749 resultados para business performance
Both marketing academics and practitioners are debating the diminished role of marketing as a separate function within firms. In this study, which expands on previous research on Dutch companies, the authors focus on how the marketing department’s capabilities relate to business performance across countries. The authors collected data in seven Western countries—the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and Israel. They surveyed top marketing and financial executives, CEOs, and other top employees of profit-based middle-sized and large firms. Their findings show that accountability provides the most consistent predictor of influence, whereas the marketing department’s innovativeness and customer connection show less consistent results. Across the seven countries, the department’s integration with the finance department has a consistent but negative effect on the department’s perceived influence. The influences of marketing departments clearly differ across countries. Perceived influence is substantially higher in the United States and Israel than in other countries, whereas top management respect for the marketing department is substantially higher in Israel than in any other country. The study also found that the marketing department is well represented on the boards of companies in Sweden, Israel, and the United States. In most countries, marketing tends not to be organized as a line function. Some differences among countries emerge in the relationships between the marketing department’s influence and business performance. In Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia, influence relates positively to business performance, whereas in the Netherlands, it has no influence. The results for Sweden suggest a negative influence. The authors conclude that a strong marketing department appears to benefit firms in most of the countries studied. The results imply that the marketing department should have input into boardroom considerations.
The paper discusses both the complementary factors and contradictions of adoption ERP based systems with enterprise 2.0. ERP is well known as its' efficient business process management. Also the high failure rate the system implementation is famous as well. According to [1], ERP systems could achieve efficient business performance by enabling a standardized business process design, but at a cost of flexibility in operations. However, enterprise 2.0 supports flexible business process management, informal and less structured interactions [3],[4],[21]. Traditional researcher claimed efficiency and flexibility may seem incompatible in that they are different business objectives and may exist in different organizational environments. However, the paper will break traditional norms that combine ERP and enterprise 2.0 in a single enterprise to improve both efficient and flexible operations simultaneously. Based on the multiple cases studies, four cases presented different attitudes on usage ERP systems and enterprise social systems. Based on socio-technical theory, the paper presents in-depth analysis benefits of combination ERP with enterprise 2.0 for these firms.
This study investigates the strategies adopted by Australian manufacturing firms to sustain their local production and competitiveness, including during the period of the recent global financial crisis. Six Australian manufacturing organisations in different sectors were selected and analysed using the market-based and resource-based views, and components of the DRAMA framework. The findings highlight several factors and company efforts to sustain manufacturing operations. These organisations pursued a range of manufacturing strategies to enable distinctive offerings in the marketplace and used various ways to differentiate themselves. This was possible through the portfolio of capabilities that determine their continued production and business performance over the period. This study provides important lessons for managers in manufacturing organisations and demonstrates how differing capabilities and strategies of firms can impact the competitiveness of local production, not only in times of economic crisis but also in the long run to sustainable competitiveness in the future.
While most of the research in Knowledge Management (KM) has focused on business communities, there is a breadth of potential applications of KM theory and practice to wider society. This paper explores the potential of KM for rural communities, specifically for those that want to preserve their social history and collective memories (what we call heritage) to enrich the lives of others. In KM terms, this is a task of accumulating and recording knowledge (using KM techniques such as story-telling and communities of practice) to enable its retention for future use (by interested people perhaps through KM systems). We report a case study of Cardrona, a valley of approximately 120 people in New Zealand's South Island. Realising that time would erode knowledge of their community a small, motivated group of residents initiated a KM programme to create a legacy for a wider community including younger generations, tourists and scholars. This paper applies KM principles to rural communities that want to harness their collective knowledge for wider societal gain, and develops a community-based framework to inform such initiatives. As a result, we call for a wider conceptualisation of KM to include motives for managing knowledge beyond business performance to accommodate community (cKM). © 2010 Operational Research Society.
This paper discusses demand and supply chain management and examines how artificial intelligence techniques and RFID technology can enhance the responsiveness of the logistics workflow. This proposed system is expected to have a significant impact on the performance of logistics networks by virtue of its capabilities to adapt unexpected supply and demand changes in the volatile marketplace with the unique feature of responsiveness with the advanced technology, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Recent studies have found that RFID and artificial intelligence techniques drive the development of total solution in logistics industry. Apart from tracking the movement of the goods, RFID is able to play an important role to reflect the inventory level of various distribution areas. In today’s globalized industrial environment, the physical logistics operations and the associated flow of information are the essential elements for companies to realize an efficient logistics workflow scenario. Basically, a flexible logistics workflow, which is characterized by its fast responsiveness in dealing with customer requirements through the integration of various value chain activities, is fundamental to leverage business performance of enterprises. The significance of this research is the demonstration of the synergy of using a combination of advanced technologies to form an integrated system that helps achieve lean and agile logistics workflow.
