990 resultados para bone quality


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Patienten, die an Osteosarkom leiden werden derzeit mit intravenös applizierten krebstherapeutischen Mitteln nach Tumorresektion behandelt, was oftmals mit schweren Nebenwirkungen und einem verzögerten Knochenheilungsprozess einhergeht. Darüber hinaus treten vermehrt Rezidive aufgrund von verbleibenden neoplastischen Zellen an der Tumorresektionsstelle auf. Erfolgreiche Knochenregeneration und die Kontrolle von den im Gewebe verbleibenden Krebszellen stellt eine Herausforderung für das Tissue Engineering nach Knochenverlust durch Tumorentfernung dar. In dieser Hinsicht scheint der Einsatz von Hydroxyapatit als Knochenersatzmaterial in Kombination mit Cyclodextrin als Medikamententräger, vielversprechend. Chemotherapeutika können an Biomaterial gebunden und direkt am Tumorbett über einen längeren Zeitraum freigesetzt werden, um verbliebene neoplastische Zellen zu eliminieren. Lokal applizierte Chemotherapie hat diverse Vorteile, einschließlich der direkten zytotoxischen Auswirkung auf lokale Zellen, sowie die Reduzierung schwerer Nebenwirkungen. Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Funktionsfähigkeit eines solchen Arzneimittelabgabesystems zu bewerten und um Strategien im Bereich des Tissue Engineerings zu entwickeln, die den Knochenheilungsprozess und im speziellen die Vaskularisierung fördern sollen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht nur Krebszellen von der chemotherapeutischen Behandlung betroffen sind. Primäre Endothelzellen wie zum Beispiel HUVEC zeigten eine hohe Sensibilität Cisplatin und Doxorubicin gegenüber. Beide Medikamente lösten in HUVEC ein tumor-unterdrückendes Signal durch die Hochregulation von p53 und p21 aus. Zudem scheint Hypoxie einen krebstherapeutischen Einfluss zu haben, da die Behandlung sensitiver HUVEC mit Hypoxie die Zellen vor Zytotoxizität schützte. Der chemo-protektive Effekt schien deutlich weniger auf Krebszelllinien zu wirken. Diese Resultate könnten eine mögliche chemotherapeutische Strategie darstellen, um den Effekt eines zielgerichteten Medikamenteneinsatzes auf Krebszellen zu verbessern unter gleichzeitiger Schonung gesunder Zellen. Eine erfolgreiche Integration eines Systems, das Arzneimittel abgibt, kombiniert mit einem Biomaterial zur Stabilisierung und Regeneration, könnte gesunden Endothelzellen die Möglichkeit bieten zu proliferieren und Blutgefäße zu bilden, während verbleibende Krebszellen eliminiert werden. Da der Prozess der Knochengeweberemodellierung mit einer starken Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität des Patienten einhergeht, ist die Beschleunigung des postoperativen Heilungsprozesses eines der Ziele des Tissue Engineerings. Die Bildung von Blutgefäßen ist unabdingbar für eine erfolgreiche Integration eines Knochentransplantats in das Gewebe. Daher ist ein umfangreich ausgebildetes Blutgefäßsystem für einen verbesserten Heilungsprozess während der klinischen Anwendung wünschenswert. Frühere Experimente zeigen, dass sich die Anwendung von Ko-Kulturen aus humanen primären Osteoblasten (pOB) und humanen outgrowth endothelial cells (OEC) im Hinblick auf die Bildung stabiler gefäßähnlicher Strukturen in vitro, die auch effizient in das mikrovaskuläre System in vivo integriert werden konnten, als erfolgreich erweisen. Dieser Ansatz könnte genutzt werden, um prä-vaskularisierte Konstrukte herzustellen, die den Knochenheilungsprozess nach der Implantation fördern. Zusätzlich repräsentiert das Ko-Kultursystem ein exzellentes in vitro Model, um Faktoren, welche stark in den Prozess der Knochenheilung und Angiogenese eingebunden sind, zu identifizieren und zu analysieren. Es ist bekannt, dass Makrophagen eine maßgebliche Rolle in der inflammatorisch-induzierten Angiogenese spielen. In diesem Zusammenhang hebt diese Studie den positiven Einfluss THP-1 abgeleiteter Makrophagen in Ko-Kultur mit pOB und OEC hervor. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Anwendung von Makrophagen als inflammatorischer Stimulus im bereits etablierten Ko-Kultursystem zu einer pro-angiogenen Aktivierung der OEC führte, was in einer signifikant erhöhten Bildung blutgefäßähnlicher Strukturen in vitro resultierte. Außerdem zeigte die Analyse von Faktoren, die in der durch Entzündung hervorgerufenen Angiogenese eine wichtige Rolle spielen, eine deutliche Hochregulation von VEGF, inflammatorischer Zytokine und Adhäsionsmoleküle, die letztlich zu einer verstärkten Vaskularisierung beitragen. Diese Resultate werden dem Einfluss von Makrophagen zugeschrieben und könnten zukünftig im Tissue Engineering eingesetzt werden, um den Heilungsprozess zu beschleunigen und damit die klinische Situation von Patienten zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus könnte die Kombination der auf Ko-Kulturen basierenden Ansätze für das Knochen Tissue Engineering mit einem biomaterial-basierenden Arzneimittelabgabesystem zum klinischen Einsatz kommen, der die Eliminierung verbliebener Krebszellen mit der Förderung der Knochenregeneration verbindet.


