932 resultados para bottom-up effect
Working memory, commonly defined as the ability to hold mental representations on line transiently and to manipulate these representations, is known to be a core deficit in schizophrenia. The aim of the present study was to investigate the visuo-spatial component of the working memory in schizophrenia, and more precisely to what extent the dynamic visuo-spatial information processing is impaired in schizophrenia patients. For this purpose we used a computerized paradigm in which 29 patients with schizophrenia (DSMIV, Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies) and 29 age and sex matched control subjects (DIGS) had to memorize a plane moving across the computer screen and to identify the observed trajectory among 9 plots proposed together. Each trajectory could be seen max. 3 times if needed. The results showed no difference between schizophrenia patients and controls regarding the number of correct trajectory identified after the first presentation. However, when we determine the mean number of correct trajectories on the basis of 3 trials, we observed that schizophrenia patients are significantly less performant than controls (Mann-Whitney, p _ 0.002). These findings suggest that, although schizophrenia patients are able to memorize some dynamic trajectories as well as controls, they do not profit from the repetition of the trajectory presentation. These findings are congruent with the hypothesis that schizophrenia could induce an unbalance between local and global information processing: the patients may be able to focus on details of the trajectory which could allow them to find the right target (bottom-up processes), but may show difficulty to refer to previous experience in order to filter incoming information (top-down processes) and enhance their visuo-spatial working memory abilities.
Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement undergoes repeated environmental load-related deflection resulting from temperature and moisture variations across pavement depth. This has been recognized as resulting in PCC pavement curling and warping since the mid-1920s. Slab curvature can be further magnified under repeated traffic loads and may ultimately lead to fatigue failures, including top-down and bottom-up transverse, longitudinal, and corner cracking. It is therefore significant to measure the “true” degree of curling and warping in PCC pavements, not only for quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) purposes, but also for better understanding of its relationship to long-term pavement performance. Although several approaches and devices—including linear variable differential transducers (LVDTs), digital indicators, and some profilers—have been proposed for measuring curling and warping, their application in the field is subject to cost, inconvenience, and complexity of operation. This research therefore explores developing an economical and simple device for measuring curling and warping in concrete pavements with accuracy comparable to or better than existing methodologies. Technical requirements were identified to establish assessment criteria for development, and field tests were conducted to modify the device to further enhancement. The finalized device is about 12 inches in height and 18 pounds in weight, and its manufacturing cost is just $320. Detailed development procedures and evaluation results for the new curling and warping measuring device are presented and discussed, with a focus on achieving reliable curling and warping measurements in a cost effective manner.
In bottom-up proteomics, rapid and efficient protein digestion is crucial for data reliability. However, sample preparation remains one of the rate-limiting steps in proteomics workflows. In this study, we compared the conventional trypsin digestion procedure with two accelerated digestion protocols based on shorter reaction times and microwave-assisted digestion for the preparation of membrane-enriched protein fractions of the human pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Produced peptides were analyzed by Shotgun IPG-IEF, a methodology relying on separation of peptides by IPG-IEF before the conventional LC-MS/MS steps of shotgun proteomics. Data obtained on two LC-MS/MS platforms showed that accelerated digestion protocols, especially the one relying on microwave irradiation, enhanced the cleavage specificity of trypsin and thus improved the digestion efficiency especially for hydrophobic and membrane proteins. The combination of high-throughput proteomics with accelerated and efficient sample preparation should enhance the practicability of proteomics by reducing the time from sample collection to obtaining the results.
