269 resultados para antiserum


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Nach Homogenisation ejakulierter Eberspermien und Zentrifugation des Homogenates blieben mehr als 60% der Aktivität des glykolytischen Enzyms Pyruvatkinase (PK) an Zellfragmenten im Sediment gebunden. Diese strukturgebundene PK wurde als PK-S bezeichnet. Das Detergenz Triton X-100 führte nicht zur Ablösung der PK-S; mit Trypsin konnten jedoch rund 80% der PK-S ohne Verlust an Aktivität von den Strukturen gelöst und durch kombinierte Kationenaustausch- und Hydrophobizitätschromatographie gereinigt werden (spezifische Aktivität: 116,7 U/mg Protein). Die lösliche PK aus Eberspermien konnte ebenfalls durch ein ähnliches Verfahren angereichert werden. Im Gel (SDS-PAGE) zeigten die Untereinheiten der PK-S mit 64.400 eine geringfügig größere relative Molekülmasse als die der PK-M1 aus Kaninchenmuskel (62.000). Die kinetischen Eigenschaften der abgelösten PK-S als auch der noch an Spermienstrukturen gebundenen PK-S und der löslichen PK aus Eberspermien waren sehr ähnlich und entsprachen der M1-Isoform der PK. Antikörper gegen Kaninchenmuskel-PK (Anti-PK-M1) reagierten auch mit der löslichen PK und der PK-S aus Eberspermien. Edman-Abbau der ersten 19 Aminosäuren zeigte, dass die tryptisch abgelöste PK-S am N-Terminus um 5 Aminosäuren gegenüber nativer PK-M1 verlängert ist, während der C-Terminus der erhaltenen PK-S-Sequenz mit einem meist nahe dem N-Terminus gelegenen Sequenzabschnitt der PK-M1 und -M2 übereinstimmt. Die N-terminale Verlängerung der nativen PK-S enthält sicherlich mehr als die nach tryptischer Lyse nachgewiesenen 5 Aminosäuren. Vergleiche der Aminosäure- und übersetzten Nukleotidsequenzen sowie die kinetischen Eigenschaften lassen vermuten, dass die PK-S, wie die PK-M1 und PK-M2, vom PKM-Gen codiert wird. Gegen die gereinigte PK-S wurden Antikörper in Kaninchen produziert. Da das Antiserum nicht ausreichend spezifisch für PK-S war, wurden aus ihm affinitätschromatographisch Antikörper (Anti-PK-S) isoliert, die hohe Affinität zu einem synthetisierten PK-S-Peptid (13 N-terminale Aminosäuren der tryptisch abgelösten PK-S) hatten. Dieses Anti-PK-S-Präparat war spezifisch für PK-S; es reagierte weder mit Kaninchenmuskel-PK noch mit löslicher PK oder anderen Proteinen aus Eberspermien. Anti-PK-S und Anti-PK-M1 wurden zur Lokalisierung von PK-S und löslicher PK in Spermien von Eber, Bulle und Mensch sowie in Schnitten von Eberhoden eingesetzt. Mit Anti-PK-S wurden der Bereich des Akrosoms und das lange flagellare Hauptstück sowie der Übergangsbereich zwischen Kopf und Mittelstück von Eberspermien fluoreszenzmarkiert, wogegen das kurze, die Mitochondrien enthaltende Mittelstück des Flagellums und der postakrosomale Kopfbereich nur mit Anti-PK-M1 markiert wurden. Immunogoldmarkierung in elektronenmikroskopischen Bildern bestätigte die Lokalisierung von PK-S im Akrosombereich. Im Hauptstück banden Anti-PK-M1 und Anti-PK-S an die fibröse Scheide. Glyzerinaldehyd-3-phosphat Dehydrogenase (GAPDH) konnte von mir ebenfalls im Akrosombereich, im Übergangsbereich zwischen Kopf und Mittelstück und an der fibrösen Scheide detektiert werden. Auch an Bullen- und Humanspermien konnte über Immunogoldmarkierung PK und vermutlich GAPDH an der fibrösen Scheide gezeigt werden. Im Akrosombereich dieser Spermien waren die Nachweise von PK und GAPDH jedoch nicht sicher. In Eberhodenschnitten war die PK-S erstmals, oder zumindest vermehrt, in den elongierenden Spermatiden über Fluoreszenzmarkierung nachweisbar, während andere, vermutlich somatische PK vermehrt in den früheren Stadien (Spermatogonien, aber auch in den Spermatozyten und runden Spermatiden) auftrat. Für die GAPDH zeigte sich ein ähnlicher Entwicklungsverlauf. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in Eberspermien zwei Isoformen der PK auftreten: eine N-terminal verlängerte, strukturgebundene Form, die PK-S, und eine lösliche Form, die beide der PK-M1 ähneln. Der ungewöhnliche N-Terminus der PK-S dient vermutlich der spezifischen räumlichen Anordnung der PK-S im Akrosombereich und an der fibrösen Scheide, nicht aber der Modulation kinetischer Eigenschaften. Meine Untersuchungen stützen die Hypothese, dass in bestimmten Kompartimenten von Säugerspermien die Glykolyse durch Verankerung einiger ihrer Enzyme strukturell hochgeordnet ist. Dadurch wird vermutlich die Versorgung der Mitochondrien-freien Regionen mit ATP sichergestellt. Man kann diese Organisation als Anpassung des Stoffwechsels von Spermien deuten, bei denen die Mitochondrien in einem kleinen Bereich (Mittelstück) hinter dem Spermienkopf kompartimentiert sind. Im Hauptstück des Flagellums könnte die Glykolyse ATP für die Spermienmotilität liefern, im Akrosombereich für die Verhinderung einer vorzeitigen Akrosomreaktion. Somit käme der strukturierten Glykolyse eine essentielle Bedeutung für die Befruchtungsfähigkeit von Säugerspermien zu.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation beinhaltet Untersuchungen zur Expression und Funktion der respiratorischen Proteine Neuroglobin (Nbg) und Cytoglobin (Cygb) in Vertebraten. rnrnUm die Expression der Globine während der Entwicklung des Säugerhirns zu untersuchen, wurden die Hirne von Maus-Embryonen ab dem Fötalstadium MF10 bis zum Tag eins nach der Geburt (T1) mit Adulttieren verglichen. Quantifiziert wurde sowohl die mRNA- als auch die Protein-Expression. Beide Globine zeigten im Verlauf der Entwicklung einen stetigen Anstieg der mRNA-Expression, wobei Ngb zu Beginn in zehnfach höherer Konzentration vorlag und im zeitlichen Verlauf einen 130-fachen Anstieg zeigte. Cygb zeigte lediglich einen 16-fachen Anstieg bis zum Adultstadium. Auf Proteinebene konnte die Expressionszunahme beider Globine im Laufe der Entwicklung bestätigt werden. Weder in den hypoxieresistenten Frühembryonalstadien noch während der mit Sauerstoff-Stress verbundenen Geburt zeigte sich ein Expressionsmaximum. Dies spricht gegen eine Globin-Funktion in der Oxidanz-Abwehr. Eher ist zumindest Ngb mit der Reifung der Neurone und dem damit einhergehenden, gesteigerten oxidativen Stoffwechsel assoziiert.rnrnDes Weiteren sollte die zelluläre und intrazelluläre Lokalisation beider Globine anhand einer primären Zellkultur aus dem Hippocampus pränataler Ratten und in immortalen Zelllinien untersucht werden. Neuroglobin wurde dabei nur in Neuronen, nicht jedoch in Gliazellen nachgewiesen. Das Färbemuster war in allen Ngb-exprimierenden Zellen zytoplasmatisch. Cytoglobin wurde in der Primärkultur in den Neuronen jedoch ebenso in den mit anti-GFAP markierten Gliazellen beobachtet. In beiden Zellpopulationen war auch der Kern durch das CyGB-Antiserum markiert. rnEine genauere Untersuchung der intrazellulären Lokalisation sollte durch die Transfektion von Globin-pEGFP-Fusionsproteinen erfolgen. Nach Transfektion der Fusionskonstrukte wurde die GFP-Färbung bei beiden Globinen sowohl im Zytoplasma als auch im Kern beobachtet. Eine rein nukleäre Lokalisation, die insbesondere für Cygb von anderen Autoren postuliert wurde, konnte somit ausgeschlossen werden. rnrnIn primären Zellkulturen aus Cerebellum und Kortex, die mit Hilfe von Paraquat oxidativem Stress ausgesetzt wurden, wurde der Verlauf der Globin-mRNA-Expression mit dem unregulierten 18s rRNA-Referenzgen und mit den Antioxidanz-Enzymen Cu-Zn-SOD und Gpx verglichen. Neuroglobin zeigte einen Expressionsverlauf ähnlich dem der beiden Antioxidanz-Enzyme, jedoch liegt seine mRNA im Hirngewebe in hundertfach niedrigerer Menge als Cu-Zn-SOD und Gpx vor. Cytoglobin zeigte keine Veränderung der Expression. Eine Funktion der Globine im Sinne einer ROS-Abwehr kann aus den Befunden nicht abgeleitet werden. rnrnUntersuchungen von Tumor und Normalgewebe mittels eines cDNA-Cancer-Arrays zeigten, dass NGB in Tumoren verschiedenen Ursprungs nicht exprimiert wird, CyGB dagegen keine Änderung seiner Expression in Tumor versus Normalgewebe erfährt. Eine Induktion der beiden Globine z.B. durch Hypoxie in soliden Tumoren kann daher ausgeschlossen werden.rn


