980 resultados para controlled study


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Under biotic/abiotic stresses, the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii reportedly releases massive amounts of H2O2 into the surrounding seawater. As an essential redox signal, the role of chloroplast-originated H2O2 in the orchestration of overall antioxidant responses in algal species has thus been questioned. This work purported to study the kinetic decay profiles of the redox-sensitive plastoquinone pool correlated to H2O2 release in seawater, parameters of oxidative lesions and antioxidant enzyme activities in the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii under the single or combined effects of high light, low temperature, and sub-lethal doses of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), which are inhibitors of the thylakoid electron transport system. Within 24 h, high light and chilling stresses distinctly affected the availability of the PQ pool for photosynthesis, following Gaussian and exponential kinetic profiles, respectively, whereas combined stimuli were mostly reflected in exponential decays. No significant correlation was found in a comparison of the PQ pool levels after 24 h with either catalase (CAT) or ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities, although the H2O2 concentration in seawater (R = 0.673), total superoxide dismutase activity (R = 0.689), and particularly indexes of protein (R = 0.869) and lipid oxidation (R = 0.864), were moderately correlated. These data suggest that the release of H2O2 from plastids into seawater possibly impaired efficient and immediate responses of pivotal H2O2-scavenging activities of CAT and APX in the red alga K. alvarezii, culminating in short-term exacerbated levels of protein and lipid oxidation. These facts provided a molecular basis for the recognized limited resistance of the red alga K. alvarezii under unfavorable conditions, especially under chilling stress. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Solitary keratoacanthoma (KA) is a common benign epithelial tumor of the skin characterized by rapid growth and a tendency toward spontaneous regression. The exact etiology and classification of KA are a matter of debate. Smokers also seem to be more affected than persons who never smoke. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between solitary KA and smoking habit. A case-control study involving 78 patients diagnosed with KA and 199 controls from the related community was performed to evaluate the association between cigarette smoking and KA. A higher smoking prevalence was noted in cases (69.2 %) than controls (21.6 %) and the odds ratio adjusted for sex and age was 9.1 (95 % CI 4.9 to 17.1, p< 0.01). The mean tumoral diameter at surgery and the site of involvement was not statistically related to smoking. These findings suggest that cigarette smoking is associated with the development of KA. © 2006 Dermatology Online Journal.


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The most used animal models in oral cancer research are the hamster treated by dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA), and the rat treated by 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO). The purpose of this study was to compare the DMBA-induced hamster tongue carcinogenesis and 4NQO-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis by means of morphological analysis. Male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups of ten animals each and treated with 50 ppm 4NQO solution by drinking water for 4, 12 or 20 weeks. A total of 18 Syrian golden hamsters were submitted to 0.5% DMBA (dissolved in acetone) topical application three times/week for 4, 12 and 20 weeks. The primary histopathological change i.e., hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis, was evidenced after 4 weeks treatment with DMBA. Regarding 12 weeks treatment, 4NQO and DMBA were able to induce morphological changes as depicted by hyperplasia and dysplasia. At 20 weeks, squamous cell carcinoma was found in the majority of animals for both carcinogens used. Taken together, our results suggest that the hamster experimental model disclosed aspects related with tongue carcinogenesis in lesser time than rats. Probably, such discrepancies depend strongly on route of administration and the susceptibility with respect to animal species. © 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to analyze randomized controlled trials published in the last decades involving motor intervention as a treatment for dementia, based on Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) criteria. A database search was performed using the following keywords: randomized controlled trial, dementia, physiotherapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, physical education, motor approach, exercise, and physical activity. Ten trials were found: 4 related to physiotherapy, 3 to occupational therapy, 1 to physical education, and 2 to interdisciplinary motor intervention. The efficacy of motor intervention was confirmed in the following variables: psychosocial function, physical health and function, affective status, and caregiver's distress (P < .05). Results related to mobility were not significant (P > .05). Behavior, cognitive performance, activities of daily living, and risk of falls were not similar among the articles. From a total score of 10 points, with excellence characterized as the highest punctuation, the articles were classified between 3 and 7 by PEDro. Motor intervention was shown to be an alternative for minimizing physical and mental decline. PEDro has been confirmed as a very reliable tool to analyze studies and as an evaluation criteria, both qualitative and quantitative, allowing the establishment of motor intervention strategies for the treatment of patients with dementia. © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.


