365 resultados para banded preconditioner


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The main Precambrian tectonic units of Uruguay include the Piedra Alta tectonostratigraphic terrane (PATT) and Nico Perez tectonostratigraphic terrane (NPTT), separated by the Sarandi del Yi high-strain zone. Both terranes are well exposed in the Rio de La Plata craton (RPC). Although these tectonic units are geographically small, they record a wide span of geologic time. Therefore improved geological knowledge of this area provides a fuller understanding of the evolution of the core of South America. The PATT is constituted by low-to medium-grade metamorphic belts (ca. 2.1 Ga); its petrotectonic associations such as metavolcanic units, conglomerates, banded iron formations, and turbiditic deposits suggest a back-arc or a trench-basin setting. Also in the PATT, a late to post-orogenic, arc-related layered mafic complex (2.3-1.9 Ga), followed by A-type granites (2.08 Ga), and finally a taphrogenic mafic dike swarm (1.78 Ga) occur. The less thoroughly studied NPTT consists of Palaeoproterozoic high-grade metamorphic sequences (ca. 2.2 Ga), mylonites and postorogenic and rapakivi granites (1.75 Ga). The Brasiliano-Pan African orogeny affected this terrane. Neoproterozoic cover occurs in both tectonostratigraphic terranes, but is more developed in the NPTT. Over the past 15 years, new isotopic studies have improved our recognition of different tectonic events and associated processes, such as reactivation of shear zones and fluids circulation. Transamazonian and Statherian tectonic events were recognized in the RPC. Based on magmatism, deformation, basin development and metamorphism, we propose a scheme for the Precambrian tectonic evolution of Uruguay, which is summarized in the first Palaeoproterozoic tectonic map of the Rio de La Plata craton.


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The formation of a favourable recrystallization texture in interstitial-free (IF) steels depends on the availability and activation of particular nucleation sites in the deformed microstructure. This paper presents a description of the deformed microstructure of a commercially cold-rolled IF steel, with particular emphasis on the microstructural inhomogeneities and short-range orientational variation that provide suitable nucleation sites during recrystallization. RD-fibre regions deform relatively homogeneously and exhibit little short-range orientational variation. ND-fibre regions are heavily banded and exhibit considerable short-range orientational variation associated with the bands. While the overall orientational spread of ND-fibre grains frequently is about the ND-axis, the short-range orientational variation often involves rotation about axes in the TD-ND plane that are nearer to the TD than the ND.


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Data on the dispersal and recruitment of juvenile birds following fledging are largely unreported for Australian birds. In this study, we investigated the short-distance dispersal of a sample of colour-banded, juvenile Red-capped Robins, Petroica goodenovii, in Terrick Terrick National Park, Victoria, Australia. Of 67 colour-banded juvenile birds that successfully reached independence during the 2000–01 breeding season, eight were recruited into the study area or adjacent areas for the following breeding season. A ninth bird was resighted in Gunbower State Forest, 36 km from where it was banded. This is the furthest recorded dispersal movement of a Red-capped Robin. Of 59 colour-banded juvenile birds that reached independence during the 2001–02 season, four remained within the study area for the remainder of the breeding season, but these birds were not present in the study area during the following breeding season. Juvenile birds that successfully reached independence and dispersed were heavier as nestlings, when controlled for age and date, than birds that disappeared (assumed dead) before reaching independence. Estimates of Red-capped Robin abundances within Terrick Terrick National Park were greater than those of nearby eucalypt woodlands, suggesting that the White Cypress-pine, Callitris glaucophylla, woodlands within the park offer good-quality habitat for Red-capped Robins and may be saturated with breeding territories. Thus, juveniles may be forced to establish breeding territories far from their natal territories. These results are discussed in relation to avenues for further research on juvenile dispersal in Australian birds and their conservation implications.