Outsourcing, or offshoring as it is now known, has been around for many decades. In the beginning it was only the very peripheral activities that were blue-collar (lower skilled) work outsourced, but this is now all changing with the outsourcing of white-collar jobs. Historically outsourcing was used when organisation could not perform to world-class excellence in all sectors of the organisation due to incompetence of staff and/or management, lack of capacity, financial pressures, and/or technological pressures. The research currently underway is initially focusing on a literature review of current outsourcing applications in the market place and what impact outsourcing has on business performance. This paper will present the findings of the initial literature review. It will also discuss the methodology being followed to explore the Irish Industrial Sector.
Strategic sourcing plays an important role in organisations' performance. Strategic sourcing has been researched extensively using empirical studies as well as review work, such as strategic sourcing importance, issues and challenges, processes, source selection criteria and framework. However, there is no research on critical success factors for strategic sourcing specific to industry and country. This research aims to qualitatively evaluate and understand the current role of strategic sourcing, the critical success factors for business performance and its relationship with strategic sourcing, and strategic supplier evaluation criteria from multiple stakeholders' perspectives specific to industry and country. This research studies twenty organisations from Germany and the United Kingdom (UK) covering two industry sectors - electronics manufacturing and construction. We consider five organisations from each industry sector and each country. The findings from twenty case studies reveal comparative analysis of strategic sourcing practices of two countries and two industries.
A cikk célja a termelési stratégia dinamikájának vizsgálata a termelési versenytényezők fontosság-teljesítmény illeszkedése szempontjából. Az empirikus elemzéshez két nemzetközi adatbázist használtunk fel. Eredményeink alapján a magas szintű üzleti teljesítmény elérése érdekében a vállalatoknak agilis stratégiát kell kialakítaniuk, és gyorsan kell reagálniuk a vevői igények változására. A versenytényezők fontosságának és teljesítményének megfelelő illeszkedésére törekvő vállalatok nagyobb valószínűséggel érnek el jobb üzleti teljesítményt. A fontosság-teljesítmény illeszkedés javításának longitudinális elemzése támogatja mind az egymásra épülő képességek, mind pedig az átváltások elméletét, azaz összességében az integrált modellt. _________ This paper aims to explore the dynamics of manufacturing strategy from the perspective of the importance-performance fit of manufacturing competitive factors. For the empirical research two different international databases are used. Results of our study suggest that in order to reach high business performance, manufacturing companies need to develop agile strategies and react quickly to changes in customer preferences. Companies aiming to maintain a proper importance-performance fit of competitive factors are more likely to reach higher business performances. The longitudinal analysis of importance-performance fit improvement provides support for both the cumulative capabilities and the trade-off theory, i.e. the integrative model.
A termelési stratégia kutatásának mindig meghatározó területe volt, hogy miként tud a termelési stratégia hozzájárulni a vállalat termelési és üzleti teljesítményéhez. A kapcsolódó szakirodalom áttekintése alapján amellett érvelünk, hogy a termelési stratégia javítása érdekében a vállalatoknak egyaránt figyelembe kell venniük, hogy a) egy adott termelési képesség mennyire fontos a vevő számára és b) a vállalat hogyan teljesít az adott területen a versenytársakhoz képest. E két szempontot összekapcsolva ckkünk a fontosság-teljesítmény elemzést használja, ami a korábbi tanulmányoknál kifinomultabb operacionalizálást tesz lehetővé. A vizsgálathoz egy 21 országra kiterjedő, 725 vállalat adatait tartalmazó nemzetközi adatbázist használunk. Az eredmények azt sugallják, hogy a fontosság-teljesítmény logika javasolt alkalmazása jelentősen képes hozzájárulni az üzleti teljesítményhez. Tanulmányunk gyakorlati útmutatóval is szolgál a termelési stratégia döntéshozóinak arra, hogy miként érdemes a termelésfejlesztési projektek közül választani úgy, hogy ezáltal üzleti teljesítményüket is javítani tudják. ______ A key area of operations management research has always been the determination of how manufacturing strategy can contribute to a firm’s operational and business performance. After reviewing relevant literature, we argue that in improving manufacturing strategy, both the importance for the customer of a particular manufacturing capability and the firm’s current performance relative to competitors must be considered. Consequently, our research builds upon an importance-performance analysis approach, which allows for a more refined operationalization of the concept of importance-performance fit than previous studies. To investigate the link between importance-performance fit and business performance, we use an international sample of 725 manufacturing companies from 21 countries. The results of our analysis suggest that improvement decisions that follow the proposed importance-performance logic can significantly contribute to the firm’s business performance. Our study also offers practical guidance for manufacturing strategy decision makers on how to prioritize between improvement projects to positively contribute to business performance.
