901 resultados para covers
The review covers the development of synthetic peptides as vaccine candidates for Plasmodium falciparum- and Plasmodium vivax-induced malaria from its beginning up to date and the concomitant progress of solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) that enables the production of long peptides in a routine fashion. The review also stresses the development of other complementary tools and actions in order to achieve the long sought goal of an efficacious malaria vaccine.
Based on detailed payroll data of blue collar male and female labor in Britain’s engineering and metal working industrial sectors between the mid-1920s and mid-1960s, we provide empirical evidence in respect of several central themes in the piecework-timework wage literature. The period covers part of the heyday of pieceworking as well as the start of its post-war decline. We show the importance of relative piece rate flexibility during the Great Depression as well as during the build up to WWII and during the war itself. We account for the very significant decline in the differentials after the war. Labor market topics include piecework pay in respect of compensating differentials, labor heterogeneity, and the transaction costs of pricing piecework output.
Aquest projecte tracta de la implantació del mòdul de Gestió dels Recursos Humans de la tecnologia SAP. En concret s’estudia la versió relativa al Sector Públic que aquest Software ofereix. Per tal de realitzar el Projecte ens fixem en un ens públic determinat com és un Hospital tenint en compte totes les peculiaritats que aquests organismes presenten. Part essencial del Projecte es dedica a la gestió del correcte pagament de la Nòmina i la representació de l’Estructura Organitzativa. Es cobreixen també tots els aspectes que les legislacions vigents imposen en aquests àmbits.
This work covers two aspects. First, it generally compares and summarizes the similarities and differences of state of the art feature detector and descriptor and second it presents a novel approach of detecting intestinal content (in particular bubbles) in capsule endoscopy images. Feature detectors and descriptors providing invariance to change of perspective, scale, signal-noise-ratio and lighting conditions are important and interesting topics in current research and the number of possible applications seems to be numberless. After analysing a selection of in the literature presented approaches, this work investigates in their suitability for applications information extraction in capsule endoscopy images. Eventually, a very good performing detector of intestinal content in capsule endoscopy images is presented. A accurate detection of intestinal content is crucial for all kinds of machine learning approaches and other analysis on capsule endoscopy studies because they occlude the field of view of the capsule camera and therefore those frames need to be excluded from analysis. As a so called “byproduct” of this investigation a graphical user interface supported Feature Analysis Tool is presented to execute and compare the discussed feature detectors and descriptor on arbitrary images, with configurable parameters and visualized their output. As well the presented bubble classifier is part of this tool and if a ground truth is available (or can also be generated using this tool) a detailed visualization of the validation result will be performed.
The autonomous regulatory agency has recently become the ‘appropriate model’ of governance across countries and sectors. The dynamics of this process is captured in our data set, which covers the creation of agencies in 48 countries and 16 sectors since the 1920s. Adopting a diffusion approach to explain this broad process of institutional change, we explore the role of countries and sectors as sources of institutional transfer at different stages of the diffusion process. We demonstrate how the restructuring of national bureaucracies unfolds via four different channels of institutional transfer. Our results challenge theoretical approaches that overemphasize the national dimension in global diffusion and are insensitive to the stages of the diffusion process. Further advance in study of diffusion depends, we assert, on the ability to apply both cross-sectoral and cross-national analysis to the same research design and to incorporate channels of transfer with different causal mechanisms for different stages of the diffusion process.
This paper presents an initial challenge to tackle the every so "tricky" points encountered when dealing with energy accounting, and thereafter illustrates how such a system of accounting can be used when assessing for the metabolic changes in societies. The paper is divided in four main sections. The first three, present a general discussion on the main issues encountered when conducting energy analyses. The last section, subsequently, combines this heuristic approach to the actual formalization of it, in quantitative terms, for the analysis of possible energy scenarios. Section one covers the broader issue of how to account for the relevant categories used when accounting for Joules of energy; emphasizing on the clear distinction between Primary Energy Sources (PES) (which are the physical exploited entities that are used to derive useable energy forms (energy carriers)) and Energy Carriers (EC) (the actual useful energy that is transmitted for the appropriate end uses within a society). Section two sheds light on the concept of Energy Return on Investment (EROI). Here, it is emphasized that, there must already be a certain amount of energy carriers available to be able to extract/exploit Primary Energy Sources to thereafter generate a net supply of energy carriers. It is pointed out that this current trend of intense energy supply has only been possible to the great use and dependence on fossil energy. Section three follows up on the discussion of EROI, indicating that a single numeric indicator such as an output/input ratio is not sufficient in assessing for the performance of energetic systems. Rather an integrated approach that incorporates (i) how big the net supply of Joules of EC can be, given an amount of extracted PES (the external constraints); (ii) how much EC needs to be invested to extract an amount of PES; and (iii) the power level that it takes for both processes to succeed, is underlined. Section four, ultimately, puts the theoretical concepts at play, assessing for how the metabolic performances of societies can be accounted for within this analytical framework.
