287 resultados para Zebra danio
Cette étude s’encadre dans le projet Language Toolkit, qui dérive de la collaboration entre la Chambre de Commerce de Forlì-Cesena et la Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione de Forlì. L’objectif du projet est de permettre aux étudiants de dernière année de faculté de connaître l’univers des entreprises. Grâce à la collaboration avec APA-CT srl de Forlì, leader dans le secteur de la phytothérapie vétérinaire, et spécialisée dans la production de compléments alimentaires naturels destinés aux animaux, on a réalisé la localisation en français du site web GreenVet. Cette dissertation se compose de quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre offre une présentation de APA-CT srl et de ses produits. De plus, on définit les détails du projet de localisation du site web GreenVet. Dans le deuxième chapitre on propose, en premier lieu, une réflexion sur les langues spéciales et sur la terminologie scientifique. En deuxième lieu, on aborde, aussi bien du point de vue théorique que du point de vue pratique (à travers des exemples), les caractéristiques de la terminologie de la phytothérapie vétérinaire. En troisième lieu, on explique la méthodologie de travail adoptée pendant la réalisation du projet de localisation, qui a été divisé en deux sous-phases : d’abord, on a effectué une recherche terminologique pour délimiter le domaine en question et, après, on a crée des ressources (corpus, glossaire) utiles pour la traduction. Le troisième chapitre offre une réflexion à propos de la localisation des sites web. Ensuite, on propose une analyse contrastive entre les sites web italiens et français traitant de la phytothérapie vétérinaire. Finalement, le quatrième chapitre est dédié à l’activité pratique de localisation. On a analysé le texte de départ au niveau de la structure, des aspects linguistiques et on a individué les difficultés de traduction. Après, on explique la méthodologie de travail suivie et les stratégies adoptées pendant la traduction.
La presente tesi magistrale si inserisce nell’ambito del progetto Language Toolkit e nasce in particolare dalla collaborazione tra il presente autore e l’azienda Tecnopress S.a.s. Nell’ottica dell’internazionalizzazione della propria attività l’azienda ha richiesto che il proprio sito web venisse sottoposto ad un processo di localizzazione dall’italiano verso l’inglese. Sulla base di queste premesse si è deciso di dividere il lavoro in tre parti: una fase teorica, una fase preparatoria e una fase pratica. La prima fase si è occupata di gettare le basi teoriche necessarie per affrontare consapevolmente l’incarico assegnato. Alla luce delle conclusioni della fase teorica è stata constatata l’esigenza di modificare la natura dell’intervento che si era preventivato di effettuare sul sito web. Fulcro della localizzazione è infatti il locale, ovvero la combinazione di regione socioculturale e lingua presa a riferimento per un processo di localizzazione web. Nelle richieste avanzate dall’azienda figuravano esclusivamente indicazioni relative alla lingua (l’inglese), non già alla regione socioculturale su cui modellare l’intervento di localizzazione del sito. Si è rivelato pertanto necessario procedere autonomamente alla definizione di un locale per il presente progetto, che è stato fatto coincidere con la macrozona europea e cui è stato associato un modello ibrido di English Lingua Franca e Simplified Technical English. Il focus dell’intervento non è stato dunque una regione geografica circoscritta ma una realtà socioculturale molto più ampia e variegata: l’adozione di un locale così ampio e il rispetto dell’indicazione sulla lingua hanno portato il presente autore a optare per un intervento di standardizzazione web. Chiude il presente lavoro una fase operativa, durante la quale sono state create le risorse necessarie al progetto (si segnala in particolare un corpus su misura) e sono state effettuate la standardizzazione e una serie di considerazioni traduttive.
This dissertation is the result of my participation in the Language Toolkit project, a recent collaboration between the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì and the School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Interpreting and Translation at the University of Bologna, which aims to make students meet with the companies of our territory, in this case Ipack, based in Mercato Saraceno (FC). My dissertation is a specialized translation work from Italian into English of two documents that were entrusted to me: the declaration of compliance of Ipack’s products and a summary of the quality manual. They are two high technical texts and, therefore, the translation task required a preliminary phase of research on the topics and on the terminology of this specific domain. The dissertation consists of five chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the company with which I collaborated for my dissertation project and provides an overview of business communication and a brief classification of Ipack’s communication tools. The second chapter covers the background topics, namely food packaging and quality management systems within companies. The third chapter concerns the analysis of the two texts, describing the intra-textual and extra-textual aspects, as well as the morphosyntaxical and lexical features. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the revision work on one of the two texts, the one about quality procedures. In the commentary following my review, I explain the methodology and the strategies that I used and I also provide some extended examples of the main changes applied to the original text, with respect to both content and linguistic features. Finally, the fifth chapter focuses on the translation of the texts followed by a commentary that explains the work methodology, resources and my translation choices, accompanied by practical examples.
