359 resultados para cybernetics


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I was born human. But this was an accident of fate - a condition merely of time and place. I believe it's something we have the power to change. I will tell you why. In August 1998, a silicon chip was implanted in my arm, allowing a computer to monitor me as I moved through the halls and offices of the Department of Cybernetics at the University of Reading, just west of London, where I've been a professor since 1988. My implant communicated via radio waves with a network of antennas throughout the department that in turn transmitted the signals to a computer programmed to respond to my actions. At the main entrance, a voice box operated by the computer said "Hello" when I entered; the computer detected my progress through the building, opening the door to my lab for me as I approached it and switching on the lights. For the nine days the implant was in place, I performed seemingly magical acts simply by walking in a particular direction. The aim of this experiment was to determine whether information could be transmitted to and from an implant. Not only did we succeed, but the trial demonstrated how the principles behind cybernetics could perform in real-life applications.


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Manipulation of an object by a multi-fingered robot hand requires task planning which involves computation of joint space vectors and fingertip forces. To implement a task as fast as possible, computations have to be carried out in minimum time. The state of the art in manipulation by multi-fingered robot hand designs has shown the possible use of remotely driven finger joints. Such remotely driven hands require computation of tendon displacement for evaluating joint space vectors before signals are sent to actuators. Alternatively, a direct drive hand is a mechanical hand in which the shafts of articulated joints are directly coupled to the rotors of motors with high output torques. This article has been divided into two main sections. The first section presents a brief view of manipulation using a direct drive approach. Meanwhile, the other section presents ongoing research which is being carried out to design a four-finger articulated hand in the Department of Cybernetics at the University of Reading.


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Programming is a skill which requires knowledge of both the basic constructs of the computer language used and techniques employing these constructs. How these are used in any given application is determined intuitively, and this intuition is based on experience of programs already written. One aim of this book is to describe the techniques and give practical examples of the techniques in action - to provide some experience. Another aim of the book is to show how a program should be developed, in particular how a relatively large program should be tackled in a structured manner. These aims are accomplished essentially by describing the writing of one large program, a diagram generator package, in which a number of useful programming techniques are employed. Also, the book provides a useful program, with an in-built manual describing not only how the program works, but also how it does it, with full source code listings. This means that the user can, if required, modify the package to meet particular requirements. A floppy disk is available from the publishers containing the program, including listings of the source code. All the programs are written in Modula-2, using JPI's Top Speed Modula-2 system running on IBM-PCs and compatibles. This language was chosen as it is an ideal language for implementing large programs and it is the main language taught in the Cybernetics Department at the University of Reading. There are some aspects of the Top Speed implementation which are not standard, so suitable comments are given when these occur. Although implemented in Modula-2, many of the techniques described here are appropriate to other languages, like Pascal of C, for example. The book and programs are based on a second year undergraduate course taught at Reading to Cybernetics students, entitled Algorithms and Data Structures. Useful techniques are described for the reader to use, applications where they are appropriate are recommended, but detailed analyses of the techniques are not given.


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In recent years researchers in the Department of Cybernetics have been developing simple mobile robots capable of exploring their environment on the basis of the information obtained from a few simple sensors. These robots are used as the test bed for exploring various behaviours of single and multiple organisms: the work is inspired by considerations of natural systems. In this paper we concentrate on that part of the work which involves neural networks and related techniques. These neural networks are used both to process the sensor information and to develop the strategy used to control the robot. Here the robots, their sensors, and the neural networks used and all described. 1.


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The main objective is to generate kinematic models for the head and neck movements. The motivation comes from our study of individuals with quadriplegia and the need to design rehabilitation aiding devices such as robots and teletheses that can be controlled by head-neck movements. It is then necessary to develop mathematical models for the head and neck movements. Two identification methods have been applied to study the kinematics of head-neck movements of able-body as well as neck-injured subjects. In particular, sagittal plane movements are well modeled by a planar two-revolute-joint linkage. In fact, the motion in joint space seems to indicate that sagittal plane movements may be classified as a single DOF motion. Finally, a spatial three-revolute-joint system has been employed to model 3D head-neck movements.


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For individuals with upper-extremity motor disabilities, the head-stick is a simple and intuitive means of performing manipulations because it provides direct proprioceptive information to the user. Through practice and use of inherent proprioceptive cues, users may become quite adept at using the head-stick for a number of different tasks. The traditional head-stick is limited, however, to the user's achievable range of head motion and force generation, which may be insufficient for many tasks. The authors describe an interface to a robot system which emulates the proprioceptive qualities of a traditional head-stick while also allowing for augmented end-effector ranges of force and motion. The design and implementation of the system in terms of coordinate transforms, bilateral telemanipulator architecture, safety systems, and system identification of the master is described, in addition to preliminary evaluation results.


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Where users are interacting in a distributed virtual environment, the actions of each user must be observed by peers with sufficient consistency and within a limited delay so as not to be detrimental to the interaction. The consistency control issue may be split into three parts: update control; consistent enactment and evolution of events; and causal consistency. The delay in the presentation of events, termed latency, is primarily dependent on the network propagation delay and the consistency control algorithms. The latency induced by the consistency control algorithm, in particular causal ordering, is proportional to the number of participants. This paper describes how the effect of network delays may be reduced and introduces a scalable solution that provides sufficient consistency control while minimising its effect on latency. The principles described have been developed at Reading over the past five years. Similar principles are now emerging in the simulation community through the HLA standard. This paper attempts to validate the suggested principles within the schema of distributed simulation and virtual environments and to compare and contrast with those described by the HLA definition documents.