En aquesta memòria s’explica el desenvolupament d’una eina útil que permet a l’usuari visualitzar en l’aplicació Google Maps les dades de posicionament captats en una sessió GPS. En aquest projecte, hem dissenyat una aplicació Web en la qual recollim les dades ingressades per l’usuari mitjançant un formulari. Un cop emmagatzemades aquestes dades en el servidor, la nostra eina hi executa l’aplicació encarregada del càlcul de les posicions. Aquesta és un script desenvolupat en MATLAB, que s’encarrega d’interpretar les dades subministrades per l’usuari, amb les quals es poden calcular les coordenades captades pel receptor GPS. Una vegada calculades, el software les emmagatzema en el servidor, en un arxiu .xml, que serà el que posteriorment interpretarà Google Maps gràcies al seu API. D’aquesta manera, l’usuari obtindrà el resultat visual de la sessió GPS que hagi decidit carregar sense necessitat des disposar de cap software específic per a la interpretació i el càlcul de les dades que hi ha capturat.
En el present estudi s’ha analitzat si és possible l’autosuficiència energètica al barri projectat de La Plana de Sitges a partir de fonts renovables d’energia. S’ha realitzat un anàlisi de l’oferta potencial del barri de La Plana, format per habitatges unifamiliars i plurifamiliars, serveis i equipaments i s’ha comparat el potencial de producció energètica dels recursos renovables locals a cada subsistema i pel sistema de La Plana. Diferenciant si són una Oferta estàndard (4.000 MWh/a) seguint la Normativa d’ecoeficiència de Sitges o bé una Oferta renovable (19.000 MWh/a) segons un Ecobarri proposat en aquest projecte a partir d’energia solar fotovoltaica i tèrmica. En l’estudi de la demanda, diferenciant entre una Demanda estàndard (39.000 MWh/a), respon al total de La Plana seguint el consum d’un habitatge tipus de la mitjana catalana (ICAEN, 2002) i una Demanda eficient (20.800 MWh/a) seguint un model de baix consum projectat en un Ecobarri de Barcelona. (Vallbona, 2009). Per analitzar de forma detallada les variables d’oferta i demanda, s’han proposat quatre escenaris diferents on es valoren l’autosuficiència energètica del sistema de la Plana i aspectes ambientals d’emissions derivades de la utilització de l’energia. El primer escenari és l’estàndard i és el resultat d’analitzar conjuntament una oferta i una demanda estàndard. Al segon escenari conflueixen una Oferta Estàndard i una Demanda Eficient. En el tercer escenari coincideixen una Oferta Renovable i una Demanda Estàndard. El quart i últim escenari respon a la proposta d’Ecobarri on l’Oferta és renovable i la Demanda eficient. Tanmateix, s’ha realitzat un estudi sobre els aspectes econòmics de La Plana que s’estimen en uns beneficis per la venda de l’energia d’uns 5 milions d’euros anuals i uns costos d’instal·lació de 80 milions d’euros. Finalment s’ha constatat que és possible assolir una autosuficiència del 90% a l’escenari Ecobarri (oferta renovable - demanda eficient). Mitjançant la instal·lació de sistemes de captació solar a les cobertes, cobrint el 100% de la demanda d’ACS, i captadors solars FV, ambdues estratègies són viables i representen beneficis econòmics i una reducció d’emissions de l’ordre de 13.700 Tn CO2 equivalents anuals que suposen un estalvi del 88% respecte un escenari d’oferta i demanda estàndard.