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Purpose: Interposition of a jejunal tube between the common bile duct and duodenum. Methods: Five adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, weighing on average 22.3 kg (18 to 26.5 kg), were used. Obstructive jaundice was induced by ligation of the distal common bile duct. After one week, a 2.5-cm long jejunal tube was fabricated from a segment of the loop removed 15 cm from the Treitz angle and interposed between the common bile duct and duodenum. Results: The animals presented good clinical evolution and no complications were observed. After 6 weeks, complete integration was noted between the bile duct mucosa, tube and duodenum and a significant reduction in total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase was observed when compared to the values obtained one week after ligation of the common bile duct. Conclusion: The jejunal tube interposed between the dilated bile duct and duodenum showed good anatomic integration and reduced total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels in the animals studied.


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The suprachiasmatic nucleus, an essential diencephalic component of the circadian timing system, plays a role in the generation and modulation of behavioral and neuroendocrine rhythms in mammals. Its cytoarchitecture, neurochemical and hodological characteristics have been investigated in various mammalian species, particularly in rodents. In most species, two subdivisions, based on these aspects and considered to reflect functional specialization within the nucleus, can be recognized. Many studies reveal a typical dense innervation by serotonergic fibers in this nucleus, mainly in the ventromedial area, overlapping the retinal afferents. However, a different pattern occurs in certain animals, which lead us to investigate the distribution of serotonergic afferents in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the Capuchin monkey, Cebus apella, compared to the marmoset, Callithrix jacchus, and two Rattus norvegicus lines (Long Evans and Wistar), and to reported findings for other mammalian species. Our morphometric data show the volume and length of the suprachiasmatic nucleus along the rostrocaudal axis to be greatest in C. apella > C. jacchus > Long Evans ≥ Wistar rats, in agreement with their body sizes. In C. apella, however, the serotonergic terminals occupy only some 10% of the nucleus' area, less than the 25% seen in the marmoset and rats. The distribution of the serotonergic fibers in C. apella does not follow the characteristic ventral organization pattern seen in the rodents. These findings raise questions concerning the intrinsic organization of the nucleus, as well as regarding the functional relationship between serotonergic input and retinal afferents in this diurnal species. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Nysius californicus (family Lygaeidae, subfamily Orsillinae), a pest commonly known as the seed bug, the chromosome complement is 2n = 16 (12A + 2m + XY), testes are formed by seven seminiferous tubules covered by an orange-colored membrane, and spermatogenesis is cystic. At prophase, sex chromosomes are heteropycnotic and autosomes usually show a chiasma. At metaphase, sex chromosomes along with microchromosomes may be seen located at the center of a ring formed by the remaining autosomes. A characteristic specific of N. californicus was the presence of nucleolar material observed from the cystic cell to the completely differentiated spermatozoon. Variations in size, shape and location of the nucleolar material occur during this process, denoting a variable degree of activity in the different stages. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of surface glazing and polishing of yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal ceramic on early dental biofilm formation, as well as the effect of brushing on the removal of adhered bacteria. Two subjects used oral appliances with polished and glazed samples fixed to the right and left sides. After 20 minutes, 1 hour, and 6 hours, the subjects manually brushed the samples on the right side. The samples were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. Granular material was verified on the samples, especially on irregular surfaces. After 1 hour, there was no significant difference between glazed and polished surfaces in terms of bacterial presence. However, glazed surfaces tended to accumulate more biofilm, and brushing did not completely remove the biofilm. Polished surfaces seem to present a lower tendency for biofilm formation. Int J Prosthodont 2007;20:419-422.