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Besnoitia besnoiti is an apicomplexan parasite responsible for bovine besnoitiosis, a disease with a high prevalence in tropical and subtropical regions and re-emerging in Europe. Despite the great economical losses associated with besnoitiosis, this disease has been underestimated and poorly studied, and neither an effective therapy nor an efficacious vaccine is available. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is an essential enzyme for the acquisition of the correct three-dimensional structure of proteins. Current evidence suggests that in Neosporacaninum and Toxoplasmagondii, which are closely related to B. besnoiti, PDI play an important role in host cell invasion, is a relevant target for the host immune response, and represents a promising drug target and/or vaccine candidate. In this work, we present the nucleotide sequence of the B. besnoiti PDI gene. BbPDI belongs to the thioredoxin-like superfamily (cluster 00388) and is included in the PDI_a family (cluster defined cd02961) and the PDI_a_PDI_a'_c subfamily (cd02995). A 3D theoretical model was built by comparative homology using Swiss-Model server, using as a template the crystallographic deduced model of Tapasin-ERp57 (PDB code 3F8U chain C). Analysis of the phylogenetic tree for PDI within the phylum apicomplexa reinforces the close relationship among B. besnoiti, N. caninum and T. gondii. When subjected to a PDI-assay based on the polymerisation of reduced insulin, recombinant BbPDI expressed in E. coli exhibited enzymatic activity, which was inhibited by bacitracin. Antiserum directed against recombinant BbPDI reacted with PDI in Western blots and by immunofluorescence with B. besnoiti tachyzoites and bradyzoites.