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Die Fallzahlen von Prostata- und Brustkrebs nehmen aktuell die Spitzenplätze bei Krebserkrankungen weltweit ein. Eine schwerwiegende Folge dieser Erkrankung stellen Metastasierungen in das Knochengewebe dar, welche zu einer dramatischen Verschlechterung des Allgemeinzustandes und der Lebensqualität des Patienten führen. Die Symptome sind gekennzeichnet durch enorme Schmerzen in Kombination mit osteoblastischen und osteolytischen Knochenveränderungen, bis hin zu Frakturen und spinalen Kompressionssyndromen, sowie einer metabolischen Hypercalcaemie.rnBei der Diagnose und Therapie nehmen verschiedene Radiopharmaka eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Konjugate aus makrozyklischen Chelatoren und knochenaffinen Bisphosphonaten stellen ein geeignetes Mittel dar als so genannte Theranostika, die Diagnose und Therapie in einem Molekül vereinen. Hierbei konnten mit dem Generator basierenden PET-Nuklid 68Ga(III) und dem Therapienuklid 177Lu(III) erste Erfolge mit der Verbindung BPAMD am Patienten erzielt werden. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es gelungen, die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der BPAMD-Leitstruktur weiter zu optimieren und neue Derivate erfolgreich zu synthetisieren. Diese zeichneten sich durch eine erhöhte Knochenaffinität und eines besseren ´target to background´ Verhältnisses aus. Im Zuge der Derivatisierung ist es außerdem gelungen, erfolgreich eine Substanz darzustellen, welche über eine gesteigerte Blutretention verfügt und die letztendlich die Bioverfügbarkeit des Tracers erhöhte. Verbindungen solchen Typs können zu einem besseren Tumor zu gesundem Knochen Verhältnis beitragen und eventuell einen höheren Therapieerfolg erzielen. Eines dieser neuen vielversprechenden Bisphosphonate, [68Ga]NO2APBP konnte innerhalb einer klinischen Phase 0 bzw. I sein großes Potential als Diagnostikum zur Erfassung von Skelettmetastasen unter Beweis stellen. Innerhalb einer Testreihe mit 12 Patienten wurde eine hohe diagnostische Übereinstimmung mit dem Goldstandard 18F-Fluorid erreicht. In ausgesuchten Metastasen konnte sogar eine höhere Tracer-Aufnahme erzielt werden.rnIn Zukunft können makrozyklische Bisphosphonate eine wichtige Rolle bei der palliativen Schmerztherapie von Knochenmetastasen einnehmen. rn


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To assess the sensitivity and image quality of chest radiography (CXR) with or without dual-energy subtracted (ES) bone images in the detection of rib fractures.


