996 resultados para c MET gene


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The myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is a prominent protein kinase C (PKC) substrate in brain that is expressed highly in hippocampal granule cells and their axons, the mossy fibers. Here, we examined hippocampal infrapyramidal mossy fiber (IP-MF) limb length and spatial learning in heterozygous Macs mutant mice that exhibit an ≈50% reduction in MARCKS expression relative to wild-type controls. On a 129B6(N3) background, the Macs mutation produced IP-MF hyperplasia, a significant increase in hippocampal PKCɛ expression, and proficient spatial learning relative to wild-type controls. However, wild-type 129B6(N3) mice exhibited phenotypic characteristics resembling inbred 129Sv mice, including IP-MF hypoplasia relative to inbred C57BL/6J mice and impaired spatial-reversal learning, suggesting a significant contribution of 129Sv background genes to wild-type and possibly mutant phenotypes. Indeed, when these mice were backcrossed with inbred C57BL/6J mice for nine generations to reduce 129Sv background genes, the Macs mutation did not effect IP-MF length or hippocampal PKCɛ expression and impaired spatial learning relative to wild-type controls, which now showed proficient spatial learning. Moreover, in a different strain (B6SJL(N1), the Macs mutation also produced a significant impairment in spatial learning that was reversed by transgenic expression of MARCKS. Collectively, these data indicate that the heterozygous Macs mutation modifies the expression of linked 129Sv gene(s), affecting hippocampal mossy fiber development and spatial learning performance, and that MARCKS plays a significant role in spatial learning processes.


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All but two genes involved in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been cloned, and their corresponding mutants have been described. The remaining genes encode the C-3 sterol dehydrogenase (C-4 decarboxylase) and the 3-keto sterol reductase and in concert with the C-4 sterol methyloxidase (ERG25) catalyze the sequential removal of the two methyl groups at the sterol C-4 position. The protein sequence of the Nocardia sp NAD(P)-dependent cholesterol dehydrogenase responsible for the conversion of cholesterol to its 3-keto derivative shows 30% similarity to a 329-aa Saccharomyces ORF, YGL001c, suggesting a possible role of YGL001c in sterol decarboxylation. The disruption of the YGL001c ORF was made in a diploid strain, and the segregants were plated onto sterol supplemented media under anaerobic growth conditions. Segregants containing the YGL001c disruption were not viable after transfer to fresh, sterol-supplemented media. However, one segregant was able to grow, and genetic analysis indicated that it contained a hem3 mutation. The YGL001c (ERG26) disruption also was viable in a hem 1Δ strain grown in the presence of ergosterol. Introduction of the erg26 mutation into an erg1 (squalene epoxidase) strain also was viable in ergosterol-supplemented media. We demonstrated that erg26 mutants grown on various sterol and heme-supplemented media accumulate nonesterified carboxylic acid sterols such as 4β,14α-dimethyl-4α-carboxy-cholesta-8,24-dien-3β-ol and 4β-methyl-4α-carboxy-cholesta-8,24-dien-3β-ol, the predicted substrates for the C-3 sterol dehydrogenase. Accumulation of these sterol molecules in a heme-competent erg26 strain results in an accumulation of toxic-oxygenated sterol intermediates that prevent growth, even in the presence of exogenously added sterol.


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Uncertainty as to which member of a family of DNA-binding transcription factors regulates a specific promoter in intact cells is a problem common to many investigators. Determining target gene specificity requires both an analysis of protein binding to the endogenous promoter as well as a characterization of the functional consequences of transcription factor binding. By using a formaldehyde crosslinking procedure and Gal4 fusion proteins, we have analyzed the timing and functional consequences of binding of Myc and upstream stimulatory factor (USF)1 to endogenous cellular genes. We demonstrate that the endogenous cad promoter can be immunoprecipitated with antibodies against Myc and USF1. We further demonstrate that although both Myc and USF1 can bind to cad, the cad promoter can respond only to the Myc transactivation domain. We also show that the amount of Myc bound to the cad promoter fluctuates in a growth-dependent manner. Thus, our data analyzing both DNA binding and promoter activity in intact cells suggest that cad is a Myc target gene. In addition, we show that Myc binding can occur at many sites in vivo but that the position of the binding site determines the functional consequences of this binding. Our data indicate that a post-DNA-binding mechanism determines Myc target gene specificity. Importantly, we have demonstrated the feasibility of analyzing the binding of site-specific transcription factors in vivo to single copy mammalian genes.