Funduscopy is one of the most commonly used diagnostic tools in the ophthalmic practice, allowing for a ready assessment of pathological changes in the retinal vasculature and the outer retina. This non-invasive technique has so far been rarely used in animal model for ophthalmic diseases, albeit its potential as a screening assay in genetic screens. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is well suited for such genetic screens for ocular alterations. Therefore we developed funduscopy in adult zebrafish and employed it as a screening tool to find alterations in the anterior segment and the fundus of the eye of genetically modified adult animals.A stereomicroscope with coaxial reflected light illumination was used to obtain fundus color images of the zebrafish. In order to find lens and retinal alterations, a pilot screen of 299 families of the F3 generation of ENU-treated adult zebrafish was carried out.Images of the fundus of the eye and the anterior segment can be rapidly obtained and be used to identify alterations in genetically modified animals. A number of putative mutants with cataracts, defects in the cornea, eye pigmentation, ocular vessels and retina were identified. This easily implemented method can also be used to obtain fundus images from rodent retinas.In summary, we present funduscopy as a valuable tool to analyse ocular abnormalities in adult zebrafish and other small animal models. A proof of principle screen identified a number of putative mutants, making funduscopy based screens in zebrafish feasible.
Excessive Cladophora growth in the Great Lakes has led to beach fouling and the temporary closure of nuclear power plants and has been associated with avian botulism and the persistence of human pathogens. As the growth-limiting nutrient for Cladophora, phosphorus is the appropriate target for management efforts. Dreissenids (zebra and quagga mussels) have the ability to capture particulate phase phosphorus (otherwise unavailable to Cladophora) and release it in a soluble, available form. The significance of this potential nutrient source is, in part, influenced by the interplay between phosphorus flux from the mussel bed and turbulent mixing in establishing the phosphorus levels to which Cladophora is exposed. It is hypothesized that under quiescent conditions phosphorus will accumulate near the sediment-water interface, setting up vertical phosphorus gradients and favorable conditions for resource delivery to Cladophora. These gradients would be eliminated under conditions of wind mixing, reducing the significance of the dreissenid-mediated nutrient contribution. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) levels were monitored over dreissenid beds (densities on the order of 350•m-2 and 3000∙m-2) at a site 8 m deep in Lake Michigan. Monitoring was based on the deployment of Modified Hesslein Samplers which collected samples for SRP analysis over a distance of 34 cm above the bottom in 2.5 cm intervals. Deployment intervals were established to capture a wind regime (calm, windy) that persisted for an interval consistent with the sampler equilibration time of 7 hours. Results indicate that increased mussel density leads to an increased concentration boundary layer; increased wind speed leads to entrainment of the concentration boundary layer; and increased duration of quiescent periods leads to an increased concentration boundary layer. This concentration boundary layer is of ecological significance and forms in the region inhabited by Cladophora
Background: Research on the evolution of reproductive isolation in African cichlid fishes has largely focussed on the role of male colours and female mate choice. Here, we tested predictions from the hypothesis that allopatric divergence in male colour is associated with corresponding divergence in preference. Methods: We studied four populations of the Lake Malawi Pseudotropheus zebra complex. We predicted that more distantly-related populations that independently evolved similar colours would interbreed freely while more closely-related populations with different colours mate assortatively. We used microsatellite genotypes or mesh false-floors to assign paternity. Fisher's exact tests as well as Binomial and Wilcoxon tests were used to detect if mating departed from random expectations. Results: Surprisingly, laboratory mate choice experiments revealed significant assortative mating not only between population pairs with differently coloured males, but between population pairs with similarly-coloured males too. This suggested that assortative mating could be based on nonvisual cues, so we further examined the sensory basis of assortative mating between two populations with different male colour. Conducting trials under monochromatic (orange) light, intended to mask the distinctive male dorsal fin hues (blue v orange) of these populations, did not significantly affect the assortative mating by female P. emmiltos observed under control conditions. By contrast, assortative mating broke down when direct contact between female and male was prevented. Conclusion: We suggest that non-visual cues, such as olfactory signals, may play an important role in mate choice and behavioural isolation in these and perhaps other African cichlid fish. Future speciation models aimed at explaining African cichlid radiations may therefore consider incorporating such mating cues in mate choice scenarios.