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OBJECTIVES To compare longitudinal patterns of health care utilization and quality of care for other health conditions between breast cancer-surviving older women and a matched cohort without breast cancer. DESIGN Prospective five-year longitudinal comparison of cases and matched controls. SUBJECTS Newly identified breast cancer patients recruited during 1997–1999 from four geographic regions (Los Angeles, CA; Minnesota; North Carolina; and Rhode Island; N = 422) were matched by age, race, baseline comorbidity and zip code location with up to four non-breast-cancer controls (N = 1,656). OUTCOMES Survival; numbers of hospitalized days and physician visits; total inpatient and outpatient Medicare payments; guideline monitoring for patients with cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and bone density testing and colorectal cancer screening. RESULTS Five-year survival was similar for cases and controls (80% and 82%, respectively; p = 0.18). In the first follow-up year, comorbidity burden and health care utilization were higher for cases (p < 0.01), with most differences diminishing over time. However, the number of physician visits was higher for cases (p < 0.01) in every year, driven partly by more cancer and surgical specialist visits. Cases and controls adhered similarly to recommended bone density testing, and monitoring of cardiovascular disease and diabetes; adherence to recommended colorectal cancer screening was better among cases. CONCLUSION Breast cancer survivors’ health care utilization and disease burden return to pre-diagnosis levels after one year, yet their greater use of outpatient care persists at least five years. Quality of care for other chronic health problems is similar for cases and controls.


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Bone metastasis and skeletal complications have a devastating impact on the quality of life and are a major cause of morbidity in prostate cancer patients. In addition to established bone-targeted therapies, new drugs such as endothelin A receptor antagonists, MET and VEGFR-2 antagonists or radiopharmaceuticals are in the focus of development. The standard care in prostate cancer patients with bone metastases to prevent skeletal-related events (SRE) are bisphosphonates. Denosumab, a human monoclonal antibody against RANKL, appeared to be superior to zoledronic acid for prevention of SRE and has been shown to prolong bone metastases-free survival. In contrast to zoledronic acid, denosumab clearance is not dependent on kidney function and can be administered subcutaneously. Similar rates of toxicity were observed for both substances; however, long-term data for denosumab are limited.


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OBJECTIVE: To report clinical evaluation of the clamp rod internal fixator 4.5/5.5 (CRIF 4.5/5.5) in bovine long-bone fracture repair. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Cattle (n=22) with long-bone fractures. METHODS: Records for cattle with long-bone fractures repaired between 1999 and 2004 with CRIF 4.5/5.5 were reviewed. Quality of fracture repair, fracture healing, and clinical outcome were investigated by means of clinical examination, medical records, radiographs, and telephone questionnaire. RESULTS: Successful long-term outcome was achieved in 18 cattle (82%); 4 were euthanatized 2-14 days postoperatively because of fracture breakdowns. Two cattle had movement of clamps on the rod. Moderate to severe callus formation was evident in 11 cattle 6 months postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Movement of clamps on the rod was recognized as implant failure unique to the CRIF. This occurred in cattle with poor fracture stability because of an extensive cortical defect. The CRIF system may not be ideal to treat metacarpal/metatarsal fractures because its voluminous size makes skin closure difficult, thereby increasing the risk of postoperative infections. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: CRIF cannot be recommended for repair of complicated long-bone fractures in cattle.


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OBJECTIVES: One main problem occurring after bone grafting is resorption, leading to insufficient bone volume and quality, and may subsequently cause dental implant failure. Comparison of graft volume and bone density of iliac crest and calvarial transplants determined by animal studies demonstrates significantly lower resorption of bone grafts harvested from the skull. This paper is the first clinical study evaluating bone volume and density changes of calvarial split bone grafts after alveolar ridge reconstruction. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Bone volume and density were determined using CT scans and the software program Dicom Works in a total of 51 calvarial grafts after alveolar ridge augmentation in 15 patients. CT scans were taken in all 15 patients immediately after grafting (T0) and before implantation after a postoperative period of 6 months (T1). In five patients (26 calvarial grafts), a 1-year follow-up was performed (T2). RESULTS: A mean volume reduction of 16.2% at T1 (15 patients) and 19.2% at T2 (five patients) was observed. Bone density was high--about 1000 Hounsfield units--and did not change during the 1-year period. At the time of implantation, 41 transplants were classified as quality 1 bone and 10 as quality 2-3 bone. Grafting area and the technique used for grafting (inlay or onlay graft) did not affect the postoperative bone volume reduction. Generalized osteoporosis did not increase the resorption rate of calvarial transplants. CONCLUSION: Based on these findings, calvarial split bone grafts are a promising alternative for alveolar ridge reconstruction in dental implantology.


