572 resultados para antisense NTT
Structural definition of the receptors for neurotropic and angiogenic modulators such as fibroblast growth factors and related polypeptides will yield insight into the mechanisms that control early development, embryogenesis, organogenesis, wound repair and neovessel formation. We isolated 3 murine cDNAs encoding different binding domains of these receptors (flg). Comparison of these ectoplasmic portions showed that two of the forms corresponded to previously described murine molecules whereas the third one had a different ectoplasmic portion generated by specific changes in two regions. Interestingly, expression of this third form seems to be restricted in its tissue distribution. Such modifications could influence the ligand specificity of the different receptors and/or their binding affinity.
PURPOSE: The antiangiogenic effect of an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) targeting insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 was evaluated on rat corneal neovascularization. METHODS: Eyes with neovessels were treated with subconjunctival injections of IRS-1 antisense oligonucleotide (ASODN), IRS-1 sense ODN (SODN), or PBS. At 8 and 24 hours after the first subconjunctival injection, the expression of IRS-1, VEGF, and IL-1beta mRNA was evaluated. IRS-1 protein levels were also measured at 8 hours by Western blot analysis (n = 4/group). On day 10, corneal neovascularization was quantified in flatmount corneas of rats treated daily from days 4 to 9. RESULTS: On day 10, new vessels covered 95.5% +/- 4% of the corneal area in PBS-treated eyes, 92% +/- 7% in SODN-treated eyes and 59% +/- 20% in ASODN-treated eyes (P < 0.001). In the ASODN-treated group, the expression and synthesis of IRS-1 were significantly downregulated when compared with the control groups. ASODN did not significantly affect the expression of VEGF but significantly decreased the expression of IL-1beta at 24 hours (P = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Subconjunctival injections of IRS-1 antisense ODN significantly inhibit rat corneal neovascularization. This effect may be mediated by a downregulation of IL-1beta. IRS-1 proteins may be interesting targets for the regulation of angiogenesis mediated by insulin, hypoxia, or inflammation.
Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is one of the main nutrients limiting plant growth anddevelopment in many agro-ecosystems. In plants, phosphate is acquired from the soil by theroots, and is then transferred to the shoot via the xylem. In the model plant Arabidopsisthaliana, PHO1 was previously identified as being involved in loading Pi into the xylem ofroots. AtPHO1, belongs to a multigenic family composed of 10 additional members, namelyAtPHO1;H1 to AtPHO1;10. In this study, we aimed at further investigating the role of thePHO1 gene family in Pi homeostasis in plants, and to this end we isolated and characterizedthe PHO1 members of two main model plants, the moss Physcomitrella patens and the riceOryza sativa.In the bryophyte P. patens, bioinformatic analyses revealed the presence of seven AtPHO1homologues, highly similar to AtPHO1. The seven moss PHO1 genes, namely PpPHO1;1 toPpPHO1;7 appeared to be differentially regulated, both at the tissue level and in response toPi status. However only PpPHO1;1 and PpPHO1;7 were specifically up-regulated upon Pistarvation, suggesting a potential role in Pi homeostasis. We also characterized the responseof P. patens to Pi starvation, showing that higher and lower plants share some commonstrategies to adapt to Pi-deficiency.In the second part, focusing on the monocotyledon rice, we showed the existence of threePHO1 homologues OsPHO1;1 to OsPHO1;3, with the unique particularity of each havingNatural Antisense Transcripts (NATs). Molecular analyses revealed that both the sense andthe antisense OsPHO1;2 transcripts were by far the most abundantly expressed transcripts ofthe family, preferentially expressed in the roots. The stable expression of OsPHO1;2 in allconditions tested, in opposition with the highly induced antisense transcript upon Pistarvation, suggest a putative role for the antisense in regulating the sense transcript.Moreover, mutant analyses revealed that OsPHO1;2 plays a key role in Pi homeostasis, intransferring Pi from the root to the shoot. Finally, complementing the pho1 mutant inArabidopsis, characterized by low Pi in the shoot and reduced growth, with the riceOsPHO1;2 gene revealed a new role for PHO1 in Pi signaling. Indeed, the complementedplants showed normal growth, with however low Pi content.
