860 resultados para black mother
County Audit Report
El nostre treball es centrarà en conèixer i aprendre les nocions bàsiques del mercat financer espanyol, primer; i aplicar uns coneixements per veure si es verifica unahipòtesi plantejada, després. La incògnita que volem resoldre és la següent: comprovarsi tots els supòsits i resultats que faciliten els models teòrics emprats en l’estudi dels mercats financers a l’hora de la veritat es compleixen.D’entre els múltiples conceptes que ens proporcionen els estudis de mercatsfinancers ens centrarem sobretot en el model de Black-Scholes i els somriures devolatilitat per desenvolupar el nostre treball. Després de cercar les dades necessàries a través de la web del M.E.F.F., entrevistar-nos amb professionals del sector i fer un seguiment d’aproximadament dos mesos dels moviments de les opcions sobre l’Índex Mini-Íbex 35, amb l’ajuda d’un programa informàtic en llenguatge C, hem calculat les corbes de volatilitat de les opcions sobre l’Índex Mini-Íbex 35.Les conclusions més importants que hem extret són que el Model de Black-Scholes, malgrat va revolucionar el món dels mercats financers, està basat en 2 supòsits que no es compleixen a la realitat: la distribució lognormal del preu de les accions i unavolatilitat constant. Tal i com hem pogut comprovar, la corba de volatilitat de lesopcions sobre l’Índex Mini-Íbex 35 és decreixent amb el preu d’exercici i laMoneyness, tal i com sostenen les teories dels somriures de volatilitat; per tant, no és constant. A més, hem comprovat que a mesura que s’apropa el venciment d’una opció,el preu acordat de l’actiu subjacent a l’opció s’apropa al preu de mercat.
Drawing on Social Representations Theory, this study investigates focalisation and anchoring during the diffusion of information concerning the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the particle accelerator at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN). We hypothesised that people focus on striking elements of the message, abandoning others, that the nature of the initial information affects diffusion of information, and that information is anchored in prior attitudes toward CERN and science. A serial reproduction experiment with two generations and four chains of reproduction diffusing controversial versus descriptive information about the LHC shows a reduction of information through generations, the persistence of terminology regarding the controversy and a decrease of other elements for participants exposed to polemical information. Concerning anchoring, positive attitudes toward CERN and science increase the use of expert terminology unrelated to the controversy. This research highlights the relevance of a social representational approach in the public understanding of science.
Other Audit Reports - 28E Organization
Objective: Revealing the experience of mothers when massaging their children to know the phenomenon in the context of a mother-child healthy development. Method: This is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach carried out with 11 women who massaged their children and answered the guiding question: What did the experience of massaging your child mean to you? Results: The experience of massaging their children meant the development of their being a mother and of being a son/daughter, in addition to developing the attachment relationship between them. The massage can operationalize this integrality, become a tool of communication, stimulation and promotion of secure attachment, by promoting the loving interaction between mother and child. Conclusion: This practice should be considered as an option in the programs that promote the comprehensive health of the mother and child.
The general soil map, which is a color map, shows the survey area divided into groups of associated soils called general soil map units. This map is useful in planning the use and management of large areas. To find information about your area of interest, locate that area on the map, identify the name of the map unit in the area on the color-coded map legend, then refer to the section General Soil Map Units for a general description of the soils in your area.
Newsletter for the Iowa Commission on the Status of African-Americans. Black History Month Special Edition.
Newsletter for the Iowa Commission on the Status of African-Americans. Black History Month Special Edition.
A critical feature of cooperative animal societies is the reproductive skew, a shorthand term for the degree to which a dominant individual monopolizes overall reproduction in the group. Our theoretical analysis of the evolutionarily stable skew in matrifilial (i.e., mother-daughter) societies, in which relatednesses to offspring are asymmetrical, predicts that reproductive skews in such societies should tend to be greater than those of semisocial societies (i.e., societies composed of individuals of the same generation, such as siblings), in which relatednesses to offspring are symmetrical. Quantitative data on reproductive skews in semisocial and matrifilial associations within the same species for 17 eusocial Hymenoptera support this prediction. Likewise, a survey of reproductive partitioning within 20 vertebrate societies demonstrates that complete reproductive monopoly is more likely to occur in matrifilial than in semisocial societies, also as predicted by the optimal skew model.
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2006
The glandular system is crucially involved in main aspects of ant social life. The function of glands has been primarily studied in the workers (the non-reproductive individuals in a colony). In contrast, little information is available on queens (the reproductive females in a colony) or males in spite of the obvious functional differences between these castes. Here we report a comparison of the general morphology of the mandibular, propharyngeal and postpharyngeal glands between the three castes of the black ant Lasius niger. The analysis clearly shows that all these cephalic glands differ in relative size between castes and suggests a link between gland structure and its behavioral role in queens, workers and males. In particular, males present a hypertrophied mandibular gland. This is consistent with the fact that these glands might be the source of the sex pheromone in this caste. By contrast, queens exhibited the most developed postpharyngeal glands. This is consistent with the production of particular cues by queens for workers to help them to distinguish between reproductive and non-reproductive females. Finally, the propharyngeal glands were most developed in the worker caste and of similar relative size in males and queens. Their function is still enigmatic.
Nestling begging behaviour may be an honest signal of need used by parents to adjust optimally both feeding rate and within-brood food allocation. Although several studies showed that mothers and fathers can be differentially responsive to nestling begging behaviour with one parent showing a stronger tendency to feed the offspring that beg the most, little information is yet available on whether offspring beg for food at different intensities from the mother than father. In the present study, we investigated in nestling barn owls whether the intensity of vocal begging behaviour in the presence of the mother and in the presence of the father is different. A difference is expected because reproductive tasks are divided between the sexes with fathers bringing more food items to the nest than mothers. The results show that although mothers transfer their prey item to one of the offspring more rapidly than fathers once in their nestbox, nestlings begged more intensely in the presence of their mother than in the presence of their father. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical evidence that offspring vocalize to different levels in the presence of their mother than in the presence of their father.
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) for the year ended June 30, 2007