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CONCLUSIONS: Speech understanding is better with the Baha Divino than with the Baha Compact in competing noise from the rear. No difference was found for speech understanding in quiet. Subjectively, overall sound quality and speech understanding were rated better for the Baha Divino. OBJECTIVES: To compare speech understanding in quiet and in noise and subjective ratings for two different bone-anchored hearing aids: the recently developed Baha Divino and the Baha Compact. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seven adults with bilateral conductive or mixed hearing losses who were users of a bone-anchored hearing aid were tested with the Baha Compact in quiet and in noise. Tests were repeated after 3 months of use with the Baha Divino. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the two types of Baha for speech understanding in quiet when tested with German numbers and monosyllabic words at presentation levels between 50 and 80 dB. For speech understanding in noise, an advantage of 2.3 dB for the Baha Divino vs the Baha Compact was found, if noise was emitted from a loudspeaker to the rear of the listener and the directional microphone noise reduction system was activated. Subjectively, the Baha Divino was rated statistically significantly better in terms of overall sound quality.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to severe bone loss in the paralysed limbs and to a resulting increased fracture risk thereof. Since long bone fractures can lead to comorbidities and a reduction in quality of life, it is important to improve bone strength in people with chronic SCI. In this prospective longitudinal cohort study, we investigated whether functional electrical stimulation (FES) induced high-volume cycle training can partially reverse the loss of bone substance in the legs after chronic complete SCI. Eleven participants with motor-sensory complete SCI (mean age 41.9+/-7.5 years; 11.0+/-7.1 years post injury) were recruited. After an initial phase of 14+/-7 weeks of FES muscle conditioning, participants performed on average 3.7+/-0.6 FES-cycling sessions per week, of 58+/-5 min each, over 12 months at each individual's highest power output. Bone and muscle parameters were investigated in the legs by means of peripheral quantitative computed tomography before the muscle conditioning (t1), and after six (t2) and 12 months (t3) of high-volume FES-cycle training. After 12 months of FES-cycling, trabecular and total bone mineral density (BMD) as well as total cross-sectional area in the distal femoral epiphysis increased significantly by 14.4+/-21.1%, 7.0+/-10.8% and 1.2+/-1.5%, respectively. Bone parameters in the femoral shaft showed small but significant decreases, with a reduction of 0.4+/-0.4% in cortical BMD, 1.8+/-3.0% in bone mineral content, and 1.5+/-2.1% in cortical thickness. These decreases mainly occurred between t1 and t2. No significant changes were found in any of the measured bone parameters in the tibia. Muscle CSA at the thigh increased significantly by 35.5+/-18.3%, while fat CSA at the shank decreased by 16.7+/-12.3%. Our results indicate that high-volume FES-cycle training leads to site-specific skeletal changes in the paralysed limbs, with an increase in bone parameters at the actively loaded distal femur but not the passively loaded tibia. Thus, we conclude that high-volume FES-induced cycle training has clinical relevance as it can partially reverse bone loss and thus may reduce fracture risk at this fracture prone site.


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High concentrations of fluoride naturally occurring in the ground water in the Arusha region of Tanzania cause dental, skeletal and non-skeletal fluorosis in up to 90% of the region’s population [1]. Symptoms of this incurable but completely preventable disease include brittle, discolored teeth, malformed bones and stiff and swollen joints. The consumption of high fluoride water has also been proven to cause headaches and insomnia [2] and adversely affect the development of children’s intelligence [3, 4]. Despite the fact that this array of symptoms may significantly impact a society’s development and the citizens’ ability to perform work and enjoy a reasonable quality of life, little is offered in the Arusha region in the form of solutions for the poor, those hardest hit by the problem. Multiple defluoridation technologies do exist, yet none are successfully reaching the Tanzanian public. This report takes a closer look at the efforts of one local organization, the Defluoridation Technology Project (DTP), to address the region’s fluorosis problem through the production and dissemination of bone char defluoridation filters, an appropriate technology solution that is proven to work. The goal of this research is to improve the sustainability of DTP’s operations and help them reach a wider range of clients so that they may reduce the occurrence of fluorosis more effectively. This was done first through laboratory testing of current products. Results of this testing show a wide range in uptake capacity across batches of bone char emphasizing the need to modify kiln design in order to produce a more consistent and high quality product. The issue of filter dissemination was addressed through the development of a multi-level, customerfunded business model promoting the availability of filters to Tanzanians of all socioeconomic levels. Central to this model is the recommendation to focus on community managed, institutional sized filters in order to make fluoride free water available to lower income clients and to increase Tanzanian involvement at the management level.