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Purpose: Bone maintenance after mandibular reconstruction with autogenous iliac crest may be disappointing due to extensive resorption in the long term. The potential of the guided-bone regeneration (GBR) technique to enhance the healing process in segmental defects lacks comprehensive scientific documentation. This study aimed to investigate the influence of polylactide membrane permeability on the fate of iliac bone graft (BG) used to treat mandibular segmental defects. Materials and Methods: Unilateral 10-mm-wide segmental defects were created through the mandibles of 34 mongrel dogs. All defects were mechanically stabilized, and the animals were divided into 6 treatment groups: control, BG alone, microporous membrane (poly L/DL-lactide 80/20%) (Mi); Mi plus BG; microporous laser-perforated (15 cm2 ratio) membrane (Mip), and Mip plus BG. Calcein fluorochrome was injected intravenously at 3 months, and animal euthanasia was carried out at 6 months postoperatively. Results: Histomorphometry showed that BG protected by Mip was consistently related to larger amounts of bone compared with other groups (P ≤ .0001). No difference was found between defects treated with Mip alone and BG alone. Mi alone rendered the least bone area and reduced the amount of grafted bone to control levels. Data from bone labeling indicated that the bone formation process was incipient in the BG group at 3 months postoperatively regardless of whether or not it was covered by membrane. In contrast, GBR with Mip tended to enhance bone formation activity at 3 months. Conclusions: The use of Mip alone could be a useful alternative to BG. The combination of Mip membrane and BG efficiently delivered increased bone amounts in segmental defects compared with other treatment modalities. © 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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A collaborative work was carried out by the Spanish and Portuguese ISFG Working Group with a PCR multiplex for X chromosome STRs. Markers were selected among those described as polymorphic in humans and that have been used by some laboratories in forensics. Primers and various technical methods were investigated with the aim of optimizing a multiplex for the 10 selected X-STRs. Primer mix stock solutions were sent to the laboratories that were asked to analyse two female bloodstains, taking as reference the genetic profiles from 9947A, 9948 and NA3657 samples. In this work, we report the results obtained by 30 GEP-ISFG laboratories, using this Decaplex, as well as alternative technical conditions that also produced good results. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the long-term effects of orthognathic surgery on subsequent growth of the maxillomandibular complex in the young cleft patient. Patients and Methods: We evaluated 12 young cleft patients (9 male and 3 female patients), with a mean age of 12 years 6 months (range, 9 years 8 months to 15 years 4 months), who underwent Le Fort I osteotomies, with maxillary advancement, expansion, and/or downgrafting, by use of autogenous bone or hydroxyapatite grafts, when indicated, for maxillary stabilization. Five patients had concomitant osteotomies of the mandibular ramus. All patients had presurgical and postsurgical orthodontic treatment to control the occlusion. Radiographs taken at initial evaluation (T1) and presurgery (T2) were compared to establish the facial growth vector before surgery, whereas radiographs taken immediately postsurgery (T3) and at longest follow-up (T4) were used to determine postsurgical growth. Each patient's lateral cephalograms were traced, and 16 landmarks were identified and used to compute 11 measurements describing presurgical and postsurgical growth. Results: Before surgery, all patients had relatively normal growth. After surgery, cephalograms showed statistically significant growth changes from T3 to T4, with the maxillary depth decreasing by -3.3° ± 1.8°, Sella-nasion-point A by -3.3° ± 1.8°, and point A-nasion-point B by -3.6° ± 2.8°. The angulation of the maxillary incisors increased by 9.2° ± 11.7°. Of 12 patients, 11 showed disproportionate postsurgical jaw growth. Maxillary growth occurred predominantly in a vertical vector with no anteroposterior growth, even though most patients had shown anteroposterior growth before surgery. The distance increased in the linear measurement from nasion to gnathion by 10.3 ± 7.9 mm. Four of 5 patients operated on during the mixed dentition phase had teeth that erupted through the cleft area. A variable impairment of postoperative growth was seen with the 2 types of grafting material used. No significant difference was noted in the effect on growth in patients with unilateral clefts versus those with bilateral clefts. The presence of a