859 resultados para agile software development


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Många projekt misslyckas och en av anledningarna är dålig styrning av projektet i allmänhet och inom IT branschen i synnerhet. Baserad på kritik av de traditionella metoderna under de senaste åren, så har det uppkommit flera lättrörliga metoder som kallas Agila metoder. Scrum är den mest kända Agila metoden som används idag. Metoden lovar goda resultat, men i en artikel ur tidningen Computer Sweden (feb 2009) står det ”siffror visar att nio av tio Scrumprojekt misslyckas”. Artikeln triggade vårt intresse av att ta reda på vilka problem specifika för Scrum som många har kritiserat och valde därför att rikta in vår studie mot detta. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om lokala IT-företag i Borlänge, Headlight, Sogeti ochstatliga nätkapacitetleverantören Trafikverket ICT lider av det allmänna problem som de andra Scrumanvändarna upplever i samband med användningen av metoden. Denna uppsats har fokus på fyra problemområden: bristfällig dokumentation, sämre effektivitet i arbetsprocessen, sämre effektivitet i arbetsprocessen i stora projekt samt bristande stöd för utvärdering. För vår studie har litteraturstudier och intervjuer genomförts. Intervjuserier gjordes på elva personer hos våra fallföretag. Målgruppen för våra intervjuer är Product Owner (PO) ScrumMaster (SM) och utvecklare. Vi kan efter genomförd studie dra slutsatsen att de allmänna upplevda problem som de andra Scrumanvändaren upplever har vi även kunnat identifiera hos våra fallföretag. Resultaten har bekräftats med insamlade data och vår teoretiska ram. I diskussionen presenterar vi rekommendationer för att undvik relaterade problem med Scrum.


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To have an effective and efficient mechanism to store, manage and utilize software sources is essential to the automation of software engineering. The paper presents an innovative approach in managing software resources using software warehouse where software assets are systematically accumulated, deposited, retrieved, packaged, managed and utilized, driven by data-mining and OLAP technologies. The results lead to streamlined high efficient software development process and enhance the productivity in response to modern challenges of the design and development of software applications.


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Architecture description languages (ADLs) are used to specify high-level, compositional views of a software application. ADL research focuses on software composed of prefabricated parts, so-called software components. ADLs usually come equipped with rigorous state-transition style semantics, facilitating verification and analysis of specifications. Consequently, ADLs are well suited to configuring distributed and event-based systems. However, additional expressive power is required for the description of enterprise software architectures – in particular, those built upon newer middleware, such as implementations of Java’s EJB specification, or Microsoft’s COM+/.NET. The enterprise requires distributed software solutions that are scalable, business-oriented and mission-critical. We can make progress toward attaining these qualities at various stages of the software development process. In particular, progress at the architectural level can be leveraged through use of an ADL that incorporates trust and dependability analysis. Also, current industry approaches to enterprise development do not address several important architectural design issues. The TrustME ADL is designed to meet these requirements, through combining approaches to software architecture specification with rigorous design-by-contract ideas. In this paper, we focus on several aspects of TrustME that facilitate specification and analysis of middleware-based architectures for trusted enterprise computing systems.


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The risk of failure of the software development process remains high despite many attempts to improve the quality of software engineering. Contemporary approaches to process assurance, such as the capability maturity model have not prevented systemic failures, nor have project management methodologies provided guarantees of software quality. The paper proposes an approach to software quality assurance based on a knowledge mediated concurrent audit, which incorporates essential feedback processes. Through a tightly integrated approach to quality audit, programmers would be empowered to use any chosen methodology to advantage, supported by intelligent monitoring of the essential interactions which occur in the development process. An experimental application implementing some aspects of the proposal is described


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This paper outlines an introductory course in software engineering undertaken by computing students at Deakin University. The course focuses on areas of that are often not emphasized in introductory software engineering. These areas include formal problem solving, management of software development, communication, and working in groups. The approach includes the application of concepts in a collaborative group setting. Enhancements to the course have been made over a number of semesters and evidence suggests that our overall approach is working. The skills acquired by students taking this course can be applied to later courses in software engineering, particularly the capstone project course, and to professional life


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This paper presents an assessment of system effectiveness in automatic requirements refinement by comparing results obtained from experts and novices with those achieved by the system. As the investigated system was a combination of a tightly inter-connected methods and a tool, the evaluation framework melded together a number of distinct methodological approaches structured into three empirical studies, which aimed at the construction of a case problem domain, calibrating the system using this defined domain elements and finally using the calibrated system to assess its effectiveness. In consequence, it was concluded that the evaluated methods and tools were effective in supporting requirements refinement.


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Automating Software Engineering is the dream of software Engineers for decades. To make this dream to come to true, data mining can play an important role. Our recent research has shown that to increase the productivity and to reduce the cost of software development, it is essential to have an effective and efficient mechanism to store, manage and utilize existing software resources, and thus to automate software analysis, testing, evaluation and to make use of existing software for new problems. This paper firstly provides a brief overview of traditional data mining followed by a presentation on data mining in broader sense. Secondly, it presents the idea and the technology of software warehouse as an innovative approach in managing software resources using the idea of data warehouse where software assets are systematically accumulated, deposited, retrieved, packaged, managed and utilized driven by data mining and OLAP technologies. Thirdly, we presented the concepts and technology and their applications of data mining and data matrix including software warehouse to software engineering. The perspectives of the role of software warehouse and software mining in modern software development are addressed. We expect that the results will lead to a streamlined high efficient software development process and enhance the productivity in response to modern challenges of the design and development of software applications.