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One goal of interbody fusion is to increase the height of the degenerated disc space. Interbody cages in particular have been promoted with the claim that they can maintain the disc space better than other methods. There are many factors that can affect the disc height maintenance, including graft or cage design, the quality of the surrounding bone and the presence of supplementary posterior fixation. The present study is an in vitro biomechanical investigation of the compressive behaviour of three different interbody cage designs in a human cadaveric model. The effect of bone density and posterior instrumentation were assessed. Thirty-six lumbar functional spinal units were instrumented with one of three interbody cages: (1) a porous titanium implant with endplate fit (Stratec), (2) a porous, rectangular carbon-fibre implant (Brantigan) and (3) a porous, cylindrical threaded implant (Ray). Posterior instrumentation (USS) was applied to half of the specimens. All specimens were subjected to axial compression displacement until failure. Correlations between both the failure load and the load at 3 mm displacement with the bone density measurements were observed. Neither the cage design nor the presence of posterior instrumentation had a significant effect on the failure load. The loads at 3 mm were slightly less for the Stratec cage, implying lower axial stiffness, but were not different with posterior instrumentation. The large range of observed failure loads overlaps the potential in vivo compressive loads, implying that failure of the bone-implant interface may occur clinically. Preoperative measurements of bone density may be an effective tool to predict settling around interbody cages.


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INTRODUCTION The influence of specific health problems on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in childhood cancer survivors is unknown. We compared HRQoL between survivors of childhood cancer and their siblings, determined factors associated with HRQoL, and investigated the influence of chronic health problems on HRQoL. METHODS Within the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, we sent a questionnaire to all survivors (≥16 years) registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry, who survived >5 years and were diagnosed 1976-2005 aged <16 years. Siblings received similar questionnaires. We assessed HRQoL using Short Form-36 (SF-36). Health problems from a standard questionnaire were classified into overweight, vision impairment, hearing, memory, digestive, musculoskeletal or neurological, and thyroid problems. RESULTS The sample included 1,593 survivors and 695 siblings. Survivors scored significantly lower than siblings in physical function, role limitation, general health, and the Physical Component Summary (PCS). Lower score in PCS was associated with a diagnosis of central nervous system tumor, retinoblastoma or bone tumor, having had surgery, cranio-spinal irradiation, or bone marrow transplantation. Lower score in Mental Component Summary was associated with older age. All health problems decreased HRQoL in all scales. Most affected were survivors reporting memory problems and musculoskeletal or neurological problems. Health problems had the biggest impact on physical functioning, general health, and energy and vitality. CONCLUSIONS In this study, we showed the negative impact of specific chronic health problems on survivors' HRQoL. IMPLICATIONS FOR CANCER SURVIVORS Therapeutic preventive measures, risk-targeted follow-up, and interventions might help decrease health problems and, consequently, improve survivors' quality of life.


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PURPOSE The anterior maxilla, sometimes also called premaxilla, is an area frequently requiring surgical interventions. The objective of this observational study was to identify and assess accessory bone channels other than the nasopalatine canal in the anterior maxilla using limited cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). METHODS A total of 176 cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria comprising region of interest, quality of CBCT image, and absence of pathologic lesions or retained teeth. Any bone canal with a minimum diameter of 1.00 mm other than the nasopalatine canal was analyzed regarding size, location, and course, as well as patient gender and age. RESULTS A total of 67 accessory canals ≥1.00 mm were found in 49 patients (27.8%). A higher frequency of accessory canals was observed in males (33.0%) than in females (22.7%) (p = 0.130). Accessory canals occurred more frequently in older rather than younger patients (p = 0.115). The mean diameter of accessory canals was 1.31 ± 0.26 mm (range 1.01-2.13 mm). Gender and age did not significantly influence the diameter. Accessory canals were found palatal to all anterior teeth, but most frequently palatal to the central incisors. In 56.7%, the accessory canals curved superolaterally and communicated with the ipsilateral alveolar extension of the canalis sinuosus. CONCLUSIONS The study confirms the presence of bone channels within the anterior maxilla other than the nasopalatine canal. More than half of these accessory bone canals communicated with the canalis sinuosus. From a clinical perspective, studies are needed to determine the content of these accessory canals.