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ABSTRACT: Clostridium chauvoei is the causative agent of blackleg, a wide spread serious infection of cattle and sheep with high mortality. In this study we have analyzed the sialidase activity of the NanA protein of C. chauvoei and cloned the sialidase gene nanA. Sialidase is encoded as a precursor protein of 722 amino acids with a 26 amino acid signal peptide. The mature sialidase has a calculated molecular mass of 81 kDa and contains the carbohydrate binding module 32 (CBM32, or F5/8 type C domain), the sialic acid binding module CBM40 and the enzymatically active sialidase domain found in all pro- and eukaryotic sialidases. Sialidase activity does not require the CBM32 domain. The NanA protein is secreted by C. chauvoei as a dimer. The nanA gene was found to be conserved and sialidase activity was found in C. chauvoei strains isolated over a period of 50 years from various geographical locations. Antiserum directed against a recombinant 40 kDa peptide containing CBM40 and part of the enzymatically active domain of NanA neutralized the secreted sialidase activity of all C. chauvoei strains tested.


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SUMMARY: In Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii, the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) is synthesized at the time of infection. During tachyzoite-to-bradyzoite stage conversion, the PV is later transformed into a tissue cyst that allows parasites to survive in their host for extended periods of time. We report on the characterization of NcMAG1, the N. caninum orthologue of T. gondii MAG1 (matrix antigen 1; TgMAG1). The 456 amino acid predicted NcMAG1 protein is 54% identical to TgMAG1. By immunoblotting, a rabbit antiserum raised against recombinant NcMAG1 detected a major product of approximately 67 kDa in extracts of N. caninum tachyzoite-infected Vero cells, which was stained more prominently in extracts of infected Vero cells treated to induce in vitro bradyzoite conversion. Immunofluorescence and TEM localized the protein mainly within the cyst wall and the cyst matrix. In both tachyzoites and bradyzoites, NcMAG1 was associated with the parasite dense granules. Comparison between NcMAG1 and TgMAG1 amino acid sequences revealed that the C-terminal conserved regions exhibit 66% identity, while the N-terminal variable regions exhibit only 32% identity. Antibodies against NcMAG1-conserved region cross-reacted with the orthologuous protein in T. gondii but those against the variable region did not. This indicates that the variable region possesses unique antigenic characteristics.


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In the tsetse fly, the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma congolense is covered by a dense layer of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored molecules. These include a protease-resistant surface molecule (PRS), which is expressed by procyclic forms early in infection, and a glutamic acid- and alanine-rich protein (GARP), which appears at later stages. Since neither of these surface antigens is expressed at intermediate stages, we investigated whether a GPI-anchored protein of 50 to 58 kDa, previously detected in procyclic culture forms, might constitute the coat of these parasites. We therefore partially purified the protein from T. congolense Kilifi procyclic forms, obtained an N-terminal amino acid sequence, and identified its gene. Detailed analyses showed that the mature protein consists almost exclusively of 13 heptapeptide repeats (EPGENGT). The protein is densely N glycosylated, with up to 13 high-mannose oligosaccharides ranging from Man(5)GlcNAc(2) to Man(9)GlcNAc(2) linked to the peptide repeats. The lipid moiety of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol is composed of sn-1-stearoyl-2-lyso-glycerol-3-HPO(4)-1-(2-O-acyl)-d-myo-inositol. Heavily glycosylated proteins with similar repeats were subsequently identified in T. congolense Savannah procyclic forms. Collectively, this group of proteins was named T. congolense procyclins to reflect their relationship to the EP and GPEET procyclins of T. brucei. Using an antiserum raised against the EPGENGT repeat, we show that T. congolense procyclins are expressed continuously in the fly midgut and thus form the surface coat of cells that are negative for both PRS and GARP.