We previously reported that interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) alone does not cause apoptosis of beta-cells, whereas when combined with gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), it exerts a distinct apoptotic effect. Studies in beta-cell lines indicated that IL-1beta reduced expression of islet brain (IB)-1/JNK interacting protein (JIP)-1, a JNK scaffold protein with antiapoptotic action. We examined whether variations in IB1/JIP-1 expression in purified primary beta-cells affect their susceptibility to cytokine-induced apoptosis. Exposure to IL-1beta for 24 h decreased cellular IB1/JIP-1 content by 66 +/- 17%; this IL-1beta effect was maintained in the presence of TNF-alpha + IFN-gamma, which did not influence IB1/JIP-1 levels by themselves. Addition of IL-1beta to TNF-alpha + IFN-gamma increased apoptosis from 20 +/- 2% to 59 +/- 5%. A similar increase in TNF-alpha + IFN-gamma-induced apoptosis was produced by adenoviral expression of antisense IB1/JIP-1 and was not further enhanced by addition of IL-1beta, indicating that IL-1beta-mediated suppression of IB1/JIP-1 in beta-cells increases their susceptibility to cytokine-induced apoptosis. However, adenovirally mediated overexpression of IB1/JIP-1 also potentiated TNF-alpha + IFN-gamma-induced apoptosis, suggesting that the antiapoptotic effect of IB1/JIP-1 depends on well-defined cellular levels. We conclude that the IB1/JIP-1 level in beta-cells can control their susceptibility to apoptosis independent of JNK signaling.
Electrotransfer and iontophoresis are being developed as innovative non-viral gene delivery systems for the treatment of eye diseases. These two techniques rely on the use of electric current to allow for higher transfection yield of various ocular cell types in vivo. Short pulses of relatively high-intensity electric fields are used for electrotransfer delivery, whereas the iontophoresis technique is based on the application of low voltage electric current. The basic principles of these techniques and their potential therapeutic application for diseases of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye are reviewed. Iontophoresis has been found most efficient for the delivery of small nucleic acid fragments such as antisense oligonucleotides, siRNA, or ribozymes. Electrotransfer, on the other hand, is being developed for the delivery of oligonucleotides or custom designed plasmids. The wide range of strategies already validated and the potential for targeting specific types of cells confirm the promising early observations made using electrotransfer and iontophoresis. These two nonviral delivery systems are safe and can be used efficiently for targeted gene delivery to ocular tissues in vivo. At the present, their application for the treatment of ocular human diseases is nearing its final stages of adaptation and practical implementation at the bedside.
Type 2 diabetes is a polygenic and genetically heterogeneous disease . The age of onset of the disease is usually late and environmental factors may be required to induce the complete diabetic phenotype. Susceptibility genes for diabetes have not yet been identified. Islet-brain-1 (IB1, encoded by MAPK8IP1), a novel DNA-binding transactivator of the glucose transporter GLUT2 (encoded by SLC2A2), is the homologue of the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase-interacting protein-1 (JIP-1; refs 2-5). We evaluated the role of IBi in beta-cells by expression of a MAPK8IP1 antisense RNA in a stable insulinoma beta-cell line. A 38% decrease in IB1 protein content resulted in a 49% and a 41% reduction in SLC2A2 and INS (encoding insulin) mRNA expression, respectively. In addition, we detected MAPK8IP1 transcripts and IBi protein in human pancreatic islets. These data establish MAPK8IP1 as a candidate gene for human diabetes. Sibpair analyses performed on i49 multiplex French families with type 2 diabetes excluded MAPK8IP1 as a major diabetogenic locus. We did, however, identify in one family a missense mutation located in the coding region of MAPK8IP1 (559N) that segregated with diabetes. In vitro, this mutation was associated with an inability of IB1 to prevent apoptosis induced by MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 1 (MEKK1) and a reduced ability to counteract the inhibitory action of the activated c-JUN amino-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway on INS transcriptional activity. Identification of this novel non-maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) form of diabetes demonstrates that IB1 is a key regulator of 3-cell function.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: One of the seven key scientific priorities identified in the road map on HIV cure research is to 'determine the host mechanisms that control HIV replication in the absence of therapy'. This review summarizes the recent work in genomics and in epigenetic control of viral replication that is relevant for this mission. RECENT FINDINGS: New technologies allow the joint analysis of host and viral transcripts. They identify the patterns of antisense transcription of the viral genome and its role in gene regulation. High-throughput studies facilitate the assessment of integration at the genome scale. Integration site, orientation and host genomic context modulate the transcription and should also be assessed at the level of single cells. The various models of latency in primary cells can be followed using dynamic study designs to acquire transcriptome and proteome data of the process of entry, maintenance and reactivation of latency. Dynamic studies can be applied to the study of transcription factors and chromatin modifications in latency and upon reactivation. SUMMARY: The convergence of primary cell models of latency, new high-throughput quantitative technologies applied to the study of time series and the identification of compounds that reactivate viral transcription bring unprecedented precision to the study of viral latency.
