752 resultados para clubs (associations)


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The late Paleocene - early Eocene sequences of DSDP Leg 10 Sites 86, 94, 95, and 96, Leg 43 Site 384 and ODP Leg 171B Hole 1051A have been re-sampled and re-examined for radiolarians. A new late Paleocene to early Eocene low-latitude radiolarian zonation suited for the correlation of accreted terranes is established by using the Unitary Association (UA) method. This method has the property of attributing equal weight to each species occurrence, which has the advantage of not being dependant on a limited set of key datums. Twenty-two UAs have been erected and correlated to the existing age models (given by nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera and radiolarians) for each site. The 22 UAs have been united into seven Unitary Associations Zones (UA Zones) (JP10-JE4) to increase lateral traceability. Herein we present the resulting composite range chart and correlation between the studied cores. The position of the UA Zones in the Paleogene timescale of.Berggren et al. (1995) have been estimated using a general consensus correlation with calcareous microfossil groups and the existing radiolarian zonation. Reproducible radiolarian events identified in the present work are bound to directly tied and compiled absolute ages given by Nigrini et al. (2006) and Sanfilippo and Nigrini (1998a). The RP zones (Sanfilippo and Nigrini 1998a) and the UA Zones are consistent. Unitary Associations permit to distinguish supplementary zonal subdivisions within RP7 and RP6. Topotypes from DSDP Leg 10 have been illustrated using mainly SEM imaging to facilitate the identification of re-crystallized forms.


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This study aimed to compare the sexual behavior of adolescents who were or were not exposed to online pornography, to assess to what extent the willingness of exposure changed these possible associations, and to determine the profiles of youths who were exposed to online pornography. Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health, a self-administered cross-sectional, paper and pencil questionnaire. From the 7529 adolescents aged 16-20 years, 6054 (3283 males) used the Internet during the previous month and were eligible for our study. Males were divided into three groups (wanted exposure, 29.2%; unwanted exposure, 46.7%; no exposure, 24.1%) whereas females were divided into two groups (exposure, 35.9%; no exposure, 64.1%). The principal outcome measures were demographic characteristics, Internet use parameters and risky sexual behaviors. Risky sexual behaviors were not associated with online pornography exposure in any of the groups, except that males who were exposed (deliberately or not) had higher odds of not having used a condom at last intercourse. Bi/homosexual orientation and Internet use parameters were not associated either. Additionally, males in the wanted exposure group were more likely to be sensation-seekers. On the other hand, exposed girls were more likely to be students, higher sensation-seekers, early maturers, and to have a highly educated father. We conclude that pornography exposure is not associated with risky sexual behaviors and that the willingness of exposure does not seem to have an impact on risky sexual behaviors among adolescents.


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The objective of this work was to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of wheat genotypes, to detect significant and stable genetic associations, as well as to evaluate the efficiency of statistical models to identify chromosome regions responsible for the expression of spike-related traits. Eight important spike characteristics were measured during five growing seasons in Serbia. A set of 30 microsatellite markers positioned near important agronomic loci was used to evaluate genetic diversity, resulting in a total of 349 alleles. The marker-trait associations were analyzed using the general linear and mixed linear models. The results obtained for number of allelic variants per locus (11.5), average polymorphic information content value (0.68), and average gene diversity (0.722) showed that the exceptional level of polymorphism in the genotypes is the main requirement for association studies. The population structure estimated by model-based clustering distributed the genotypes into six subpopulations according to log probability of data. Significant and stable associations were detected on chromosomes 1B, 2A, 2B, 2D, and 6D, which explained from 4.7 to 40.7% of total phenotypic variations. The general linear model identified a significantly larger number of marker-trait associations (192) than the mixed linear model (76). The mixed linear model identified nine markers associated to six traits.


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3,537 men enrolling in 2007 for mandatory army recruitment procedures were assessed for the co-occurrence of risky licit substance use among risky cannabis users. Risky cannabis use was defined as at least twice weekly; risky alcohol use as 6+ drinks more than once/monthly, or more than 20 drinks per week; and risky tobacco use as daily smoking. Ninety-five percent of all risky cannabis users reported other risky use. They began using cannabis earlier than did non-risky users, but age of onset was unrelated to other risky substance use. A pressing public health issue among cannabis users stems from risky licit substance use warranting preventive efforts within this age group.


