973 resultados para corner detector


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The original contribution of this thesis to knowledge are novel digital readout architectures for hybrid pixel readout chips. The thesis presents asynchronous bus-based architecture, a data-node based column architecture and a network-based pixel matrix architecture for data transportation. It is shown that the data-node architecture achieves readout efficiency 99% with half the output rate as a bus-based system. The network-based solution avoids “broken” columns due to some manufacturing errors, and it distributes internal data traffic more evenly across the pixel matrix than column-based architectures. An improvement of > 10% to the efficiency is achieved with uniform and non-uniform hit occupancies. Architectural design has been done using transaction level modeling (TLM) and sequential high-level design techniques for reducing the design and simulation time. It has been possible to simulate tens of column and full chip architectures using the high-level techniques. A decrease of > 10 in run-time is observed using these techniques compared to register transfer level (RTL) design technique. Reduction of 50% for lines-of-code (LoC) for the high-level models compared to the RTL description has been achieved. Two architectures are then demonstrated in two hybrid pixel readout chips. The first chip, Timepix3 has been designed for the Medipix3 collaboration. According to the measurements, it consumes < 1 W/cm^2. It also delivers up to 40 Mhits/s/cm^2 with 10-bit time-over-threshold (ToT) and 18-bit time-of-arrival (ToA) of 1.5625 ns. The chip uses a token-arbitrated, asynchronous two-phase handshake column bus for internal data transfer. It has also been successfully used in a multi-chip particle tracking telescope. The second chip, VeloPix, is a readout chip being designed for the upgrade of Vertex Locator (VELO) of the LHCb experiment at CERN. Based on the simulations, it consumes < 1.5 W/cm^2 while delivering up to 320 Mpackets/s/cm^2, each packet containing up to 8 pixels. VeloPix uses a node-based data fabric for achieving throughput of 13.3 Mpackets/s from the column to the EoC. By combining Monte Carlo physics data with high-level simulations, it has been demonstrated that the architecture meets requirements of the VELO (260 Mpackets/s/cm^2 with efficiency of 99%).


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Object detection is a fundamental task of computer vision that is utilized as a core part in a number of industrial and scientific applications, for example, in robotics, where objects need to be correctly detected and localized prior to being grasped and manipulated. Existing object detectors vary in (i) the amount of supervision they need for training, (ii) the type of a learning method adopted (generative or discriminative) and (iii) the amount of spatial information used in the object model (model-free, using no spatial information in the object model, or model-based, with the explicit spatial model of an object). Although some existing methods report good performance in the detection of certain objects, the results tend to be application specific and no universal method has been found that clearly outperforms all others in all areas. This work proposes a novel generative part-based object detector. The generative learning procedure of the developed method allows learning from positive examples only. The detector is based on finding semantically meaningful parts of the object (i.e. a part detector) that can provide additional information to object location, for example, pose. The object class model, i.e. the appearance of the object parts and their spatial variance, constellation, is explicitly modelled in a fully probabilistic manner. The appearance is based on bio-inspired complex-valued Gabor features that are transformed to part probabilities by an unsupervised Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The proposed novel randomized GMM enables learning from only a few training examples. The probabilistic spatial model of the part configurations is constructed with a mixture of 2D Gaussians. The appearance of the parts of the object is learned in an object canonical space that removes geometric variations from the part appearance model. Robustness to pose variations is achieved by object pose quantization, which is more efficient than previously used scale and orientation shifts in the Gabor feature space. Performance of the resulting generative object detector is characterized by high recall with low precision, i.e. the generative detector produces large number of false positive detections. Thus a discriminative classifier is used to prune false positive candidate detections produced by the generative detector improving its precision while keeping high recall. Using only a small number of positive examples, the developed object detector performs comparably to state-of-the-art discriminative methods.


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The Beckman Helium Discharge Detector has been found to be sensitive to the fixed gases oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen at detection levels 10-100 times more sensitive than possible with a Bow-Mac Thermal Conductivity Detector. Detection levels o~ approximately 1.9 E-4 ~ v/v oxygen, 3.1 E-4 ~ v/v nitrogen, and 3.0 E-3 ~ v/v hydrogen are estimated. Response of the Helium Discharge Detector was not linear, but is useable for quantitation over limited ranges of concentration using suitably prepared working standards. Cleanliness of the detector discharge electrodes and purity of the helium carrier and discharge gas were found to be critical to the operation of the detector. Higher sensitivities of the Helium Discharge Detector may be possible by the design and installation of a sensitive, solid-state electrometer.