pharyngeal flap was noted to adversely affect growth, whereas simultaneous mandibular surgery did not. After surgery, 11 of 12 patients tended toward a Class III end-on occlusal relation. Conclusions: Orthognathic surgery may be performed on growing cleft patients when mandated by psychological and/or functional concerns. The surgeon must be cognizant of the adverse postsurgical growth outcomes when performing orthognathic surgery on growing cleft patients with the possibility for further surgery requirements. Performing maxillary osteotomies on cleft patients would be more predictable after completion of facial growth. © 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Purpose: We evaluated the somatic and autonomic innervation of the pelvic floor and rhabdosphincter before and after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy using neurophysiological tests and correlated findings with clinical parameters and urinary continence. Materials and Methods: From February 2003 to October 2005, 46 patients with prostate cancer were enrolled in a controlled, prospective study. Patients were evaluated before and 6 months after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy using the UCLA-PCI urinary function domain and neurophysiological tests, including somatosensory evoked potential, and the pudendo-urethral, pudendo-anal and urethro-anal reflexes. Clinical parameters and urinary continence were correlated with afferent and efferent innervation of the membranous urethra and pelvic floor. We used strict criteria to define urinary continence as complete dryness with no leakage at all, not requiring any pads or diapers and with a UCLA-PCI score of 500. Patients with a sporadic drop of leakage, requiring up to 1 pad daily, were defined as having occasional urinary leakage. Results: Two patients were excluded from study due to urethral stricture postoperatively. We evaluated 44 patients within 6 months after surgery. The pudendo-anal and pudendo-urethral reflexes were unchanged postoperatively (p = 0.93 and 0.09, respectively), demonstrating that afferent and efferent pudendal innervation to this pelvic region was not affected by the surgery. Autonomic afferent denervation of the membranous urethral mucosa was found in 34 patients (77.3%), as demonstrated by a postoperative increase in the urethro-anal reflex sensory threshold and urethro-anal reflex latency (p <0.001 and 0.0007, respectively). Six of the 44 patients used pads. One patient with more severe leakage required 3 pads daily and 23 showed urinary leakage, including 5 who needed 1 pad per day and 18 who did not wear pads. Afferent autonomic denervation at the membranous urethral mucosa was found in 91.7% of patients with urinary leakage. Of 10 patients with preserved urethro-anal reflex latency 80% were continent. Conclusions: Sensory and motor pudendal innervation to this specific pelvic region did not change after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy. Significant autonomic afferent denervation of the membranous urethral mucosa was present in most patients postoperatively. Impaired membranous urethral sensitivity seemed to be associated with urinary incontinence, particularly in patients with occasional urinary leakage. Damage to the afferent autonomic innervation may have a role in the continence mechanism after nerve sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy.


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Objective: To evaluate the skeletal muscle glycogen content and plasmatic concentration of interleukin -6 (IL-6), interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in rats submitted to electrical stimulation sessions during the first three days of ankle immobilization at the position of 90°. Methods: Albinomale Wistar rats(3-4 months) were maintained in vivarium. conditions with food and water ad libitum, Submitted to 12 h photoperiodic cycles of light/dark, and distributed into 7 experimental groups (n = 6): control(C), immobilized 1 day(I1) immobilized 1 day and electrically stimulated(IE1) immobilized 2 days(12), immobilized 2 days and electrically stimulated(IE2), immobilized 3 days(13) and immobilized 3 days and electrically stimulated(IE3). Groups I utilized an acrylic resin orthesis model and groups electrically stimulated (IE) utilized the orthesis and a session of electrotherapy by a Dualpex 961 (biphasic quadratic pulse, 10 Hz, 0.4 ms, 5.0 mA, one 20 min session a day). After the experimental period, the rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium(40 mg/kg) and a blood sample was colleted to evaluate the plasmatic concentration of interleukins by means of the radioimmunoassay method. The soleus and the white portion of the gastrocnemius muscle were colleted for glycogen reserves analysis(GLY). Other groups of rats were used to apply the glucose