987 resultados para designation


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Many cell types have no known functional attributes. In the bladder and prostate, basal epithelial and stromal cells appear similar in cytomorphology and share several cell surface markers. Their total gene expression (transcriptome) should provide a clear measure of the extent to which they are alike functionally. Since urologic stromal cells are known to mediate organ-specific tissue formation, these cells in cancers might exhibit aberrant gene expression affecting their function. For transcriptomes, cluster designation (CD) antigens have been identified for cell sorting. The sorted cell populations can be analyzed by DNA microarrays. Various bladder cell types have unique complements of CD molecules. CD9(+) urothelial, CD104(+) basal and CD13(+) stromal cells of the lamina propria were therefore analyzed, as were CD9(+) cancer and CD13(+) cancer-associated stromal cells. The transcriptome datasets were compared by principal components analysis for relatedness between cell types; those with similarity in gene expression indicated similar function. Although bladder and prostate basal cells shared CD markers such as CD104, CD44 and CD49f, they differed in overall gene expression. Basal cells also lacked stem cell gene expression. The bladder luminal and stromal transcriptomes were distinct from their prostate counterparts. In bladder cancer, not only the urothelial but also the stromal cells showed gene expression alteration. The cancer process in both might thus involve defective stromal signaling. These cell-type transcriptomes provide a means to monitor in vitro models in which various CD-isolated cell types can be combined to study bladder differentiation and bladder tumor development based on cell-cell interaction.


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The Diptera collection of the Natural History Museum Berlin holds one of the most important collections of Neriidae. In this paper, the type specimens (holotypes, lectotypes, paratypes, paralectotypes, syntypes) of this historical collection are listed. 28 species-group taxa are dealt with. A lectotype designation is made for the species Brachantichir purpusianus Enderlein, 1922 in order to fix the identity of the name. Holotypes are recognized by monotypy of the species Chaetomeristes bullatus Enderlein, 1922; Chaetomeristes peruanus Enderlein, 1922; Derocephalus angusticollis Enderlein, 1922; Glyphidops limbatus Enderlein, 1922; Longina abdominalis Wiedemann, 1830; Loxozus clavicornis Enderlein, 1922; Oncopsia mexicana Enderlein, 1922; Paranerius fibulatus Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus dahli Enderlein, 1922; Telostylus latibrachium Enderlein, 1922; and Telostylinus luridus Enderlein, 1922. Syntypes are labelled and listed for Brachantichir robusta Enderlein, 1922; Nerius terebratus Enderlein, 1922; Odontoloxozus punctulatus Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus apicalis Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus obscuratus Enderlein, 1922; and Telostylinus ornatipennis Enderlein, 1922. The account concludes with geographic and taxonomic summaries; an appendix listing the abbreviations, localities, and collectors cited in the text; and a bibliography. ((c) 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


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Biodiesel production has received considerable attention in the recent past as a nonpolluting fuel. However, this assertion has been based on its biodegradability and reduction in exhaust emissions. Assessments of water and soil biodiesel pollution are still limited. Spill simulation with biodiesel and their diesel blends in soils were carried out, aiming at analyzing their cytotoxic and genotoxic potentials. While the cytotoxicity observed may be related to diesel contaminants, the genotoxic and mutagenic effects can be ascribed to biodiesel pollutants. Thus, taking into account that our data stressed harmful effects on organisms exposed to biodiesel-polluted soils, the designation of this biofuel as an environmental-friendly fuel should be carefully reviewed to assure environmental quality. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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South American subterranean rodents (Ctenomys aff. knighti), commonly known as tuco-tucos, display nocturnal, wheel-running behavior under light-dark (LD) conditions, and free-running periods >24 h in constant darkness (DD). However, several reports in the field suggested that a substantial amount of activity occurs during daylight hours, leading us to question whether circadian entrainment in the laboratory accurately reflects behavior in natural conditions. We compared circadian patterns of locomotor activity in DD of animals previously entrained to full laboratory LD cycles (LD12:12) with those of animals that were trapped directly from the field. In both cases, activity onsets in DD immediately reflected the previous dark onset or sundown. Furthermore, freerunning periods upon release into DD were close to 24 h indicating aftereffects of prior entrainment, similarly in both conditions. No difference was detected in the phase of activity measured with and without access to a running wheel. However, when individuals were observed continuously during daylight hours in a semi-natural enclosure, they emerged above-ground on a daily basis. These day-time activities consisted of foraging and burrow maintenance, suggesting that the designation of this species as nocturnal might be inaccurate in the field. Our study of a solitary subterranean species suggests that the circadian clock is entrained similarly under field and laboratory conditions and that day-time activity expressed only in the field is required for foraging and may not be time-dictated by the circadian pacemaker.


