963 resultados para cardiovascular outcomes


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Type II diabetes mellitus is a growing problem worldwide and although its association with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is well known, its role in the development of cancer is now being further elucidated. Recently, there has been increasing evidence that not only are diabetics more susceptible towards development of particular types of cancer, but also have worse oncologic outcomes. This retrospective chart review investigates whether diabetics with colon cancer have a poorer prognosis than their nondiabetic counterparts. Patients with high risk Stage II and Stage III colon cancer who were diagnosed and/or treated at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center from 1/1/2000 till 12/1/2004 were included in our study. We carried out a survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier method and multivariable analysis to assess differences in outcomes of the two population groups. We found that the decreased overall survival in diabetics did not reach statistical significance but this could be due to a lower event rate in our study. Larger studies are required to investigate this further. ^


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the single greatest cause of death in the United States, accounting for nearly 2400 deaths each day. It is estimated that 79.4 million American adults have some form of the disease, and CVD mortality rates are greater than those of cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, accidents and diabetes mellitus combined. Psychosocial stress is a nontraditional risk factor for CVD, and can contribute to the clustering of traditional risk factors as well as to vascular manifestations of the disease. The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has been researched as a cost effective intervention aimed at decreasing psychosocial stress. This literature review attempts to analyze randomized controlled clinical trials of TM on cardiovascular disease outcomes. Eleven studies met inclusion criteria and are described below, with statistically significant positive outcomes observed in each study. Studies are grouped by primary outcome reported in the categories of cardiovascular function, blood pressure, and exercise tolerance. The TM intervention significantly decreased insulin resistance, heart rate variability, and carotid intima media thickness and improved exercise tolerance compared to control groups. Seven studies also reported significant decreases in blood pressure among hypertensive and normotensive subjects. Five studies focused solely on African American subjects, a population that has disproportionately higher rates of CVD and hypertension, and found significant improvements in CVD outcomes. Further research is recommended to establish the efficacy of TM on CVD outcomes. Future trials should include larger sample populations, wider ethnic distributions of subjects, and longer follow-up to ascertain the impact of this particular stress reduction technique on cardiovascular disease.^


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Background. Advances in medical technology contribute to the survival rate of a growing number of persons with chronic illnesses. Individuals with chronic cardiovascular disease (chronic CVD) are among other chronically ill persons who add to the need for healthcare services. They need to cope and live with the chronic conditions and find a new balance to make sense of their lives. Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD may use their religious resources to cope with their illnesses because religious beliefs are reflected in patterns of living. The aims of the study were to: (a) explore how Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD construct the spiritual aspects of the illness experience, (b) explore how Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD may use their spiritual/religious resources as a means of coping with the illness, and (c) explore the impacts of spiritual/religious beliefs and/or practices on the daily lives of Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD. ^ Methods. Ethnography was employed and data were collected from December 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008 using in-depth interviews with 20 participants. Field notes were also recorded. ^ Findings. Three categories emerged from the study data: set of spiritual and biomedical beliefs and practices, integrated meanings, and positive consequences of the integration of spiritual and biomedical beliefs and practices. ^ Conclusions. The findings of the study suggest the importance of understanding and integrating spiritual needs into care of patients with chronic CVD. The findings revealed that the participants constructed ideas of their illness and meanings for living and coping with the illness, and integrated spiritual and biomedical beliefs and practices, resulting in positive outcomes. Further research could test interventions which facilitate such coping; for example, using reflective thinking and group support. Other studies might explore how age affects Buddhist views of the illness. ^


