yes decreased.This arrangement is studied from the literature review, interviews and field visits. Thus, it was found that the resposabilização ratio and Reduction of risk of disasters that the higher the enforcement and accountability greater and consistent are the number of actions, programmes and public policies aimed at prevention, preparedness and mitigation, i.e. for disaster risk reduction management.


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Steep slopes in subtropical zones are always at risk from landslides. The risk greatly increases when there is rapid, unplanned urban growth. This has happened at Ubatuba on the Brazilian coast - tourism-related development has forced local people into narrow valleys with steep slopes. In this article the authors describe how the hazard risk can be mapped, helping the local authorities to control the problem.