A „Vezetési és döntési rendszerek” alprojekt kutatói a döntéshozatal minőségének és a versenyképességnek a kapcsolatát vizsgálták. Alapkérdésünk az volt, hogy mely vállalatok a sikeresebbek, azok, amelyek a döntéshozatali közelítésmódok közül a szigorúan racionális, analitikus gondolkodást, felfogást favorizálják, vagy inkább a kreativitást ösztönző és középpontba állító, a kreatív döntéshozatali és vezetési stílust követő cégek. Azt tapasztaltuk, hogy a vállalatok menedzsmentjének egyre többször kell megbirkóznia vészhelyzetekkel és azok következményeivel. Az üzleti döntések és az üzleti teljesítmény, az üzleti siker kapcsolatának vizsgálatára külön kutatási irányt jelöltünk meg. A felelős döntéshozatal témakörében a mi kutatásunk a konkrét döntéseket helyezte előtérbe, amely új közelítésmódot jelent. Ugyanis nem csak specifikus CSR gyakorlatokkal foglalkoztunk, hanem konkrét vezetői döntésekben vizsgáltuk meg a CSR és a fenntarthatóság elemeit. ______ Within the framework of the “Management and decision-making systems” subproject we investigated the link between the quality of decision making and competitiveness. Our basic question was the following: which companies are more successful, those who are strictly follow the rational/analytical way of decision making or the others who mainly focus on creative decision making and creative management. We found that nowadays the company managements more often face to crisis situations and their consequences. We initiated a focused research on the relationship of the business decision making, business performance and business success. When we did research in the field of the responsible decision making we focused on concrete decision cases, that was a brand new approach. We have not analyzed the CSR practice, but identified CSR and sustainability elements in concrete management decisions.
A rendszerváltás utáni időszak gazdasági teljesítményei a beteljesült remények és a megvalósulatlan várakozások egymást követő hullámzásait takarják. A mögöttünk hagyott két évtized első felét a gazdasági szerkezetváltás, a piaci kapcsolatok módosulása, valamint új – többségében külföldi – befektetői csoportok megjelenése jellemezte, amelyek együttes hozadéka volt a gazdaság stabilizálódása, majd az új növekedési pályára állás. Az ezredfordulót követő évtized első felére azonban a külföldi befektetésekre alapozott gazdaságfejlesztési stratégia erejét vesztette, s a helyettesítésre szánt hazai kkv-szektor – a kiemelt támogatások és a kedvezmények ellenére – nem tudott a növekedés motorjává válni. Szerzőnk – a BCE tudományos kutatója és az APEH korábbi elnöke – a versenyszektor 2000–2008. évi pénzügyi beszámolói alapján a hazai vállalkozások demográfiai, teljesítményi és eredményességi jellemzőit vizsgálja, s két részből álló tanulmányában arra keresi a választ, hogy a várakozásoktól elmaradó működési eredményekben milyen szerepe lehet a gazdaságfejlesztési stratégia hiányának, a vállalkozási teljesítmények elégtelenségének, a tőkehiánynak, illetve a pénzügyi rendszer torzulásainak. Szerkesztőségünk a tanulmányt olyan vitaindítónak tekinti, ami széles érdeklődésre tarthat számot, s szívesen vállalkozunk arra, hogy közreadunk minden jobbító szándékú gondolatot. _______ The economic performance during the transition period was characterized by the alternations of fulfilled hopes and unrealized expectations. The economic restructuring and changes in market relations took place during the first decade, while new – mostly foreign – investment groups entered on the new market. As a result the economy was stabilized and was put to a new growth path. But after the millennium the foreign investment based economy development strategy was no more adequate. The new engine for the growth should have been the domestic small and medium enterprise sector (SME), but despite the subsidies this sector was not strengthened to take this role. The author – the researcher of BCE, and the ex-president of APEH – analyses the characteristics of the domestic business demography, performance and effectiveness, based on the 2000–2008 annual financial statements of the business sector. The two-part study seeks the reason for the disappointing operation results. What role take in this phenomena the absence of economic strategy, the deficiency of business performance, the lack of capital and the financial distortions of the system. Our editorial intend this study as a debate for the public, and we would publish the ideas which improves this relevant topic.