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The designation of biodiesel as an environmental-friendly alternative to diesel oil has improved its commercialization and use. However, most biodiesel environmental safety studies refer to air pollution and so far there have been very few literature data about its impacts upon other biotic systems, e.g. water, and exposed organisms. Spill simulations in water were carried out with neat diesel and biodiesel and their blends aiming at assessing their genotoxic potentials should there be contaminations of water systems. The water soluble fractions (WSF) from the spill simulations were submitted to solid phase extraction with C-18 cartridge and the extracts obtained were evaluated carrying out genotoxic and mutagenic bioassays [the Salmonella assay and the in vitro MicroFlow (R) kit (Litron) assay]. Mutagenic and genotoxic effects were observed, respectively, in the Salmonella/microsome preincubation assay and the in vitro MN test carried out with the biodiesel WSF. This interesting result may be related to the presence of pollutants in biodiesel derived from the raw material source used in its production chain. The data showed that care while using biodiesel should be taken to avoid harmful effects on living organisms in cases of water pollution. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Inclusive business is a term currently used to explain the organizations that aim to solve social problems with efficiency and financial sustainability by means of market mechanisms. It can be said that inclusive businesses are those targeted at generating employment and income for groups with little or no market mobility, in keeping with the standards of so-called "decent jobs" and in a self-sustaining manner, i.e., generating profit for the enterprises, and establishing relationships with typical business organizations as suppliers of products and services or in the distribution of this type of production. This article discusses the different concepts found in the scientific literature on inclusive businesses. It also analyses data from a survey conducted with the audiences of Social Corporate Responsibility seminars held by FIEMG. This analysis reveals that prospects, risks and idealizations similar to those found in inclusive business theories can also be found among individuals that run social corporate responsibility projects, even if this designation is new for them. The connection between companies and poverty, especially in relation to inclusive businesses, seems full of stumbling blocks and traps in the Brazilian context.


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Über cDNA-Banken und RT-PCR wurden erstmals 15 Intermediärfilament-Proteine (IF-Proteine) des Flussneunauges Lampetra fluviatilis (Agnatha, kieferlose Wirbeltiere) kloniert und sequenziert: drei Typ I-Keratine, vier Typ II-Keratine, fünf keratinartige IF-Proteine (drei Kγ, zwei Kα), die Typ III-Proteine Vimentin und Desmin sowie ein Typ IV-Neurofilament-Protein (NF).Die IF-Proteine wurden aus verschiedenen Organen isoliert und durch zweidimensionale Polyacrylamid-Gelelektrophorese (2D-PAGE) aufgetrennt. Biochemische sowie massenspektrometrische Analysen anhand der 2D-PAGE ermöglichten in Kombination mit den Sequenzdaten die Identifizierung von Vimentin, Desmin sowie aller sequenzierten Keratine bis auf zwei der fünf Kα/Kγ-Proteine. Die meisten Keratine ließen sich darüber hinaus in die Kategorien „E“ (von „epidermal“) und „S“ (von „simple epithelial“) einteilen.Von den sequenzierten Keratinen ist das IIS-Keratin K8 wahrscheinlich ortholog zu den bekannten K8-Sequenzen höherer Vertebraten. Die Bezeichnung K18 für das einzige IS-Keratin des Neunauges in Anlehnung an das IS-Keratin K18 des Menschen basiert auf der stets beobachteten Koexpression mit K8 in einfachen Epithelien.Die Sequenz des Neunaugen-Vimentins zeigt große Übereinstimmungen mit den bekannten Desminsequenzen der Vertebraten. Die keratinartigen Proteine Kα und Kγ sind bis jetzt nur von Agnathen (Neunaugen und Schleimaale) bekannt.In molekularen Stammbäumen können K8, K18, Vimentin, Desmin und das NF_L des Neunauges gut als Außengruppe definiert werden.