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Meprin (EC is an oligomeric metalloendopeptidase found in microvillar membranes of kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells. Here, we present the first report on the expression of meprin beta in rat glomerular epithelial cells and suggest a potential involvement in experimental glomerular disease. We detected meprin beta in glomeruli of immunostained rat kidney sections on the protein level and by quantitative RT-PCR of laser-capture microdissected glomeruli on the mRNA level. Using immuno-gold staining we identified the membrane of podocyte foot processes as the main site of meprin beta expression. The glomerular meprin beta expression pattern was altered in anti-Thy 1.1 and passive Heymann nephritis (PHN). In addition, the meprin beta staining pattern in the latter was reminiscent of immunostaining with the sheep anti-Fx1A antiserum, commonly used in PHN induction. Using Western blot and immunoprecipitation assays we demonstrated that meprin beta is recognized by Fx1A antiserum and may therefore represent an auto-antigen in PHN. In anti-Thy 1.1 glomerulonephritis we observed a striking redistribution of meprin beta in tubular epithelial cells from the apical to the basolateral side and the cytosol. This might point to an involvement of meprin beta in this form of glomerulonephritis.


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Forty Escherichia coli strains isolated primarily from neonatal meningitis, urinary tract infections and feces were screened for the presence of virulence genes with a newly developed microarray on the array tube format. A total of 32 gene probes specific for extraintestinal as well as intestinal E. coli pathotypes were included. Eighty-eight percent of the analyzed strains were positive for the K1-specific probe on the microarray and could be confirmed with a specific antiserum against the K1 capsular polysaccharide. The gene for the hemin receptor ChuA was predominantly found in 95% of strains. Other virulence genes associated with K1 and related strains were P, S, and F1C fimbriae specific for extraintestinal E. coli, the genes for aerobactin, the alpha-hemolysin and the cytotoxic necrotizing factor. In two strains, the O157-specific catalase gene and the gene for the low-molecular-weight heat-stable toxin AstA were detected, respectively. A total of 19 different virulence gene patterns were observed. No correlation was observed between specific virulence gene patterns and a clinical outcome. The data indicate that virulence genes typical of extraintestinal E. coli are predominantly present in K1 strains. Nevertheless, some of them can carry virulence genes known to be characteristic of intestinal E. coli. The distribution and combination of virulence genes show that K1 isolates constitute a heterogeneous group of E. coli.


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Twenty-four Actinobacillus suis isolates obtained from several species of non-porcine mammals were compared to the representative porcine strains, ATCC 15557 (serotype O1) and H89-1173 (serotype O2), by O serotyping, DNA fingerprinting, PCR amplification of apxICA, apxIICA and apxIIICA toxin genes and by rrs (16S rRNA) gene sequencing. Only two strains, both equine, reacted with O1 antiserum while two others, one canine and the other feline, reacted with O2 antiserum. One equine strain reacted weakly with both antisera. No amplification of apx genes was found with the non-porcine O1 or the "not O1/O2" strains but amplification of the apxICA and apxIICA genes was observed with the two O2 strains. In addition, these two O2 strains had both BamHI and BglII fingerprints that were very similar to the porcine O2 reference strain, H89-1173 and rrs gene sequences that were identical to the A. suis reference strain ATCC 15557. Taken together, these data suggest that although many non-porcine A. suis isolates are not A. suis (sensu stricto), some isolates are genotypically as well as phenotypically similar to A. suis.