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The 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, or statins, can achieve significant reductions in plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol levels. Experimental and clinical evidence now shows that some statins interfere with formation of atherosclerotic lesions independent of their hypolipidemic properties. Vulnerable plaque rupture can result in thrombus formation and artery occlusion; this plaque deterioration is responsible for most acute coronary syndromes, including myocardial infarction (MI), unstable angina, and coronary death, as well as coronary heart diseaseequivalent non-hemorrhagic stroke. Inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase has potential pleiotropic effects other than lipid-lowering, as statins block mevalonic acid production, a precursor to cholesterol and numerous other metabolites. Statins' beneficial effects on clinical events may also thus involve nonlipid-related mechanisms that modify endothelial function, inflammatory responses, plaque stability, and thrombus formation. Aspirin, routinely prescribed to post-MI patients as adjunct therapy, may potentiate statins beneficial effects, as aspirin does not compete metabolically with statins but acts similarly on atherosclerotic lesions. Common functions of both medications include inhibition of platelet activity and aggregation, reduction in atherosclerotic plaque macrophage cell count, and prevention of atherosclerotic vessel endothelial dysfunction. The Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE) trial provides an ideal population in which to examine the combined effects of pravastatin and aspirin. Lipid levels, intermediate outcomes, are examined by pravastatin and aspirin status, and differences between the two pravastatin groups are found. A modified Cox proportional-hazards model with aspirin as a time-dependent covariate was used to determine the effect of aspirin and pravastatin on the clinical cardiovascular composite endpoint of coronary heart disease death, recurrent MI or stroke. Among those assigned to pravastatin, use of aspirin reduced the composite primary endpoint by 35%; this result was similar by gender, race, and diabetic status. Older patients demonstrated a nonsignificant 21% reduction in the primary outcome, whereas the younger had a significant reduction of 43% in the composite primary outcome. Secondary outcomes examined include coronary artery bypass graft (38% reduction), nonsurgical bypass, peripheral vascular disease, and unstable angina. Pravastatin and aspirin in a post-MI population was found to be a beneficial combination that seems to work through lipid and nonlipid, anti-inflammatory mechanisms. ^


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We investigated cross-sectional associations between intakes of zinc, magnesium, heme- and non heme iron, beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E and inflammation and subclinical atherosclerosis in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). We also investigated prospective associations between those micronutrients and incident MetS, T2D and CVD. Participants between 45-84 years of age at baseline were followed between 2000 and 2007. Dietary intake was assessed at baseline using a 120-item food frequency questionnaire. Multivariable linear regression and Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to evaluate associations of interest. Dietary intakes of non-heme iron and Mg were inversely associated with tHcy concentrations (geometric means across quintiles: 9.11, 8.86, 8.74, 8.71, and 8.50 µmol/L for non-heme iron, and 9.20, 9.00, 8.65, 8.76, and 8.33 µmol/L for Mg; ptrends <0.001). Mg intake was inversely associated with high CC-IMT; odds ratio (95% CI) for extreme quintiles 0.76 (0.58, 1.01), ptrend: 0.002. Dietary Zn and heme-iron were positively associated with CRP (geometric means: 1.73, 1.75, 1.78, 1.88, and 1.96 mg/L for Zn and 1.72, 1.76, 1.83, 1.86, and 1.94 mg/L for heme-iron). In the prospective analysis, dietary vitamin E intake was inversely associated with incident MetS and with incident CVD (HR [CI] for extreme quintiles - MetS: 0.78 [0.62-0.97] ptrend=0.01; CVD: 0.69 [0.46-1.03]; ptrend =0.04). Intake of heme-iron from red meat and Zn from red meat, but not from other sources, were each positively associated with risk of CVD (HR [CI] - heme-iron from red meat: 1.65 [1.10-2.47] ptrend = 0.01; Zn from red meat: 1.51 [1.02 - 2.24] ptrend =0.01) and MetS (HR [CI] - heme-iron from red meat: 1.25 [0.99-1.56] ptrend =0.03; Zn from red meat: 1.29 [1.03-1.61]; ptrend = 0.04). All associations evaluated were similar across different strata of gender, race-ethnicity and alcohol intake. Most of the micronutrients investigated were not associated with the outcomes of interest in this multi-ethnic cohort. These observations do not provide consistent support for the hypothesized association of individual nutrients with inflammatory markers, MetS, T2D, or CVD. However, nutrients consumed in red meat, or consumption of red meat as a whole, may increase risk of MetS and CVD.^