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There is growing interest in the ways in which the location of a person can be utilized by new applications and services. Recent advances in mobile technologies have meant that the technical capability to record and transmit location data for processing is appearing in off-the-shelf handsets. This opens possibilities to profile people based on the places they visit, people they associate with, or other aspects of their complex routines determined through persistent tracking. It is possible that services offering customized information based on the results of such behavioral profiling could become commonplace. However, it may not be immediately apparent to the user that a wealth of information about them, potentially unrelated to the service, can be revealed. Further issues occur if the user agreed, while subscribing to the service, for data to be passed to third parties where it may be used to their detriment. Here, we report in detail on a short case study tracking four people, in three European member states, persistently for six weeks using mobile handsets. The GPS locations of these people have been mined to reveal places of interest and to create simple profiles. The information drawn from the profiling activity ranges from intuitive through special cases to insightful. In this paper, these results and further extensions to the technology are considered in light of European legislation to assess the privacy implications of this emerging technology.


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Perceptual multimedia quality is of paramount importance to the continued take-up and proliferation of multimedia applications: users will not use and pay for applications if they are perceived to be of low quality. Whilst traditionally distributed multimedia quality has been characterised by Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, these neglect the user perspective of the issue of quality. In order to redress this shortcoming, we characterise the user multimedia perspective using the Quality of Perception (QoP) metric, which encompasses not only a user’s satisfaction with the quality of a multimedia presentation, but also his/her ability to analyse, synthesise and assimilate informational content of multimedia. In recognition of the fact that monitoring eye movements offers insights into visual perception, as well as the associated attention mechanisms and cognitive processes, this paper reports on the results of a study investigating the impact of differing multimedia presentation frame rates on user QoP and eye path data. Our results show that provision of higher frame rates, usually assumed to provide better multimedia presentation quality, do not significantly impact upon the median coordinate value of eye path data. Moreover, higher frame rates do not significantly increase level of participant information assimilation, although they do significantly improve overall user enjoyment and quality perception of the multimedia content being shown.


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One goal in the development of distributed virtual environments (DVEs) is to create a system such that users are unaware of the distribution-the distribution should be transparent. The paper begins by discussing the general issues in DVEs that might make this possible, and a system that allows some level of distribution transparency is described. The system described suffers from effects of inconsistency, which in turn cause undesirable visual effects. The causal surface is introduced as a solution that removes these visual effects. The paper then introduces two determining factors of distribution transparency relating to user perception and performance. With regard to these factors, two hypotheses are stated relating to the causal surface. A user-trial on forty-five subjects is used to validate the hypotheses. A discussion of the results of the trial concludes that the causal surface solution does significantly improve the distribution transparency in a DVE.


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Research to date has tended to concentrate on bandwidth considerations to increase scalability in distributed interactive simulation and virtual reality systems. This paper proposes that the major concern for latency in user interaction is that of the fundamental limit of communication rate due to the speed of light. Causal volumes and surfaces are introduced as a model of the limitations of causality caused by this fundamental delay. The concept of virtual world critical speed is introduced, which can be determined from the causal surface. The implications of the critical speed are discussed, and relativistic dynamics are used to constrain the object speed, in the same way speeds are bounded in the real world.


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Visual telepresence seeks to extend existing teleoperative capability by supplying the operator with a 3D interactive view of the remote environment. This is achieved through the use of a stereo camera platform which, through appropriate 3D display devices, provides a distinct image to each eye of the operator, and which is slaved directly from the operator's head and eye movements. However, the resolution within current head mounted displays remains poor, thereby reducing the operator's visual acuity. This paper reports on the feasibility of incorporation of eye tracking to increase resolution and investigates the stability and control issues for such a system. Continuous domain and discrete simulations are presented which indicates that eye tracking provides a stable feedback loop for tracking applications, though some empirical testing (currently being initiated) of such a system will be required to overcome indicated stability problems associated with micro saccades of the human operator.


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This paper proposes and demonstrates an approach, Skilloscopy, to the assessment of decision makers. In an increasingly sophisticated, connected and information-rich world, decision making is becoming both more important and more difficult. At the same time, modelling decision-making on computers is becoming more feasible and of interest, partly because the information-input to those decisions is increasingly on record. The aims of Skilloscopy are to rate and rank decision makers in a domain relative to each other: the aims do not include an analysis of why a decision is wrong or suboptimal, nor the modelling of the underlying cognitive process of making the decisions. In the proposed method a decision-maker is characterised by a probability distribution of their competence in choosing among quantifiable alternatives. This probability distribution is derived by classic Bayesian inference from a combination of prior belief and the evidence of the decisions. Thus, decision-makers’ skills may be better compared, rated and ranked. The proposed method is applied and evaluated in the gamedomain of Chess. A large set of games by players across a broad range of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) Elo ratings has been used to infer the distribution of players’ rating directly from the moves they play rather than from game outcomes. Demonstration applications address questions frequently asked by the Chess community regarding the stability of the Elo rating scale, the comparison of players of different eras and/or leagues, and controversial incidents possibly involving fraud. The method of Skilloscopy may be applied in any decision domain where the value of the decision-options can be quantified.