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A description of the key solidification steps in the formation of the as-cast microstructure of magnesium alloys is presented. The focus is on the two common magnesium alloy groups: Mg-Al alloys and Mg-Zn-rare earth alloys. The key elements described are: nucleation (including grain refinement), growth of the primary phase and the formation of the eutectic phases. In addition the effect of casting process (e.g. high-pressure diecasting and sand casting) on the outcomes from solidification are discussed. This includes consideration of the formation of banded defects during solidification in the dynamic environment of high pressure die casting.


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The microstructure and crystallographic texture development in an austenitic Ni-30 pct Fe model alloy was investigated within the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) regime using hot torsion testing. The prominent DRX nucleation mechanism was strain-induced grain boundary migration accompanied by the formation of large-angle sub-boundaries and annealing twins. The increase in DRX volume fraction occurred through the formation of multiple twinning chains. With increasing strain, the pre-existing Σ3 twin boundaries became gradually converted to general boundaries capable of acting as potent DRX nucleation sites. The texture characteristics of deformed grains resulted from the preferred consumption of high Taylor factor components by new recrystallized grains. Similarly, the texture of DRX grains was dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their lower consumption rate during the DRX process. The substructure of deformed grains was characterized by “organized,” banded subgrain arrangements, while that of the DRX grains displayed “random,” more equiaxed subgrain/cell configurations.


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An understanding of space use and dispersal of a wildlife species is essential for effective management. We examined the movements of a beach-dwelling, threatened population of hooded plover (Thinornis rubricollis) in southern central Victoria, Australia, by analysing sightings of colour-banded birds (4897 sightings; 194 birds tracked for up to 9 years). Most movements were relatively short (5050 ± 305 m), with 61.4% <1 km and 95.3% <20 km; they lacked directional or sexual bias. The extent of coastline used by individual birds was 47.8 ± 58.0 km. Regional differences in average distances moved by adults were apparent. For adults, movement rates (mean distance per day) were higher during the non-breeding season than during the breeding season. Non-breeding adults generally remained close to their partners (non-breeding, 456.3 ± 163.9 m; breeding, 148.2 ± 45.3 m). Largest flock sizes were recorded during the non-breeding period, and flocking was not uniformly distributed along the coast but appeared to be concentrated in particular locations. The frequency of pair cohesion (i.e. when the distance between partners was zero on a given day) was similar during the breeding (69.6%) and non-breeding seasons (67.7%). Breeding territories (kernel analysis) were 36.7 ± 5.7 ha and overlapped from year to year in all cases (23 pairwise comparisons; 47.9 ± 7.1% overlap). The high fidelity and constancy of territories confirms they warrant ongoing management investment, although the species relies on a matrix of breeding and non-breeding sites. The latter appear to occur in specific parts of the coast and warrant enhanced protection and more research attention. Fragmentation of the breeding population might occur where habitat is rendered unsuitable for > ~50 km.


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Zebra finches have previously been found to have preferences for particular colours of both natural and artificial traits among opposite sex conspecifics. For example, in some studies female zebra finches preferred males wearing red leg bands to orange-banded and unbanded birds and rejected light green-banded males. In other studies, females also preferred males with red beaks to orange-beaked males. However, several authors have failed to replicate these results. We show that females may fail to show a colour preference because of the absence or removal of ultraviolet light under experimental conditions. In mate-choice trials, females observing males through filters that transmitted ultraviolet preferred red-banded males but where females viewed males through ultraviolet-blocking filters, no such preference was observed. Further investigation revealed that the lack of a colour preference when ultraviolet was absent was probably due to the change in overall appearance of the bird, rather than the change in appearance of the rings themselves. This work highlights the importance of proper consideration of the sensory capabilities of animals in experimental design, particularly with regard to the role of ultraviolet light in avian colour perception. (C) 1997 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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An austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy was employed to investigate the texture and substructure development within the deformed matrix and dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains during hot torsion deformation. Both the deformed matrix and DRX grains predominantly displayed the crystallographic texture components expected for simple shear deformation. The characteristics of the deformed matrix texture evolution during deformation largely resulted from the preferred consumption of high Taylor factor components by new recrystallized grains. Likewise, the comparatively weaker crystallographic texture of DRX grains became increasingly dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their easier nucleation and lower consumption rate during DRX. There was a significant difference in the substructure formation mechanism between the deformed matrix and DRX grains for a given texture component. The deformed matrix substructure was largely characterized by “organized”, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, while the substructure of DRX grains was more “random” in character and displayed complex, more equiaxed subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by a local accumulation of misorientations. Substructure characteristics of individual orientation components were principally consistent with the corresponding Taylor factor values.


