997 resultados para concepções sobre avaliação


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o ensino de música inserido em projetos sociais. Os objetivos específicos foram analisar as dimensões presentes nas práticas educativo-musicais das oficinas de música, identificar os profissionais que ali ensinam música e qual a sua formação, e examinar as concepções sobre educação musical desses profissionais e do coordenador. O referencial teórico do trabalho está fundamentado em conceitos de educação não-formal, de autores da pedagogia e da educação musical. Foi realizado um survey de pequeno porte em 19 oficinas de música do projeto de Descentralização, da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, da Prefeitura de Porto Alegre. Os participantes foram 14 oficineiros (profissionais que ensinam música) e o ativista de música (coordenador das oficinas). A técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a da entrevista semi-estruturada, e os dados foram analisados qualitativamente. A partir da análise, considerei que as oficinas de música se configuram como espaços de educação musical não-formal. Os resultados sinalizam a necessidade de reconhecimento desses espaços como contextos de atuação profissional que, como tais, demandam uma formação também profissional.


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This document presents the research developed to define performance indicators for the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. Comprehends a bibliographical survey on enterprises evaluation, with special emphasis on the public sector, the indexes used by similar institutions and a proposal of indicators that allow measuring the Botanic Garden performance. A list of ideal indicators had been produced, followed by an analysis of the ones that can already be adopted based on the data available.


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O tema geral deste trabalho diz respeito à questão da cooperação e da competição entre as pessoas no trabalho e sua influência na produtividade empresarial. Nesta dissertação, são abordadas as seguintes questões: a gênese do individualismo e da competição nas relações sociais de produção; a influência do darwinismo social nas concepções sobre a administração de recursos humanos; o impacto de algumas variáveis organizacionais - tais como: a divisão do trabalho, a hierarquia, o poder e a autoridade - no estabelecimento de processos competitivos ou cooperativos entre as pessoas no trabalho; algumas relações entre os ambientes de trabalho competitivos e os processos geradores ou desencadeadores de psicopatologias; e, a influência da competição e da cooperação entre as pessoas no trabalho na produtividade empresarial. Além disso, a fim de observar como a ideologia do darwinismo social opera o senso comum, o trabalho contempla a apresentação dos resultados obtidos através de pesquisas de campo e documental, consistindo a primeira de entrevistas realizadas com gerentes e questionários aplicados a gerentes, supervisores e executantes; e, a segunda na leitura e interpretação de documentos utilizados na administração e gestão de recursos humanos, coletados nas empresas.


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Pesquisa o uso de indicadores para avaliação do desempenho de serviços de informação tecnológica, sob a ótica da abordagem centrada no usuário. Tem por objetivo principal propor um conjunto de indicadores de desempenho que sejam aplicáveis à mensuração e à gestão dos serviços brasileiros de informação tecnológica, com foco no cliente-usuário. O referencial teórico engloba aspectos referentes à informação tecnológica, serviços de informação, gestão da qualidade, avaliação de serviços, métrica e indicadores. Faz uma análise de documentos sobre indicadores de desempenho aplicados à Sociedade do Conhecimento, Ciência e Tecnologia, Inovação Tecnológica, Tomada de Decisão e Unidades de Informação. Define a Norma Internacional ISO 11620 e o EQUINOX como os documentos base para a seleção dos indicadores de desempenho propostos à análise de especialistas. Utiliza, para o levantamento dos dados, a técnica Delphi, tendo como instrumento o questionário. O questionário é aplicado em duas ocasiões, em dez (10) especialistas, que avaliam cada questão proposta. As questões, em número de vinte e cinco (25), referem-se aos indicadores de desempenho selecionados pela pesquisadora. Estes indicadores são analisados pelos especialistas sob os aspectos pertinência, relevância e viabilidade, a partir de uma escala de atitude, os quais justificam suas escolhas. A cada rodada, o painel de especialistas recebe, como feedback, os aportes da rodada anterior. Esta interação permite um reposicionamento de cada um dos participantes, reposicionamento este que se reflete nas respostas da rodada seguinte. Como produto final da pesquisa , gera-se uma relação de vinte e dois (22) indicadores considerados pela maioria dos especialistas como os mais pertinentes e relevantes. Conclui com a análise dos aportes dos especialistas e da técnica metodológica utilizada. Recomenda o uso de indicadores de desempenho pelos serviços de informação tecnológica; a promoção de ações que visem sensibilizar órgãos de pesquisa e organismos governamentais quanto à sua utilização; o incentivo à implementação, junto aos cursos de Ciência da Informação, de conteúdos sobre avaliação por indicadores. Completamenta com a relação de outros indicadores propostos pelo painel de especialistas. Sugere novos temas de estudo, relacionados ao desenvolvido.