Energy demand is an important constraint on neural signaling. Several methods have been proposed to assess the energy budget of the brain based on a bottom-up approach in which the energy demand of individual biophysical processes are first estimated independently and then summed up to compute the brain's total energy budget. Here, we address this question using a novel approach that makes use of published datasets that reported average cerebral glucose and oxygen utilization in humans and rodents during different activation states. Our approach allows us (1) to decipher neuron-glia compartmentalization in energy metabolism and (2) to compute a precise state-dependent energy budget for the brain. Under the assumption that the fraction of energy used for signaling is proportional to the cycling of neurotransmitters, we find that in the activated state, most of the energy ( approximately 80%) is oxidatively produced and consumed by neurons to support neuron-to-neuron signaling. Glial cells, while only contributing for a small fraction to energy production ( approximately 6%), actually take up a significant fraction of glucose (50% or more) from the blood and provide neurons with glucose-derived energy substrates. Our results suggest that glycolysis occurs for a significant part in astrocytes whereas most of the oxygen is utilized in neurons. As a consequence, a transfer of glucose-derived metabolites from glial cells to neurons has to take place. Furthermore, we find that the amplitude of this transfer is correlated to (1) the activity level of the brain; the larger the activity, the more metabolites are shuttled from glia to neurons and (2) the oxidative activity in astrocytes; with higher glial pyruvate metabolism, less metabolites are shuttled from glia to neurons. While some of the details of a bottom-up biophysical approach have to be simplified, our method allows for a straightforward assessment of the brain's energy budget from macroscopic measurements with minimal underlying assumptions.
OBJECTIVE: Critically ill patients are at high risk of malnutrition. Insufficient nutritional support still remains a widespread problem despite guidelines. The aim of this study was to measure the clinical impact of a two-step interdisciplinary quality nutrition program. DESIGN: Prospective interventional study over three periods (A, baseline; B and C, intervention periods). SETTING: Mixed intensive care unit within a university hospital. PATIENTS: Five hundred seventy-two patients (age 59 ± 17 yrs) requiring >72 hrs of intensive care unit treatment. INTERVENTION: Two-step quality program: 1) bottom-up implementation of feeding guideline; and 2) additional presence of an intensive care unit dietitian. The nutrition protocol was based on the European guidelines. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Anthropometric data, intensive care unit severity scores, energy delivery, and cumulated energy balance (daily, day 7, and discharge), feeding route (enteral, parenteral, combined, none-oral), length of intensive care unit and hospital stay, and mortality were collected. Altogether 5800 intensive care unit days were analyzed. Patients in period A were healthier with lower Simplified Acute Physiologic Scale and proportion of "rapidly fatal" McCabe scores. Energy delivery and balance increased gradually: impact was particularly marked on cumulated energy deficit on day 7 which improved from -5870 kcal to -3950 kcal (p < .001). Feeding technique changed significantly with progressive increase of days with nutrition therapy (A: 59% days, B: 69%, C: 71%, p < .001), use of enteral nutrition increased from A to B (stable in C), and days on combined and parenteral nutrition increased progressively. Oral energy intakes were low (mean: 385 kcal*day, 6 kcal*kg*day ). Hospital mortality increased with severity of condition in periods B and C. CONCLUSION: A bottom-up protocol improved nutritional support. The presence of the intensive care unit dietitian provided significant additional progression, which were related to early introduction and route of feeding, and which achieved overall better early energy balance.
The World Wide Web, the world¿s largest resource for information, has evolved from organizing information using controlled, top-down taxonomies to a bottom up approach that emphasizes assigning meaning to data via mechanisms such as the Social Web (Web 2.0). Tagging adds meta-data, (weak semantics) to the content available on the web. This research investigates the potential for repurposing this layer of meta-data. We propose a multi-phase approach that exploits user-defined tags to identify and extract domain-level concepts. We operationalize this approach and assess its feasibility by application to a publicly available tag repository. The paper describes insights gained from implementing and applying the heuristics contained in the approach, as well as challenges and implications of repurposing tags for extraction of domain-level concepts.