Treg are the main mediators of dominant tolerance. Their mechanisms of action and applications are subjects of considerable debate currently. However, a human microRNA (miR) Treg signature has not been described yet. We investigated human natural Treg and identified a signature composed of five miR (21, 31, 125a, 181c and 374). Among those, two were considerably under-expressed (miR-31 and miR-125a). We identified a functional target sequence for miR-31 in the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR) of FOXP3 mRNA. Using lentiviral transduction of fresh cord blood T cells, we demonstrated that miR-31 and miR-21 had an effect on FOXP3 expression levels. We showed that miR-31 negatively regulates FOXP3 expression by binding directly to its potential target site in the 3' UTR of FOXP3 mRNA. We next demonstrated that miR-21 acted as a positive, though indirect, regulator of FOXP3 expression. Transduction of the remaining three miR had no direct effect on FOXP3 expression or on the phenotype and will remain the subject of future investigations. In conclusion, not only have we identified and validated a miR signature for human natural Treg, but also unveiled some of the mechanisms by which this signature was related to the control of FOXP3 expression in these cells.
The central structure of the symbiotic association between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi is the fungal arbuscule that delivers minerals to the plant. Our earlier transcriptome analyses identified two half-size ABCG transporters that displayed enhanced mRNA levels in mycorrhizal roots. We now show specific transcript accumulation in arbusculated cells of both genes during symbiosis. Presently, arbuscule-relevant factors from monocotyledons have not been reported. Mutation of either of the Oryza sativa (rice) ABCG transporters blocked arbuscule growth of different AM fungi at a small and stunted stage, recapitulating the phenotype of Medicago truncatula stunted arbuscule 1 and 2 (str1 and str2) mutants that are deficient in homologous ABCG genes. This phenotypic resemblance and phylogenetic analysis suggest functional conservation of STR1 and STR2 across the angiosperms. Malnutrition of the fungus underlying limited arbuscular growth was excluded by the absence of complementation of the str1 phenotype by wild-type nurse plants. Furthermore, plant AM signaling was found to be intact, as arbuscule-induced marker transcript accumulation was not affected in str1 mutants. Strigolactones have previously been hypothesized to operate as intracellular hyphal branching signals and possible substrates of STR1 and STR2. However, full arbuscule development in the strigolactone biosynthesis mutants d10 and d17 suggested strigolactones to be unlikely substrates of STR1/STR2. Interestingly, rice STR1 is associated with a cis-natural antisense transcript (antiSTR1). Analogous to STR1 and STR2, at the root cortex level, the antiSTR1 transcript is specifically detected in arbusculated cells, suggesting unexpected modes of STR1 regulation in rice.
Neuropeptide Y appears to modulate epileptic seizures differentially according to the receptor subtypes involved. In the hippocampus, neuropeptide Y expression and release are enhanced in different models of epileptogenesis. On the contrary, the expression of Y1 receptors is decreased and it has been shown that activation of these receptors has pro-convulsant effects. The aim of our study was to investigate the role of Y1 receptors during hippocampal kindling epileptogenesis using (i) knock-out mice lacking Y1 receptors and (ii) intrahippocampal infusion of Y1 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide in rats. Y1 knock-out mice showed similar susceptibility to seizure induction and presented no difference in kindling development as compared with their control littermates. Conversely, local hippocampal down-regulation of Y1 receptors during the first week of hippocampal kindling, induced by a local infusion of a Y1 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide, significantly increased seizure threshold intensity and decreased afterdischarge duration. A reverse effect was observed during the week following the infusion period, which was confirmed by a significant decrease in the number of hippocampal stimulations necessary to evoke generalized seizures. At the end of this second week, an up-regulation of Y1 receptors was observed in kindled rats infused with the antisense as compared with the mismatch-treated controls. Our results in the rat suggest that the down-regulation of Y1 receptors in the hippocampus participates in the control of the initiation of epileptogenesis. The lack of an effect of the deficiency of Y1 receptors in the control of kindling development in Y1 knock-out mice could be due to compensatory mechanisms.
Two-component systems (TCSs) allow bacteria to monitor diverse environmental cues and to adjust gene expression accordingly at the transcriptional level. It has been recently recognized that prokaryotes also regulate many genes and operons at a posttranscriptional level with the participation of small, noncoding RNAs which serve to control translation initiation and stability of target mRNAs, either directly by establishing antisense interactions or indirectly by antagonizing RNA-binding proteins. Interestingly, the expression of a subset of these small RNAs is regulated by TCSs and in this way, the small RNAs expand the scope of genetic control exerted by TCSs. Here we review the regulatory mechanisms and biological relevance ofa number of small RNAs under TCS control in Gram-negative and -positive bacteria. These regulatory systems govern, for instance, porin-dependent permeability of the outer membrane, quorum-sensing control of pathogenicity, or biocontrol activity. Most likely, this emerging and rapidly expanding field of molecular microbiology will provide more and more examples in the near future.