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Twenty-four base pairs of the human antioxidant response element (hARE) are required for high basal transcription of the NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase1 (NQO1) gene and its induction in response to xenobiotics and antioxidants. hARE is a unique cis-element that contains one perfect and one imperfect AP1 element arranged as inverse repeats separated by 3 bp, followed by a “GC” box. We report here that Jun, Fos, Fra, and Nrf nuclear transcription factors bind to the hARE. Overexpression of cDNA derived combinations of the nuclear proteins Jun and Fos or Jun and Fra1 repressed hARE-mediated chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene expression in transfected human hepatoblastoma (Hep-G2) cells. Further experiments suggested that this repression was due to overexpression of c-Fos and Fra1, but not due to Jun proteins. The Jun (c-Jun, Jun-B, and Jun-D) proteins in all the possible combinations were more or less ineffective in repression or upregulation of hARE-mediated gene expression. Interestingly, overexpression of Nrf1 and Nrf2 individually in Hep-G2 and monkey kidney (COS1) cells significantly increased CAT gene expression from reporter plasmid hARE-thymidine kinase-CAT in transfected cells that were inducible by β-naphthoflavone and tert-butyl hydroquinone. These results indicated that hARE-mediated expression of the NQO1 gene and its induction by xenobiotics and antioxidants are mediated by Nrf1 and Nrf2. The hARE-mediated basal expression, however, is repressed by overexpression of c-Fos and Fra1.


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The functional role of the interaction between c-Jun and simian virus 40 promoter factor 1 (Sp1) in epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced expression of 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells was studied. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicated that EGF stimulated interaction between c-Jun and Sp1 in a time-dependent manner. Overexpression of Ha-ras and c-Jun also enhanced the amount of c-Jun binding to Sp1. In addition, the c-Jun dominant negative mutant TAM-67 not only inhibited the coimmunoprecipitated c-Jun binding to Sp1 in a dose-dependent manner in cells overexpressing c-Jun but also reduced promoter activity of the 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene induced by c-Jun overexpression. Treatment of cells with EGF increased the interaction between the Sp1 oligonucleotide and nuclear c-Jun/Sp1 in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, EGF activated the chimeric promoter consisting of 10 tandem GAL4-binding sites, which replaced the three Sp1-binding sites in the 12(S)lipoxygenase promoter only when coexpressed with GAL4-c-Jun () fusion proteins. These results indicate that the direct interaction between c-Jun and Sp1 induced by EGF cooperatively activated expression of the 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene, and that Sp1 may serve at least in part as a carrier bringing c-Jun to the promoter, thus transactivating the transcriptional activity of 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene.


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Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a broadly expressed mitogenic and chemotactic factor with diverse roles in a number of physiologic and pathologic settings. The zinc finger transcription factors Sp1, Sp3 and Egr-1 bind to overlapping elements in the proximal PDGF B-chain promoter and activate transcription of this gene. The anthracycline nogalamycin has previously been reported to inhibit the capacity of Egr-1 to bind DNA in vitro. Here we used electrophoretic mobility shift assays to show that nogalamycin added to cells in culture did not alter the interaction of Egr-1 with the PDGF-B promoter. Instead, it enhanced the capacity of Sp1 to bind DNA. Nogalamycin increased PDGF-B mRNA expression at the level of transcription, which was abrogated by mutation of the Sp1 binding site in the PDGF-B promoter or overexpression of mutant Sp1. Rather than increasing total levels of Sp1, nogalamycin altered the phosphorylation state of the transcription factor. Overexpression of dominant-negative PKC-ζ blocked nogalamycin-inducible Sp1 phosphorylation and PDGF-B promoter-dependent expression. Nogalamycin stimulated the phosphorylation of PKC-ζ (on residue Thr410). These findings demonstrate for the first time that PKC-ζ and Sp1 phosphorylation mediate the inducible expression of this growth factor.


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Cross-linking of the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcɛRI) on mast cells with IgE and multivalent antigen triggers mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activation and cytokine gene expression. We report here that MAP kinase kinase 4 (MKK4) gene disruption does not affect either MAP kinase activation or cytokine gene expression in response to cross-linking of FcɛRI in embryonic stem cell-derived mast cells. MKK7 is activated in response to cross-linking of FcɛRI, and this activation is inhibited by MAP/ERK kinase (MEK) kinase 2 (MEKK2) gene disruption. In addition, expression of kinase-inactive MKK7 in the murine mast cell line MC/9 inhibits c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) activation in response to cross-linking of FcɛRI, whereas expression of kinase-inactive MKK4 does not affect JNK activation by this stimulus. However, FcɛRI-induced activation of the tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) gene promoter is not affected by expression of kinase-inactive MKK7. We describe an alternative pathway by which MEKK2 activates MEK5 and big MAP kinase1/extracellular signal-regulated kinase 5 in addition to MKK7 and JNK, and interruption of this pathway inhibits TNF-α promoter activation. These findings suggest that JNK activation by antigen cross-linking is dependent on the MEKK2-MKK7 pathway, and cytokine production in mast cells is regulated in part by the signaling complex MEKK2-MEK5-ERK5.