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This thesis presents SEELF (Sustainable EEL fishery) Index, a methodology for evaluation of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) for the implementation of an effective Eel Management Plan, as defined by EU Regulation No.1100/2007. SEELF uses internal and external indices, age and blood parameters, and selects suitable specimen for restocking; it is also a reliable tool for eel stock management. In fact, SEELF Index, was developed in two versions: SEELF A, to be used in field operations (catch&release, eel status monitoring) and SEELF B to be used for quality control (food production) and research (eel status monitoring). Health status was evaluated also by biomarker analysis (ChE), and data were compared with age of eel. Age determination was performed with otolith reading and fish scale reading and a calibration between the two methods was possible. The study area was the Comacchio lagoon, a brackish coastal lagoon in Italy, well known as an example of suitable environment for eel fishery, where the capability to use the local natural resources has long been a key factor for a successful fishery management. Comacchio lagoon is proposed as an area where an effective EMP can be performed, in agreement with the main features (management of basins, reduction of mortality due to predators,etc.) highlighted for designation of European Restocking Area (ERA). The ERA is a new concept, proposed as a pillar of a new strategy on eel management and conservation. Furthermore, the features of ERAs can be useful in the framework of European Scale Eel Management Plan (ESEMP), proposed as a European scale implementation of EMP, providing a more effectiveness of conservation measures for eel management.


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Questa tesi di dottorato verte sull'individuazione di politiche industriali atte ad implementare il mercato dei prodotti a denominazione di origine. Inevitabilmente, l’analisi economica dei prodotti agroalimentari tipici di qualità implica anche l’approfondimento e l’individuazione, delle problematiche connesse con la creazione di un valore addizionale per il consumatore, rispetto a quello dei prodotti standardizzati. Questo approccio richiama l’attenzione, da una parte, sulle caratteristiche della domanda e sulla disponibilità del consumatore a riconoscere e apprezzare questo plus-valore, dall’altra sulle strategie che l’offerta può attivare per conseguire un premium price rispetto al prodotto standardizzato. Le certificazioni comunitarie Dop, Igp e Stg oltre che il marchio di prodotto biologico racchiudono, solitamente, tali dinamiche valoriali ma sono tutt’oggi poco conosciute dai consumatori. Diversi studi internazionali dimostrano, infatti, che la maggioranza dei cittadini comunitari ignorano il significato delle certificazioni di qualità. L’ipotesi di fondo di questo studio si basa sulla possibilità di fidelizzare questi marchi con i brand della grande distribuzione già affermati, come quello di Coop. Analizzare gli effetti dell’introduzione di prodotti private label a denominazione di origine nel mercato della grande distribuzione organizzata italiana ci permetterebbe di comprendere se questo segmento di mercato può aiutare il settore delle Dop/Igp. Questo studio ha cercato di verificare se il prodotto private label a denominazione di origine, riesca a sfruttare il doppio binario di fiducia rappresentato dal marchio comunitario unito a quello dell’impresa di distribuzione. Per comprendere la propensione del consumatore a spendere di più per questi prodotti, abbiamo utilizzato l’analisi dell’elasticità della domanda sul prezzo dei dati scanner fornitici da Coop Adriatica. Siamo riusciti a dimostrare tale positivo connubio confermato anche da una indagine demoscopica effettuata ad hoc sui consumatori.