The GTPases Rab3a and Rab27a and their effectors Granuphilin/Slp4 and Noc2 are essential regulators of neuroendocrine secretion. Chronic exposure of pancreatic beta-cells to supraphysiological glucose levels decreased selectively the expression of these proteins. This glucotoxic effect was mimicked by cAMP-raising agents and blocked by PKA inhibitors. We demonstrate that the transcriptional repressor ICER, which is induced in a PKA-dependent manner by chronic hyperglycemia and cAMP-raising agents, is responsible for the decline of the four genes. ICER overexpression diminished the level of Granuphilin, Noc2, Rab3a and Rab27a by binding to cAMP responsive elements located in the promoters of these genes and inhibited exocytosis of beta-cells in response to secretagogues. Moreover, the loss in the expression of the genes of the secretory machinery caused by glucose and cAMP-raising agents was prevented by an antisense construct that reduces ICER levels. We propose that induction of inappropriate ICER levels lead to defects in the secretory process of pancreatic beta-cells possibly contributing, in conjunction with other known deleterious effects of hyperglycemia, to defective insulin release in type 2 diabetes.
OBJECTIVE: Pancreatic beta-cells exposed to proinflammatory cytokines display alterations in gene expression resulting in defective insulin secretion and apoptosis. MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs emerging as key regulators of gene expression. Here, we evaluated the contribution of microRNAs to cytokine-mediated beta-cell cytotoxicity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We used global microarray profiling and real-time PCR analysis to detect changes in microRNA expression in beta-cells exposed to cytokines and in islets of pre-diabetic NOD mice. We assessed the involvement of the microRNAs affected in cytokine-mediated beta-cell failure by modifying their expression in insulin-secreting MIN6 cells. RESULTS: We found that IL-1beta and TNF-alpha induce the expression of miR-21, miR-34a, and miR-146a both in MIN6 cells and human pancreatic islets. We further show an increase of these microRNAs in islets of NOD mice during development of pre-diabetic insulitis. Blocking miR-21, miR-34a, or miR-146a function using antisense molecules did not restore insulin-promoter activity but prevented the reduction in glucose-induced insulin secretion observed upon IL-1beta exposure. Moreover, anti-miR-34a and anti-miR-146a treatment protected MIN6 cells from cytokine-triggered cell death. CONCLUSIONS: Our data identify miR-21, miR-34a, and miR-146a as novel players in beta-cell failure elicited in vitro and in vivo by proinflammatory cytokines, notably during the development of peri-insulitis that precedes overt diabetes in NOD mice.
Activation of cultured hepatic stellate cells correlated with an enhanced expression of proteins involved in uptake and storage of fatty acids (FA translocase CD36, Acyl-CoA synthetase 2) and retinol (cellular retinol binding protein type I, CRBP-I; lecithin:retinol acyltransferases, LRAT). The increased expression of CRBP-I and LRAT during hepatic stellate cells activation, both involved in retinol esterification, was in contrast with the simultaneous depletion of their typical lipid-vitamin A (vitA) reserves. Since hepatic stellate cells express high levels of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor beta (PPARbeta), which become further induced during transition into the activated phenotype, we investigated the potential role of PPARbeta in the regulation of these changes. Administration of L165041, a PPARbeta-specific agonist, further induced the expression of CD36, B-FABP, CRBP-I, and LRAT, whereas their expression was inhibited by antisense PPARbeta mRNA. PPARbeta-RXR dimers bound to CRBP-I promoter sequences. Our observations suggest that PPARbeta regulates the expression of these genes, and thus could play an important role in vitA storage. In vivo, we observed a striking association between the enhanced expression of PPARbeta and CRBP-I in activated myofibroblast-like hepatic stellate cells and the manifestation of vitA autofluorescent droplets in the fibrotic septa after injury with CCl4 or CCl4 in combination with retinol.
IB1/JIP-1 is a scaffold protein that interacts with upstream components of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway. IB1 is expressed at high levels in pancreatic beta cells and may therefore exert a tight control on signaling events mediated by JNK in these cells. Activation of JNK by interleukin 1 (IL-1beta) or by the upstream JNK constitutive activator DeltaMEKK1 promoted apoptosis in two pancreatic beta cell lines and decreased IB1 content by 50-60%. To study the functional consequences of the reduced IB1 content in beta cell lines, we used an insulin-secreting cell line expressing an inducible IB1 antisense RNA that lead to a 38% IB1 decrease. Reducing IB1 levels in these cells increased phosphorylation of c-Jun and increased the apoptotic rate in presence of IL-1beta. Nitric oxide production was not stimulated by expression of the IB1 antisense RNA. Complementary experiments indicated that overexpression of IB1 in insulin-producing cells prevented JNK-mediated activation of the transcription factors c-Jun, ATF2, and Elk1 and decreased IL-1beta- and DeltaMEKK1-induced apoptosis. These data indicate that IB1 plays an anti-apoptotic function in insulin-producing cells probably by controlling the activity of the JNK signaling pathway.