This PhD project aims to study paraphrasing, initially understood as the different ways in which the same content is expressed linguistically. We will go into that concept in depth trying to define and delimit its scope more accurately. In that sense, we also aim to discover which kind of structures and phenomena it covers. Although there exist some paraphrasing typologies, the great majority of them only apply to English, and focus on lexical and syntactic transformations. Our intention is to go further into this subject and propose a paraphrasing typology for Spanish and Catalan combining lexical, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic knowledge. We apply a bottom-up methodology trying to collect evidence of this phenomenon from the data. For this purpose, we are initially using the Spanish Wikipedia as our corpus. The internal structure of this encyclopedia makes it a good resource for extracting paraphrasing examples for our investigation. This empirical approach will be complemented with the use of linguistic knowledge, and by comparing and contrasting our results to previously proposed paraphrasing typologies in order to enlarge the possible paraphrasing forms found in our corpus. The fact that the same content can be expressed in many different ways presents a major challenge for Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. Thus, research on paraphrasing has recently been attracting increasing attention in the fields of NLP and Computational Linguistics. The results obtained in this investigation would be of great interest in many of these applications.
Advanced mapping of environmental data: Geostatistics, Machine Learning and Bayesian Maximum Entropy
This book combines geostatistics and global mapping systems to present an up-to-the-minute study of environmental data. Featuring numerous case studies, the reference covers model dependent (geostatistics) and data driven (machine learning algorithms) analysis techniques such as risk mapping, conditional stochastic simulations, descriptions of spatial uncertainty and variability, artificial neural networks (ANN) for spatial data, Bayesian maximum entropy (BME), and more.
Western European landscapes have drastically changed since the 1950s, with agricultural intensifications and the spread of urban settlements considered the most important drivers of this land-use/land-cover change. Losses of habitat for fauna and flora have been a direct consequence of this development. In the present study, we relate butterfly occurrence to land-use/land-cover changes over five decades between 1951 and 2000. The study area covers the entire Swiss territory. The 10 explanatory variables originate from agricultural statistics and censuses. Both state as well as rate was used as explanatory variables. Species distribution data were obtained from natural history collections. We selected eight butterfly species: four species occur on wetlands and four occur on dry grasslands. We used cluster analysis to track land-use/land-cover changes and to group communes based on similar trajectories of change. Generalized linear models were applied to identify factors that were significantly correlated with the persistence or disappearance of butterfly species. Results showed that decreasing agricultural areas and densities of farms with more than 10 ha of cultivated land are significantly related with wetland species decline, and increasing densities of livestock seem to have favored disappearance of dry grassland species. Moreover, we show that species declines are not only dependent on land-use/land-cover states but also on the rates of change; that is, the higher the transformation rate from small to large farms, the higher the loss of dry grassland species. We suggest that more attention should be paid to the rates of landscape change as feasible drivers of species change and derive some management suggestions.
Inflammasomes are multiprotein complexes whose activity has been implicated in physiological and pathological inflammation. The hallmarks of inflammasome activation are the secretion of the mature forms of Caspase-1 and IL-1β from cells of the innate immune system. This protocol covers the methods required to study inflammasome activation using mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) as a model system. The protocol includes the generation and handling of BMDCs, the stimulation of BMDCs with established Nlrp3 inflammasome activators, and the measurement of activation by both ELISA and western blot. These methods can be useful for the study of potential inflammasome activators, and of the signaling pathways involved in inflammasome activation. General considerations are provided that may help in the design and optimization of modified methods for the study of other types of inflammasomes and in other cell types.
Aquest projecte abasta el disseny i el desenvolupament d’un model prototípic de Metodologia per a la Valoració de l’Aprenentatge Ambiental, a la qual anomenem “MEVA-Ambiental”. Per a fer possible aquesta fita ens hem basat en fonaments ontològics i constructivistes per representar i analitzar el coneixement a fi de poder quantificar l’Increment de Coneixement (IC). Per nosaltres l’IC esdevé un indicador socio-educatiu que ens servirà per a determinar l’efectivitat dels tallers d’educació ambiental en percentatge. En procedir d’aquesta manera, les qualificacions resultats poden es poden prendre com punt de partida per a desenvolupar estudis en el temps i comprendre com “s’ancora” el nou coneixement a l’estructura cognitiva dels aprenents. Més enllà del plantejament teòric de mètode, també proveïm la solució tècnica que mostra com n’és de funcional i d’aplicable la part empírica metodològica. A aquesta solució que hem anomenat “MEVA-Tool”, és una eina virtual que automatitza la recollida i tractament de dades amb una estructura dinàmica basada en “qüestionaris web” que han d’emplenar els estudiants, una “base de dades” que acumula la informació i en permet un filtratge selectiu, i més “Llibre Excel” que en fa el tractament informatiu, la representació gràfica dels resultats, l’anàlisi i conclusions.