A szerzők kutatásukban a karcsú menedzsment vállalati szintű versenyképességre gyakorolt hatását tanulmányozták. Ehhez olyan gondolkodási keretet alakítottak ki, amely összekapcsolja a szervezeti képességeket létrehozó gyakorlatokat és rutinokat az ezek eredményeként adódó teljesítménnyel és versenyképességgel. Vállalati esettanulmányokon keresztül mutatják be, hogy a) a karcsú termelés bevezetésének hatására hogyan változnak a szervezet képességei és b) milyen tényezők állnak a karcsú vállalatok javuló versenyképessége mögött. Eredményeik arra mutatnak rá, hogy a karcsú menedzsment elsősorban a vállalatok működőképességére és változóképességére gyakorol pozitív hatást, az üzleti teljesítményre nem feltétlenül. ______ In their research the authors studied the lean management’s effect has on competitiveness with a corporate level. To do this, a framework has been developing, which combines the organizational abilities establishing routines and practices resulting from their performance and competitiveness. Corporate case studies to show that a) the impact of the introduction of lean production, how to change the organization’s capabilities, and b) what factors are improving the competitiveness of the companies behind the slim. Their results point out that the lean management companies primarily in the functionality and variable ability positive effects on business performance is not necessarily.
A tanulmány a vezetői döntéshozatal három lényeges aspektusát tárja fel. A Versenyben a világgal c. kutatási program eredményei alapján arra lehet következtetni, hogy a menedzserek döntéshozatali képességei és megközelítései, a vállalati teljesítménymérés és menedzsment döntéseket támogató szerepe, valamint a vállalatok érintettekhez fűződő viszonya meghatározó lehet a hatékony vezetői döntéshozatal során. A vállalati döntéshozatal jellemzőinek bemutatása után megvizsgáljuk azt is, hogy a különböző teljesítményű cégek döntéseit mennyire támogatja a menedzserek felkészültsége, a teljesítménymérési gyakorlat és az érintettek elvárásai. A szerzők úgy találták, hogy a fenti tényezők mindegyike hozzájárul a hazai cégek versenyképességéhez, általánosságban ugyanis elmondható, hogy a döntéseket támogató vállalati környezet jobb üzleti teljesítményhez és gyorsabb reagálóképességhez vezethet. Az eredmények összegzése mellett ajánlásokkal is éltek a vállalatok számára, amelyek alkalmazásával hatékonyabb döntéseket hozhatnak. _______ This study presents three main aspects of the managerial decision making. Based on the results of the research program In competition with the World it points to the fact that decision making abilities and approaches of the managers, the corporate performance appraisal and the management decision support role, and the corporate relations to the stakeholders will be determinant in the process of the efficient managerial decision making. After presentation of characteristics of the corporate decision making the authors examine that how the decisions of enterprises with different performances are supported by the preparedness of the managers, the performance appraisal practice and the stakeholders expectations. The authors have thought that every factor contributes to the competitiveness of the domestic enterprises, and generally the decision supporting corporate environment can lead to better business performance and faster responsive abilities. Besides the results summary the authors give useful recommendations to the corporations with which they can make more efficient decisions.
This paper describes the results of an investigation into the finance-related innovative ability of Hungarian micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) by using two datasets (from 2006 and 2010). The author explored SMEs’ levels of openness to new financial solutions and identified features which influence their innovative solution-seeking behavior. Additionally, changes in innovation between 2006 and 2010 were analyzed according to the SME sector and whether there is a correlation between having an active solution seeking attitude and business performance was examined. The findings show that shared/multiple ownership in businesses (having interests in different enterprises simultaneously) has a significant positive effect on flexibility and innovative ability. However, the size of the business, industrial sector, type of ownership and market of the SME also have some effect. Furthermore, the hypothesis that an active solution-seeking attitude increases after-tax performance per employee was confirmed.
The objective of this article is to analyse the marketing practice of Hungarian companies. On the one hand, the role of marketing function in the company has been revealed, and on the other hand the relationship between marketing efforts and market performance has been investigated. In frame of the Hungarian Competitiveness Studies, 300 marketing executives were surveyed to rate the marketing practice of their companies, concentrating on branding, pricing policy, applied marketing channels and promotional activities. The results confirm that sophisticated marketing practice leads to higher business performance. Keywords: marketing tools, competitiveness, performance