992 resultados para Zero order


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We study the continuous problem y"=f(x,y,y'), xc[0,1], 0=G((y(0),y(1)),(y'(0), y'(1))), and its discrete approximation (y(k+1)-2y(k)+y(k-1))/h(2) =f(t(k), y(k), v(k)), k = 1,..., n-1, 0 = G((y(0), y(n)), (v(1), v(n))), where f and G = (g(0), g(1)) are continuous and fully nonlinear, h = 1/n, v(k) = (y(k) - y(k-1))/h, for k =1,..., n, and t(k) = kh, for k = 0,...,n. We assume there exist strict lower and strict upper solutions and impose additional conditions on f and G which are known to yield a priori bounds on, and to guarantee the existence of solutions of the continuous problem. We show that the discrete approximation also has solutions which approximate solutions of the continuous problem and converge to the solution of the continuous problem when it is unique, as the grid size goes to 0. Homotopy methods can be used to compute the solution of the discrete approximation. Our results were motivated by those of Gaines.


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This paper addresses robust model-order reduction of a high dimensional nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) model of a complex biological process. Based on a nonlinear, distributed parameter model of the same process which was validated against experimental data of an existing, pilot-scale BNR activated sludge plant, we developed a state-space model with 154 state variables in this work. A general algorithm for robustly reducing the nonlinear PDE model is presented and based on an investigation of five state-of-the-art model-order reduction techniques, we are able to reduce the original model to a model with only 30 states without incurring pronounced modelling errors. The Singular perturbation approximation balanced truncating technique is found to give the lowest modelling errors in low frequency ranges and hence is deemed most suitable for controller design and other real-time applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Error condition detected We consider discrete two-point boundary value problems of the form D-2 y(k+1) = f (kh, y(k), D y(k)), for k = 1,...,n - 1, (0,0) = G((y(0),y(n));(Dy-1,Dy-n)), where Dy-k = (y(k) - Yk-I)/h and h = 1/n. This arises as a finite difference approximation to y" = f(x,y,y'), x is an element of [0,1], (0,0) = G((y(0),y(1));(y'(0),y'(1))). We assume that f and G = (g(0), g(1)) are continuous and fully nonlinear, that there exist pairs of strict lower and strict upper solutions for the continuous problem, and that f and G satisfy additional assumptions that are known to yield a priori bounds on, and to guarantee the existence of solutions of the continuous problem. Under these assumptions we show that there are at least three distinct solutions of the discrete approximation which approximate solutions to the continuous problem as the grid size, h, goes to 0. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We describe a direct method of partitioning the 840 Steiner triple systems of order 9 into 120 large sets. The method produces partitions in which all of the large sets are isomorphic and we apply the method to each of the two non-isomorphic large sets of STS(9).


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This paper conducts a dynamic stability analysis of symmetrically laminated FGM rectangular plates with general out-of-plane supporting conditions, subjected to a uniaxial periodic in-plane load and undergoing uniform temperature change. Theoretical formulations are based on Reddy's third-order shear deformation plate theory, and account for the temperature dependence of material properties. A semi-analytical Galerkin-differential quadrature approach is employed to convert the governing equations into a linear system of Mathieu-Hill equations from which the boundary points on the unstable regions are determined by Bolotin's method. Free vibration and bifurcation buckling are also discussed as subset problems. Numerical results are presented in both dimensionless tabular and graphical forms for laminated plates with FGM layers made of silicon nitride and stainless steel. The influences of various parameters such as material composition, layer thickness ratio, temperature change, static load level, boundary constraints on the dynamic stability, buckling and vibration frequencies are examined in detail through parametric studies.


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O prop??sito deste trabalho ?? apresentar os fundamentos, as dificuldades e os desafios de duas reestrutura????es: a da natureza da despesa, vigente desde 1990 e a da classifica????o funcional-program??tica, a partir do ano 2000, ambas inseridas no escopo maior da chamada reforma gerencial dos processos de planejamento e or??amento.


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Com a Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (1988), a intersetorialidade imprimiu nas políticas públicas de educação e seguridade social uma construção e uma operacionalidade mais articuladas e interdependentes. Entre as leis e portarias interministeriais, destaca-se o Programa Benefício de Prestação Continuada na Escola, que atende pessoas com deficiência de zero a dezoito anos de idade. Nesta pesquisa, questionam-se as interfaces entre as políticas públicas da educação especial e da seguridade social. São objetivos da pesquisa: analisar as interfaces das políticas públicas sociais – educação especial e seguridade social – no que se refere à garantia de direitos à educação de crianças com deficiência ou Transtornos Globais do Desenvolvimento, entre zero e cinco anos, no município de Vitória, Estado do Espírito Santo; identificar como se configuram as interdependências entre profissionais da educação especial e da seguridade social e os familiares (pais ou responsáveis) dessas crianças perante seus processos educacionais; compreender os diferentes movimentos entre as instituições de educação e da seguridade social e suas implicações para a inclusão escolar das crianças com deficiência ou Transtorno Global do Desenvolvimento; analisar como os profissionais da educação e da seguridade social lançam perspectivas para os processos de inclusão escolar e estabelecem diálogo com a família acerca da educação dessas crianças. Esta é uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, estudo de caso com coleta de dados empíricos e bibliográficos, na qual foram sujeitos: mães de três crianças de três Centros Municipais de Educação Infantil de Vitória; professoras da sala de atividades e de educação especial, pedagogas e diretoras; técnicos das Secretarias Municipais de Vitória: Educação, Saúde e Assistência Social e do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social. As técnicas empregadas para coleta de dados foram a entrevista o grupo focal e o diário de itinerância. Foram procedimentos adotados para o registro dos dados a audiogravação de entrevistas e de grupos focais e anotações em diário de itinerância. Os dados foram organizados em cinco categorias de análise, produzidas por meio das narrativas dos familiares e dos profissionais participantes da pesquisa. Os conceitos de Norbert Elias, interdependência e configuração, relação de poder – estabelecidos e outsiders –, processos sociais e relação entre sociedade e Estado (balança do poder) contribuíram para compreender os dados, por serem observados nas categorias produzidas. Os resultados apontam para a fragilidade de Global do Desenvolvimento, no município de Vitória. Revelam, ainda, uma inconsistência de fluxos de referência e contrarreferência e lacunas na dimensão técnica e operativa para as interfaces das políticas públicas intersetoriais com práticas profissionais que cumpram o papel político conforme outorga a legislação federal e municipal. As considerações se ampliam para discussões entre o instituído e o instituinte – políticas públicas e práticas profissionais – que priorizem a efetivação da intersetorialidade diante das demandas do público investigado com vista à garantia dos direitos de acesso a uma educação de qualidade.


