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Neospora caninum is an intracellular parasite that causes major economic impact on cattle raising farms, and infects a wide range of warm-blooded hosts worldwide. Innate immune mechanisms that lead to protection against this parasite are still unknown. In order to investigate whether myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is required for resistance against N. caninum, genetically deficient mice (MyD88(-/-)) and wild type littermates were infected with live tachyzoites and the resistance to infection was evaluated. We found that sub-lethal tachyzoite doses induced acute mortality of MyD88(-/-) mice, which succumbed to infection due to uncontrolled parasite replication. Higher parasitism in MyD88(-/-) mice was associated with the lack of IL-12 production by dendritic cells, delayed IFN-gamma responses by NKT, CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes, and production of high levels of IL-10. MyD88(-/-) mice replenished with IL-12 and IFN-gamma abolished susceptibility as the animals survived throughout the experimental period. We conclude that protective IFN-gamma-mediated immunity to N. caninum is dependent on initial MyD88 signaling, in a mechanism triggered by production of IL-12 by dendritic cells. Further knowledge on Toll-like receptor recognition of N. caninum antigens is encouraged, since it could generate new prophylactic and therapeutic tools to control parasite burden.
Little is known about the importance of capybara. Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, as reservoirs for parasites of zoonotic or veterinary importance. Sera from 63 capybaras, from 6 counties in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were examined for antibodies to Trypanosoma cruel, Leishmania infantum, Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Sarcacystis neurona, and Neospora caninum using an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. Five (8%) of the 63 capybaras had antibodies to T cruzi epimastigotes. None of the samples from capybara reacted positively with L. infantum promastigotes or with spores of E. cuniculi. Two (3%) of the serum samples were positive for antibodies to S. neurona merozoites, and 2 (3%) of the serum samples were positive for antibodies to N. caninum tachyzoites. A serum sample from 1 capybara was positive for antibodies to both T cruzi and N. caninum. None of the remaining 62 samples reacted with more than 1 parasite.
We report a clinical case of spotted fever group rickettsiosis acquired in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Definitive diagnosis was supported by seroconversion between acute-phase and convalescent-phase serum samples. Molecular analysis of skin samples indicated the agent was a novel spotted fever group strain closely related to Rickettsia africae, R. parked, and R. sibirica.
Capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris) is a large rodent distributed throughout tropical America. Antibodies to Neospora caninum in 213 feral capybaras from 11 counties of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. were assessed using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (titer >= 1:25) and found in 20 (9.4%), with titers of 1:25 in 4, 1:50 in 7, and 1:100 in 9 animals. This is the first report of occurrence of N. caninum antibodies in capybaras.
To analyse the sensitivity and specificity of clinical indicators of ineffective airway clearance in children with congenital heart disease and to identify the indicators that have high predictive power. The precise establishment of nursing diagnoses has been found to be one of the factors contributing to higher quality of care and cost reduction in healthcare institutions. The use of indicators to diagnose ineffective airway clearance could improve care of children with congenital heart disease. Longitudinal study. Participants consisted of 45 children, <= 1 year of age, with congenital heart disease, who had not had definitive or palliative surgical correction. Six assessments were made at 2-day intervals. Each clinical indicator was defined based on previously established operational criteria. Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values of each indicator were calculated based on a model for the longitudinal data. A nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance was made in 31% of patients on the first assessment, rising to 71% on the last assessment, for a 40% increase. Sensitivity was highest for Changes in Respiratory Rates/Rhythms (0.99), followed by Adventitious Breath Sounds (0.97), Sputum Production (0.85) and Restlessness (0.53). Specificity was higher for Sputum Production (0.92), followed by Restlessness (0.73), Adventitious Breath Sounds (0.70) and Changes in Respiratory Rates/Rhythms (0.17). The best positive predictive values occurred for Sputum Production (0.93) and Adventitious Breath Sounds (0.80). Adventitious Breath Sounds followed by Sputum Production were the indicators that had the best overall sensitivity and specificity as well as the highest positive predictive values. The use of simple indicators in nursing diagnoses can improve identification of ineffective airway clearance in children with congenital heart disease, thus leading to early treatment of the problem and better care for these children.