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Rearrangements of the high mobility group protein I-C (HMGI-C) gene, consisting in the loss of the carboxyl-terminal tail, have been frequently detected in benign human tumors of mesenchymal origin. We have previously demonstrated that transgenic (TG) mice carrying a truncated HMGI-C construct (HMGI-C/T) exhibit a giant phenotype together with a predominantly abdominal/pelvic lipomatosis. Here, we report that HMGI-C/T TG mice develop natural killer (NK)-T/NK cell lymphomas starting from 12 months of age. We found an increased expression of IL-2 and IL-15 proteins and their receptors in these lymphomas, and we demonstrate that HMGI-C/T protein positively regulates their expression in vitro. Therefore, the HMGI-C/T-mediated chronic stimulation of the IL-2/IL-15 pathway could be responsible for the onset of NK-T/NK cell lymphomas in HMGI-C/T TG mice.


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Using a mRNA differential screening of fibroblasts differing for the expression of c-fos we isolated a c-fos-induced growth factor (FIGF). The deduced protein sequence predicts that the cDNA codes for a new member of the platelet-derived growth factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (PDGF/VEGF) family. Northern blot analysis shows that FIGF expression is strongly reduced in c-fos-deficient cells. Transfection of exogenous c-fos driven by a constitutive promoter restores the FIGF expression in these cells. In contrast, both PDGF and VEGF expression is unaffected by c-fos. FIGF is a secreted dimeric protein able to stimulate mitogenic activity in fibroblasts. FIGF overexpression induces morphological alterations in fibroblasts. The cells acquire a spindle-shaped morphology, become more refractive, disorganized, and detach from the plate. These results imply that FIGF is a downstream growth and morphogenic effector of c-fos. These results also suggest that the expression of FIGF in response to c-fos activation induces specific differentiation patterns and its aberrant activation contributes to the malignant phenotype of tumors.


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A constitutively active form of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGFR2) was identified in rat osteosarcoma (ROS) cells by an expression cloning strategy. Unlike other tyrosine kinase receptors activated by N-terminal truncation in tumors, this receptor, FGFR2-ROS, contains an altered C terminus generated from chromosomal rearrangement with a novel gene, designated FGFR activating gene 1 (FRAG1). While the removal of the C terminus slightly activates FGFR2, the presence of the FRAG1 sequence drastically stimulates the transforming activity and autophosphorylation of the receptor. FGFR2-ROS is expressed as a unusually large protein and is highly phosphorylated in NIH 3T3 transfectants. FRAG1 is ubiquitously expressed and encodes a predicted protein of 28 kDa lacking significant structural similarity to known proteins. Epitope-tagged FRAG1 protein showed a perinuclear localization by immunofluorescence staining. The highly activated state of FGFR2-ROS appears to be attributed to constitutive dimer formation and higher phosphorylation level as well as possibly altered subcellular localization. These results indicate a unique mechanism of receptor activation by a C terminus alteration through a chromosomal fusion with FRAG1.


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The Tsc2 gene, which is mutationally inactivated in the germ line of some families with tuberous sclerosis, encodes a large, membrane-associated GTPase activating protein (GAP) designated tuberin. Studies of the Eker rat model of hereditary cancer strongly support the role of Tsc2 as a tumor suppressor gene. In this study, the biological activity of tuberin was assessed by expressing the wild-type Tsc2 gene in tumor cell lines lacking functional tuberin and also in rat fibroblasts with normal levels of endogenous tuberin. The colony forming efficiency of Eker rat-derived renal carcinoma cells was significantly reduced following reintroduction of wild-type Tsc2. Tumor cells expressing the transfected Tsc2 gene became more anchorage-dependent and lost their ability to form tumors in severe combined immunodeficient mice. At the cellular level, restoration of tuberin expression caused morphological changes characterized by enlargement of the cells and increased contact inhibition. As with the full-length Tsc2 gene, a clone encoding only the C terminus of tuberin (amino acids 1049-1809, including the GAP domain) was capable of reducing both colony formation and in vivo tumorigenicity when transfected into the Eker rat tumor cells. In normal Rat1 fibroblasts, conditional overexpression of tuberin also suppressed colony formation and cell growth in vitro. These results provide direct experimental evidence for the tumor suppressor function of Tsc2 and suggest that the tuberin C terminus plays an important role in this activity.