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A partir da compreensão da historicidade de duas teorias sobre os fundamentos da Educação Musical (EM) – a Filosofia da Educação Musical (FEM) e a Nova Filosofia da Educação Musical (NFEM) – a tese busca tensionar e ampliar as concepções sobre a natureza da experiência com música, polarizadas entre as duas ‘filosofias’ como educação estética e como atividade procedural. A crítica se dá quanto à pretensão de projeto das ‘filosofias’, que pretendem fixar uma natureza para a experiência musical e justificar sua inclusão nos currículos escolares, a partir de pressupostos cognitivistas. Embora apresentem-se em uma oposição entre uma concepção ‘de educação da sensibilidade estética’ (FEM) e outra praxial (NFEM), a historicidade que as constitui revela em ambas as ‘filosofias’ a influência de pelo menos três idéias sobre a experiência musical: a metáfora das “formas sonoras em movimento” (Hanslick, 1989); a analogia com a linguagem, do ponto de vista da comunicabilidade de significados e do ponto de vista do “análogo formal da vida afetiva” (Langer, 1980); a “multidimensionalidade”, surgida nas ‘filosofias’ a partir da influência da teoria do significado musical (Meyer, 1956, 1967). Estas três idéias constituem a base dos ideais pedagógicos das ‘filosofias’ analisadas e produzem diferentes efeitos em cada uma delas, provocando a polaridade entre produto musical e processo musical e entre audição e performance.


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RODRIGUES, Marta Bezerra; MEDEIROS, Ana Luiza. Infância e regimentos escolares no Rio Grande do Norte (1910-1920). In: COLÓQUIO NACIONAL DA AFIRSE, SECÇÃO BRASILEIRA, 6., 2011, Teresina, 2011. Anais... Teresina: Universidade Federal do Piauí, 2011.


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Las políticas de salud destinadas a las mulheres de la comunidad quilombola de Boa Vista son, de manera general, las mismas políticas destinadas al resto de las mujeres de la región rural del Seridó norterriograndense y también las que se corresponden con regiones marginales del Brasil entero. Aquí, el cuerpo femenino es concebido bajo parámetros universalizantes que lo toman como una entidad homogénea y comparable con otros cuerpos femeninos a partir de su traducción en índices, tasas y estadísticas. En este sentido, decimos que son cuerpos desnudos, cuya intervención no considera los rasgos exteriores, aquellos llamados de culturales, como marcadores de identidad. Por otro lado, la noción de Salud de la Mujer Negra propuesta por recientes políticas de Estado a nivel nacional, se muestra inexistente en la comunidad. El cuerpo que se se exalta hoy a partir de los parámetros de reivindicación étnica es un cuerpo negro, pero también bello, jovem e sobre todo, fuerte; donde la noción de salud no penetra. De esta forma, las dos políticas conciben sujetos sociales diferentes. Sin embargo, existe otro espacio, que es el espacio de las prácticas vernáculas, en el que las mujeres experimentan la articulación entre feminilidad y negritud, pero a partir de otros parámetros local e históricamente delineados. Aquí, tanto las trayectorias de las mujeres como las redes de parentesco y cuidado locales se muestran especialmente significativas, ayudando a comprender las concepciones particulares sobre el cuerpo que imaginan y practican las mujeres de esta comunidad, y revelando la importancia de la maternidad como principio ordenador de identidades sociales. Para eso, hemos realizado un trabajo de observación participante, una serie de 30 entrevista com mujeres de Boa Vista y un estudio de las redes de parentesco organizadas alrededor del término mãe. Con esto, demostramos que existe un espacio cargado de significados sobre el cuerpo femenino y la feminilidad que es construido a partir de una interpretación local de la triple condición de mulher, de mãe y de negra


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That work looked for to point out the different conceptions on the family agriculture and the established self-consumption practices inside the unit of production. Hypothesis: due to the conditions, more and more restricted of producing for the self-consumption, the rural families are more favorable present her situation of alimentary insecurity as severe as for the urban families, unlike what he/she defends. The research was accomplished in three states of the Northeast: Paraíba; Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe. The results revealed that among the main factors that expose those families to situations of constant alimentary vulnerability are had: the low quality of the alimentary consumption in what concerns the readiness, to the diversification and mainly, to the accessibility. The analyses can be to subsidize a reflection concerning the alimentary pattern of families rural front to the precepts of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) politics


