360 resultados para boats
Thesis written in co-mentorship with Robert Michaud.
Les navires vikings : conception géométrique et architecture traditionnelle au Moyen Âge scandinave.
Selon l’image reçue des Vikings, ce peuple incarne l'esprit d’une immense solidarité primitive ayant su résister rudement au joug du christianisme et à la domination du Latin en Europe occidentale. Cette image n’est pas sans ses contradictions et, s’il est vrai que l’écriture était encore inconnue en Scandinavie durant les premiers siècles de l’expansion viking, on sait maintenant que le commerce et la colonisation, autant que les célèbres raids, motivèrent l’irruption des peuples scandinaves sur la scène médiévale. Quant aux navires de ces marchands, colonisateurs, pêcheurs et guerriers, ils apparaissent, un peu à l’image des Vikings eux-mêmes, sur le grand tableau de l’histoire nautique sous l’enseigne d’une originalité et d’une technicité sans parallèle. Comment les Vikings construisaient-ils leurs navires, en leur donnant une symétrie, un équilibre et une finesse si achevés? Les premiers ethnologues qui se sont intéressés à cette question ont privilégié les idées issues d'une tradition acquise par des générations de constructeurs, et d'astuces simples pour équilibrer tribord et bâbord. Puis, ils se sont rapidement tournés vers les techniques inhérentes à la construction à clin : utilisation de planches fendues et non sciées et de rivets abondants témoignant d’une sidérurgie acquise depuis peu. Le problème que présentent ces navires, est que leur construction artisanale demeure conforme à l’image reçue des Vikings, mais que leur conception architecturale, réalisée selon des connaissances théoriques très exactes, brise la notion d’une Scandinavie médiévale illettrée et coupée des grands centres du savoir. Ce travail s’intéresse précisément à la conception architecturale des navires scandinaves du VIIIe au XIe siècle pour montrer comment ils s’insèrent dans un haut savoir européen dès leur apparition. Il explore ensuite les liens qui unissent ce savoir théorique aux aspects véritablement originaux des navires vikings, en l’occurrence leur construction à clin et leur homogénéité sur une grande région à travers plus de cinq siècles. Au terme de cette recherche, l'analyse réalisée sur le maître-couple de trois épaves vikings, une épave antique et une épave scandinave pré-viking, a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs indices de l'utilisation du système de conception géométrique apparaissant pour la première fois dans les traités d'architecture navale de la Renaissance, et ce, sur chacune de ces épaves. Les résultats obtenus démontrent qu'il est possible d'employer un système transversal de conception pour des navires vraisemblablement construits bordé premier et assemblés à clin.
Bottom trawling is one among the most destructive human induced physical disturbances inflicted to seabed and its living communities. The bottom trawls are designed to tow along the sea floor, which on its operation indiscriminately smashes everything on their way crushing, killing, burying and exposing to predators the benthic fauna. Bottom trawling causes physical and biological damages that are irreversible, extensive and long lasting. The commercial trawling fleet of India consists of 29,241 small and medium-fishing boats. The northwest coast of India has the largest fishing fleet consisting of 23,618 mechanized vessels, especially the bottom trawlers. However, attempts were not made to study the impact of bottom trawling along Northwest coast of India. The estimated optimum fleet size of Gujarat is 1,473 mechanised trawlers while 7402 commercial trawlers are operated from the coast of Gujarat. Veraval port was designed initially for 1,200 fishing trawlers but 2793 trawlers are being operated from this port making it the largest trawler port of Gujarat. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of bottom trawling on the substratum and the associated benthic communities of commercial trawling grounds of Veraval coast. The study compared the differences between the samples collected before and after experimental trawling to detect the impacts of bottom trawling. Attempts were made to assess the possible impact of bottom trawling on:(i) the sediment characteristics (ii)the sediment heavy metals (iii) epifauna (iv) macrobenthos and (v) meiobenthos. This study is expected to generate information on trawling impacts of the studied area that will help in better management of the biological diversity and integrity of the benthic fauna off Veraval coast. An exhaustive review on the studies conducted around the world and in India on impact of bottom trawling on the benthic fauna is also detailed.In the present study, the bottom trawling induced variations on sediment organic matter, epifauna, macrobenthos and meiobenthos were evident. It was also observed that the seasonal/ natural variations were more prominent masking the trawling effect on sediment texture and heavy metals. Enforcement of control of excess bottom trawlers and popularization of semi pelagic trawls designed to operate a little distance above the sea bottom for off bottom resources will minimize disturbance on the sea bottom. Training and creating awareness in responsible fishing should be made mandatory requirements, to the coastal communities. They should be made wardens to protect the valuable resources for the benefit of sustainability. To protect the biodiversity and ecosystem health, the imminent need is to survey and make catalogue, identification of sensitive areas or hot spots and to adopt management strategies for the conservation and biodiversity protection of benthic fauna. The present study is a pioneering work carried out along Veraval coast. This thesis will provide a major fillip to the studies on impact of bottom trawling on the benthic fauna along the coast of India.