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The c-myc oncogene has been shown to play a role in cell proliferation and apoptosis. The realization that myc oncogenes may control the level of expression of other genes has opened the field to search for genetic targets for Myc regulation. Recently, using a subtraction/coexpression strategy, a murine genetic target for Myc regulation, called EC439, was isolated. To further characterize the ECA39 gene, we set out to determine the evolutionary conservation of its regulatory and coding sequences. We describe the human, nematode, and budding yeast homologs of the mouse ECA39 gene. Identities between the mouse ECA39 protein and the human, nematode, or yeast proteins are 79%, 52%, and 49%, respectively. Interestingly, the recognition site for Myc binding, located 3' to the start site of transcription in the mouse gene, is also conserved in the human homolog. This regulatory element is missing in the ECA39 homologs from nematode or yeast, which also lack the regulator c-myc. To understand the function of ECA39, we deleted the gene from the yeast genome. Disruption of ECA39 which is a recessive mutation that leads to a marked alteration in the cell cycle. Mutant haploids and homozygous diploids have a faster growth rate than isogenic wild-type strains. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analyses indicate that the mutation shortens the G1 stage in the cell cycle. Moreover, mutant strains show higher rates of UV-induced mutations. The results suggest that the product of ECA39 is involved in the regulation of G1 to S transition.


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We have investigated the effect of the v-Myc oncoprotein on gene expression in myelomonocytic cells. We find that v-Myc dramatically down-regulates the expression of myelomonocytic-specific genes, such as the chicken mim-1 and lysozyme genes, both of which are known targets for C/EBP transcription factors. We present evidence that Myc downregulates these genes by inhibiting the function of C/EBP transcription factors. Detailed examination of the inhibitory mechanism shows that amino-terminal sequences of v-Myc, but not its DNA-binding domain, are required for the suppression of C/EBP-dependent transactivation. Our findings identify a new function for Myc and reveal a novel mechanism by which Myc affects the expression of other genes.


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The possible relationship of selenium to immunological function which has been suggested for decades was investigated in studies on selenium metabolism in human T cells. One of the major 75Se-labeled selenoproteins detected was purified to homogeneity and shown to be a homodimer of 55-kDa subunits. Each subunit contained about 1 FAD and at least 0.74 Se. This protein proved to be thioredoxin reductase (TR) on the basis of its catalytic activities, cross-reactivity with anti-rat liver TR antibodies, and sequence identities of several tryptic peptides with the published deduced sequence of human placental TR. Physicochemical characteristics of T-cell TR were similar to those of a selenocysteine (Secys)-containing TR recently isolated from human lung adenocarcinoma cells. The sequence of a 12-residue 75Se-labeled tryptic peptide from T-cell TR was identical with a C-terminal-deduced sequence of human placental TR except that Secys was present in the position corresponding to TGA, previously thought to be the termination codon, and this was followed by Gly-499, the actual C-terminal amino acid. The presence of the unusual conserved Cys-Secys-Gly sequence at the C terminus of TR in addition to the redox active cysteines of the Cys-Val-Asn-Val-Gly-Cys motif in the FAD-binding region may account for the peroxidase activity and the relatively low substrate specificity of mammalian TRs. The finding that T-cell TR is a selenoenzyme that contains Se in a conserved C-terminal region provides another example of the role of selenium in a major antioxidant enzyme system (i.e., thioredoxin-thioredoxin reductase), in addition to the well-known glutathione peroxidase enzyme system.


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The ob gene product, leptin, apparently exclusively expressed in adipose tissue, is a signaling factor regulating body weight homeostasis and energy balance. ob gene expression is increased in obese rodents and regulated by feeding, insulin, and glucocorticoids, which supports the concept that ob gene expression is under hormonal control, which is expected for a key factor controlling body weight homeostasis and energy balance. In humans, ob mRNA expression is increased in gross obesity; however, the effects of the above factors on human ob expression are unknown. We describe the structure of the human ob gene and initial functional analysis of its promoter. The human ob gene's three exons cover approximately 15 kb of genomic DNA. The entire coding region is contained in exons 2 and 3, which are separated by a 2-kb intron. The first small 30-bp untranslated exon is located >10.5 kb upstream of the initiator ATG codon. Three kilobases of DNA upstream of the transcription start site has been cloned and characterized. Only 217 bp of 5' sequence are required for basal adipose tissue-specific expression of the ob gene as well as enhanced expression by C/EBPalpha. Mutation of the single C/EBPalpha site in this region abolished inducibility of the promoter by C/EBPalpha in cotransfection assays. The gene structure will facilitate our analysis of ob mutations in human obesity, whereas knowledge of sequence elements and factors regulating ob gene expression should be of major importance in the prevention and treatment of obesity.