947 resultados para automobiles


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The automobilist Market is more competitive each day, with new products developed by great technological innovations, daily challenging new concepts of Engineering. This monograph aims to explain the development of a brake system project completely, with emphasis on preliminary calculations made from a worksheet in Excel, for a better understanding of the components, which can be improved further in order to achieve the goals of company. It is through the preliminary calculations that we can have a reasonable first system estimate. The whole set is then analyzed for performance, cost and mass by competitors benchmarking. In terms of confidentiality, all data is fictional, but viable. The motivation for this study is approach an extracurricular topic, which essence is designing, base of engineering. The results obtained in software and field tests prove the validity of the study and assist in the continuous improvement of product development


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Nowadays, the automotive industry is working to optimize the design of engines, in order to reduce the fuel consumption with acceptable efficiency ratio. This undergraduate thesis is aimed at perform a kinematic/dynamic analysis of a slider-crank mechanism that is part of a four stroke internal combustion engine, the same engine that was used in the analysis described by Montazersadhd and Fatemi (2007). Two algorithms were developed based on Kane’s method to calculate velocities and accelerations of the mechanism bodies, and provide the acting forces at connecting rod joints. A SimMechanics model was developed to simulate the engine, and monitoring the same parameters that were calculated with the algorithms. The results obtained with both approaches were satisfactory and showed good agreement with the values provided by Montazersadhd and Fatemi (2007). The obtained results showed that the axial component of the rod joint efforts was caused by the pressure exerted on the piston head,whereas the radial component was related with the action of inertia loads. Besides, this thesis presents a connecting rod assembly mesh that is going to be used for static and fatigue finite element analysis in the future


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This research has as main objective the analysis of the auto industry has done to reduce disposal of solid waste in its production process as much as to facilitate the recycling of cars after they complete their life cycle. Despite the auto industry is not one of the most polluting in terms of its production process, it produces a good that is causing major pollution. In despite of the great current concern in seeking to reduce the emissions of pollutants by vehicles, as important as the quest for cleaner fuels is the study of how to dispose of old cars. Even if the car production does not increase significantly each year in relative terms, we must consider the fleet of used cars that still circulates in the world. Ending the mammoth “cemeteries” of automobiles, however, it is not so easy, even because the car is composed of various materials, which in many cases are not easily separable. In addition to an overview, the research seeks to examine the possible advances in Brazil related to the process of auto recycling


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Air pollution is an environmental issue worldwide and frequently cause negative effects on population health and ecosystems on cities. The relationship between climate and atmospheric pollution can be used as a surrogate to the intensity of air pollution. The present and quantity of some gases can be used as indicators to air quality: particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Among those gases, CO has its major source within the cities, where automobiles are the main emitter. But measure pollutant concentration are challenging, sometimes because the lack of good equipments due to high costs and of the large variability of models that varies in precision, way of measure and distribution of sellers. Modeling are useful when there are an intend to evaluate air pollution, its sources and evaluate scenarios. This work aims to use CAL3QHCR model developed by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to generate predictive surfaces of CO concentration distribution on a site within Campinas city, located in São Paulo state, Brazil. CAL3QHCR model use data urban automobile circulation to generate spatial results for CO distribution. We observed that the pollution concentration was lower on our modeling than the concentrations measured by Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB), the main environmental company on the São Paulo state. Also the correlation between average estimates of our model and the measure by CETESB was weak, indicating that the model used on this study need to be or better parameterized, or the scale we measured of CO emissions need to be rescaled. Although the model failed to correlate to CETESB data, maybe one that explore the estimated emissions distributed within the sites to understand spatial distributions of CO on the regions. Also, the generated information can also be used to other studies, and come to be useful to explain heat island


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From its foundation until nowadays, the city of São Paulo has undergone major transformation processes, one of the responsibles for these changes is the presence of efficient transportation ; From construction of roads and routes for the animal traction transportation, railroads, expansion and improvements to the introduction of the automobiles, highways, subway system, among others, all these changes are related to greater flow of people and goods. However nowadays has been reflected issues such as quality of life and development of society in a sustainable way, once we have the construction and reconstruction of space in benefit of capital, and therefore the valuation of individual motorized transport. The overuse of individual motor vehicles are generating an urban chaos, making it increasingly difficult to transit in big cities, the use of bicycles is presented as a viable modal alternative, allowing the flow, and enhancing the health of society and quality of the air


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This study explores the subject of traction control systems through bibliografy review on the spot of Mechanical Engineering. This paper has the objetivo of high light the main components and tecnology involved since MaxTrac system in 1971. It describes systems controled by throttle valve and breaks. Additionally, it i also presented basic knowlodged regarding electronic control unit and wheel sensors


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This project developed microstructural characterization technics of commercial dualphase and multi-phasic (TRIP) steels that were provided by the automotive industry and are currently used as the raw material for the production of automobiles. Inserted in this context, there is the development of the advanced high strength steels in consonance with the ULSABAVC project, which aims the production of safe, economically viable and efficient in terms of fuel consumption vehicles for the 21st century. The micro-structural characterization of biphasic and multiphase steels was done by the identification and quantification of the coexistent phases. In this item, a special attention was given to the technics that were performed using optic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. An important contribution to this work was the utilization of different alternative chemical reagents (Beraha, Heat-Tinting technics) in addition to the classical ones (Nital and LePera)already used conventionally by the UNESP's Group of Mechanical, Microstructural and Fractografic Characterization of Materials. The revealed microstructures were correlated with the materials' mechanical properties determined through traction tests, such as ultimate tensile strengths, yield strength and stretching important since the material has structural application in the automotive industry. As a result, it was observed the superiority concerning the studied mechanical properties for the biphasic and multiphasic steels when compared to the conventional carbon steels. Besides, it was perceived a large potential for the industrial scale utilization of the Heat Tinting technics in this field, seen its differentiation of the existent phases and easy reproducibility