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This study aims to analyze the implications that the knowledge of an important work for the History of Science, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium , by Nicholas Copernicus, can bring for the formation of Mathematics professors. The study focuses on Book I of Copernicus s work, where, in the final part, is found the Table of the Subtense Straight Lines in a Circle, a true sine table constructed by the author. The study considers two theoretical references, the History of Science and of Mathematics, in the professor s formation searched amongst others in Miguel and Miorm, Brito, Neves and Martins, and Radford, and the necessary teaching knowledge professors mst have, on the basis of Gauthier, Schulman and Imbernón amongst others, through which it is established a net of knowledge grouped in dimensions such as mathematical, psycho pedagogical, cultural and practical diversity, that guide the study analysis. In the search for more necessary elements to enrich the analysis, beyond the theoretical research in Book I, it is carried through, with under graduation pupils, future Math professors, the construction of a sine table following the project used in De revolutionibus . The study still makes a description of the life and work of Nicholas Copernicus, detaching the historical context where the author lived and the conceptions about the Universe existing at that time. The research reveals that the studied work is an important source of culture, able to provide to the Mathematics professor in formation, beyond the conceptual and procedural mathematical knowledge, a cultural knowledge that allows him to be opened to the knowledge of other areas that not his specific area, and so to acquire knowledge about the world history, the development of sciences and of the society


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The objective of this work which is characterized as an applied research, with a qualitative exploratory approach and has case study character has been the analysis of the conceptions and dealings of health professionals of SAMU in Natal RN about the attendance of psychiatric urgencies. The information was collected between the months of March and April of 2010, by means of semi-structured interviews, performed with 24 health professionals integrating of SAMU-Natal as well as the usage of direct observation technique, performed in the institution's medical regulation room. Both the number of professionals involved in the interviews and the bringing about of the observations, were determined by saturation methods in qualitative research's information collecting. The interviews and observations were transcribed and submitted to contents analysis technique , more specifically, to thematic analysis, which made possible to reach the deepest levels, that go beyond what has simply been manifest in the speech of the interviewed, getting to the relations among the categories and social structures of the issue of the research. Keeping this in mind, three analysis categories have been built, namely: conceptions and concepts of psychiatric urgencies shared by health professionals in SAMU-Natal; attendances to psychiatric urgencies in SAMU-Natal; and the Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation under the view of the SAMU-Natal's health professionals. Reflection about the analyzed information revealed discussions pertaining to the stigma and prejudice on mental illness, and also, pointed out to some hindrances which impair the attendance to individuals in mental suffering in SAMU-Natal. The interviewed health professionals' conceptions on the individual in psychical crisis involve concepts of unpredictability, aggressiveness and risk, stigmatizing elements and historically associated to the social hazard ideology and need for mentally sicks' segregation. The predominance of these conceptions, seen in health professionals speech, had identifiable reflexes on assistance to psychiatric demands performed by SAMU-Natal, namely: indiscriminate request for military police's presence during psychic crisis intervention, neglect about occasions that involve mental health patients, as well as repetitive assisting practice directed on physical contention, and transportation to psychiatric hospital. Associated to it, the professionals have shown distorted and reductionist understanding about Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation, and, in the majority, haven't lent credibility to present model of attention to mental health, based on psycho-social treatment, pointing their speech to a need for psychiatric patient's internment. In this sense, we notice that the hospital-centered and excluding model conceived by classical psychiatry still remains alive in these health professionals' mentality as a reference to psychiatric urgency's assistance. Therefore, the research revealed a sequence of elements, that make us think about the challenges that health sector and society must face to realize Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation's principles and guidelines