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Il settore suinicolo ricopre un ruolo rilevante nel contesto nazionale, con ricadute economiche e sociali di primaria importanza in varie regioni. Tuttavia da alcuni anni il settore si trova in crisi a causa dell’instabilità dei mercati internazionali, dello scarso coordinamento tra gli attori della filiera, della progressiva riduzione della redditività dei prodotti trasformati a Denominazione di Origine, della mancata valorizzazione dei tagli di carne fresca, nonché della difficoltà di aggredire i mercati esteri. Altre criticità riguardano la distribuzione del valore lungo la filiera e la scarsa efficacia delle politiche di coordinamento finora adottate. L'obiettivo della ricerca è quello di identificare gli elementi che possono garantire maggiore equilibrio di potere negoziale tra allevatori suinicoli e macellatori rispetto alla situazione attuale: verificati gli elementi critici che caratterizzano la relazione commerciale tra allevatori e macellatori, si avanzano alcune proposte operative utili al superamento delle fratture tra la componente agricola e quella dei macelli in Emilia Romagna. La struttura della tesi è la seguente: (capitolo 1) si descrive il quadro economico del settore suinicolo a livello internazionale e nazionale. Successivamente (capitolo 2) si passano in rassegna le teorie economiche utili a comprendere le ragioni alla base del malfunzionamento dei rapporti tra gli attori della filiera agroalimentare, mentre nel terzo capitolo è richiamato il quadro normativo comunitario, nazionale e regionale all’interno del quale tali relazioni si configurano. Nel quarto capitolo si elabora un modello interpretativo al fine di spiegare le fratture che oggi contraddistinguono le relazioni in essere tra gli attori della filiera: il “modello delle fratture”. Alla luce di questa concettualizzazione è stata svolta un’indagine diretta svolta presso gli operatori aderenti all’Organizzazione Interprofessionale del Gran Suino Italiano, i cui risultati hanno consentito di valutare l’efficacia del modello interpretativo e di fornire indicazioni migliorative della strategia di governance delle relazioni tra allevatori e macellatori.


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This dissertation is divided into four chapters and combines the study of the European Green Capital Award with a terminology research on small wind turbines, a technical subject in the macro-area of sustainable cities. Chapter I aims at giving an overview of the development of environmental policies and treaties both at the international and European level. Then, after highlighting the crucial role of cities for the global environment, the chapter outlines the urban dimension of the EU environmental policies and defines the vision of a sustainable city promoted by the European Union. Chapter II contains an in-depth analysis of the European Green Capital Award and illustrates its aims, the entire designation process, its communication campaign and its evolution. Chapter III focuses on applicant, finalist and winning cities in order to study the aspect of participation in the competition. It also contains a detailed analysis of two European Green Capitals, i.e. Nantes and Bristol, who respectively won the title in 2013 and 2015. Based on a variety of sources, this chapter examines the successful aspects of their bids and communication campaigns during their year as Green Capitals. Chapter IV presents the terminology research in the field of small wind turbines and the resulting bilingual glossary in English and Italian. The research was carried out using two terminology tools: TranslatorBank and InterpretBank. The former is composed by two software programmes, CorpusCreator and MiniConcordancer DB, which were used to semi-automatically create specialized corpora from the Web and then extract terminology and occurrences of terms from the collected texts. The latter is a software which has been specifically designed for interpreters in order to help them optimize their professional workflow, from gathering information and creating glossaries on a specific subject to the actual interpreting task at a conference. InterpretBank’s tool TermMode was used to create a glossary with term equivalents and additional information such as definitions and the contexts of use.


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Physicians and scientists use a broad spectrum of terms to classify contrast media (CM)-induced adverse reactions. In particular, the designation of hypersensitivity reactions is quite varied. Consequently, comparisons of different papers dealing with this subject are difficult or even impossible. Moreover, general descriptions may lead to problems in understanding reactions in patients with a history of adverse CM-reactions, and in efficiently managing these patients. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to suggest an easy system to clearly classify these reactions. The proposed three-step systems (3SS) is built up as follows: step 1 exactly describes the clinical features, including their severity; step 2 categorizes the time point of the onset (immediate or nonimmediate); and step 3 generally classifies the reaction (hypersensitivity or nonhypersensitivity reaction). The 3SS may facilitate better understanding of the clinical manifestations of adverse CM reactions and may support the prevention of these reactions on the basis of personalized medicine approaches.


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Understanding the impact of geological events on diversification processes is central to evolutionary ecology. The recent amalgamation between ecological niche models (ENMs) and phylogenetic analyses has been used to estimate historical ranges of modern lineages by projecting current ecological niches of organisms onto paleoclimatic reconstructions. A critical assumption underlying this approach is that niches are stable over time. Using Notophthalmus viridescens (eastern newt), in which four ecologically diverged subspecies are recognized, we introduce an analytical framework free from the niche stability assumption to examine how refugial retreat and subsequent postglacial expansion have affected intraspecific ecological divergence. We found that the current subspecies designation was not congruent with the phylogenetic lineages. Thus, we examined ecological niche overlap between the refugial and modern populations, in both subspecies and lineage, by creating ENMs independently for modern and estimated last glacial maximum (LGM) newt populations, extracting bioclimate variables by randomly generated points, and conducting principal component analyses. Our analyses consistently showed that when tested as a hypothesis, rather than used as an assumption, the niches of N. viridescens lineages have been unstable since the LGM (both subspecies and lineages). There was greater ecological niche differentiation among the subspecies than the modern phylogenetic lineages, suggesting that the subspecies, rather than the phylogenetic lineages, is the unit of the current ecological divergence. The present study found little evidence that the LGM refugial retreat caused the currently observed ecological divergence and suggests that ecological divergence has occurred during postglacial expansion to the current distribution ranges.


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Typing of Clostridium perfringens strains by PCR-based determination of toxin genes proved to be a reliable method for diagnosis of enterotoxaemia in various animal species. We report the establishment and validation of three real-time fluorogenic (TaqMan) multiplex PCRs for the detection of C. perfringens alpha-, beta-, beta2-, epsilon-, entero- and iota-toxin genes. The composition of the PCRs was chosen with regard to robustness of the assays and in order to increase sensitivity compared to the conventional simplex PCRs. The combination of probe dyes selected for the real-time assays (FAM/TAMRA, Cy-5/BHQ-2 and VIC/TAMRA) as well as the designation of the chromosome-borne alpha-toxin as internal positive control allowed the creation of highly specific and sensitive, as well as time and cost effective PCRs. One hundred and three strains of C. perfringens isolated in Switzerland derived from clinical or suspected cases of enterotoxaemia in 10 different animal species were tested. The toxin genotypes were in agreement in both the conventional PCRs and the newly designed multiplex PCRs. Furthermore, the real-time PCR carried out as simplex allows to quantitate the copy numbers of plasmid-borne toxin genes in relation to the chromosomally located alpha-toxin gene.


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BACKGROUND: International registries with large, heterogeneous patient populations provide excellent research opportunities for studying factors that influence treatment outcomes after total hip arthroplasty. In the present study, we used a European multinational database to investigate whether there is an association between three functional variables (preoperative pain, mobility, and motion) and functional outcome. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study on preoperative and follow-up clinical data that were prospectively entered into the International Documentation and Evaluation System European hip registry between 1967 and 2002. The inclusion criteria for this study were an age of more than twenty years, an underlying diagnosis of osteoarthritis, and a Charnley class-A functional designation at the time of surgery. A total of 12,925 patients (13,766 total hip arthroplasties) who met these criteria were entered into the analysis. Three functional variables (pain, mobility, and motion) that were assessed preoperatively were evaluated postoperatively at various follow-up examinations for a maximum of ten years. RESULTS: Six thousand four hundred and one patients could walk longer than ten minutes preoperatively; of these, 57.1% had a walking capacity of more than sixty minutes at the time of the most recent follow-up. In comparison, 6896 patients had a preoperative walking capacity of less than ten minutes and only 38.9% of these patients could walk more than sixty minutes at the time of the most recent follow-up. The difference was significant (p < 0.01). Similarly, 10,375 patients had a preoperative hip flexion range of >70 degrees ; of these, 74.7% had a flexion range of >90 degrees at the time of the most recent follow-up. In comparison, 2793 patients had a preoperative hip flexion range of <70 degrees and only 62.6% of these patients had a flexion range of >90 degrees at the time of the most recent follow-up. The difference was also significant (p < 0.01). Lasting, complete, or almost complete pain relief was achieved by >80% of the patients following total hip arthroplasty regardless of their preoperative categorization of pain. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with poor preoperative walking capacity and hip flexion are less likely to achieve an optimal outcome with regard to walking and motion. In contrast, there is no correlation between the preoperative pain level and pain alleviation, which is generally good and long-lasting after total hip arthroplasty.