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Utilisant les plus récentes données recueillies par le détecteur ATLAS lors de collisions pp à 7 et 8 TeV au LHC, cette thèse établira des contraintes sévères sur une multitude de modèles allant au-delà du modèle standard (MS) de la physique des particules. Plus particulièrement, deux types de particules hypothétiques, existant dans divers modèles théoriques et qui ne sont pas présentes dans le MS, seront étudiés et sondés. Le premier type étudié sera les quarks-vectoriels (QV) produits lors de collisions pp par l’entremise de couplages électrofaibles avec les quarks légers u et d. On recherchera ces QV lorsqu’ils se désintègrent en un boson W ou Z, et un quark léger. Des arguments théoriques établissent que sous certaines conditions raisonnables la production simple dominerait la production en paires des QV. La topologie particulière des évènements en production simple des QV permettra alors la mise en oeuvre de techniques d’optimisation efficaces pour leur extraction des bruits de fond électrofaibles. Le deuxième type de particules recherché sera celles qui se désintègrent en WZ lorsque ces bosons de jauges W, et Z se désintègrent leptoniquement. Les états finaux détectés par ATLAS seront par conséquent des évènements ayant trois leptons et de l’énergie transverse manquante. La distribution de la masse invariante de ces objets sera alors examinée pour déterminer la présence ou non de nouvelles résonances qui se manifesterait par un excès localisé. Malgré le fait qu’à première vue ces deux nouveaux types de particules n’ont que très peu en commun, ils ont en réalité tous deux un lien étroit avec la brisure de symétrie électrofaible. Dans plusieurs modèles théoriques, l’existence hypothétique des QV est proposé pour annuler les contributions du quark top aux corrections radiatives de la masse du Higgs du MS. Parallèlement, d’autres modèles prédisent quant à eux des résonances en WZ tout en suggérant que le Higgs est une particule composite, chambardant ainsi tout le sector Higgs du MS. Ainsi, les deux analyses présentées dans cette thèse ont un lien fondamental avec la nature même du Higgs, élargissant par le fait même nos connaissances sur l’origine de la masse intrinsèque des particules. En fin de compte, les deux analyses n’ont pas observé d’excès significatif dans leurs régions de signal respectives, ce qui permet d’établir des limites sur la section efficace de production en fonction de la masse des résonances.


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Reduction of radar cross -section of dihedral corner reflectors using simulated corrugated surface (.SCS) is reported. This technique is found lo be more effective in the reduction of RCS or corner reflectors for normal incidence . A typical reduction of 40-50 dB is achieved using this method


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The operation of a previously proposed terahertz (THZ) detector is formulated in detail. The detector is based on the hot-electron effect of the 2D electron gas (2DEG) in the quantum well (QW) of a GaAs/AIGaAs heterostructure. The interaction between the THz radiation and the 2DEG, the current enhancement due to hot -electron effect, and the noise performance of the detector are analyzed


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Reduction of radar cross -section of dihedral corner reflectors using simulated corrugated surface (SCS) is reported. The technique is found to be more effective in the reduction of RCS or corner reflectors for normal incidence . A typical reduction of 40-50 dB is achieved using this method.


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Effective use of fractal-based metallo-dielectric structures for enhancing the radar cross-section (RCS) of dihedral corner reflectors is reported. RCS enhancement of about 30 dBsm is obtained for corner reflectors with corner angles other than 90deg. This may find application in remote sensing and synthetic aperture radar.


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This paper presents the design of a new type of corner reflector (CR) antenna and the experimental investigation of its radiation characteristics. The design involves the addition of planar parallel periodic strips to the two sides of a CR antenna. The position, angular orientation, and number of strips have a notable effect on the H-plane radiation characteristics of the antenna. Certain configurations of the new antenna are capable of producing very sharp axial beams with gain on the order of 5 dB over the square corner reflector antenna. A configuration that can provide symmetric twin beams with enhanced gain and reduced half-power beam width (HPBW) is also presented.