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Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. CVD mainly comprise of coronary heart disease and stroke and were ranked first and fourth respectively amongst leading causes of death in the United States. Influenza (flu) causes annual outbreaks and pandemics and is increasingly recognized as an important trigger for acute coronary syndromes and stroke. Influenza vaccination is an inexpensive and effective strategy for prevention of influenza related complications in high risk individuals. Though it is recommended for all CVD patients, Influenza vaccine is still used at suboptimal levels in these patients owing to prevailing controversy related to its effectiveness in preventing CVD. This review was undertaken to critically assess the effectiveness of influenza vaccination as a primary or secondary prevention method for CVD. ^ Methods: A systematic review was conducted using electronic databases OVID MEDLINE, PUBMED (National Library of Medicine), EMBASE, GOOGLE SCHOLAR and TRIP (Turning Research into Practice). The study search was limited to peer-reviewed articles published in English language from January 1970 through May 2012. The case control studies, cohort studies and randomized controlled trials related to influenza vaccination and CVD, with data on at least one of the outcomes were identified. In the review, only population-based epidemiologic studies in all ethnic groups and of either sex and with age limitation of 30 yrs or above, with clinical CVD outcomes of interest were included. ^ Results: Of the 16 studies (8 case control studies, 6 cohort studies and 2 randomized controlled trials) that met the inclusion criteria, 14 studies reported that there was a significant benefit in u influenza vaccination as primary or secondary prevention method for preventing new cardiovascular events. In contrary to the above findings, two studies mentioned that there was no significant benefit of vaccination in CVD prevention. ^ Conclusion: The available body of evidence in the review elucidates that vaccination against influenza is associated with reduction in the risk of new CVD events, hospitalization for coronary heart disease and stroke and as well as the risk of death. The study findings disclose that the influenza vaccination is very effective in CVD prevention and should be encouraged for the high risk population. However, larger and more future studies like randomized control trials are needed to further evaluate and confirm these findings. ^


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Background Depression after myocardial infarction has been associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. This study assessed whether depressive symptoms were associated with adverse outcomes in people with a history of an acute coronary syndrome, and evaluated possible explanations for such an association. Methods and results Depressive symptoms were assessed using the General Health Questionnaire at least 5 months after hospital admission for acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina in 1130 participants of the Long-Term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischaemic Disease (LIPID) Study, a multicentre, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of cholesterol-lowering treatment. Cardiovascular symptoms, self-rated general health, cardiovascular risk factors, employment status, social support and life events were also assessed at the baseline visit. Cardiovascular death (n=114), non-fatal myocardial infarction (n=108), non-fatal stroke (n=53) and unstable angina (n=274) were documented during a median follow-up period of 8.1 years. Individuals with depressive symptoms (General. Health Questionnaire score greater than or equal to5; 22% of participants) were more likely to report angina, dyspnoea, claudication, poorer general health, not being in paid employment, few social contacts and/or adverse life events (P


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Objectives To assess the associations between three measurements of socioeconomic position (SEP) - education, occupation and ability to cope on available income - and cardiovascular risk factors in three age cohorts of Australian women. Methods Cross-sectional analysis of three cohorts of Australian women aged 18-23, 45-50 and 70-75 years. Results In general, for all exposures and in all three cohorts, the odds of each adverse risk factor (smoking, obesity and physical inactivity) were lower in the most advantaged compared with the least advantaged. Within each of the three cohorts, the effects of each measurement of SEP on the outcomes were similar. There were, however, some notable between-cohort differences. The most marked differences were those with smoking. For women aged 70-75 (older), those with the highest educational attainment were more likely to have ever smoked than those with the lowest level of attainment. However, for the other two cohorts, this association was reversed, with a stronger association between low levels of education and ever smoking among those aged 18-23 (younger) than those aged 45-50 (mid-age). Similarly, for older women, those in the most skilled occupational classes were most likely to have ever smoked, with opposite findings for mid-age women. Education was also differently associated with physical inactivity across the three cohorts. Older women who were most educated were least likely to be physically inactive, whereas among the younger and mid-age cohorts there was little or no effect of education on physical inactivity. Conclusion These findings demonstrate the dynamic nature of the association between SEP and some health outcomes. Our findings do not appear to confirm previous suggestions that prestige-based measurements of SEP are more strongly associated with health-related behaviours than measurements that reflect material and psychosocial resources.