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Article preview View full access options BoneKEy Reports | Review Print Email Share/bookmark Finite element analysis for prediction of bone strength Philippe K Zysset, Enrico Dall'Ara, Peter Varga & Dieter H Pahr Affiliations Corresponding author BoneKEy Reports (2013) 2, Article number: 386 (2013) doi:10.1038/bonekey.2013.120 Received 03 January 2013 Accepted 25 June 2013 Published online 07 August 2013 Article tools Citation Reprints Rights & permissions Abstract Abstract• References• Author information Finite element (FE) analysis has been applied for the past 40 years to simulate the mechanical behavior of bone. Although several validation studies have been performed on specific anatomical sites and load cases, this study aims to review the predictability of human bone strength at the three major osteoporotic fracture sites quantified in recently completed in vitro studies at our former institute. Specifically, the performance of FE analysis based on clinical computer tomography (QCT) is compared with the ones of the current densitometric standards, bone mineral content, bone mineral density (BMD) and areal BMD (aBMD). Clinical fractures were produced in monotonic axial compression of the distal radii, vertebral sections and in side loading of the proximal femora. QCT-based FE models of the three bones were developed to simulate as closely as possible the boundary conditions of each experiment. For all sites, the FE methodology exhibited the lowest errors and the highest correlations in predicting the experimental bone strength. Likely due to the improved CT image resolution, the quality of the FE prediction in the peripheral skeleton using high-resolution peripheral CT was superior to that in the axial skeleton with whole-body QCT. Because of its projective and scalar nature, the performance of aBMD in predicting bone strength depended on loading mode and was significantly inferior to FE in axial compression of radial or vertebral sections but not significantly inferior to FE in side loading of the femur. Considering the cumulated evidence from the published validation studies, it is concluded that FE models provide the most reliable surrogates of bone strength at any of the three fracture sites.


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AIM To compare the computed tomography (CT) dose and image quality with the filtered back projection against the iterative reconstruction and CT with a minimal electronic noise detector. METHODS A lung phantom (Chest Phantom N1 by Kyoto Kagaku) was scanned with 3 different CT scanners: the Somatom Sensation, the Definition Flash and the Definition Edge (all from Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). The scan parameters were identical to the Siemens presetting for THORAX ROUTINE (scan length 35 cm and FOV 33 cm). Nine different exposition levels were examined (reference mAs/peek voltage): 100/120, 100/100, 100/80, 50/120, 50/100, 50/80, 25/120, 25/100 and 25 mAs/80 kVp. Images from the SOMATOM Sensation were reconstructed using classic filtered back projection. Iterative reconstruction (SAFIRE, level 3) was performed for the two other scanners. A Stellar detector was used with the Somatom Definition Edge. The CT doses were represented by the dose length products (DLPs) (mGycm) provided by the scanners. Signal, contrast, noise and subjective image quality were recorded by two different radiologists with 10 and 3 years of experience in chest CT radiology. To determine the average dose reduction between two scanners, the integral of the dose difference was calculated from the lowest to the highest noise level. RESULTS When using iterative reconstruction (IR) instead of filtered back projection (FBP), the average dose reduction was 30%, 52% and 80% for bone, soft tissue and air, respectively, for the same image quality (P < 0.0001). The recently introduced Stellar detector (Sd) lowered the radiation dose by an additional 27%, 54% and 70% for bone, soft tissue and air, respectively (P < 0.0001). The benefit of dose reduction was larger at lower dose levels. With the same radiation dose, an average of 34% (22%-37%) and 25% (13%-46%) more contrast to noise was achieved by changing from FBP to IR and from IR to Sd, respectively. For the same contrast to noise level, an average of 59% (46%-71%) and 51% (38%-68%) dose reduction was produced for IR and Sd, respectively. For the same subjective image quality, the dose could be reduced by 25% (2%-42%) and 44% (33%-54%) using IR and Sd, respectively. CONCLUSION This study showed an average dose reduction between 27% and 70% for the new Stellar detector, which is equivalent to using IR instead of FBP.