This study mainly deals with the structure of the motorised and mechanised trawl fishing fleet of Kerala, and assess the availability of resources and its extent of exploitation. The study is conducted by observing the performance of small motorised boats operating trawl nets from selected centers along the Kerala coast. The Study also deals with the type and material of construction of the propellers used in selected crafts and the efficiency of the propeller. The fuel consumption pattern of selected medium sized trawlers economics of operation of selected fishing crafts are analyzed through this study. The thesis also Suggest methods for reducing fuel consumption in trawling
The present study aims at surveying the coral lagoons of four islands viz. Kavarathi, Kalpeni, Kadmat and Agathi, which include quantitative survey of the major benthic forms using Line Intercept Transect (LIT) technique and hydrographical study of these lagoon waters The distribution of PHC in the lagoons has also been followed to understand, the effects of introduction of flat bottomed ferry boats to the islands.From a biological monitoring stand point for the assessment of manmade disturbance of the coral reefs, it IS highly essential to identify faunal assemblages which will contain 'flag-stones' specIes as indicators of such disturbances. Among the known faunal assemblages In coral reefs the most diverse groups of sensitive species belongs to bryozoan assemblage. Therefore, the most common species of bryozoans distributed along the atolls and reef flats were collected and described in this work Along with this, bryozoans associated with coral from other parts of Indian ocean have also been added so as to provide a comprehensive picture of the distribution of bryozoans in the coral reefs.
This thesis reports on the details of the works done to develop a complete system for acquisition of the important marine environmental parameters namely, current, current direction, salinity, temperature and depth. It encompaéps transducers,signalconditioners display arrangements and remote controlled multiplexer which constitue the system. The various associate instruentation and environmental requisites and problems have been discussed and solved to considerable extend. The design and development features of this composite system includes an integrated approach in order to make the final equipment to be simple, inexpensive and easy for operation from small and large boats. This could be achieved with the successful development of all required components with features matching between them, such as sensors, signals conditioners remote operated multiplexers, comon display methods, quick performance check and calibration methods. The major success rests on the development of sensors with excellent performance characteristics suitable for marine environment. out of the 5 sensors. that of current salinity and depth are quite noval types with specific advantages. The environmental effects have been eliminated to the required extend. The common signal conditioner for salinity, temperature and depth has noval design features for achieving simplicity, reliability and accomodating the three sensors of different functional requirements.
The main objectives of the present study have been studies on the operational performance of tuna longline in Lakshadweep Sea studies on the efficiency of hooks in the longline operation studies on the efficiency of baits in the longline operation studies on bycatch in longline operation studies on predation on the longline catch and the hook loss encountered during the fishing operation
The study covers theFishing capture technology innovation includes the catching of aquatic animal, using any kind of gear techniques, operated from a vessel. Utilization of fishing techniques varies, depending upon the type of fisheries, and can go from a basic and little hook connected to a line to huge and complex mid water trawls or seines operated by large fishing vessels.The size and autonomy of a fishing vessel is largely determined by its ability to handle, process and store fish in good condition on board, and thus these two characteristics have been greatly influenced by the introduction and utilization of ice and refrigeration machinery. Other technological developments especially hydraulic hauling machinery, fish finding electronics and synthetic twines have also had a major impact on the efficiency and profitability of fishing vessels.A wide variety of fishing gears and practices ranging from small-scale artisanal to advanced mechanised systems are used for fish capture in Kerala. Most important among these fishing gears are trawls, seines, lines, gillnets and entangling nets and traps The modern sector was introduced in 1953 at Neendakara, Shakthikulangara region under the initiative of Indo-Norwegian project (INP). The novel facilities introduced in fishing industry by Indo- Norwegian project accordingly are mechanically operated new boats with new fishing nets. Soon after mechanization, motorization programme gained momentum in Kerala especially in Alleppey, Ernakulam and Kollam districts.