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The Brazilian automotive industry has undergone profound changes during the 90’s decade, as a consequence of the market opening up through the liberation of automobile imports. The exposure of the Brazilian domestic market to competition with imported products of high quality and lower prices indicated the need for significant changes in those auto industries operating in this country, with the intention of making them competitive. To achieve these objectives management and production concepts were adopted, such as: the just-in-time philosophy; lean manufacturing; outsourcing; reengineering and increasing the rate of automation in both production and management systems. These changes helped to increase productivity and, in turn, reduced the level of employment in the sector, especially in activities where the required qualification levels were low. Despite this modernization, the Brazilian companies have committed themselves to meet the specific needs of the Brazilian market. The objective of this paper is to analyze and present manufacturing strategies from six manufacturers of automotive vehicles: Toyota in Japan, Fiat in Italy, Volkswagen in Brazil and Germany and General Motors in the U.S. and Brazil. The predominant method of research was from reviewing relevant literature, whereas the empirical data was analyzed qualitatively. The article seeks to identify the manufacturing strategies adopted by manufacturers located in the above countries, electing one automotive manufacturer to represent each country. The research demonstrated that the processes for production of automobiles in four plants located in, the U.S. (GM); Italy (Fiat); Japan (Toyota) and Germany (VW) are similar to those adopted in Brazilian industrial plants of the same companies (GM and VW), with differences of operations only in the business strategies adopted by each of them.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB


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This study aimed to model a equation for the demand of automobiles and light commercial vehicles, based on the data from February 2007 to July 2014, through a multiple regression analysis. The literature review consists of an information collection of the history of automotive industry, and it has contributed to the understanding of the current crisis that affects this market, which consequence was a large reduction in sales. The model developed was evaluated by a residual analysis and also was used an adhesion test - F test - with a significance level of 5%. In addition, a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.8159 was determined, indicating that 81.59% of the demand for automobiles and light commercial vehicles can be explained by the regression variables: interest rate, unemployment rate, broad consumer price index (CPI), gross domestic product (GDP) and tax on industrialized products (IPI). Finally, other ten samples, from August 2014 to May 2015, were tested in the model in order to validate its forecasting quality. Finally, a Monte Carlo Simulation was run in order to obtain a distribution of probabilities of future demands. It was observed that the actual demand in the period after the sample was in the range that was most likely to occur, and that the GDP and the CPI are the variable that have the greatest influence on the developed model


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Considering that the Brazilian energy source is based on hydroelectric power plants, every moment that it does not rain enough, we are likely to suffer power outage. Making the rational use of energy not only is wise, but also important for financial issues. The industrial sector is of great importance to Brazilian economic context, because it is one that creates more wealth and jobs. It should be noted that it is one of the sectors that consume more electricity. One of the most used equipment in industry is the three phase induction motor, which ends up providing significant waste of energy. For that reasons, studying three phase induction motors is important. One of the ways to evaluate the parameter of the three phase induction motor is using a dynamometer mechanic or electric. This work aims at further studies (and development) of electrodynamometer brake, a type of electrical dynamometer, that is the only one with reversible use. This means, it is possible to measure both the torque and the power transmitted by the electric motors, by the direct method and the indirect. Besides it allows greater stability in the imposition of charges, due to its nature of being able to regenerate the energy imparted by the engines being tested


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This study aimed to model a equation for the demand of automobiles and light commercial vehicles, based on the data from February 2007 to July 2014, through a multiple regression analysis. The literature review consists of an information collection of the history of automotive industry, and it has contributed to the understanding of the current crisis that affects this market, which consequence was a large reduction in sales. The model developed was evaluated by a residual analysis and also was used an adhesion test - F test - with a significance level of 5%. In addition, a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.8159 was determined, indicating that 81.59% of the demand for automobiles and light commercial vehicles can be explained by the regression variables: interest rate, unemployment rate, broad consumer price index (CPI), gross domestic product (GDP) and tax on industrialized products (IPI). Finally, other ten samples, from August 2014 to May 2015, were tested in the model in order to validate its forecasting quality. Finally, a Monte Carlo Simulation was run in order to obtain a distribution of probabilities of future demands. It was observed that the actual demand in the period after the sample was in the range that was most likely to occur, and that the GDP and the CPI are the variable that have the greatest influence on the developed model


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Considering that the Brazilian energy source is based on hydroelectric power plants, every moment that it does not rain enough, we are likely to suffer power outage. Making the rational use of energy not only is wise, but also important for financial issues. The industrial sector is of great importance to Brazilian economic context, because it is one that creates more wealth and jobs. It should be noted that it is one of the sectors that consume more electricity. One of the most used equipment in industry is the three phase induction motor, which ends up providing significant waste of energy. For that reasons, studying three phase induction motors is important. One of the ways to evaluate the parameter of the three phase induction motor is using a dynamometer mechanic or electric. This work aims at further studies (and development) of electrodynamometer brake, a type of electrical dynamometer, that is the only one with reversible use. This means, it is possible to measure both the torque and the power transmitted by the electric motors, by the direct method and the indirect. Besides it allows greater stability in the imposition of charges, due to its nature of being able to regenerate the energy imparted by the engines being tested