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Recent research has revealed that the majority of Biology teachers believe the practice of experimental activities as a didactical means would be the solution for the improvement of the Biology teaching-learning process. There are, however, studies which signal the lack of efficiency in such practice lessons as far as building scientific knowledge is concerned. It is also said that despite the enthusiasm on the teachers‟ part, such classes are rarely taught in high school. Several studies point pedagogical difficulties as well as nonexistence of a minimal infrastructure needed in laboratories as cause of low frequency in experimental activities. The poor teacher performance in terms of planning and development of classes; the large number of students per class; lack of financial stimulus for teachers are other reasons to be taken into account among others, in which can also be included difficulties of epistemological nature. That means an unfavorable eye of the teacher towards experimental activities. Our study aimed to clarify if such scenario is generalized in high schools throughout the state of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil. During our investigation a sample of twenty teaching institutions were used. They were divided in two groups: in the first group, five IFRN- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte schools. Two of those in Natal, and the other three from the country side. The second group is represented by fifteen state schools belonging to the Natal metropolitan area. The objectives of the research were to label schools concerning laboratory facilities; to identify difficulties pointed by teachers when performing experiment classes, and to become familiar with the conceptions of the teachers in regarding biology experiment classes. To perform such task, a questionnaire was used as instrument of data collecting. It contained multiple choice, essay questions and a semi-structured interview with the assistance of a voice recorder. The data analysis and the in loco observation allowed the conclusion that the federal schools do present better facilities for the practice of experimental activities when compared to state schools. Another aspect pointed is the fact that teachers of federal schools have more time available for planning the experiments; they are also better paid and are given access a career development, which leads to better salaries. All those advantages however, do not show a significantly higher frequency regarding the development of experiments when compared to state school teachers. Both teachers of federal and state schools pointed infra-structure problems such as the availability of reactants, equipments and consumption supplies as main obstacle to the practice of experiments in biology classes. Such fact leads us to conclude that maybe there are other problems not covered by the questionnaire such as poor ability to plan and execute experimental activities. As far as conceptions about experimental activities, it was verified in the majority of the interviewees a inductive-empiric point of view of science possibly inherited during their academic formation and such point of view reflected on the way they plan and execute experiments with students


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From a critique of aspects of the current teaching of physics, we propose in this paper an investigation into the conceptions of Nature of Science (NOS) submitted by students from the high school level, as well as the inclusion of discussions about some elements of NOS, through the History and Philosophy of Science, understanding them as facilitating strategy for more effective learning of Physics and, more specifically, the contents of optics. Based on the historical period corresponding to Greek antiquity to the mid-nineteenth century, built and applied a teaching unit to a high school class at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Ipanguaçu campus. Our teaching unit involved the reading and interpretation of texts with historical content, observation and assembling five experimental activities, among other activities. Data analysis occurred through questionnaires investigative applied before and after the completion of the teaching unit, as well as questionnaires for content present in the texts. Although not significant, the results indicated that the application of the teaching unit allowed the (re) construction of some conceptions about NOS targets students present in our work, and contribute to a better learning content and greater optical science approach and its nature


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Some authors have suggested that learning tasks conducted in L2 classes can motivate learners in different ways. Similarly, Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) have already been linked as drivers to engagement and enthusiasm in L2 classes, which may cause some impact on affective variables that influence learning (e.g. motivation). This crosssectional mixed-methods study aims to understand how situational motivation caused by learning tasks mediated by the IWB impact participants. We seek to answer the following research questions: (1) How does motivation as a personality trait of the learner relate to his/her additional language learning performance?, (2) How does the type of learning task mediated by the IWB impact the learner s motivation?, (3) How does motivation vary along the learning task mediated by the IWB? and (4) What is the relation between the learning task motivation and the learners perception about the task mediated by the IWB? Data collection lasted four months with 29 learners from a private language school. The instruments used were the following: (a) an initial questionnaire (adapted from the Attitudes/Motivation Test Battery by GARDNER, 2004), (b) situation-specific on-line scales to assess learners motivation in three moments: before, during and after the task, and analyze how motivation varies along the task; (c) class observations and field notes resulting from these observations, (d) participants end-of-course grades to understand the connection between academic success and their motivational profiles and (e) a final questionnaire with the qualitative purpose to know learners perceptions about the tasks mediated by the IWB. Our theoretical framework is based on Task-Based Learning and cognitive aspects present in tasks (WILLIS, 1996; SKEHAN, 1996), theories on motivation and second language learning (GARDNER, 2001; DÖRNYEI e OTTÓ, 1998; DÖRNYEI, 2000; 2002) and conceptions about L2 learning mediated by technology (GIBSON, 2001; OLIVEIRA, 2001; MILLER et al, 2005). Our results do not point out to a significative correlation between learners end-of-course grades and their motivational profiles. However, they indicate that there is some variability in situational motivation along the tasks, even among learning tasks from the same type. Furthermore, they show that learners report different perceptions for each learning task and that the impact of the IWB on participants did not have a large proportion