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Menestyäkseen nykymaailmassa ihmiset ovat turvautuneet toisiinsa muodostaen samallaerilaisia yhteisöjä ja verkostoja. Näille yhteisöille on tunnusomaista, että niissä vaikuttavien jäsenien ajatustavat yhtyvät keskenään. Yhteisöissä syntyy uusia ideoita ja keksintöjä. Niiden välittäminen maailmalle on usein kuitenkin ongelmallista. Digitaalisuus, Internet ja monet muut uudet teknologiat tuovat yhden ratkaisun ongelmaan. Eräs uuden teknologian mahdollistama kanava on yhteisötelevisio, jonka kautta yhteisön viestintää voidaan tehokkaasti välittää. Yhteisöilläei kuitenkaan ole teknistä taitoa toteuttaa tällaista palvelua. Yhteisöille, kuten pk-yrityksille, kouluille, seuroille, yhdistyksille ja jopa yksittäisille ihmisille, tuleekin pystyä tarjoamaan valmis konsepti, joka on helposti heidän käytettävissään. Tämä diplomityö toimii teknisenä pohjana Finnish Satellite Television Oy:n yhteisö-tv -palvelukonseptille, joka tullaan ottamaan laajamittaiseen käyttöön vuoden 2007 aikana. Työssä käydään läpi yhteisön ja yhteisöllisyyden tunnusmerkit ja peruspiirteet, luodaan katsaus yhteisötelevision alkutaipaleisiin, nykytilaan ja sen eri ratkaisuihin. Lisäksi tutustutaan yhteisö-tv:n kansainvälisiin ja kotimaisiin kokeiluihin ja pilottiprojekteihin. Työn teknisessä osassa tutkitaan yhteisötelevision mahdollistaviin teknologioihin, siirtoteihin sekä digitaalisiin tuotantojärjestelmiin. Lopuksi työssä kootaan yhteen käytettävyydeltään, liikutettavuudeltaan ja kustannustehokkuudeltaan sopivimmat tekniset toteutusvaihtoehdot konseptin käyttöönottoa varten.


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We assessed the association between several cardiometabolic risk factors (CRFs) (blood pressure, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid, and glucose) in 390 young adults aged 19-20 years in Seychelles (Indian Ocean, Africa) and body mass index (BMI) measured either at the same time (cross-sectional analysis) or at the age of 12-15 years (longitudinal analysis). BMI tracked markedly between age of 12-15 and age of 19-20. BMI was strongly associated with all considered CRFs in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, with some exceptions. Comparing overweight participants with those having a BMI below the age-specific median, the odds ratios for high blood pressure were 5.4/4.7 (male/female) cross-sectionally and 2.5/3.9 longitudinally (P < 0.05). Significant associations were also found for most other CRFs, with some exceptions. In linear regression analysis including both BMI at age of 12-15 and BMI at age of 19-20, only BMI at age of 19-20 remained significantly associated with most CRFs. We conclude that CRFs are predicted strongly by either current or past BMI levels in adolescents and young adults in this population. The observation that only current BMI remained associated with CRFs when including past and current levels together suggests that weight control at a later age may be effective in reducing CRFs in overweight children irrespective of past weight status.


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Abstract: The objective of this work was to estimate allelic frequencies of the polymorphisms IGF2/MboII (G > T) of the insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) gene, DQ499531.1:g.134A > T of the pro-melanin-concentrating hormone (PMCH) gene, and DQ667048.1:g.3290G > T of the RARrelated orphan receptor C (RORC) gene in beef cattle of different genetic groups, and to evaluate the associations between these polymorphisms and traits related to carcass composition and meat quality. Data on carcass and meat quality of 499 animals was used: of 313 Nellore (Bos indicus) and of 186 Nellore crossed with different taurine (Bos taurus) breeds. For the IGF2/MboII polymorphism, the frequencies found for the G allele were 0.231 and 0.631 for Nellore and crossed breeds, respectively. For the DQ499531.1:g.134A > T polymorphism, the allelic frequencies of A were 0.850 for Nellore and 0.905 for crossed breeds. For the DQ667048.1:g.3290G > T polymorphism, the allelic frequencies of G were 0.797 and 0.460 for Nellore and crossed breeds, respectively. The evaluated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are not significantly associated with carcass and meat traits (rib eye area, back fat thickness, shear force, total lipids, and myofibrillar fragmentation index), suggesting little utility of the analyzed polymorphisms of the IGF2, PMHC, and RORC genes as selection markers in the studied cattle populations.