1. Biogeographical models of species' distributions are essential tools for assessing impacts of changing environmental conditions on natural communities and ecosystems. Practitioners need more reliable predictions to integrate into conservation planning (e.g. reserve design and management). 2. Most models still largely ignore or inappropriately take into account important features of species' distributions, such as spatial autocorrelation, dispersal and migration, biotic and environmental interactions. Whether distributions of natural communities or ecosystems are better modelled by assembling individual species' predictions in a bottom-up approach or modelled as collective entities is another important issue. An international workshop was organized to address these issues. 3. We discuss more specifically six issues in a methodological framework for generalized regression: (i) links with ecological theory; (ii) optimal use of existing data and artificially generated data; (iii) incorporating spatial context; (iv) integrating ecological and environmental interactions; (v) assessing prediction errors and uncertainties; and (vi) predicting distributions of communities or collective properties of biodiversity. 4. Synthesis and applications. Better predictions of the effects of impacts on biological communities and ecosystems can emerge only from more robust species' distribution models and better documentation of the uncertainty associated with these models. An improved understanding of causes of species' distributions, especially at their range limits, as well as of ecological assembly rules and ecosystem functioning, is necessary if further progress is to be made. A better collaborative effort between theoretical and functional ecologists, ecological modellers and statisticians is required to reach these goals.
Further genetic gains in wheat yield are required to match expected increases in demand. This may require the identification of physiological attributes able to produce such improvement, as well as the genetic bases controlling those traits in order to facilitate their manipulation. In the present paper, a theoretical framework of source and sink limitation to wheat yield is presented and the fine-tuning of crop development as an alternative for increasing yield potential is discussed. Following a top-down approach, most crop physiologists have agreed that the main attribute explaining past genetic gains in yield was harvest index (HI). By virtue of previous success, no further gains may be expected in HI and an alternative must be found. Using a bottom-up approach, the present paper firstly provides evidence on the generalized sink-limited condition of grain growth, determining that for further increases in yield potential, sink strength during grain filling has to be increased. The focus should be on further increasing grain number per m2, through fine-tuning pre-anthesis developmental patterns. The phase of rapid spike growth period (RSGP) is critical for grain number determination and increasing spike growth during pre-anthesis would result in an increased number of grains. This might be achieved by lengthening the duration of the phase (though without altering flowering time), as there is genotypic variation in the proportion of pre-anthesis time elapsed either before or after the onset of the stem elongation phase. Photoperiod sensitivity during RSGP could be then used as a genetic tool to further increase grain number, since slower development results in smoother floret development and more floret primordia achieve the fertile floret stage, able to produce a grain. Far less progress has been achieved on the genetic control of this attribute. None of the well-known major Ppd alleles seems to be consistently responsible for RSGP sensitivity. Alternatives for identifying the genetic factors responsible for this sensitivity (e.g. quantitative trait locus (QTL) identification in mapping populations) are being considered.
This study presents an innovative methodology for forensic science image analysis for event reconstruction. The methodology is based on experiences from real cases. It provides real added value to technical guidelines such as standard operating procedures (SOPs) and enriches the community of practices at stake in this field. This bottom-up solution outlines the many facets of analysis and the complexity of the decision-making process. Additionally, the methodology provides a backbone for articulating more detailed and technical procedures and SOPs. It emerged from a grounded theory approach; data from individual and collective interviews with eight Swiss and nine European forensic image analysis experts were collected and interpreted in a continuous, circular and reflexive manner. Throughout the process of conducting interviews and panel discussions, similarities and discrepancies were discussed in detail to provide a comprehensive picture of practices and points of view and to ultimately formalise shared know-how. Our contribution sheds light on the complexity of the choices, actions and interactions along the path of data collection and analysis, enhancing both the researchers' and participants' reflexivity.