390 resultados para coplanar waveguides
Pure O-methyl N-methoxycarbonyl thiocarbamate CH(3)OC(S)N(H)C(O)OCH(3) (I) and O-ethyl N-methoxycarbonyl thiocarbamate, CH(3)CH(2)OC(S)N(H)C(O)OCH(3) (II), are quantitatively prepared by the addition reaction between the CH(3)OC(O)NCS and the corresponding alcohols. The compounds are characterized by multinuclear ((1)H and (13)C) and bi-dimensional ((13)C HSQC) NMR, GC-MS and FTIR spectroscopy techniques. Structural and conformational properties are analyzed using a combined approach involving crystallographic data, vibration spectra and theoretical calculations. The low-temperature (150 K) crystal structure of II was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The substance crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 4.088(1)angstrom. b = 22.346(1)angstrom, c = 8.284(1)angstrom, beta = 100.687(3)degrees and Z = 4 molecules per unit cell. The conformation adopted by the thiocarbamate group -OC(S)N(H)- is syn (C=S double bond in synperiplanar orientation with respect to the N-H single bond), while the methoxycarbonyl C=O double bond is in antiperiplanar orientation with respect to the N-H bond. The non-H atoms in II are essentially coplanar and the molecules are arranged in the crystal lattice as centro-symmetric dimeric units held by N-H center dot center dot center dot S=C hydrogen bonds Id(N center dot center dot center dot S) = 3.387(1)angstrom, <(N-H center dot center dot center dot S) = 166.4(2)degrees]. Furthermore, the effect of the it electronic resonance in the structural and vibrational properties is also discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent developments in the field of ultracold gases has led to the production of degenerate samples of polar molecules. These have large static electric-dipole moments, which in turn causes the molecules to interact strongly. We investigate the interaction of polar particles in waveguide geometries subject to an applied polarizing field. For circular waveguides, tilting the direction of the polarizing field creates a periodic inhomogeneity of the interparticle interaction. We explore the consequences of geometry and interaction for stability of the ground state within the Thomas-Fermi model. Certain combinations of tilt angles and interaction strengths are found to preclude the existence of a stable Thomas-Fermi ground state. The system is shown to exhibit different behavior for quasi-one-dimensional and three-dimensional trapping geometries.
This work proposes a kinematic control scheme, using visual feedback for a robot arm with five degrees of freedom. Using computational vision techniques, a method was developed to determine the cartesian 3d position and orientation of the robot arm (pose) using a robot image obtained through a camera. A colored triangular label is disposed on the robot manipulator tool and efficient heuristic rules are used to obtain the vertexes of that label in the image. The tool pose is obtained from those vertexes through numerical methods. A color calibration scheme based in the K-means algorithm was implemented to guarantee the robustness of the vision system in the presence of light variations. The extrinsic camera parameters are computed from the image of four coplanar points whose cartesian 3d coordinates, related to a fixed frame, are known. Two distinct poses of the tool, initial and final, obtained from image, are interpolated to generate a desired trajectory in cartesian space. The error signal in the proposed control scheme consists in the difference between the desired tool pose and the actual tool pose. Gains are applied at the error signal and the signal resulting is mapped in joint incrementals using the pseudoinverse of the manipulator jacobian matrix. These incrementals are applied to the manipulator joints moving the tool to the desired pose
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A procedure to model optical diffused-channel waveguides is presented in this work. The dielectric waveguides present anisotropic refractive indexes which are calculated from the proton concentration. The proton concentration inside the channel is calculated by the anisotropic 2D-linear diffusion equation and converted to the refractive indexes using mathematical relations obtained from experimental data, the arbitrary refractive index profile is modeled by a. nodal expansion in the base functions. The TE and TM-like propagation properties (effective index) and the electromagnetic fields for well-annealed proton-exchanged (APE) LiNbO3 waveguides are computed by the finite element method.
The sol-gel method combined with a spin-coating technique has been successfully applied for the preparation of rare-earth doped silica:germania films used for the fabrication of erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers (EDWA), presenting several advantages over other methods for the preparation of thin films. As with other methods, the sol-gel route also shows some drawbacks, such as cracks related to the thickness of silica films and high hydrolysis rate of certain precursors such as germanium alkoxides. This article describes the preparation and optical characterization of erbium and ytterbium co-doped SiO2:GeO2 crack-free thick films prepared by the sol-gel route combined with a spin-coating technique using a chemically stable non-aqueous germanium oxide solution as an alternative precursor. The non-crystalline films obtained are planar waveguides exhibiting a single mode at 1,550 nm with an average thickness of 3.9 mu m presenting low percentages of porosity evaluated by the Lorentz-Lorenz Effective Medium Approximation, and low stress, according to the refractive index values measured in both transversal electric and magnetic polarizations. Weakly confining core layers (0.3% < Delta n < 0.75%) were obtained according to the refractive index difference between the core and buffer layers, suggesting that low-loss coupling EDWA may be obtained. The life time of the erbium I-4(13/2) metastable state was measured as a function of erbium concentration in different systems and based on these values it is possible to infer that the hydroxyl group was reduced and the formation of rare-earth clusters was avoided.
