947 resultados para coastal area


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The Mauritanian coastal area is one of the most biologically productive upwelling regions in the world ocean. Shipboard observations carried out during maximum upwelling season and short-term moored observations are used to investigate diapycnal mixing processes and to quantify diapycnal fluxes of nutrients. The observations indicate strong tide-topography interactions that are favored by near-critical angles occurring on large parts of the continental slope. Moored velocity observations reveal the existence of highly nonlinear internal waves and bores and levels of internal wave spectra are strongly elevated near the buoyancy frequency. Dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy at the slope and shelf determined from microstructure measurements in the upper 200 m averages to ? = 5 × 10-8 W kg-1. Particularly elevated dissipation rates were found at the continental slope close to the shelf break, being enhanced by a factor of 100 to 1000 compared to dissipation rates farther offshore. Vertically integrated dissipation rates per unit volume are strongest at the upper continental slope reaching values of up to 30 mW m-2. A comparison of fine-scale parameterizations of turbulent dissipation rates for shelf regions and the open ocean to the measured dissipation rates indicates deficiencies in reproducing the observations. Diapycnal nitrate fluxes above the continental slope at the base of the mixed layer yielding a mean value of 12 × 10-2 µmol m-2 s-1 are amongst the largest published to date. However, they seem to only represent a minor contribution (10% to 25%) to the net community production in the upwelling region.


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During summer seasons (from 2012 to 2015) high resolution observation were performed in the Civitavecchia coastal area (Northern Tyrrhenian sea, west coast). All sampling was carried out from a small boat (5m rigid inflatable) starting in the early morning typically around 06:00 a.m. , and lasting from 2 to 8 h, depending on the weather conditions. The purposes of the experiment was to observe the variations of both the coastal circulation and the water column in response to rotation of 180 ° in the wind direction. During surveys both current measurements and yo-yo time series were performed. Current data were acquired using an ADCP SonTeck (500 Khz, sampling interval from 20sec to 60 sec, average interval 50% sampling, cell thickness 1 meter) and the yo-yo time series employing a small instrument package (CTD). The CTD contained an Idronaut 316 Plus and a SeaPoint fluorometer. The sampling rate for the CTD was 10Hz, profiling with the CTD was done by allowing the instrument package to free-fall, at an average descent rate of 1 m/s. During the summer 2012, the sampling plan consisted in four stations spaced a quarter of a mile (St. 1 - 10 m; St. 2 - 20 m; St. 3 - 30 m; and St. 4 - 40 m), in which yo-yo time series were performed with an interval of 20 min. In order to study fluorescence of Chlorophyll a pathes distribution in coastal zone. Breeze induced circulation was the goal of the following summers surveys, in these current measurements and yo-yo time series were performed moored at a depth of 40 m. Offshore station (St. 1 -40m) has been chosen to perform measurement, basis of previously observations (2012 sampling surveys). It was decided as wind driven circulation and mixing phenomena are less influenced by seabed than the other stations. Acquired data have been processed by NEMO SeaDataNet software.