Neospora caninum is an Apicomplexan protozoan that has the dog as a definitive host and cattle (among other animals) as intermediate hosts. It causes encephalopathy in dogs and abortion in cows, with significant loss in worldwide livestock. As any Apicomplexan, the parasite invades the cells using proteins contained in the phylum-specific organelles, like the micronemes, rhoptries and dense granules. The aim of this study was the characterization of a homologue (denominated NcMIC2-like1) of N. caninum thrombospondin-related anonymous protein (NcMIC2), a micronemal protein previously shown to be involved in the attachment and connection with the intracellular motor responsible for the active process of invasion. A polyclonal antiserum raised against the recombinant NcMIC2-like1 functional core (thrombospondin and integrin domains) recognized the native form of NcMIC2-like1, inhibited the in vitro invasion process and localized NcMIC2-like1 at the apical complex of the parasite by confocal immunofluorescence, indicating its micronemal localization. The new molecule, NcMIC2-like1, has features that differentiates it from NcMIC2 in a substantial way to be considered a homologue dagger.
Arriving in Brisbane some six years ago, I could not help being impressed by what may be prosaically described as its atmospheric amenity resources. Perhaps this in part was due to my recent experiences in major urban centres in North America, but since that time, that sparkling quality and the blue skies seem to have progressively diminished. Unfortunately, there is also objective evidence available to suggest that this apparent deterioration is not merely the result of habituation of the senses. Air pollution data for the city show trends of increasing concentrations of those very substances that have destroyed the attractiveness of major population centres elsewhere, with climates initially as salubrious. Indeed, present figures indicate that photochemical smog in unacceptably high concentrations is rapidly becoming endemic also over Brisbane. These regrettable developments should come as no surprise. The society at large has not been inclined to respond purposefully to warnings of impending environmental problems, despite the experiences and publicity from overseas and even from other cities within Australia. Nor, up to the present, have certain politicians and government officials displayed stances beyond those necessary for the maintenance of a decorum of concern. At this stage, there still exists the possibility for meaningful government action without the embarrassment of losing political favour with the electorate. To the contrary, there is every chance that such action may be turned to advantage with increased public enlightenment. It would be more than a pity to miss perhaps the final remaining opportunity: Queensland is one of the few remaining places in the world with sufficient resources to permit both rational development and high environmental quality. The choice appears to be one of making a relatively minor investment now for a large financial and social gain the near future, or, permitting Brisbane to degenerate gradually into just another stagnated Los Angeles or Sydney. The present monograph attempts to introduce the problem by reviewing the available research on air quality in the Brisbane area. It also tries to elucidate some seemingly obvious, but so far unapplied management approaches. By necessity, such a broad treatment needs to make inroads into extensive ranges of subject areas, including political and legal practices to public perceptions, scientific measurement and statistical analysis to dynamics of air flow. Clearly, it does not pretend to be definitive in any of these fields, but it does try to emphasize those adjustable facets of the human use system of natural resources, too often neglected in favour of air pollution control technology. The crossing of disciplinary boundaries, however, needs no apology: air quality problems are ubiquitous, touching upon space, time and human interaction.
