936 resultados para complement component C3
Nowadays, participatory processes attending the need for real democracy and transparency in governments and collectives are more needed than ever. Immediate participation through channels like social networks enable people to give their opinion and become pro-active citizens, seeking applications to interact with each other. The application described in this dissertation is a hybrid channel of communication of questions, petitions and participatory processes based on Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS), Participation Geographic Information System (PGIS) and ‘soft’ (subjective data) Geographic Information System (SoftGIS) methodologies. To achieve a new approach to an application, its entire design is focused on the spatial component related with user interests. The spatial component is treated as main feature of the system to develop all others depending on it, enabling new features never seen before in social actions (questions, petitions and participatory processes). Results prove that it is possible to develop a working application mainly using open source software, with the possibility of spatial and subject filtering, visualizing and free download of actions within application. The resulting application empowers society by releasing soft data and defines a new breaking approach, unseen so far.
This study focuses on the implementation of several pair trading strategies across three emerging markets, with the objective of comparing the results obtained from the different strategies and assessing if pair trading benefits from a more volatile environment. The results show that, indeed, there are higher potential profits arising from emerging markets. However, the higher excess return will be partially offset by higher transaction costs, which will be a determinant factor to the profitability of pair trading strategies. Also, a new clustering approach based on the Principal Component Analysis was tested as an alternative to the more standard clustering by Industry Groups. The new clustering approach delivers promising results, consistently reducing volatility to a greater extent than the Industry Group approach, with no significant harm to the excess returns.
The Electrohysterogram (EHG) is a new instrument for pregnancy monitoring. It measures the uterine muscle electrical signal, which is closely related with uterine contractions. The EHG is described as a viable alternative and a more precise instrument than the currently most widely used method for the description of uterine contractions: the external tocogram. The EHG has also been indicated as a promising tool in the assessment of preterm delivery risk. This work intends to contribute towards the EHG characterization through the inventory of its components which are: • Contractions; • Labor contractions; • Alvarez waves; • Fetal movements; • Long Duration Low Frequency Waves; The instruments used for cataloging were: Spectral Analysis, parametric and non-parametric, energy estimators, time-frequency methods and the tocogram annotated by expert physicians. The EHG and respective tocograms were obtained from the Icelandic 16-electrode Electrohysterogram Database. 288 components were classified. There is not a component database of this type available for consultation. The spectral analysis module and power estimation was added to Uterine Explorer, an EHG analysis software developed in FCT-UNL. The importance of this component database is related to the need to improve the understanding of the EHG which is a relatively complex signal, as well as contributing towards the detection of preterm birth. Preterm birth accounts for 10% of all births and is one of the most relevant obstetric conditions. Despite the technological and scientific advances in perinatal medicine, in developed countries, prematurity is the major cause of neonatal death. Although various risk factors such as previous preterm births, infection, uterine malformations, multiple gestation and short uterine cervix in second trimester, have been associated with this condition, its etiology remains unknown [1][2][3].
The complement system is an important humoral defense mechanism that plays a relevant role against microbial agents, inflammatory response control, and immunocomplex clearance. Classical complement pathway activation is antibody-dependent. The C4 component participates in the initial step of activation, and C4 expression is determined by 2 pairs of allotypes: C4A and C4B. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with several diseases. The aim of the present review is evaluate the reported data in the literature regarding specific C4A and C4B deficiencies and characterize their clinical relevance. We searched the MEDLINE and LILACS databases. Papers referring to total C4 deficiency without allotype evaluation and case reports of primary C4 deficiency were not included. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with Mycobacterium leprae infection, erythema nodosum, systemic sclerosis with anti-topoisomerase I antibodies, intermediate congenital adrenal hyperplasia with DR5 genotype, diabetes mellitus type 1 with DR3,4 genotype, and diabetes mellitus with antibodies against islet cells. C4 allotype deficiency is also related to C4B deficiency and autoimmune-associated diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, or diseases with an autoimmune component, such as autism. Some reports associate C4A with thyroiditis after delivery as well as limited and systemic sclerosis without anti-topoisomerase I antibodies. However, the studies with C4A and C4B have been concentrated in isolated populations, and some of the studies could not be reproduced by other authors.
The aim of this work was to study the self-assembly process of C3-symmetric molecules. To accomplish this objective 1,3,5 – benzentricarboxamides (BTA) derivatives were obtained. Five C3-symmetric molecules were synthesized in moderate to good yields (39-72%) using azo-benzene, aniline, benzylamine, tryptophan and tyrosine. The aggregation behavior of the BTA derivatives was probed with 1H-NMR spectroscopy, 1H-1H 2D Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy (NOESY) and Diffusion Ordered Spectroscopy (DOSY). These experiments allowed to study the influence of H-bonding groups, aromatic rings, unsaturated bonds and the overall geometry in the molecular self-assembly associated with the different structural patterns present on these molecules. The stacking and large molecule behavior where observed in BTA 1, aniline derivative, BTA 4, tyrosine derivative or BTA 5, tryptophan derivative, with several of those discussed functional groups such as unsaturated bonds and H-bonding groups. BTA 5 was used in a few preliminary interaction studies with glucose and ammonium chloride showing interaction with the ammonium ion.
Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português / Chinês: Tradução, Formação e Comunicação Empresarial
The MAP-i Doctoral Programme in Informatics, of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências - Formação Contínua de Professores (área de especialização em Biologia e Geologia)
Dissertação de mestrado em Administração da Justiça
Las Gramíneas se caracterizan por la presencia de diferentes mecanismos fotosínteticos. Casi la mitad de sus miembros -unos 5000 - posee la vía fotosintética C4, siendo los restantes C3. Además, dentro de las especies que siguen la vía fotosíntetica C4, pueden reconocerse 3 variantes bioquímicas diferentes (NADP-ME y PCK). En los trópicos y subtrópicos la vía C4 confiere a las Gramíneas ventajes adaptativas que son atribuibles al mecanismo bioquímico de concentración de CO2 que se produce en las hojas. La taxonomía y biología de los pastos indican que la diversificación que experimentaron los mecanismos fotosintéticos fue crucial en la historia evolutiva y radiación adaptativa de la familia; asimismo, puede inferirse que tal diversificación se desencadenó en respuesta a cambios naturales en el pasado, en las mismas variables climáticas que están siendo antropogénicamente alteradas en la actualidad: CO, temperatura y precipitaciones. En el marco aludido, surge la pregunta de cuáles serán las especies capaces de adaptarse -y prosperar- cuando la concentración de CO2 se duplique en la atmósfera y, a la par, cuáles serán aquellas que no sobrevivirán. Mientras que el incremento en los niveles de CO2 puede favorecer el desarrollo de los pastos C3 en un ambiente con "efecto invernadero", el concomitante aumento en la temperatura favorecerá sin duda la implementación de los que exhiban el mecanismo C4; además, los cambios en la cantidad, intensidad y estacionalidad de las precipitaciones también ejercerán su influencia en la distribución relativa de las especies C3 y C4. El análisis empírico de las interrelaciones entre las variables climáticas y la distribución actual de los pastos C3 y C4 -incluidas las 3 variantes conocidas de estos últimos-, junto a modelos de cambio global, permiten predecir la distribución que, en el futuro, pueden llegar a tener los pastos en un escenario que exhiba un cambio climático determinado. Es por ello que, en este proyecto, se propone analizar, en el centro y norte de Argentina, la distribución actual de Gramíneas C3 y C4 y su relación con variables climáticas, con la intención de predecir la posible respuesta de los pastos ante determinados cambios climáticos utilizando modelos globales tales como el GIS o similares.
El presente proyecto se plantea el siguiente problema de investigación:¿Cuál es la eficacia de los entornos virtuales de enseñanza para optimizar los aprendizajes de Química? Se sostiene la hipótesis de que los entornos virtuales de enseñanza, empleados como mediación instrumental, son eficaces para optimizar los aprendizajes de química, particularmente facilitando la vinculación y reversibilidad entre "mundo micro y macroscópico"; capacidad que usualmente sólo se atribuye al trabajo experimental de laboratorio. Los objetivos propuestos son: Determinar la eficacia de entornos virtuales de enseñanza, como mediaciones instrumentales, para optimizar los aprendizajes de química en estudiantes de ingeniería. Implementar un entrono virtual de enseñanza de química, diseñado como mediación instrumental y destinado a estudiantes de dos carreras de ingeniería del IUA. Evaluar el desarrollo y los resultados de la innovación introducida. Comparar los resultados de la innovación con los resultados de la enseñanza usual. Derivar conclusiones acerca de la eficacia de la innovación propuesta. Socializar el conocimiento producido en ámbitos científico-tecnológicos reconocidos. Se generará un aula virtual en plataforma Educativa y utilidzando el laboratorio de computación de la institución se buscará desarrollar laboratorios virtuales donde se propondrán actividades de simulación de trabajo experimental. Los resultados esperados son: - Un Aula Virtual que cumpla funciones análogas a las de un laboratorio experimental. - Información válida y confiable acerca de la eficacia de la misma como medio para optimizar los aprendizajes de química. - Publicaciones en ámbitos científico-tecnológicos reconocidos que sometan a juicio público la innovación y la investigación efectuadas. La importancia del proyecto radica principalmente en poner a prueba la eficacia de los entornos virtuales para optimizar los aprendizajes de química, analogando tareas usualmente limitadas al trabajo experimental de laboratorio. Su pertinencia apunta a un replanteo del curriculo de los cursos de Química para estudiantes de Ingeniería.
მოყვანილია საკურორტო-ტურისტული პოტენციალის პასპორტის ძირითადი მაჩვენებლების აღწერილობა. განსაკუთრებული ყურადღება ეთმობა ბიოკლიმატურ პარამეტრებს. მოყვანილია პრაქტიკული მაგალითები აღნიშნული პარამეტრების გამოყენებისა საქართველოს ზოგიერთი საკურორტო-ტურისტული რაიონების ბიოკლიმატური პირობების შესაფასებლად.
Modular modelling, dynamics simulation, multibodies, O(N) method, closed loops, post-stabilization
Independent Component Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging