995 resultados para Yellow mosaic virus
La familia Rhabdoviridae incluye varios patógenos económicamente importantes de cultivos, entre los más de 70 virus que afectan plantas. Estos últimos se clasifican en los géneros Cytorhabdovirus y Nucleorhabdovirus, dependiendo de si producen inclusiones en el espacio perinuclear, o si desarrollan viriones citoplasmáticos. Los integrantes de esta familia infectan gran cantidad de monocotiledóneas y dicotiledóneas y la mayoría son dependientes de transmisión por insectos. Las interacciones virus-vector son altamente específicas, y se ha registrado la replicación en insectos, del rhabdovirus que transmiten a las plantas. Cada especie de rhabdovirus induce un amplio espectro de síntomas en sus plantas huéspedes, y estos van desde la falta de efectos discernibles hasta la muerte total de la planta. El maíz (Zea mays L.) es el cultivo más ampliamente distribuido a nivel mundial y uno de los principales cultivos de cereales, ubicándose tercero en el ranking de producción en el mundo. En maíz se ha citado la presencia de varios rhabdovirus, entre estos American wheat striate mosaic virus (AWSMV), Cereal chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV), Maize mosaic virus (MMV), Maize sterile stunt virus (strains of Barley yellow striate virus), Northern cereal mosaic virus (NCMV) y Maize fine streak virus (MFSV). Ninguno de ellos reportado en Argentina. Desde 2001 un rhabdovirus es observado, por sintomatología y microscopía electrónica, en plantas de maíz de diferentes localidades de la provincia de Córdoba. Esta virosis pudo ser transmitida en dos oportunidades a plantas de maíz sanas mediante Peregrinus maidis y logró amplificarse mediante RT-PCR con iniciadores degenerados, el gen de la polimerasa L. Nuestra hipótesis es que el agente causal de la sintomatología de mosaico estriado amarillo en maíz sería un rhabdovirus emergente en Argentina, diferente de Maize mosaic virus (MMV), transmitido por delfácidos, que puede aislarse y mantenerse en condiciones controladas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es generar conocimientos biológicos, moleculares y epidemiológicos sobre el agente causal de la sintomatología en maíz de mosaico estriado amarillo. Para ello se colectarán plantas de maíz con sintomatología de mosaico estriado amarillo, en distintas localidades donde se presente la sintomatología. Las muestras se observarán al microscopio electrónico en cortes ultrafinos y en “leaf dip". Los viriones se purificarán, extraerá el RNA de los mismos, y obtendrá la secuencia de nucleótidos, para compararla con otras publicadas de virosis vegetales y se obtendrán homologías. Se realizarán transmisiones experimentales de esta virosis, por incisiones vasculares y mediante el empleo de diferentes especies de insectos vectores. Importancia del proyecto El avance de patógenos tropicales hacia zonas templadas es una de las causas de la aparición de las virosis emergentes, que se caracterizan por producir epifítias al ingresar a nuevos ecosistemas. El Maize mosaic virus (MMV) es un rhabdovirus que produce una de las virosis más importantes del maíz en el continente americano. Determinar la identidad del agente etiológico del mosaico estriado amarillo y establecer su relación con MMV es fundamental para desarrollar medidas proactivas y diseñar estrategias de manejo de esta nueva enfermedad.
The assessment of yellow fever vaccine thermostability both in lyophilized form and after reconstitution were analyzed. Two commercial yellow fever vaccines were assayed for their thermal stability. Vaccines were exposed to test temperatures in the range of 8 (graus) C to 45 (graus) C. Residual infectivity was measured by a plaque assay using Vero cells. The titre values were used in an accelerated degradation test that follows the Arrhenius equation and the minimum immunizing dose was assumed to be 10 (ao cubo) particles forming unit (pfu)/dose. Some of the most relevant results include that (i) regular culture medium show the same degradation pattern of a reconstituted 17D-204 vaccine; (ii) reconstituted YF-17D-204 showed a predictable half life of more than six days if kept at 0 (graus) C; (iii) there are differences in thermostability between different products that are probably due to both presence of stabilizers in the preparation and the modernization in the vaccine production; (iv) it is important to establish a proper correlation between the mouse infectivity test and the plaque assay since the last appears to be more simple, economical, and practical for small laboratories to assess the potency of the vaccine, and (v) the accelerated degradation test appears to be the best procedure to quantify the thermostability of biological products.
The RT-PCR technique for the detection of apple stem grooving virus (ASGV), apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), apple mosaic virus (ApMV) and pear blister canker viroid (PBCV) was evaluated for health control of fruit plants from nurseries. The technique was evaluated in purified RNA and crude extracts and also in phloem collected in autumn and from young spring shoots. The results obtained for phytoplasma detection with ribosomal and non-ribosomal primers are also presented.
Hepatic viscerotomy of paraffin-preserved old specimens, collected in the period from 1934 to 1967, were analyzed by immunohistochemical assays to detect hepatitis B, hepatitis D, dengue and yellow fever virus antigens. The material belongs to the Yellow Fever Collection, Department of Pathology, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the cases were diagnosed at that time according to clinical aspects and histopathological findings reporting viral hepatitis, yellow fever, focal necrosis and hepatic atrophy. From the 79 specimens, 69 were collected at the Labrea Region and the other 10 in different other localities in the Amazon Region. The five micra thick histological slices were analyzed for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) by immunoperoxidase technique. An immunofluorescence assay was applied to the detection of hepatitis D, yellow fever and dengue virus antigens. Nine (11.4%) histological samples were HBsAg reactive and 5 (6.3%) were HBcAg reactive. The oldest reactive sample was from 1934. Viral antigens related to the other pathologies were not detected in this study. Our results confirm that the methodology described may be used to elucidate the aetiology of hepatitis diseases even after a long time of conservation of the specimens.
Flaviviruses cause severe acute febrile and haemorrhagic infections, including dengue and yellow fever and the pathogenesis of these infections is caused by an exacerbated immune response. Dendritic cells (DCs) are targets for dengue virus (DENV) and yellow fever virus (YF) replication and are the first cell population to interact with these viruses during a natural infection, which leads to an induction of protective immunity in humans. We studied the infectivity of DENV2 (strain 16681), a YF vaccine (YF17DD) and a chimeric YF17D/DENV2 vaccine in monocyte-derived DCs in vitro with regard to cell maturation, activation and cytokine production. Higher viral antigen positive cell frequencies were observed for DENV2 when compared with both vaccine viruses. Flavivirus-infected cultures exhibited dendritic cell activation and maturation molecules. CD38 expression on DCs was enhanced for both DENV2 and YF17DD, whereas OX40L expression was decreased as compared to mock-stimulated cells, suggesting that a T helper 1 profile is favoured. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α production in cell cultures was significantly higher in DENV2-infected cultures than in cultures infected with YF17DD or YF17D/DENV. In contrast, the vaccines induced higher IFN-α levels than DENV2. The differential cytokine production indicates that DENV2 results in TNF induction, which discriminates it from vaccine viruses that preferentially stimulate interferon expression. These differential response profiles may influence the pathogenic infection outcome.
Sementes de pimenta (Capsicum baccatum) 'Dedo de Moça' destinadas ao plantio comercial e adquiridas no município de São Paulo, SP, analisadas quanto à presença de vírus, por meio de testes biológicos e sorológicos revelaram-se infetadas por uma estirpe do Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV). Para confirmar a identidade do isolado, promoveu-se a RT-PCR com oligonucleotídeos que flanqueiam a ORF da capa protéica de espécies do gênero Tobamovirus do subgrupo 1. Os fragmentos de DNA amplificados, quando seqüenciados e comparados com outros isolados de tobamovírus depositados no GenBank, apresentaram valores de identidade de nucleotídeos entre 94 e 100% com outras seqüências de PMMoV, inferiores a 75% para as demais espécies de tobamovírus do subgrupo I (Tobacco mosaic virus, Tomato mosaic virus e Odontoglossum ringspot virus) e 65% para os tobamovírus dos subgrupos II e III. O PMMoV-BR revelou 100% de identidade com isolados japoneses, sugerindo que este patógeno pode ter sido introduzido daquele país. A seqüência de aminoácidos deduzidos da capa protéica indicou também, que este isolado não é capaz de quebrar a resistência do gene L3 de Capsicum spp. Fato confirmado pelos sintomas causados nas hospedeiras diferenciais de Capsicum spp., verificando-se que este isolado não foi capaz de infetar plantas de C. chinense (L3) e C. chacoense (L4). Estes resultados confirmaram a importância da caracterização dos isolados de tobamovírus, fundamental para adequação de medidas de controle, principalmente, prevenindo a entrada e posterior disseminação do patógeno em novas áreas de cultivo.
Os sequivírus são vírus isométricos transmitidos por afídeos. Lettuce mottle virus (LeMoV), um provável sequivirus foi descrito no Brasil em 1982 e causa sintomas de mosaico semelhantes aos observados pelo Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV). Um levantamento para ocorrência do LeMoV nos campos de produção de alface de três diferentes regiões do Estado de São Paulo (Mogi das Cruzes, Campinas e Bauru) foi realizado durante 2002 a 2005. RNA total foi extraído e utilizado na detecção, em RT-PCR, com oligonucleotídeos específicos para o LeMoV. Do total de 1362 amostras, 137 (10,05%) foram positivas para o LeMoV. Infecção mista com o LMV foi verificada em 43 amostras (31,4%). Foi verificada a ocorrência do LeMoV nas três diferentes regiões analisadas, porém sua ocorrência foi baixa nas diferentes épocas do ano.
As algas e as cianobactérias produzem uma grande diversidade de compostos com atividade biológica direta sobre microrganismos ou agem como ativadores de mecanismos de resistência em plantas. Em vista disso, foi investigada a manifestação dos sintomas causados pelo Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) em plantas de fumo previamente tratadas com cianobactérias ou algas. Quando as folhas plantas de fumo foram tratadas dois dias antes da inoculação, foi verificado que suspensões de células dos isolados de cianobactérias 004/02, 008/02, Anabaena sp. e Nostoc sp. 61; e do isolado de alga 061/02, bem como as preparações do conteúdo intracelular do isolado 004/02 (4 C) e do filtrado do meio de cultivo do isolado 061/02 (61 M) apresentaram efeito na redução do número de lesões locais provocadas por TMV em folhas de plantas fumo, cultivar TNN. Além disso, foi observado que os isolados Anabaena sp., Nostoc sp. 21 (cianobactéria), Nostoc sp. 61 e 090/02 (alga) mostraram efeito direto sobre o vírus semi-purificado. Em vista disso, pode-se sugerir que os isolados estudados sintetizam compostos que agem diretamente sobre o TMV e/ou ativam o mecanismo de defesa de plantas contra fitopatógenos.
Entre os problemas fitossanitários da cultura da alface estão as doenças causadas por vírus. Três vírus causam sintomas de mosaico praticamente indistinguíveis: o Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV, Potyvirus), o Lettuce mottle virus (LeMoV, Sequivirus) e o Bidens mosaic virus (BiMV, Potyvirus). Através de RT-PCR utilizando-se oligonucleotídeos específicos para cada um destes vírus, amostras de alface e plantas invasoras, preferencialmente com sintoma de mosaico, foram coletadas em campos de produção de alface das regiões de Mogi das Cruzes, Campinas e Bauru no Estado de São Paulo e analisadas para a presença dos vírus. Verificou-se que o LeMoV foi o vírus encontrado com maior freqüência, seguido do LMV. A ocorrência de BiMV em alface foi extremamente baixa e restrita às regiões de Campinas e Bauru, onde também foi verificado em plantas invasoras como Bidens pilosa e Galinsoga parviflora. Esta ultima é hospedeira dos três vírus.
Plant-virus interactions are very complex in nature and lead to disease and symptom formation by causing various physiological, metabolic and developmental changes in the host plants. These interactions are mainly the outcomes of viral hijacking of host components to complete their infection cycles and of host defensive responses to restrict the viral infections. Viral genomes contain only a small number of genes often encoding for multifunctional proteins, and all are essential in establishing a viral infection. Thus, it is important to understand the specific roles of individual viral genes and their contribution to the viral life cycles. Among the most important viral proteins are the suppressors of RNA silencing (VSRs). These proteins function to suppress host defenses mediated by RNA silencing and can also serve in other functions, e.g. in viral movement, transactivation of host genes, virus replication and protein processing. Thus these proteins are likely to have a significant impact on host physiology and metabolism. In the present study, I have examined the plant-virus interactions and the effects of three different VSRs on host physiology and gene expression levels by microarray analysis of transgenic plants that express these VSR genes. I also studied the gene expression changes related to the expression of the whole genome of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in transgenic tobacco plants. Expression of the VSR genes in the transgenic tobacco plants causes significant changes in the gene expression profiles. HC-Pro gene derived from the Potyvirus Y (PVY) causes alteration of 748 and 332 transcripts, AC2 gene derived from the African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) causes alteration of 1118 and 251transcripts, and P25 gene derived from the Potyvirus X (PVX) causes alterations of 1355 and 64 transcripts in leaves and flowers, respectively. All three VSRs cause similar up-regulation in defense, hormonally regulated and different stress-related genes and down-regulation in the photosynthesis and starch metabolism related genes. They also induce alterations that are specific to each viral VSR. The phenotype and transcriptome alterations of the HC-Pro expressing transgenic plants are similar to those observed in some Potyvirus-infected plants. The plants show increased protein degradation, which may be due to the HC-Pro cysteine endopeptidase and thioredoxin activities. The AC2-expressing transgenic plants show a similar phenotype and gene expression pattern as HC-Pro-expressing plants, but also alter pathways related to jasmonic acid, ethylene and retrograde signaling. In the P25 expressing transgenic plants, high numbers of genes (total of 1355) were up-regulated in the leaves, compared to a very low number of down-regulated genes (total of 5). Despite of strong induction of the transcripts, only mild growth reduction and no other distinct phenotype was observed in these plants. As an example of whole virus interactions with its host, I also studied gene expression changes caused by Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in tobacco host in three different conditions, i.e. in transgenic plants that are first resistant to the virus, and then become susceptible to it and in wild type plants naturally infected with this virus. The microarray analysis revealed up and down-regulation of 1362 and 1422 transcripts in the TMV resistant young transgenic plants, and up and down-regulation of a total of 1150 and 1200 transcripts, respectively, in the older plants, after the resistance break. Natural TMV infections in wild type plants caused up-regulation of 550 transcripts and down-regulation of 480 transcripts. 124 up-regulated and 29 down-regulated transcripts were commonly altered between young and old TMV transgenic plants, and only 6 up-regulated and none of the down-regulated transcripts were commonly altered in all three plants. During the resistant stage, the strong down-regulation in translation-related transcripts (total of 750 genes) was observed. Additionally, transcripts related to the hormones, protein degradation and defense pathways, cell division and stress were distinctly altered. All these alterations may contribute to the TMV resistance in the young transgenic plants, and the resistance may also be related to RNA silencing, despite of the low viral abundance and lack of viral siRNAs or TMV methylation activity in the plants.
Begomoviruses are whitefly-transmitted, single-stranded DNA viruses that are often associated with weed plants. The aim of this study was to further characterize the diversity of begomoviruses infecting weeds (mostly Sida spp.) in Brazil. Total DNA was extracted from weed samples collected in Viçosa (Minas Gerais state) and in some municipalities of Alagoas state in 2009 and 2010. Viral genomes were amplified by RCA, cloned and sequenced. A total of 26 DNA-A clones were obtained. Sequence analysis indicated the presence of 10 begomoviruses. All viral isolates from Blainvillea rhomboidea belonged to the same species, Blainvillea yellow spot virus (BlYSV ), thereby suggesting that BlYSV may be the only begomovirus present in this weed species. Four isolates represent new species, for which the following names are proposed: Sida yellow blotch virus (SiYBV), Sida yellow net virus (SiYNV), Sida mottle Alagoas virus (SiMoAV) and Sida yellow mosaic Alagoas virus (SiYMAV). Recombination events were detected among the SiYBV isolates and in the SiYNV isolate. These results constitute further evidence of the high species diversity of begomoviruses in Sida spp. However, the role of this weed species as a source of begomoviruses infecting crop plants remains to be determined.