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O Teorema Central do Limite e a Lei dos Grandes Números estão entre os mais importantes resultados da teoria da probabilidade. O primeiro deles busca condições sob as quais [fórmula] converge em distribuição para a distribuição normal com parâmetros 0 e 1, quando n tende ao infinito, onde Sn é a soma de n variáveis aleatórias independentes. Ao mesmo tempo, o segundo estabelece condições para que [fórmula] convirja a zero, ou equivalentemente, para que [fórmula] convirja para a esperança das variáveis aleatórias, caso elas sejam identicamente distribuídas. Em ambos os casos as sequências abordadas são do tipo [fórmula], onde [fórmula] e [fórmula] são constantes reais. Caracterizar os possíveis limites de tais sequências é um dos objetivos dessa dissertação, já que elas não convergem exclusivamente para uma variável aleatória degenerada ou com distribuição normal como na Lei dos Grandes Números e no Teorema Central do Limite, respectivamente. Assim, somos levados naturalmente ao estudo das distribuições infinitamente divisíveis e estáveis, e os respectivos teoremas limites, e este vem a ser o objetivo principal desta dissertação. Para as demonstrações dos teoremas utiliza-se como estratégia principal a aplicação do método de Lyapunov, o qual consiste na análise da convergência da sequência de funções características correspondentes às variáveis aleatórias. Nesse sentido, faremos também uma abordagem detalhada de tais funções neste trabalho.


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Is it possible to talk about the rise of a new global (dis)order founded on the challenges posed by environmental issues? Through the review of the state of the art on the subject, this article analyzes the growing importance of the environment, and natural resources in particular, in international relations; and aims to raise awareness among International Relations scholars to the potential positive impact of the development of the discipline in integration with global environmental change studies.


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Abstract The European Union (EU) is one of the world´s leading donors in official development assistance (ODA) to give a strong weight in the relationship with recipient partner countries, in particular with those that are more dependent on it. Besides the material weight of its funding, the EU has retained historical ties and influence in diplomatic, political and economic terms in many of its ODA recipient partner countries (particular in Sub-Saharan Africa). Since the 2000s, the EU development policy has not only undergone major structural changes in its institutional framework but also has started to face a new international aid scenario. This paper explores why a normative-based EU development policy is being challenged by reformed EU institutions and a new global order, and how the EU is attempting to respond to this context in face of the deepest recession since the end of the Second World War.


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Program slicing is a well known family of techniques intended to identify and isolate code fragments which depend on, or are depended upon, specific program entities. This is particularly useful in the areas of reverse engineering, program understanding, testing and software maintenance. Most slicing methods, and corresponding tools, target either the imperative or the object oriented paradigms, where program slices are computed with respect to a variable or a program statement. Taking a complementary point of view, this paper focuses on the slicing of higher-order functional programs under a lazy evaluation strategy. A prototype of a Haskell slicer, built as proof-of-concept for these ideas, is also introduced


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ABSTRACTAiming to compare three different methods for the determination of organic carbon (OC) in the soil and fractions of humic substances, seventeen Brazilian soil samples of different classes and textures were evaluated. Amounts of OC in the soil samples and the humic fractions were measured by the dichromate-oxidation method, with and without external heating in a digestion block at 130 °C for 30 min; by the loss-on-ignition method at 450 °C during 5 h and at 600 °C during 6 h; and by the dry combustion method. Dry combustion was used as reference in order to measure the efficiency of the other methods. Soil OC measured by the dichromate-oxidation method with external heating had the highest efficiency and the best results comparing to the reference method. When external heating was not used, the mean recovery efficiency dropped to 71%. The amount of OC was overestimated by the loss-on-ignition methods. Regression equations obtained between total OC contents of the reference method and those of the other methods showed relatively good adjustment, but all intercepts were different from zero (p < 0.01), which suggests that more accuracy can be obtained using not one single correction factor, but considering also the intercept. The Walkley-Black method underestimated the OC contents of the humic fractions, which was associated with the partial oxidation of the humin fraction. Better results were obtained when external heating was used. For the organic matter fractions, the OC in the humic and fulvic acid fractions can be determined without external heating if the reference method is not available, but the humin fraction requires the external heating.