tolerance test(GTT) and insulin tolerance test(ITT). For statistical analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test followed by ANOVA and the Tukey tests were utilized, with a critical level established at 5%. Results: In ITT test, groups IE enhanced the skeletal muscle glucose uptake, but no changes were observed in GTT after the therapy session, which indicates that electrical stimulation is a sensibilizing method to augment skeletal muscle glucose uptake. The GLY reserves were reduced in I groups, which indicate that disuse altered insulin sensitivity and compromised energetic homeostasis. However. the IE groups displayed an augment in GLY content, suggesting that electrical stimulation restores the enzymatic pathways altered by immobilization. The improvement in GLY was accompanied by an elevation of the plasmatic concentration of IL-6 and TNF-α, showing the participation of these interleukins in the control of metabolic profile. Plasmatic concentrations of IL-10 were elevated only after 3 days of IE while IL-4 did not display any modifications. Conclusion: The results suggest that neuromuscular electricaf stimulation is an important toot in the maintenance of energetic, conditions of musculature submitted to immobilization, and presents multifactor mechanisms linked to interleukins action that converge to maintain the energetic equilibrium of the tissue in disuse.


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Purpose: To present a technique for filling facial folds by using autologous orbicularis oculi muscle, based on an experimental model. Methods: two studies are presented: (1) an experimental study using 15 albino guinea-pigs from which a strip of the sural triceps muscle was removed and implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of the dorsal area. The animals were sacrificed 7, 30 and 60 days after the implantation, and the material was histologically evaluated. And (2%) an interventional prospective clinical trial carried out on 20 patients referred to blepharoplasty surgery. They received autologous preseptal orbicularis muscle for filling facial folds. The results where evaluated by patients satisfaction and clinical exam. Results: the sural tricep muscle, when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue, resulted in fibrosis. The patients whom received autologous orbicularis muscle implanted for filling facial folds showed that the procedure can be successfully carried out. Conclusions: autologous preseptal orbicularis muscle is a good material for filling facial folds. Cicatricial tissue will be formed on its implantation site, filling the tissue gap that forms the folds on the skin.


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Topical retinoids are used to treat photoaging; oral isotretinoin is gold standard for acne; off label indications, including photoaging, have been reported with insufficient evidence of efficacy. This is a randomized controlled phase II trial with clinical and histological assessment to evaluate efficacy and safety of oral isotretinoin for photoaging. Study population was comprised of 32 menopausal or sterilized women, aged 40-55, divided in 2 groups: A (21) received 20mg isotretinoin, 3 times per week, nightly moisturizer, and daily sunscreen, for three months; B (11) just moisturizer/sunscreen. Main outcome measures were: overall clinical assessment; profilometry, corneometer and elasticity tests in periocular regions and left forearm; before/after biopsies from left forearm in patients of B and in 10 randomly selected of A. Microscopic blinded evaluation of epidermal thickness, dermal elastosis, new collagen, p53 epidermal expression was performed by quantitative digital image analysis. All data were submitted to statistical analysis. Clinical evaluation showed slight improvement; profilometry, corneometer and skin elasticity tests presented significant difference in pre/post values (P = 0.001 to 0.028), but no differences between A/B. Histological findings and p53 expression were comparable between groups before treatment (P > 0.1); microscopic analysis showed no differences between groups for most variables, after treatment. Slight but significant difference between A/B for p53 with major reduction post isotretinoin [0.66±0.31 vs. 0.94±0.34 respectively (P = 0.04) was observed. There were minor side effects and no significant laboratory test alterations. We concluded that no significant clinical, microscopic changes but p53 epidermal expression reduction were observed. The role of ultra-violet induced p53 mutation in skin carcinogenesis reinforces retinoids chemoprevention. Oral isotretinoin seemed safe but not effective to treat photoaging. Caution should be considered for women prone to pregnancy. Further controlled studies are necessary. © 2010 The International Society of Dermatology.