Horses, asses and zebras belong to the genus Equus and are the only extant species of the family Equidae in the order Perissodactyla. In a previous work we demonstrated that a key factor in the rapid karyotypic evolution of this genus was evolutionary centromere repositioning, that is, the shift of the centromeric function to a new position without alteration of the order of markers along the chromosome. In search of previously undiscovered evolutionarily new centromeres, we traced the phylogeny of horse chromosome 5, analyzing the order of BAC markers, derived from a horse genomic library, in 7 Equus species (E. caballus, E. hemionus onager, E. kiang, E. asinus, E. grevyi, E. burchelli and E. zebra hartmannae). This analysis showed that repositioned centromeres are present in E. asinus (domestic donkey, EAS) chromosome 16 and in E. burchelli (Burchell's zebra, EBU) chromosome 17, confirming that centromere repositioning is a strikingly frequent phenomenon in this genus. The observation that the neocentromeres in EAS16 and EBU17 are in the same chromosomal position suggests that they may derive from the same event and therefore, E. asinus and E. burchelli may be more closely related than previously proposed; alternatively, 2 centromere repositioning events, involving the same chromosomal region, may have occurred independently in different lineages, pointing to the possible existence of hot spots for neocentromere formation. Our comparative analysis also showed that, while E. caballus chromosome 5 seems to represent the ancestral configuration, centric fission followed by independent fusion events gave rise to 3 different submetacentric chromosomes in other Equus lineages.
Primary loss of photoreceptors caused by diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa is one of the main causes of blindness worldwide. To study such diseases, rodent models of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced retinal degeneration are widely used. As zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a popular model system for visual research that offers persistent retinal neurogenesis throughout the lifetime and retinal regeneration after severe damage, we have established a novel MNU-induced model in this species. Histology with staining for apoptosis (TUNEL), proliferation (PCNA), activated Müller glial cells (GFAP), rods (rhodopsin) and cones (zpr-1) were performed. A characteristic sequence of retinal changes was found. First, apoptosis of rod photoreceptors occurred 3 days after MNU treatment and resulted in a loss of rod cells. Consequently, proliferation started in the inner nuclear layer (INL) with a maximum at day 8, whereas in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) a maximum was observed at day 15. The proliferation in the ONL persisted to the end of the follow-up (3 months), interestingly, without ongoing rod cell death. We demonstrate that rod degeneration is a sufficient trigger for the induction of Müller glial cell activation, even if only a minimal number of rod cells undergo cell death. In conclusion, the use of MNU is a simple and feasible model for rod photoreceptor degeneration in the zebrafish that offers new insights into rod regeneration.
The molecular mechanisms governing sex determination and differentiation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) are not fully understood. To gain more insights into the function of specific genes in these complex processes, the expression of multiple candidates needs to be assessed, preferably on the protein level. Here, we developed a targeted proteomics method based on selected reaction monitoring (SRM) to study the candidate sex-related proteins in zebrafish which were selected based on a global proteomics analysis of adult gonads and representational difference analysis of male and female DNA, as well as on published information on zebrafish and other vertebrates. We employed the developed SRM protocols to acquire time-resolved protein expression profiles during the gonad differentiation period in vas::EGFP transgenic zebrafish. Evidence on protein expression was obtained for the first time for several candidate genes previously studied only on the mRNA level or suggested by bioinformatic predictions. Tuba1b (tubulin alpha 1b), initially included in the study as one of the potential housekeeping proteins, was found to be preferentially expressed in the adult testis with nearly absent expression in the ovary. The revealed changes in protein expression patterns associated with gonad differentiation suggest that several of the examined proteins, especially Ilf2 and Ilf3 (interleukin enhancer-binding factors 2 and 3), Raldh3 (retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type 3), Zgc:195027 (low density lipoprotein-related receptor protein 3) and Sept5a (septin 5a), may play a specific role in the sexual differentiation in zebrafish.