There are many changes and challenges facing the mental health care professional working in Australia in the 21st Century. Given the significance of their number and the considerable extent to which care is delivered by them, mental health nurses in particular must be at the forefront of the movement to enhance and improve mental health care. Mental health nurses in Australia must not only keep up with the changes, we should be setting the pace for others across the profession worldwide. The increasingly complex field of mental health nursing demands nurses who are not only equipped to face the challenges but are confident in doing so. Definitive guidelines for practice, clear expectations regarding outcomes and specific means by which to evaluate both practice and outcomes are vital. Strengthening the role and vision of mental health nursing so that there is clarity about both and highlighting core values by which to perform will enable us to become focused on our future and what we can expect to both give to and receive from our chosen profession and how we can, and do, contribute to mental health care. The role of the mental health nurse is undergoing expansion and there are new hurdles to overcome along with the new benefits this brings. To support this, nationally adopted, formalised standards of practice and means by which to measure these, i.e., practice indicators formerly known as clinical indicators, are required. It is important to have national standards and practice indicators because of the variances in the provision of mental health across Australia – different legislation regarding mental health policies and processes, different nursing registration bodies and Nursing Councils, for example – which create additional barriers to cohesion and uniformity. Improvements in the practice of mental health nursing lead to benefits for consumer outcomes as well as the overall quality of mental health care available in Australia. The emphasis on rights-based care, particularly consumer and carer rights, demands evidence-based, up-to-date mental health care delivered by competent, capable professionals. Documented expectations for performance by nurses will provide all involved with yardsticks by which to evaluate outcomes. Flowing on from these benefits are advances in mental health care generally and enhancements to Australia’s reputation and position within the health care arena throughout the world. Currently, the ‘Standards for Practice’ published by the Australian New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses (ANZCMHN) in 1995 and the practice indicators developed by Skews et al. (2000) provide a less formal guide for mental health nurses working in Australia. While these earlier standards and practice indicators have played some role in supporting mental health nurses they have not been nationally or enthusiastically adopted and there are a multitude of reasons for this. This report reviews the current literature available on practice indicators and standards for practice and describes an evidence-based rationale as to why a review and renewal of these is required and why it is important, not just for mental health nurses but to the field of mental health in general. The term ‘practice indicator’ is used, except where a quotation utilises ‘clinical indicator’, to more accurately reflect the broad spectrum of nursing roles, i.e. not all mental health nursing work involves a clinical role.
1. The response of the diaphragm to the postural perturbation produced by rapid flexion of the shoulder to a visual stimulus was evaluated in standing subjects. Gastric, oesophageal and transdiaphragmatic pressures were measured together with intramuscular and oesophageal recordings of electromyographic activity (EMG) in the diaphragm. To assess the mechanics of contraction of the diaphragm, dynamic changes in the length of the diaphragm were measured with ultrasonography. 2. With rapid flexion of the shoulder in response to a visual stimulus, EMG-activity in the costal and crural diaphragm occurred about 20 ms prior to the onset of deltoid EMG. This anticipatory contraction occurred irrespective of the phase of respiration in which arm movement began. The onset of diaphragm EMG-coincided with that of transversus abdominis. 3. Gastric and transdiaphragmatic pressures increased in association with the rapid arm flexion by 13.8 +/- 1.9 (mean +/- S.E.M.) and 13.5 +/- 1.8 cmH(2)O, respectively. The increases occurred 49 +/- 4 ms after the onset of diaphragm EMG, but preceded the onset of movement of the limb by 63 +/- 7 ms. 4. Ultrasonographic measurements revealed that the costal diaphragm shortened and then lengthened progressively during the increase in transdiaphragmatic pressure. 5. This study provides definitive evidence that the human diaphragm is involved in the control of postural stability during sudden voluntary movement of the limbs.
Some blockers of beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors cause cardiostimulant effects through an atypical beta-adrenoceptor (putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor) that resembles the beta(3)-adrenoceptor. It is likely but not proven that the putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor is genetically distinct from the beta(3)-adrenoceptor. We therefore investigated whether or not the cardiac atypical beta-adrenoceptor could mediate agonist effects in mice lacking a functional beta(3)-adrenoceptor gene (beta(3)KO). (-)-CGP 12177, a beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptor blocker that causes agonist effects through both beta(3)-adrenoceptors and cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors, caused cardiostimulant effects that were not different in atria from wild-type (WT) mice and beta(3)KO mice. The effects of (-)-CGP 12177 were resistant to blockade by (-)-propranolol (200 nM) but were blocked by (-)-bupranolol (1 mu M) with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 15 nM in WT and 17 nM in beta(3)KO. (-)-[H-3]CGP 12177 labeled a similar density of the putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor in ventricular membranes from the hearts of both WT (B-max = 52 fmol/mg protein) and beta(3)KO (B-max = 53 fmol/mg protein) mice. The affinity of (-)-[H-3]CGP 12177 for the cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor was not different between WT (K-d = 46 nM) and beta(3)KO (K-d = 40 nM). These results provide definitive evidence that the cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor is distinct from the beta(3)-adrenoceptor.