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on määritellä ja antaa suuntaviivat yhtenäisen, harmonisoidun toimintajärjestelmän luomiseksi kansainvälisessä rakennustuotealan yrityksessä. Toimintajärjestelmä tarkoittaa tässä työssä laatujärjestelmän ISO 9001 sekä ympäristöjärjestelmän ISO 14001 muodostamaa kokonaisuutta. Lähtökohtaisesti yrityksessä on useita hajautettuja toimintajärjestelmiä. Tarkoituksena on antaa kehitysehdotus yhtenäisen kokonaisratkaisun toteuttamisesta järkevässä mittakaavassa. Työssä tutkitaan, millainen toimintajärjestelmä soveltuisi parhaiten yrityksen toimintaan tällä hetkellä ja lähitulevaisuudessa. Tutkimus on tehty sisäisen ja ulkoisen esikuva-analyysin sekä yrityksen sisällä luotujen toimintajärjestelmävaihtoehtojen avulla. Sisäinen esikuva-analyysi toteutettiin yhteistyössä kahden sisäisen yksikön kanssa. Ulkoisessa esikuva-analyysissä oli mukana neljä ulkoista yhteistyökumppania. Yrityksen sisällä luodut toimintajärjestelmävaihtoehdot käsittelevät erilaisia sertifiointiratkaisuja ja vaihtoehtoja arvioidaan SWOT-analyysillä yhdessä ulkoisesta esikuva-analyysistä saatujen tuloksien avulla. Työssä otetaan lisäksi kantaa toimintajärjestelmän dokumenttien hallintaan ja toimintajärjestelmän kehittämiseen. Työn tulosten perusteella voidaan nähdä, että toimintajärjestelmän sertifiointi tulevaisuudessa tapahtuisi parhaiten liiketoimintaryhmittäin. Toimintajärjestelmän sähköistä dokumenttien hallintaa tulisi tehostaa ja toimintajärjestelmästä tulisi olla liityntäpinta yrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmään. Toimintajärjestelmän dokumenttien siirrettävyys eri organisaatiotasoille tehostuu yhtenäisen sähköisen järjestelmän myötä ja yrityksen virallisen kielen käyttämistä voitaisiin laajentaa toimintajärjestelmädokumentaatiossa. Järjestelmän rakenteellinen kehittäminen toteutettaisiin kehittämistoimenpiteinä organisaatiossa alhaalta ylöspäin, konsernitason ohjeistus huomioiden.
The objective of my thesis is to assess mechanisms of ecological community control in macroalgal communities in the Baltic Sea. In the top-down model, predatory fish feed on invertebrate mesograzers, releasing algae partly from grazing pressure. Such a reciprocal relationship is called trophic cascade. In the bottom-up model, nutrients increase biomass in the food chain. The nutrients are first assimilated by algae and, via food chain, increase also abundance of grazers and predators. Previous studies on oceanic shores have described these two regulative mechanisms in the grazer - alga link, but how they interact in the trophic cascades from fish to algae is still inadequately known. Because the top-down and bottom-up mechanisms are predicted to depend on environmental disturbances, such as wave stress and light, I have studied these models at two distinct water depths. There are five factorial field experiments behind the thesis, which were all conducted in the Finnish Archipelago Sea. In all the experiments, I studied macroalgal colonization - either density, filament length or biomass - on submerged colonization substrates. By excluding predatory fish and mesograzers from the algal communities, the studies compared the strength of the top-down control to natural algal communities. A part of the experimental units were, in addition, exposed to enriched nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, which enabled testing of bottom-up control. These two models of community control were further investigated in shallow (<1 m) and deep (ca. 3 m) water. Moreover, the control mechanisms were also expected to depend on grazer species. Therefore different grazer species were enclosed into experimental units and their impacts on macroalgal communities were followed specifically. The community control in the Baltic rocky shores was found to follow theoretical predictions, which have not been confirmed by field studies before. Predatory fish limited grazing impact, which was seen as denser algal communities and longer algal filaments. Nutrient enrichment increased density and filament length of annual algae and, thus, changed the species composition of the algal community. The perennial alga Fucus vesiculosusA and the red alga Ceramium tenuicorne suffered from the increased nutrient availabilities. The enriched nutrient conditions led to denser grazer fauna, thereby causing strong top-down control over both the annual and perennial macroalgae. The strength of the top-down control seemed to depend on the density and diversity of grazers and predators as well as on the species composition of macroalgal assemblages. The nutrient enrichment led to, however, weaker limiting impact of predatory fish on grazer fauna, because fish stocks did not respond as quickly to enhanced resources in the environment as the invertebrate fauna. According to environmental stress model, environmental disturbances weaken the top-down control. For example, on a wave-exposed shore, wave stress causes more stress to animals close to the surface than deeper on the shore. Mesograzers were efficient consumers at both the depths, while predation by fish was weaker in shallow water. Thus, the results supported the environmental stress model, which predicts that environmental disturbance affects stronger the higher a species is in the food chain. This thesis assessed the mechanisms of community control in three-level food chains and did not take into account higher predators. Such predators in the Baltic Sea are, for example, cormorant, seals, white-tailed sea eagle, cod and salmon. All these predatory species were recently or are currently under intensive fishing, hunting and persecution, and their stocks have only recently increased in the region. Therefore, it is possible that future densities of top predators may yet alter the strengths of the controlling mechanisms in the Baltic littoral zone.