Scuticociliatosis is an economically important, frequently fatal disease of marine fish in aquaculture, caused by histophagous ciliated protozoa in the subclass Scuticociliatida of the phylum Ciliophora. A rapidly lethal systemic scuticociliate infection is described that affected aquarium-captive zebra sharks (Stegostoma fasciatum), Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni), and a Japanese horn shark (Heterodontus japonicus). Animals died unexpectedly or after a brief period of lethargy or behavioral abnormality. Gross findings included necrohemorrhagic hepatitis and increased volumes of celomic fluid. Histologically, 1 or more of a triad of necrotizing hepatitis, necrotizing meningoencephalitis, and thrombosing branchitis were seen in all cases, with necrotizing vasculitis or intravascular fibrinocellular thrombi. Lesions contained variably abundant invading ciliated protozoa. Molecular identification by polymerase chain reaction from formalin-fixed tissues identified these as the scuticociliate Philasterides dicentrarchi (syn. Miamiensis avidus), a novel and potentially emergent pathogen in sharks.
Humans possess a highly developed sensitivity for facial features. This sensitivity is also deployed to non-human beings and inanimate objects such as cars. In the present study we aimed to investigate whether car design has a bearing on the behaviour of pedestrians. Methods: An immersive virtual reality environment with a zebra crossing was used to determine a) whether the minimum accepted distance for crossing the street is bigger for cars with dominant appearance than for cars with friendly appearance (Block 1) and b) whether the speed of dominant cars are overestimated compared to friendly cars (Block 2). In Block 1, the participant's task was to cross the road in front of an approaching car at the latest moment. The point of time when entering and leaving the street was measured. In Block 2 they were asked to estimate the speed of each passing car. An independent sample rated dominant cars as being more dominant, angry and hostile than friendly cars. Results: None of the predictions regarding the car design was confirmed. Instead, there was an effect of starting position: From the centre island, participants entered the road significantly later (smaller accepted distance) and left the road later than when starting from the pavement. Consistently, the speed of the cars was estimated significantly lower when standing on the centre island compared to the pavement. When entering the visual size of the cars as factor (instead of dominance), we found that participants started to cross the road significantly later in front of small cars compared to big cars and that the speed of smaller cars was overestimated compared to big cars (size-speed bias). Conclusions: Car size and starting position, not car design seem to have an influence on road crossing behaviour.
Cichlid fishes are famous for large, diverse and replicated adaptive radiations in the Great Lakes of East Africa. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying cichlid phenotypic diversity, we sequenced the genomes and transcriptomes of five lineages of African cichlids: the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), an ancestral lineage with low diversity; and four members of the East African lineage: Neolamprologus brichardi/pulcher (older radiation, Lake Tanganyika), Metriaclima zebra (recent radiation, Lake Malawi), Pundamilia nyererei (very recent radiation, Lake Victoria), and Astatotilapia burtoni (riverine species around Lake Tanganyika). We found an excess of gene duplications in the East African lineage compared to tilapia and other teleosts, an abundance of non-coding element divergence, accelerated coding sequence evolution, expression divergence associated with transposable element insertions, and regulation by novel microRNAs. In addition, we analysed sequence data from sixty individuals representing six closely related species from Lake Victoria, and show genome-wide diversifying selection on coding and regulatory variants, some of which were recruited from ancient polymorphisms. We conclude that a number of molecular mechanisms shaped East African cichlid genomes, and that amassing of standing variation during periods of relaxed purifying selection may have been important in facilitating subsequent evolutionary diversification.
The Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), created in consequence of the Yangtze River's impoundment by the Three Gorges Dam, faces numerous anthropogenic impacts that challenge its unique ecosystem. Organic pollutants, particularly aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists, have been widely detected in the Yangtze River, but only little research was yet done on AhR-mediated activities. Hence, in order to assess effects of organic pollution, with particular focus on AhR-mediated activities, several sites in the TGR area were examined applying the "triad approach". It combines chemical analysis, in vitro, in vivo and in situ investigations to a holistic assessment. Sediments and the benthic fish species Pelteobagrus vachellii were sampled in 2011/2012, respectively, to identify relevant endpoints. Sediment was tested in vitro with the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction assay, and in vivo with the Fish Embryo Toxicity Test and Sediment Contact Assay with Danio rerio. Activities of phase I (EROD) and phase II (glutathione-S-transferase) biotransformation enzymes, pollutant metabolites and histopathological alterations were studied in situ in P. vachellii. EROD induction was tested in vitro and in situ to evaluate possible relationships. Two sites, near Chongqing and Kaixian city, were identified as regional hot-spots and further investigated in 2013. The sediments induced in the in vitro/in vivo bioassays AhR-mediated activities and embryotoxic/teratogenic effects - particularly on the cardiovascular system. These endpoints could be significantly correlated to each other and respective chemical data. However, particle-bound pollutants showed only low bioavailability. The in situ investigations suggested a rather poor condition of P. vachellii, with histopathological alterations in liver and excretory kidney. Fish from Chongqing city exhibited significant hepatic EROD induction and obvious parasitic infestations. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolite 1-hydroxypyrene was detected in bile of fish from all sites. All endpoints in combination with the chemical data suggest a pivotal role of PAHs in the observed ecotoxicological impacts.
La producción de Solanum tuberosum L., Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. y Physalis ixocarpa Brot. (Solanales: Solanaceae) ha sufrido fuertes pérdidas económicas por la presencia de Bactericera cockerelli Sulc. (Hemiptera: Triozidae) al asociarse con las enfermedades punta morada o “zebra chip", además de ser el transmisor de Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum. Las alternativas de control utilizadas han carecido de eficacia por desconocer la distribución espacial del insecto dentro de la parcela. Conocer dicho comportamiento permitiría focalizar las alternativas de control, haciéndolas más eficaces. Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo modelizar la distribución espacial de los estadíos de huevo, ninfa y adulto de B. cockerelli obtenidos en muestreos por transectos en un cultivo de papa, utilizando herramientas geoestadísticas. Los resultados indican que la distribución espacial de las poblaciones de huevos, ninfas y adultos de B. cockerelli fue de tipo agregada en cada fecha de muestreo. La validación cruzada de los semivariogramas obtenidos corrobora la distribución agregada en las poblaciones de B. cockerelli. Por su parte, los mapas elaborados permiten observar la estructura agregada de las poblaciones del insecto, permitiendo identificar áreas infestadas y áreas libres. Se encontró estabilidad espacio temporal para los tres estadios del insecto.
In 2004, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302 (Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX) to the Lomonosov Ridge drilled the first Central Arctic Ocean sediment record reaching the uppermost Cretaceous (~430 m composite depth). While the Neogene part of the record is characterized by grayish-yellowish siliciclastic material, the Paleogene part is dominated by biosiliceous black shale-type sediments. The lithological transition between Paleogene and Neogene deposits was initially interpreted as a single sedimentological unconformity (hiatus) of ~26 Ma duration, separating Eocene from Miocene strata. More recently, however, continuous sedimentation on Lomonosov Ridge throughout the Cenozoic was proclaimed, questioning the existence of a hiatus. In this context, we studied the elemental and mineralogical sediment composition around the Paleogene-Neogene transition at high resolution to reconstruct variations in the depositional regime (e.g. wave/current activity, detrital provenance, and bottom water redox conditions). Already below the hiatus, mineralogical and geochemical proxies imply drastic changes in sediment provenance and/or weathering intensity in the hinterland, and point to the existence of another, earlier gap in the sediment record. The sediments directly overlying the hiatus (the Zebra interval) are characterized by pronounced and abrupt compositional changes that suggest repeated erosion and re-deposition of material. Regarding redox conditions, euxinic bottom waters prevailed at the Eocene Lomonosov Ridge, and became even more severe directly before the hiatus. With detrital sedimentation rates decreasing, authigenic trace metals were highly enriched in the sediment. This continuous authigenic trace metal enrichment under persistent euxinia implies that the Arctic trace metal pool was renewed continuously by water mass exchange with the world ocean, so the Eocene Arctic Ocean was not fully restricted. Above the hiatus, extreme positive Ce anomalies are clear signs of a periodically well-oxygenated water column, but redox conditions were highly variable during deposition of the Zebra interval. Significant Mn enrichments only occur above the Zebra interval, documenting the Miocene establishment of stable oxic conditions in the Arctic Ocean. In summary, extreme and abrupt changes in geochemistry and mineralogy across the studied sediment section do not suggest continuous sedimentation at the Lomonosov Ridge around the Eocene-Miocene transition, but imply repeated periods of very low sedimentation rates and/or erosion.