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Global software development teams are highly dependent on technology for daily activities and production. Researchers have investigated the areas such as communication and time-zone difficulties when working across global boundaries during the last decade. However, this research explores job satisfaction, efficiency and the quality of working life of people working in a medium sized globally distributed software development organisation. It is assumed that the work structures of organisations of today are influenced by the theories from the past. This paper focus upon the issues that faces an Australian organisation involved in global software development, the research compares and contrasts the feelings of the employees using a Sociotechnical approach. The discussion highlights several problems areas specific to the organisation which will lay the foundation for future research.


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Preliminary research into the critical factors associated with software development/implementation identified three dimensions for successful implementation based on alignment of the requirements engineering process with business needs, change management process and quality of the implementation process. Research results demonstrate the link between the conceptual model for process quality and the process management attributes determined during the research.


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Software reliability growth models (SRGMs) are extensively employed in software engineering to assess the reliability of software before their release for operational use. These models are usually parametric functions obtained by statistically fitting parametric curves, using Maximum Likelihood estimation or Least–squared method, to the plots of the cumulative number of failures observed N(t) against a period of systematic testing time t. Since the 1970s, a very large number of SRGMs have been proposed in the reliability and software engineering literature and these are often very complex, reflecting the involved testing regime that often took place during the software development process. In this paper we extend some of our previous work by adopting a nonparametric approach to SRGM modeling based on local polynomial modeling with kernel smoothing. These models require very few assumptions, thereby facilitating the estimation process and also rendering them more relevant under a wide variety of situations. Finally, we provide numerical examples where these models will be evaluated and compared.


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Performance is a crucial attribute for most software, making performance analysis an important software engineering task. The difficulty is that modern applications are challenging to analyse for performance. Many profiling techniques used in real-world software development struggle to provide useful results when applied to large-scale object-oriented applications. There is a substantial body of research into software performance generally but currently there exists no survey of this research that would help identify approaches useful for object-oriented software. To provide such a review we performed a systematic mapping study of empirical performance analysis approaches that are applicable to object-oriented software. Using keyword searches against leading software engineering research databases and manual searches of relevant venues we identified over 5,000 related articles published since January 2000. From these we systematically selected 253 applicable articles and categorised them according to ten facets that capture the intent, implementation and evaluation of the approaches. Our mapping study results allow us to highlight the main contributions of the existing literature and identify areas where there are interesting opportunities. We also find that, despite the research including approaches specifically aimed at object-oriented software, there are significant challenges in providing actionable feedback on the performance of large-scale object-oriented applications.


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Context To determine the effectiveness of software testers a suitable performance appraisal approach is necessary, both for research and practice purposes. However, review of relevant literature reveals little information of how software testers are appraised in practice. Objective (i) To enhance our knowledge of industry practice of performance appraisal of software testers and (ii) to collect feedback from project managers on a proposed performance appraisal form for software testers. Method A web-based survey with questionnaire was used to collect responses. Participants were recruited using cluster and snowball sampling. 18 software development project managers participated. Results We found two broad trends in performance appraisal of software testers - same employee appraisal process for all employees and a specialized performance appraisal method for software testers. Detailed opinions were collected and analyzed on how performance of software testers should be appraised. Our proposed appraisal approach was generally well-received. Conclusion Factors such as number of bugs found after delivery and efficiency of executing test cases were considered important in appraising software testers' performance. Our proposed approach was refined based on the feedback received.


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Software testing is the process of an execution based investigation of some aspects of the software's quality. The efficiency of the process depends on the methods and technologies used, but crucially also on the human testers. Software testers typically attempt to anticipate and expose ways software may be defective, a fundamentally different task set to those of other software development practitioners. This raises the question of whether the personality of software testers may be different to other people involved in software development. To test this hypothesis, we collected personality profiles using the big five factor model of around 200 software development practitioners. Analysis of this data indicates that software testers are significantly higher on the conscientiousness factor than other software development practitioners, while other factors remain broadly consistent.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura para Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software (ADS). Esta arquitetura é baseada em produtos comerciais de prateleira (COTS), principalmente em um Sistema de Gerência de Workflow – SGW (Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server – E2K) - e tem como plataforma de funcionamento a Internet, integrando também algumas ferramentas que fazem parte do grande conjunto de aplicativos que é utilizado no processo de desenvolvimento de software. O desenvolvimento de um protótipo (WOSDIE – WOrkflow-based Software Development Integrated Environment) baseado na arquitetura apresentada é descrito em detalhes, mostrando as etapas de construção, funções implementadas e dispositivos necessários para a integração de um SGW, ferramentas de desenvolvimento, banco de dados (WSS – Web Storage System) e outros, para a construção de um ADS. O processo de software aplicado no WOSDIE foi extraído do RUP (Rational Unified Process – Processo Unificado Rational). Este processo foi modelado na ferramenta Workflow Designer, que permite a modelagem dos processos de workflow dentro do E2K. A ativação de ferramentas a partir de um navegador Web e o armazenamento dos artefatos produzidos em um projeto de software também são abordados. O E2K faz o monitoramento dos eventos que ocorrem dentro do ambiente WOSDIE, definindo, a partir das condições modeladas no Workflow Designer, quais atividades devem ser iniciadas após o término de alguma atividade anterior e quem é o responsável pela execução destas novas atividades (assinalamento de atividades). A arquitetura proposta e o protótipo WOSDIE são avaliados segundo alguns critérios retirados de vários trabalhos. Estas avaliações mostram em mais detalhes as características da arquitetura proposta e proporcionam uma descrição das vantagens e problemas associados ao WOSDIE.