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We report on the re-examination of nine Australian isolates of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae that have been previously assigned to serovar 12. In the ring precipitation test, none of the nine isolates reacted with antisera to serovars 1-14 of A. pleuropneumoniae. Antiserum prepared against one of the Australian isolates gave no reaction with any of the 14 recognised serovar reference strains, except serovar 7. This reaction of the HS143 antiserum with serovar 7 antigen could be removed by adsorption with serovar 7 antigen. The adsorbed antiserum remained reactive with HS143 and the other eight Australian isolates. The nine Australian isolates were all shown to express ApxII and ApxIII, found in serovars 2, 4, 6 and 8, as well as the 42kDa outer membrane protein found in all serovars of A. pleuropneumoniae. The nine Australian isolates were found to possess the following toxin associated genes apxIBD, apxIICA, apxIIICA, apxIIIBD and apxIVA. The toxin gene profile of the Australian isolates is typical of A. pleuropneumoniae serovars 2, 4, 6 and 8. On the basis of the serological characterisation results and the toxin gene profiles, we propose that these isolates represent a new serovar of A. pleuropneumoniae--serovar 15--with HS143 being the reference strain for the new serovar.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the immunochemical nature of the polyclonal immune response to the 14mer peptide TINKEDDESPGLYG and to identify interactions among antibodies to more than one epitope. Two groups of rabbits were immunized with the 14mer peptide and a Keyhole Limpet hemocyanin (KLH) carrier, but with KLH attached either to the 14mer's N- or C-terminus. Two approximate epitopes were mapped by an antibody-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method using antiserum obtained when KLH was oriented on the C-terminus of the 14mer. A precise mapping of the epitopes performed with inhibition enzyme immunoassays (iEIAs) resulted in an N-terminal 6mer epitope TINKED and a C-terminal 10mer epitope EDDESPGLYG. The epitopes overlapped by two amino acids. IEIAs and iEIAs incorporating antibody-blocking peptides indicated that the two anti-epitope antibody fractions did not interfere with one anothers' epitope binding. It was postulated that the anti-TINKED and anti-EDDESPGLYG antibody fractions individually bind their respective hydrophobic epitope "core" region at the N- or C-terminal of peptide TINKEDDESPGLYG, while sharing the two hydrophilic overlap amino acids. This antibody "lap joint" binding interaction can be accomplished by each of the anti-epitope antibodies binding an opposite side of the epitope overlap region in the shallow periphery of its binding site. ^


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OPN is a secreted phosphate containing protein which is expressed by osteoblasts and a variety of other cells in vivo. Data from in vitro studies has accumulated which relates OPN to cellular transformation. We hypothesize that OPN expression is associated with neoplastic disease in humans as suggested by cell culture models. The overall objective of the current study was to determine the tissue distribution of OPN in human malignancy and to determine whether or not a correlation exists between OPN serum levels and malignancy. At the inception of this project, no study had been made demonstrating the relevance of OPN expression with naturally occurring neoplastic disease in humans. To date, few studies have reported OPN distribution in human neoplasia and are limited by either the number of specimens analyzed or the technique used in analysis. In this dissertation study, OPN was purified from human milk and $\alpha$-OPN antiserum developed and characterized. Following antibody development, the distribution and prevalence of OPN in human oral squamous cell carcinoma and human prostate carcinoma was evaluated using immunohistochemical localization. OPN immunolocalization was found in a high percentage of oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma in humans. One oral squamous cell carcinoma cells line, UMSCC-1, was found to express OPN mRNA using Northern blotting. OPN localized to a high percentage of primary prostate adenocarcinomas. OPN localized to 52% of androgen dependent cases and 100% of androgen independent cases. Androgen dependent cell lines such as LNCap and NbE showed minimal OPN mRNA expression while the androgen independent lines C4-2 and PC3 produced ample OPN mRNA. An OPN sandwich assay was developed and used to determine the serum level of OPN in normal males, patients with BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy), and patients with prostate carcinoma. No statistically significant difference was found in OPN serum levels among the three groups. However, a trend of increasing OPN in the serum was noted in patients with BPH and prostate cancer. ^