Familial partial epilepsy with variable foci (FPEVF) joins the recently recognized group of inherited partial epilepsies. We describe an Australian family with 10 individuals with partial seizures over four generations. Detailed electroclinical studies were performed on all affected and 17 clinically unaffected family members. The striking finding was that the clinical features of the seizures and interictal electroencephalographic foci differed among family members and included frontal, temporal, occipital, and centroparietal seizures. Mean age of seizure onset was 13 years (range, 0.75-43 years). Two individuals without seizures had epileptiform abnormalities on electroencephalographic studies. Penetrance of seizures was 62%. A genome-wide search failed to demonstrate definitive linkage, but a suggestion of linkage was found on chromosome 2q with a LOD score of 2.74 at recombination fraction of zero with the marker D2S133. FPEVF differs from the other inherited partial epilepsies where partial seizures in different family members are clinically similar. The inherited nature of this new syndrome may be overlooked because of relatively low penetrance and because of the variability in age at onset and electroclinical features between affected family members.
Analysis of the structure of the urochordate Herdmania curvata ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer (IGS) and its role in transcription initiation and termination suggests that rRNA gene regulation in this chordate differs from that in vertebrates. A cloned H, curvata IGS is 1881 bp and composed predominantly of two classes of similar repeat sequences that largely alternate in a tandem array. Southern blot hybridization demonstrates that the IGS length variation within an individual and population is largely the result of changes in internal repeat number. Nuclease S1 mapping and primer extension analyses suggest that there are two transcription initiation sites at the 3' end of the most 3' repetitive element; these sites are 6 nucleotides apart. Unlike mouse, Xenopus, and Drosophila, there is no evidence of transcription starting elsewhere in the IGS. Most sequence differences between the promoter repeat and the other internal repeats are in the vicinity of the putative initiation sites. As in Drosophila, nuclease S1 mapping of transcription termination sites suggest that there is not a definitive stop site and a majority of the pre-rRNAs read through a substantial portion of the IGS. Some transcription appears to proceed completely through the promoter repeat into the adjacent rDNA unit. Analysis of oocyte RNA by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) confirms that readthrough transcription into the adjacent rDNA unit is occurring in some small IGS length variants; there is no evidence of complete readthrough of IGSs larger than 1.0 kb.