Cette thèse est construite en quatre parties : trois annexes qui présentent six études de cas (env. 800 pages), précédées par une analyse transversale, plus synthétique (env. 150 pages), dont traite ce résumé. Chaque annexe contient une synthèse détaillée des études de cas. Cette thèse aborde la « gestion des ressources naturelles » en affirmant d'emblée que l'appellation est inappropriée, car ce ne sont pas les ressources qui sont gérées, mais leurs usages. Il s'agit donc d'identifier et d'analyser ce qui influence les comportements humains en lien avec la ressource. Cette affirmation fonde la perspective des sciences sociales sur la gestion des ressources naturelles, dans laquelle s'inscrit cette thèse. L'approche néo-institutionnaliste considère que les usages sont influencés par des institutions, qui sont elles-mêmes influencées par les usagers. Ces institutions sont des constructions humaines qui composent le contexte institutionnel dans lequel les acteurs décident de leurs usages (abattre un arbre, prélever de l'eau, etc.). Les usages des ressources ne sont donc jamais libres et il s'agit de comprendre comment ces règles du jeu influencent les pratiques. Elles sont nombreuses, interdépendantes et forment la trame sur laquelle se décident les usages. Pour saisir cette complexité, l'auteur applique le cadre d'analyse des régimes institutionnels des ressources (RIR) qui se limite à l'analyse de deux types de droits d'usages : ceux issues des règles de la propriété (titres de propriété, servitudes, etc.) et ceux issus des politiques publiques (lois, ordonnances, etc.). Le RIR permet d'identifier un « régime institutionnel », spécifique à la ressource étudiée, dont les évolutions peuvent être comparées dans le temps ou entre plusieurs lieux. Dans cette recherche, ce cadre d'analyse a été appliqué au même objet - la gestion forestière dans les zones de captage d'eau souterraine destinée au réseau public - dans trois pays : en France, en Suisse et en Indonésie. Trois années de recherche de terrain ont permis à l'auteur de s'intéresser non seulement aux règles prédéterminées (la réglementation), mais aussi aux règles effectivement activées sur le terrain (la régulation) par les acteurs rencontrés. Les études de cas montrent que les règles prévues sont inégalement activées et que les acteurs privilégient parfois la négociation directe pour résoudre leurs rivalités d'usages, à la place d'invoquer leurs droits acquis. Ce constat conduit l'auteur à proposer un élargissement de la focale du RIR, qui constitue le coeur de sa thèse. On ne s'intéresse plus seulement à ce qui « est » régulé, mais aussi à ce qui ne l'« est pas » et qui échappe à l'application classique du RIR. Ce renversement de perspective est crucial pour comprendre les usages concrets des ressources dans les régimes peu intégrés, où les pratiques s'expliquent davantage par la marge de manoeuvre laissée aux acteurs que par les règles prédéterminées. Cette relecture, testée avec succès dans cette thèse, permet d'intégrer la marge de manoeuvre à l'analyse au moyen du RIR. Elle se concrétise par l'identification des lacunes et incohérences dans les régimes institutionnels étudiés. Le champ d'application du RIR s'en trouve élargi et sa vulgarisation pour des non-spécialistes est facilitée, notamment pour les environnementalistes. La complémentarité entre les approches s'en trouve renforcée. Les résultats montrent deux choses : premièrement les acteurs disposent toujours d'une marge de manoeuvre pour négocier des régulations ponctuelles, qui sont autant d'alternatives à l'application des règles prévues. Deuxièmement, la conclusion d'accords issus de la négociation bi-/multilatérale dépend directement de la marge de manoeuvre laissée par le contexte institutionnel. Ceci explique pourquoi la négociation entre les propriétaires forestiers et les exploitants de captages s'imposent en Indonésie, est envisageable en France, mais n'aboutit pas en Suisse. Les nombreuses tentatives infructueuses de mise en oeuvre de solutions négociées, notamment sous forme de paiements pour services environnementaux (PSE), trouvent ici une explication. - This thesis (written in French) is built in four parts: three annexes that present six case studies (approx. 800 pages), preceded by a transverse, more conceptual analysis (approx. 150 pages), which this summary is about. Each annexe contains a detailed summary of the case studies. 