In this paper we describe a system for underwater navigation with AUVs in partially structured environments, such as dams, ports or marine platforms. An imaging sonar is used to obtain information about the location of planar structures present in such environments. This information is incorporated into a feature-based SLAM algorithm in a two step process: (I) the full 360deg sonar scan is undistorted (to compensate for vehicle motion), thresholded and segmented to determine which measurements correspond to planar environment features and which should be ignored; and (2) SLAM proceeds once the data association is obtained: both the vehicle motion and the measurements whose correct association has been previously determined are incorporated in the SLAM algorithm. This two step delayed SLAM process allows to robustly determine the feature and vehicle locations in the presence of large amounts of spurious or unrelated measurements that might correspond to boats, rocks, etc. Preliminary experiments show the viability of the proposed approach
A partir del buidatge exhaustiu dels fulls de subhasta del peix i de les fitxes tècniques de les embarcacions de la Confraria del Port de Llançà, es fa una anàlisi cronològica qualitativa i quantitativa dels darrers vint anys de pesca. La flota, inicialment constituïda per barques d'arrossegament i de pesca artesanal (palangre petit i tresmail), ha anat evolucionant, i ha quedat bàsicament constituïda actualment pel ròssec i el palangre de fons, que ha substituit progressivament la pesca artesanal. Les pesqueries, notablement multiespecífiques els primers anys, van donar pas, bàsicament amb la incorporació del radar, a una pesca molt més selectiva, dominada essencialment per la captura de lluç entre els anys 1980 i 1985. La progressiva incorporació del palangre de fons fa que a partir del 1986 es tendeixi novament cap a una captura més multiespecífica, perd amb canvis qualitatius importants en la composició d'espècies capturades en relació amb els primers anys
O estudo realizado abriu discursão sobre a gestão de processos de ativação e recuperação e o conhecimento dos gestores desses processos relacionados com o uso das tecnologias. A análise objetivou observar a qualidade no atendimento das empresas de Telecom aos clientes da região Oeste do Pará, foi observado as estratégias empregadas por essas empresas para que seus serviços pudessem se tornar mais viáveis, certamente que o compromisso e responsabilidade dos gestores das empresas de Telecom tem sido bastante árdua, as problemáticas geográficas da região em estudo são muitas. Um dos problemas impactantes é a via de acesso da cidade mãe até as cidades vizinhas, depende de barcos, lanchas, balsas ou via terrestre; as adversidades são inúmeras e podem modificar comportamento e forma estratégica de se trabalhar nos processos analisados, inclusive em tempos de chuva a situação fica mais comprometedora aos técnicos de ativação e recuperação. Percebe que esses fatores alteram resultados estipulados pelas empresas, isso faz com que os gestores repensem e refaçam suas estratégias nos dois processos. O trabalho avaliou a estratégia usada pelos gestores de TI (Tecnologia da Informação) ou gestores geral das empresas usuárias para melhor atender sua clientela interna, e conseguir discernir as práticas dos serviços Telecom, melhorando o diálogo com os gestores Telecom, aumentando a qualidade e satisfação de seus clientes internos, tendo um equilíbrio de conhecimento nos conceitos tecnológicos.
The steadily accumulating literature on technical efficiency in fisheries attests to the importance of efficiency as an indicator of fleet condition and as an object of management concern. In this paper, we extend previous work by presenting a Bayesian hierarchical approach that yields both efficiency estimates and, as a byproduct of the estimation algorithm, probabilistic rankings of the relative technical efficiencies of fishing boats. The estimation algorithm is based on recent advances in Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods—Gibbs sampling, in particular—which have not been widely used in fisheries economics. We apply the method to a sample of 10,865 boat trips in the US Pacific hake (or whiting) fishery during 1987–2003. We uncover systematic differences between efficiency rankings based on sample mean efficiency estimates and those that exploit the full posterior distributions of boat efficiencies to estimate the probability that a given boat has the highest true mean efficiency.
An ethnobotanical study was made of the uses of Atuna racemosa subsp. racemosa (Chrysobalanaceae) in Samoa. The main use is of the cotyledons to extract an anti-inflammatory massage oil and a putty to caulk boats. Minor uses as a medicinal and of the wood are reported and a survey of herbarium material shows that the fruit of Atuna is widely used throughout the Pacific region.
The steadily accumulating literature on technical efficiency in fisheries attests to the importance of efficiency as an indicator of fleet condition and as an object of management concern. In this paper, we extend previous work by presenting a Bayesian hierarchical approach that yields both efficiency estimates and, as a byproduct of the estimation algorithm, probabilistic rankings of the relative technical efficiencies of fishing boats. The estimation algorithm is based on recent advances in Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods— Gibbs sampling, in particular—which have not been widely used in fisheries economics. We apply the method to a sample of 10,865 boat trips in the US Pacific hake (or whiting) fishery during 1987–2003. We uncover systematic differences between efficiency rankings based on sample mean efficiency estimates and those that exploit the full posterior distributions of boat efficiencies to estimate the probability that a given boat has the highest true mean efficiency.
North Sea Archaeologies traces the way people engaged with the North Sea from the end of the last ice age, around 10,000 BC, to the close of the Middle Ages, about AD 1500, drawing upon archaeological research from many countries, including the UK, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, and France. It addresses topics which include the first interactions of people with the emerging North Sea, the origin and development of fishing, the creation of coastal landscapes, the importance of islands and archipelagos, the development of seafaring ships and their use by early seafarers and pirates, and the treatment of boats and ships at the end of their useful lives. The study offers a ‘maritime turn’ in Archaeology through the investigation of aspects of human behaviour that have been, to various extents, disregarded, overlooked, or ignored in archaeological studies of the land. The study concludes that the relationship between humans and the sea challenges the frequently invoked dichotomy between pre-modernity and modernity, since many ancient beliefs, superstitions, and practices linked to seafaring and engagement with the sea are still widespread in the modern era.