lBACKGROUND. Management of patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a dilemma, as mastectomy provides nearly a 100% cure rate but at the expense of physical and psychologic morbidity. It would be helpful if we could predict which patients with DCIS are at sufficiently high risk of local recurrence after conservative surgery (CS) alone to warrant postoperative radiotherapy (RT) and which patients are at sufficient risk of local recurrence after CS + RT to warrant mastectomy. The authors reviewed the published studies and identified the factors that may be predictive of local recurrence after management by mastectomy, CS alone, or CS + RT. METHODS. The authors examined patient, tumor, and treatment factors as potential predictors for local recurrence and estimated the risks of recurrence based on a review of published studies. They examined the effects of patient factors (age at diagnosis and family history), tumor factors (sub-type of DCIS, grade, tumor size, necrosis, and margins), and treatment (mastectomy, CS alone, and CS + RT). The 95% confidence intervals (CI) of the recurrence rates for each of the studies were calculated for subtype, grade, and necrosis, using the exact binomial; the summary recurrence rate and 95% CI for each treatment category were calculated by quantitative meta-analysis using the fixed and random effects models applied to proportions. RESULTS, Meta-analysis yielded a summary recurrence rate of 22.5% (95% CI = 16.9-28.2) for studies employing CS alone, 8.9% (95% CI = 6.8-11.0) for CS + RT, and 1.4% (95% CI = 0.7-2.1) for studies involving mastectomy alone. These summary figures indicate a clear and statistically significant separation, and therefore outcome, between the recurrence rates of each treatment category, despite the likelihood that the patients who underwent CS alone were likely to have had smaller, possibly low grade lesions with clear margins. The patients with risk factors of presence of necrosis, high grade cytologic features, or comedo subtype were found to derive the greatest improvement in local control with the addition of RT to CS. Local recurrence among patients treated by CS alone is approximately 20%, and one-half of the recurrences are invasive cancers. For most patients, RT reduces the risk of recurrence after CS alone by at least 50%. The differences in local recurrence between CS alone and CS + RT are most apparent for those patients with high grade tumors or DCIS with necrosis, or of the comedo subtype, or DCIS with close or positive surgical margins. CONCLUSIONS, The authors recommend that radiation be added to CS if patients with DCIS who also have the risk factors for local recurrence choose breast conservation over mastectomy. The patients who may be suitable for CS alone outside of a clinical trial may be those who have low grade lesions with little or no necrosis, and with clear surgical margins. Use of the summary statistics when discussing outcomes with patients may help the patient make treatment decisions. Cancer 1999;85:616-28. (C) 1999 American Cancer Society.
During mouse embryogenesis, macrophage-like cells arise first in the yolk sac and are produced subsequently in the liver. The onset of liver hematopoiesis is associated with the transition from primitive to definitive erythrocyte production. This report addresses the hypothesis that a similar transition in phenotype occurs in myelopoiesis. We have used whole mount in situ hybridization to detect macrophage-specific genes expressed during mouse development. The mouse c-fms mRNA, encoding the receptor for macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1), was expressed on phagocytic cells in the yolk sac and throughout the embryo before the onset of liver hematopoiesis, Similar cells were detected using the mannose receptor, the complement receptor (CR3), or the Microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF) as mRNA markers. By contrast, other markers including the F4/80 antigen, the macrophage scavenger receptor, the S-100 proteins, S100A8 and S100A9, and the secretory product lysozyme appeared later in development and appeared restricted to only a subset of c-fms-positive cells. Two-color immunolabeling on disaggregated cells confirmed that CR3 and c-fms proteins are expressed on the same cells. Among the genes appearing later in development was the macrophage-restricted transcription factor, PU.1, which has been shown to be required for normal adult myelopoiesis. Mice with null mutations in PU.1 had normal numbers of c-fms-positive phagocytes at 11.5dpc. PU.1(-/-) embryonic stem cells were able to give rise to macrophagelike cells after cultivation in vitro. The results support previous evidence that yolk sac-derived fetal phagocytes are functionally distinct from those arising in the liver and develop via a different pathway. (C) 1999 by The American Society of Hematology.
NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing calculations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structure of RK-1, an antimicrobial peptide from rabbit kidney recently discovered from homology screening based on the distinctive physicochemical properties of the corticostatins/defensins. RK-1 consists of 32 residues, including six cysteines arranged into three disulfide bonds. It exhibits antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and activates Ca2+ channels in vitro. Through its physicochemical similarity, identical cysteine spacing, and linkage to the corticostatins/defensins, it was presumed to be a member of this family. However, RK-1 lacks both a large number of arginines in the primary sequence and a high overall positive charge, which are characteristic of this family of peptides. The three-dimensional solution structure, determined by NMR, consists of a triple-stranded antiparallel beta -sheet and a series of turns and is similar to the known structures of other alpha -defensins. This has enabled the definitive classification of RK-1 as a member of this family of antimicrobial peptides. Ultracentrifuge measurements confirmed that like rabbit neutrophil defensins, RK-1 is monomeric in solution, in contrast to human neutrophil defensins, which are dimeric.