LiNbO3 thin films were grown on (0001) sapphire substrates by a chemical route, using the polymeric precursor method. The overall process consists of preparing a coating solution from the Pechini process, based on metallic citrate polymerization, the precursor films, deposited by dip coating, are then heat treated to eliminate the organic material and to synthesize the phase. In this work, we studied the influence of the heat treatment on the structural and optical properties of single-layered films. Two routes were also investigated to increase the film thickness: increasing the viscosity of the coating solution and/or increasing the number of successively deposited layers. The x-ray diffraction theta -2 theta scans revealed the c-axis orientation of the single- and multilayered films and showed that efficient crystallization can be obtained at temperatures as low as 400 degreesC, the phi-scan diffraction evidenced the epitaxial growth with two in-plane variants, A microstructural study revealed that the films were crack free, homogeneous, and relatively dense. Finally, the investigation of the optical properties (optical transmittance and refractive index) confirmed the good quality of the films. These results indicate that the polymeric precursor method is a promising process to develop lithium niobate waveguides.
In this work the problem of a spacecraft bi-impulsive transfer between two given non coplanar elliptical orbits, with minimum fuel consumption, is solved considering a non-Keplerian force field (the perturbing forces include Earth gravity harmonics and atmospheric drag). The problem is transformed in the Two Point Boundary Value Problem. It is developed and implemented a new algorithm, that uses the analytical expressions developed here. A dynamics that considered a Keplerian force field was used to produce an initial guess to solve the Two Point Boundary Value Problem. Several simulations were performed to observe the spacecraft orbital behaviour by different kind of perturbations and constraints, on a fuel consumption optimization point of view. (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
We report on spectral redistribution of the photoluminescence (PL) emission from the edge of thin-film planar waveguides of the conjugated polymer BEH-PPV [Poly(2,5-bis(2'-ethyl-hexyl)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] induced by self-absorption in the polymer film. The PL spectra present drastic changes and displace to longer wavelengths with increasing self-absorption. We observe an enhancement of the absolute PL intensity at longer wavelengths, which was interpreted as due to re-emission of self-absorbed photons. The significant efficiency for the PL re-emission suggests the use of self-absorption as a mechanism for tuning the emission into the near infrared.
Organic-inorganic hybrid materials were prepared from an ureasil precursor (ureapropyltriethoxysilane designated as UPTES) and acrylic acid modified zirconium (IV) n-propoxide. Thin films containing rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) were prepared by spin-coating on glass substrates with different Zr:Si molar ratios (Zr:Si = 75:25, 50:50 and 25:75). Refractive index, thickness, number of propagating modes and attenuation coefficient were measured at 543.5, 632.8 and 1550 nm wavelengths by the prism coupling technique. Distributed feedback (DFB) laser effect was observed and studied as a function of films thickness and refractive index.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Organic-inorganic hybrids containing methacrylic acid (McOH, CH(2)= C(CH(3))COOH)) modified zirconium tetrapropoxide, Zr(OPr(n))(4), classed as di-ureasil-zirconium oxo-cluster hybrids, have been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopies, Si and C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). XRD and SAXS results have pointed out the presence of Si- and Zr-based nanobuilding blocks (NBBs) dispersed into the organic phase. Inter-NBBs correlation distances have been estimated for the pure di-ureasil and a model compound obtained. by hydrolysis/condensation of Zr(OPr(n))(4):McOH (molar ratio 1: 1): d(Si) approximate to 26 +/- 1 angstrom and d(Zr) approximate to 16 +/- 1 angstrom, respectively. In the case of the di-ureasil-zirconium oxo-cluster hybrids, these distances depend on the Zr relative molar percentage (rel. mol. Zr %) (d(Si) ranges from 18 to 25 angstrom and d(Zr) from 14 to 23 angstrom, as the rel. mol. Zr % increases from 5 to 75), suggesting that the Si- and Zr-based clusters are interconstrained. Complementary data from FT-IR, FT-Raman, (29)Si and (13)C NMR, and AFM support to a structural model where McOH-modified Zr-based NBBs (Zr-OMc) are present over the whole range of composition. At low Zr-OMc contents (rel. mol. Zr % <30) the clusters are well-dispersed within the di-ureasil host, whereas segregation occurs at the 0.1 mu m scale at high Zr-OMc concentration (rel. mol. Zr % = 50). No Zr-O-Si heterocondensation has been discerned. Monomode waveguides, diffractions gratings, and Fabry-Perot cavities have been written through the exposure of the hybrid monoliths to UV light. FT-Raman has shown that the chemical process that takes place under illumination is the polymerization of the methacrylate groups of the Zr-OMc NBBs. The guidance region in patterned channels is a Gaussian section located below the exposed surface with typical dimensions of 320 mu m wide and 88 mu m deep. The effective refractive index is 1.5162 (maximum index contrast on the order of 1 x 10(-4)) and the reflection coeficient of the Fabry-Perot cavity (formed by a grating patterned into a 0.278 cm channel) is 0.042 with a free spectral range value of 35.6 GHz.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work presents the application of a scalar finite element formulation for Ex (TE-like) modes in anisotropic planar and channel waveguides with diagonal permittivity tensor, diffused in both transversal directions. This extended formulation considers explicitly both the variations of the refractive index and their spatial derivates inside of each finite element. Dispersion curves for Ex modes in planar and channel waveguides are shown, and the results compared with solutions obtained by other formulations.
The soliton propagation in a medium with Kerr nonlinearity and resonant impurities was studied by a variational approach. The existence of a solitary wave was shown within the framework of a combined nonintegrable system composed of one nonlinear Schrödinger and a pair of Bloch equations. The analytical solution which was obtained, was tested through numerical simulations confirming its solitary wave nature.