The objective of this research was to study the role of key individuals in facilitation of technology enabled bottom-up innovation in large organization context. The development of innovation was followed from the point of view of individual actor (key individual) in two cases, through three levels: individual, team and organization, by using knowledge creation and innovation models. This study provides theoretical synthesis and framework through which the study is driven. The results of the study indicate, that in bottom-up initiated innovations the role of key individuals is still crucial, but innovation today is collective effort and there acts several entrepreneurial key individuals: innovator, user champion and organizational sponsor, whose collaboration and developing interaction drives innovation further. The team work is functional and fluent, but it meets great problems in interaction with organization. The large organizations should develop its practices and ability to react on emerging bottom-up initiations, in order to embed innovation to organization and gain sustainable innovation. In addition, bottom-up initiated innovations are demonstrations of peoples knowing, tacit knowledge and therefore renewing of an organization.
Covert spatial attention produces biases in perceptual and neural responses in the absence of overt orienting movements. The neural mechanism that gives rise to these effects is poorly understood. Here we report the relation between fixational eye movements, namely eye vergence, and covert attention. Visual stimuli modulate the angle of eye vergence as a function of their ability to capture attention. This illustrates the relation between eye vergence and bottom-up attention. In visual and auditory cue/no-cue paradigms, the angle of vergence is greater in the cue condition than in the no-cue condition. This shows a top-down attention component. In conclusion, observations reveal a close link between covert attention and modulation in eye vergence during eye fixation. Our study suggests a basis for the use of eye vergence as a tool for measuring attention and may provide new insights into attention and perceptual disorders.
Social responsibility, especially in the fields of education, society and peace, is one of the cornerstones of the olympic ideal and strategic vision (contribute to building a better world through sport). The article reviews the literature on organizational social responsibility (OSR) and the relationship between sport/olympism and OSR in order to examine the conditions governing the implementation and success of the International Olympic Committee's strategic vision. Several ways in which the IOC could promote a more ambitious and better-integrated social strategy: revise its performance model, notably evaluate and present in a social responsibility report; promote the adoption of OSR initiatives and strategies within the Olympic System from the bottom-up, rather than from the top-down; share best practices in the different countries for promoting and developing "sport for all"; create a World Agency for Development through Sport, or partnering and funding the international platform on sport and development; creating a World Agency for the International Governance of Sport. Two possible scenarios for the future of Olympic responsibility are finally discussed: strategy of "small steps" and a more ambitious local and global social strategy through sport and olympism.
Describes a method to code a decimated model of an isosurface on an octree representation while maintaining volume data if it is needed. The proposed technique is based on grouping the marching cubes (MC) patterns into five configurations according the topology and the number of planes of the surface that are contained in a cell. Moreover, the discrete number of planes on which the surface lays is fixed. Starting from a complete volume octree, with the isosurface codified at terminal nodes according to the new configuration, a bottom-up strategy is taken for merging cells. Such a strategy allows one to implicitly represent co-planar faces in the upper octree levels without introducing any error. At the end of this merging process, when it is required, a reconstruction strategy is applied to generate the surface contained in the octree intersected leaves. Some examples with medical data demonstrate that a reduction of up to 50% in the number of polygons can be achieved