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This dissertation addressed the hypothesis that the unique tumor specific transplantation antigens (TSTA) of chemically induced sarcomas express epitopes encoded by endogenous viral genes. TSTA from two 3-methylcholanthrene-induced, C3H/HeJ fibrosarcomas (MCA-F and MCA-D) were serologically assessed for viral epitopes in an enzyme-linked immunospecific assay (ELISA) and by immunoaffinity chromatography. Initial evidence with an anti-TSTA antiserum suggested that TSTA were associated with mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) peptides, but not peptides from murine leukemia virus (MuLV). TSTA extracted from MCA-F, was assessed with specific anti viral antibodies at three levels of purification for its association with MuLV peptides (gp 70 and p 15E) and MMTV peptides (gp52, gp36 and p27). The results demonstrate that purified preparations enriched for TSTA activity are devoid of MuLV epitopes, but enriched for a subset of MMTV epitopes. Immunoaffinity supports constructed with anti-MMTV antibodies retained TSTA from partially purified MCA-F or MCA-D extracts. Immunoaffinity chromatography with antibodies against individual MMTV peptides demonstrated that the MCA-F TSTA was specifically retained by anti-gp36 and anti-p27 supports, but not by anti-gp52 supports nor a support made with bovine serum albumin. Analysis of the affinity purified TSTA preparations by HPGPC and SDS-PAGE revealed only a few components. Application of the anti-gp36 and anti-p27 retained materials to HPGPC and subsequent in vivo analysis demonstrated that the TSTA migrated in a low and a high molecular weight region. These results suggest that TSTA specificity in C3H/HeJ mice, results from MMTV recombinant proteins. ^


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With the aim of characterizing specific immunogenic proteins of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colony (SC) type, the aetiological agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, a gene encoding a major immunogenic protein of 72 kDa named P72 was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed protein was of the same apparent molecular mass as that produced by the parent strain. The predicted molecular mass of P72, based on the DNA-deduced amino acid sequence, was 61.118 kDa, significantly lower than the apparent molecular mass of endogenous or recombinant P72 on SDS-PAGE. Analysis of the amino acid sequence revealed a typical prokaryotic signal peptidase II-membrane lipoprotein lipid attachment site and a transmembrane structure domain in the leader sequence at the amino-terminal end of the protein. P72 was shown to be a lipoprotein and its surface location was confirmed by trypsin treatment of whole cells. An unassigned gene encoding a peptide with some similarity to P72 was found on the genome sequence of M. capricolum subsp. capricolum but not on that of Mycoplasma genitalium. The P72 gene was detected in 11/11 M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC strains. Antiserum against recombinant P72 reacted strongly with 12/12 strains of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC, weakly with Mycoplasma bovine group 7 strain PG50, but not with other members of the 'mycoides cluster' or closely related mycoplasmas. Cows experimentally contact-infected with M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC developed a humoral response against P72 within 35 d. P72 is a specific antigenic membrane lipoprotein of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC with potential for use in development of diagnostic reagents. It seems to belong to a family of lipoproteins of the "mycoides cluster'.


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Degenerate oligonucleotide primers derived from conserved cysteine protease sequences were used in the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction to amplify seven different cysteine protease cDNA clones, Fcp1-7, from RNA isolated from adult Fasciola hepatica. Five of the amplified F. hepatica sequences showed homology to the cathepsin L type and two were more related to the cathepsin B type. Southern blot analysis suggests that some members of this protease gene family are present in multiple copies. Northern blot analysis revealed differences in the levels of steady state mRNA expression for some of these proteases. The 5' and the 3' regions of Fcp1 were amplified using the rapid amplification of cDNA ends PCR protocol (RACE-PCR) and an additional clone was obtained by screening a lambda gt10 cDNA library using Fcp1 as a probe. The Fcp1 cDNA fragment was also subcloned in the expression vector pGEX and expressed as a glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion protein in Escherichia coli. Antibodies, raised in rabbits against the GST:Fcp1 fusion protein, were used in western blot analysis to examine expression in different life-cycle stages of F. hepatica. In extracts from adult and immature parasites, the immune serum recognised predominantly two proteins of 30 kDa and 38 kDa. In other parasite stages, proteins of different molecular weight were recognised by the anti-GST:Fcp1 antiserum, indicating stage-specific gene expression or processing of Fcp1. In gelatine substrate gel analysis, strong proteolytic activity could be detected at 30 kDa, but not at 38 kDa, suggesting that the 30 kDa protein represents the mature enzyme and the 38 kDa protein the proenzyme.