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Collection : Mémoires et documents publiés par l'Académie salésienne ; 95


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(1) Surpoids chez les enfants suisses et associations avec certaines caractéristiques chez les enfants et leurs parents Le but de cette étude était de mesurer la prévalence du surpoids et de l?obésité chez les enfants de sixième année du canton de Vaud (âge moyen de 12 ans) et les facteurs associés au surpoids. Les données ont été récoltées lors d?une étude menée par l?Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive. Tous les enfants scolarisés en 6ème année à l?école publique du canton de Vaud entre septembre 2005 et mai 2006 étaient éligibles à participer à cette étude. Le taux de participation a atteint 76% (soit 5207 enfants de 12,3 ans en moyenne). Le poids et la taille des enfants ont été mesurés à l?école par des assistants de recherche et les enfants ont rempli, en classe, un questionnaire structuré sur leur mode de vie (notamment : temps quotidien passé à regarder la télévision, à jouer à des jeux sur écran; fréquence de la pratique de diverses activités physiques; fréquence de la consommation de fruits ou de légumes). Des informations sur les parents (niveau d?éducation, nationalité, poids et taille) ont été récoltées au moyen d?un questionnaire structuré envoyé par courrier à ceux-ci. Nous avons utilisé les critères de l?International Obesity Task Force, qui définit les valeurs-seuils de l'indice de masse corporelle pour le surpoids et pour l?obésité, par age et par sexe. La prévalence du surpoids (obésité incluse) dans la population était de 15% chez les garçons et de 12% chez les filles, et la prévalence de l?obésité était de 2% dans les deux sexes. Nous avons trouvé que le surpoids était associé de façon indépendante avec le temps passé à regarder la télévision, ainsi qu?avec certaines caractéristiques des parents, comme le surpoids, un bas niveau d?éducation et une nationalité étrangère. En conclusion, un enfant sur sept est en surpoids ou obèse dans le canton de Vaud. Ces chiffres indiquent un important défi de santé publique, même si cette prévalence dans le canton de Vaud est, actuellement, moindre que dans beaucoup d?autres pays d?Europe, et bien moindre qu?en Amérique du Nord. Les associations entre le surpoids infantile et le temps passé à regarder la télévision, ainsi que les associations avec des variables liées au milieu socio-culturel des parents indiquent plusieurs pistes d?intervention pour prévenir le surpoids chez les enfants. Il est probable que les mesures de prévention ne devraient pas se limiter aux approches individuelles, mais devraient aussi inclure des mesures structurelles sur l?environnement social, physique et économique visant à réduire les facteurs obésogènes dans la société.<br/><br/>Objective: The objective was to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children in a canton of Switzerland and the association with various characteristics of the parents and the children. Research Methods and Procedures: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in all children of the sixth school grade of the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Weight and height were measured, and selected lifestyle variables were assessed with a self-administered semiquantitative questionnaire. Information on children?s parents was gathered through a mailed structured questionnaire. Overweight and obesity were based on the International Obesity Task Force criteria. Results: Of 6873 eligible children, 5207 (76%) participated (2621 boys, 2586 girls; mean age, 12.3 years; standard deviation, 0.5 year). The prevalence of overweight (including obesity) was 15.0% (95% confidence interval, 13.7% to 16.4%) in boys and 12.4% (11.1% to 13.7%) in girls, and the prevalence of obesity was 1.8% (1.3% to 2.3%) and 1.7% (1.2% to 2.2%), respectively. In both univariate and multivariate analyses, overweight was strongly associated with high television viewing time and selected characteristics of the parents (overweight, low educational level, and foreign nationality). Discussion: The prevalence of pediatric overweight and obesity was lower in this region of Switzerland than in several European countries. The correlates of overweight found in this region suggest areas for potential interventions.