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It is undeniable that all the extraordinary technological advances in contemporary society have increased the severe patients expectation and quality of life, especially cancer patients. On the other hand, it is easily verifiable by many researches that it was not possible to advance in the same proportion in caring for the human experience of death. Much is said about the anguish of a man facing death, of cancer patients in terminal stage, about their families, and very little about the feelings, anxieties and ways of coping with the medical professional who deals with this situation, specifically the clinical oncologist. Little is known about the experience of the doctor who has learned to take death as an enemy to be defeated, and increasingly is compelled to live at length with his advertisement. However, we started to watch in recent years a growing interest of researchers in this issue. This study seeks to add to this interest in order to understand the experience of clinical oncologists that accompany dying patients, the meanings they attach to death, ways of coping and the implications for providing care. This is a qualitative study in which was used as a tool for data collection an in-depth interview with the projective using script and scenes. Gadameriana Hermeneutics was used for analysis and interpretation of narratives. The subjects were 10 clinical oncologists who work at two institutions from cancer treatments in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, chosen from a variation in the time working in the specialty (minimum of one year, even old ones). However, you can bring some initial results for the dialogue. It was found that the death is still a topic that causes many difficulties in the daily lives of these professionals, the choice for oncology involves dealing with death without preparation in medical education; being close to the patient in the final moment, supporting the family, coping with own pain of loss and the inability to heal. These are central elements of the narratives. We also have investment in medical training and continuing education in setting up a demand that permeates the discourse of participants. Being able to listen to the subjective world of clinical oncologists will support the work not only for them as other professionals who deal with patients with advanced cancer, providing evidence to understand to what extent the meanings attributed to its know-how before patients on the verge of death interfere with the production of care and allow identify coping strategies in everyday life of these professionals that hinder or facilitate coping with death, promote or preclude the care with others and with themselves. It is hoped that research can contribute to the field of knowledge about the know-how in clinical oncology and their terminal-care-death oncologist-patient relationships, bringing runways capable of promoting a better quality of care in the production of all involved in this process: professionals, patients and families


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This research analyses politic Project for nursing education, in its articulation with economical, political and social context of 1970s and 1980s in national level and, in special, nurse formation process in FAEN/UERN space, situating it on the context of Brazilian sanitary reformation movement and participation movement. The thesis is firmed on the sense of explaining whether that movement circa the nurse formation process has been able to build necessary instruments for the transformation of biomedical formation model historically consolidated, in the perspective of conceiving another model anchored on social determination of health/illness process, with the purpose of assuring ethical and political commitment with the SUS praised by sanitary reformation. The study visualized the object considering its specificity, its concrete historical determinations and institutional as well as organizational relationships that permeate possibilities of valorizing it, analyzing it, interpreting it and rebuilding it. Its operationalization occurred in three movements, it means, bibliographical review; documents study; interviews and focal groups realized with professors of the institution. We can apprehend as main results that the nurse formation process has incorporated widely spread conceptions by the sanitary reformation movement and participation movement, assuming the commitment with transformation of health services and social reality. Nevertheless it prevails, still, amongst some professors in the same institutional space, the commitment to a predominantly technicist formation, focused on instrumental knowledge. Opinion divergence explicit diversity of conceptions circa education and, as consequence, distinct political commitments, also contradictory to formation. Thus, there is a lacuna between what is foreseen on political pedagogical project and what is rendered in FAEN/UERN, evidencing the clash related to conceptual bases of formation project. Interpretations, divergent political attitudes and resistances to the process allowed several formation ways. However, formation under new conceptual bases, find limits on the context of social politics implemented in Brazil during the 1990s, neoliberal-based, expressed on expansion and consolidation of health private system, managed by market rules, strengthening biomedical formation model. Notwithstanding, there is a favorable to its implementation, starting from the first years of 21st century, moment when Brazilian sanitary reformation reappear on health speech, as well as facing the policy of permanent education in health. This reality explicit a process of dialectical tension between instituted and institutor, anticipating the moment of scission or adaptation and return to what is already known. Despite of clashed, knowledge, accumulated experience, contribution to services, the construction of partnerships out of university space and articulation with national movement of (re)orientation of nurse formation, have been constituted as vital instruments to offer support to formation in FAEN/UERN. Still, we consider necessary the (re)visitation to FAEN/UERN politic pedagogical Project considering the existing and implemented construction, without, yet, depreciate the norther axis of the project at the reaching of its intentionality