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Substructure development in an austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy was investigated within a dynamic recrystallization (DRX) regime. The substructure characteristics of the deformed matrix and DRX grains were markedly different regardless of the grain size and orientation. The former largely displayed 'organized', banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, resulting from a limited number of active slip systems. In contrast, the substructure of DRX grains was generally more 'random' and exhibited complex subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by local accumulation of misorientations, suggesting multiple slip. The proposed mechanism of the unique substructure development within DRX grains suggests that the DRX nuclei, forming along pre-existing grain boundaries and triple points, essentially represent grain boundary regions, which experience multiple slip to preserve the compatibility with neighbouring deformed grains. This results in the formation of a complex cell/subgrain structure, which progressively extends as the grain boundary regions expand outwards during DRX growth.


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Scroll shoulder tools are widely used and they do not need to be tilted during friction stir welding (FSW). However, the detailed material flow, which is important for proper scroll shoulder tool design and subsequently for forming the defect-free shoulder flow zone, has not been fully explained. In the present study, features of material flow in shoulder flow zone, during FSW of thick 6061 aluminium (Al) plates using a scroll shoulder tool were investigated. It was observed that there is a simple layer-to-layer banded structure which appears in the bottom portion of shoulder flow zone, but disappears in the top portion of this weld zone. When the scroll shoulder tool is plunged into the workpiece to a determined depth, the workpiece material is extruded by the tool pin, and pushed up into the scroll groove beneath the shoulder forming the pick-up material. During the forward movement of the tool, the central portion of pick-up material was driven downward by the root portion of pin and then it detaches from the tip portion of pin in a layer-to-layer manner to form the weld.


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The substructure and crystallographic texture characteristics of both the deformed matrix and dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains were investigated in a Ni-30%Fe austenitic model alloy subjected to hot torsion. Deformation was performed at a temperature of 1000°C using strain rates of 1, 0.1 and 0.01 s-1, which produced a range of DRX grain sizes. Electron back-scattered diffraction and transmission electron microscopy were employed in the investigation. Both the deformed matrix and DRX grains revealed the texture components expected for simple shear deformation by crystallographic slip. The texture of DRX grains was dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their lower consumption rate during growth of these grains. There was a marked difference in the substructure characteristics between the deformed matrix and DRX grains regardless of the grain size and orientation. The deformed matrix substructure was largely characterized by organized, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations. By contrast, the substructure of DRX grains was generally more random in character and displayed complex, more equiaxed subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by local accumulation of misorientations. Based on the experimental observations, a mechanism of the distinct substructure development within DRX grains has been proposed.


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Context Bariatric surgery results in sustained weight loss; reduced incidence of diabetes, cardiovascular events, and cancer; and improved survival. The long-term effect on health care use is unknown.

Objective To assess health care use over 20 years by obese patients treated conventionally or with bariatric surgery.

Design, Setting, and Participants
The Swedish Obese Subjects study is an ongoing, prospective, nonrandomized, controlled intervention study conducted in the Swedish health care system that included 2010 adults who underwent bariatric surgery and 2037 contemporaneously matched controls recruited between 1987 and 2001. Inclusion criteria were age 37 years to 60 years and body mass index of 34 or higher in men and 38 or higher in women. Exclusion criteria were identical in both groups.

Interventions Of the surgery patients, 13% underwent gastric bypass, 19% gastric banding, and 68% vertical-banded gastroplasty. Controls received conventional obesity treatment.