'Natural resource management' is an inappropriate designation because it is not the resources that are managed but the uses made of them, therefore this thesis addresses the identification and analysis of the influences on human behaviour in relation to the resource. This statement roots the social sciences perspective on the management of natural resources, in which this thesis fits. A neoinstitutionalist approach considers that the uses are influenced by institutions, which are themselves influenced by users. These institutions are human constructions that form the institutional context in which the actors decide on the use of resources (felling a tree, collecting water, etc.). Thus, the uses of resources are never independent from institutional influences and it becomes necessary to understand how these rules of the game affect practices. They are numerous, interrelated and form the basis for the uses of resources. To understand this complexity, the author applies the institutional regime resource framework (IRR) which limits the analysis to two types of use rights: those resulting from the property rights (deeds, easements, etc.) and those from public policies (laws, ordinances, etc.). The IRR identifies an 'institutional regime', specific to the resource, from which developments can be compared over time or between several places. In this research, this analytical framework has been applied to the same topic - forest management in the recharging areas of groundwater piped for public supply - in three countries: France, Switzerland and Indonesia. Three years of field research allow the author to look not only at predetermined rules (rules), but also at regulations that are actually activated on the ground (rules-in-use). The case studies show that the predetermined rules are unevenly applied and that sometimes actors favour direct negotiation to resolve their rivalry of uses, instead of invoking their vested rights. From this observation the author proposes an enlargement of the IRR's scope, forming the core of his thesis. The interest covers not only what 'is' regulated, but what 'is not' and so is beyond the classical application of the IRR. This shift in perspective is crucial to understand the concrete uses of resources in poorly integrated regimes, where practices are explained by the margin of manoeuvre left to the actors rather than predetermined rules. This reinterpretation, tested successfully in this research, allows the margin of manoeuvre to be integrated in the analysis using the IRR and is made concrete by the identification of gaps and inconsistencies in the investigated institutional context. The new interpretation of the IRR in this thesis complements and enhances its classical application. In particular, its use and understanding by non-specialists, especially environmentalists, is facilitated. The results show two things: first the actors always have leeway to negotiate ad hoc regulations, which are alternatives to the application of the predefined rules. Second, the conclusion of bi/multilateral negotiated agreements depends directly on the leeway left by the institutional context. This explains why the negotiation between forest owners and operators of water catchments is needed in Indonesia, is possible in France, but does not succeed in Switzerland. This offers an explanation for many unsuccessful attempts to implement negotiated solutions, notably payments for environmental services (PES).
In legal medicine, the post mortem interval (PMI) of interest covers the last 50 years. When only human skeletal remains are found, determining the PMI currently relies mostly on the experience of the forensic anthropologist, with few techniques available to help. Recently, several radiometric methods have been proposed to reveal PMI. For instance, (14)C and (90)Sr bomb pulse dating covers the last 60 years and give reliable PMI when teeth or bones are available. (232)Th series dating has also been proposed but requires a large amount of bones. In addition, (210)Pb dating is promising but is submitted to diagenesis and individual habits like smoking that must be handled carefully. Here we determine PMI on 29 cases of forensic interest using (90)Sr bomb pulse. In 12 cases, (210)Pb dating was added to narrow the PMI interval. In addition, anthropological investigations were carried out on 15 cases to confront anthropological expertise to the radiometric method. Results show that 10 of the 29 cases can be discarded as having no forensic interest (PMI>50 years) based only on the (90)Sr bomb pulse dating. For 10 other cases, the additional (210)Pb dating restricts the PMI uncertainty to a few years. In 15 cases, anthropological investigations corroborate the radiometric PMI. This study also shows that diagenesis and inter-individual difference in radionuclide uptake represent the main sources of uncertainty in the PMI determination using radiometric methods.