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In the present thesis, possibility of beam shaping of sectoral horns and corner reflector systems'has been studied in detail. The experimental results obtained in the above two cases are compared. As far as the flanged sectoral horns are concerned, the special advantage is that the gain is increased without impairing impedance conditions. An intense study on corner reflector antennas shows that the been broadening or focussing will be possible by adjusting parameters involved. Beam tilting by imposing asymmetries is another interesting property of the systems. A comprehensive study of these fields has been presented in Chapter II. Chapter III is exclusively for describing the experimental techniques used in the present investigation. In Chapter IV, experimental results on flanged sectoral horns and corner reflector eyetses are presented. A comparative analysis of the experimental results obtained with flanged sectoral horns and corner reflector systems is presented in the Chapter V. The similarity and close resemblance in each aspects are shown by presenting typical results from these two eysteee. Theoretical aspects of both types of antennas are considered in Chapter VI. Attempts are made for co-ordinating the theoretical aspects and drawing a final conclusion. In Chapter VII. the final conclusion that the flanged sectoral horn may be considered as a corner reflector system has been drawn. The importance of the conclusions and usefulness are pointed out. The scope for further work in these lines has been indicated.


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Antennas play an important role in determining the characteristics of any electronic system which depends on free space as the propagation medium. Basically, an antenna can be considered as the connecting link between free space and the transmitter or receiver. For radar and navigational purposes the directional properties of an antenna is its most basic requirement as it determines the distribution of radiated energy. Hence the study of directional properties of antennas has got special significance and several useful applications.


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The present work emphasises on the synthesis and characterization of electro-active polymer-ceramic nanocomposites which can be used for pyroelectric thermal/infrared detection applications. Two sets of samples belong to polymer-microcrystalline composites have also been investigated in the work. The polymers used in the work have been commercially available ones, but the nanoceramics have been synthesized following simple chemical routes and aqueous organic gel routes. After characterizing the nanoceramics for their structure by powder XRD, they have been dispersed in liquid polymer and sonicated for uniform dispersion. The viscous mixture so formed was cast in the form of films for experimentation. Samples with volume fraction of the ceramic phase varied from 0 to 0.25 have been prepared. Solution growth was followed to prepare microcrystalline samples for the polymer-microcrystalline composites. The physical properties that determine the pyroelectric sensitivity of a material are dielectric constant, dielectric loss, pyroelectric coefficient, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity. These parameters have been determined for all the samples and compositions reported in this work.The pyroelectric figures of merit for all the samples were determined. The pyroelectric figures of merit that determine the pyroelectric sensitivity of a material are current sensitivity, voltage responsivity and detectivity. All these have been determined for each set of samples and reported in the thesis. In order to assess the flexibility and mouldability of the composites we have measured the Shore hardness of each of the composites by indentation technique and compared with the pyroelectric figures of merit. Some important factors considered during the material fabrication stages were maximum flexibility and maximum figures of merit for pyroelectric thermal/IR detection applications. In order to achieve these goals, all the samples are synthesized as composites of polymers and nano/microcrystalline particles and are prepared in the form of freestanding films. The selected polymer matrices and particle inclusions possess good pyroelectric coefficients, low thermal and dielectric properties, so that good pyroelectric figures of merit could be achieved. The salient features of the work include the particle size of the selected ceramic materials. Since they are in nanometer size it was possible to achieve high flexibility and moldability with high figures of merit for even low volume fractions of inclusions of the prepared nanocrystalline composites. In the case of microcrystalline TGS and DTGS, their composites in PU matrix protect them from fragility and humidity susceptibility and made them for environmental friendly applications.


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A lubrication-flow model for a free film in a corner is presented. The model, written in the hyperbolic coordinate system ξ = x² – y², η = 2xy, applies to films that are thin in the η direction. The lubrication approximation yields two coupled evolution equations for the film thickness and the velocity field which, to lowest order, describes plug flow in the hyperbolic coordinates. A free film in a corner evolving under surface tension and gravity is investigated. The rate of thinning of a free film is compared to that of a film evolving over a solid substrate. Viscous shear and normal stresses are both captured in the model and are computed for the entire flow domain. It is shown that normal stress dominates over shear stress in the far field, while shear stress dominates close to the corner.