Main Outcome Measures Annual hospital days (follow-up years 1 to 20; data capture 1987-2009; median follow-up 15 years) and nonprimary care outpatient visits (years 2-20; data capture 2001-2009; median follow-up 9 years) were retrieved from the National Patient Register, and drug costs from the Prescribed Drug Register (years 7-20; data capture 2005-2011; median follow-up 6 years). Registry linkage was complete for more than 99% of patients (4044 of 4047). Mean differences were adjusted for baseline age, sex, smoking, diabetes status, body mass index, inclusion period, and (for the inpatient care analysis) hospital days the year before the index date.

Results In the 20 years following their bariatric procedure, surgery patients used a total of 54 mean cumulative hospital days compared with 40 used by those in the control group (adjusted difference, 15; 95% CI, 2-27; P = .03). During the years 2 through 6, surgery patients had an accumulated annual mean of 1.7 hospital days vs 1.2 days among control patients (adjusted difference, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.2 to 0.7; P < .001). From year 7 to 20, both groups had a mean annual 1.8 hospital days (adjusted difference, 0.0; 95% CI, −0.3 to 0.3; P = .95). Surgery patients had a mean annual 1.3 nonprimary care outpatient visits during the years 2 through 6 vs 1.1 among the controls (adjusted difference, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.1 to 0.4; P = .003), but from year 7, the 2 groups did not differ (1.8 vs 1.9 mean annual visits; adjusted difference, −0.2; 95% CI, −0.4 to 0.1; P = .12). From year 7 to 20, the surgery group incurred a mean annual drug cost of US $930; the control patients, $1123 (adjusted difference, −$228; 95% CI, −$335 to −$121; P < .001).

Conclusions Compared with controls, surgically treated patients used more inpatient and nonprimary outpatient care during the first 6-year period after undergoing bariatric surgery but not thereafter. Drug costs from years 7 through 20 were lower for surgery patients than for control patients.


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Although snakes are both predators and prey of birds in the Rallidae family in other parts of the world, there are few documented observations of interactions between these groups in Australia. Here we describe four separate observations of Buff-banded Rails Gallirallus philippensis following snakes in a deliberate manner. Because of the large size of the different snake species encountered by the Buff- banded Rails during our observations, we consider that it is unlikely that the snakes were viewed as potential prey. The behaviours observed in our accounts, and of flufftails Sarothrura spp. in Africa, suggest that rails are aware of the predatory threat of snakes, and follow them to ensure that they move outside the rails’ area of concern. We suggest that this behaviour is likely to be a deliberate response to encountering a potential (or perceived) terrestrial predator, such as a snake, or that the snake’s movements potentially flush prey suitable for Buff-banded Rails.


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Two distinct substructures were produced in a Ni-30Fe austenitic model alloy by different thermomechanical processing routes. The first substructure largely displayed organized, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, resulting from the deformation at a strain just before the initiation of dynamic recrystallization (DRX). By contrast, the second substructure was more random in character and exhibited complex subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by local accumulation of misorientations, formed through DRX. During the post-deformation annealing, the latter substructure revealed a rapid disintegration of dislocation boundaries leading to the formation of dislocation-free grains within a short holding time, though the former largely preserved its characteristics till becoming replaced by growing statically recrystallized grains.


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The addition of red and green color bands is a commonly used method for manipulating male attractiveness in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), providing insight into the study of maternal investment and sexual selection. The addition of artificial ornaments has been assumed to manipulate a females’ perception of the male, rather than affecting intrinsic qualities of the male himself. Here, however, we reveal that the artificial band color worn by a male changes his body mass, condition, and courtship display rate. Males wearing red color bands in aviaries prior to mate-choice trials had a significantly higher song rate during trials than those wearing green color bands, alongside a significant increase in mass change and condition. Male song rate was found to significantly correlate with female preference alongside a female preference for red-banded males. However, male song rate in turn increased when female response was positive, suggesting a social feedback between the interacting birds. Our data suggest the presence of socially mediated feedback mechanisms whereby the artificial increase in attractiveness or dominance of a male directly affects other aspects of his attractiveness. Therefore, housing birds in social groups while manipulating attractiveness can directly influence other male qualities and should be accounted for by future studies.