Bean golden mosaic is the most important viral disease of the bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Latin America. The genetics of resistance to a Brazilian strain of bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV), was studied in a 4 x 4 diallel cross without reciprocals, among the parental genotypes DOR 303, EMGOPA 201 Ouro, Carnaval, and Redlands Greenleaf C. Seedlings of the four parents, six F1 hybrids, 12 backcrosses, and F2 generations for each combination were inoculated on the eighth day after sowing by exposure to a viruliferous whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) population for 24 h, in a glasshouse, prior to transplantation to field conditions. The full set of two parents, F1, F2 and respective backcrosses for each combination was considered to be a family. Data were recorded and analyzed for foliar yellowing, plant dwarfing, and pod malformation, using a randomized block design, with two replications. Weighted generation mean analysis was performed for each of the six families. An additive gene action model was significant for the three characteristics evaluated. On the other hand, non-additive gene action had greater absolute value in most cases. Resistance to foliar yellowing conferred by genes from DRO 303 was highly heritable and was expressed equally well in the different genetic backgrounds evaluated. Such resistance may be oligogenic. Broad- and narrow-sense heritabilities were relatively high for all response traits. The three traits studied were all positively correlated, indicating that they can be simultaneously selected for enhancement. The highest correlation coefficient was obtained for dwarfing x pod malformation.
The grass species Miscanthus sinensis, Echinochloa crus-galli and Phalaris arundinacea may be useful biomass crops. In glasshouse inoculations with two isolates of Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV)-MAV and BYDV-PAV and one of Cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYVD)-RPV , E. crus galli was infected by all three virus isolates, P. arundinacea by BYDV-MAV and CYDV-RPV, but M. sinensis only by BYDV-MAV. All three hosts became very difficult to infect after several weeks’ growth. Symptoms were inconspicuous; dry matter yield losses ranged from c. 20–40%. Aphids acquired all three virus isolates from E. crus-galli, but more efficiently from 5 than 26-week-old plants. Only BYDV-MAV was acquired from P. arundinacea and M. sinensis. Plants of each species and of Avena sativa were grown outdoors between May and July in 1994 and 1995. Young plants of each species were exposed for successive 2-week intervals during the same periods. Vector populations were higher on A. sativa and P. arundinacea than on E. crus-galli and M. sinensis, and more plants of these species became infected. In 1994 only BYDV-MAV was detected. In 1995 BYDV-MAV, BYDV-PAV and CYDV-RPV were all detected; BYDV-MAV was again the virus isolate most frequently found.
A new flavivirus, Ecuador Paraiso Escondido virus (EPEV), named after the village where it was discovered, was isolated from sand flies (Psathyromyia abonnenci, formerly Lutzomyia abonnenci) that are unique to the New World. This represents the first sand fly-borne flavivirus identified in the New World. EPEV exhibited a typical flavivirus genome organization. Nevertheless, the maximum pairwise amino acid sequence identity with currently recognized flaviviruses was 52.8%. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete coding sequence showed that EPEV represents a distinct clade which diverged from a lineage that was ancestral to the nonvectored flaviviruses Entebbe bat virus, Yokose virus, and Sokoluk virus and also the Aedes-associated mosquito-borne flaviviruses, which include yellow fever virus, Sepik virus, Saboya virus, and others. EPEV replicated in C6/36 mosquito cells, yielding high infectious titers, but failed to reproduce either in vertebrate cell lines (Vero, BHK, SW13, and XTC cells) or in suckling mouse brains. This surprising result, which appears to eliminate an association with vertebrate hosts in the life cycle of EPEV, is discussed in the context of the evolutionary origins of EPEV in the New World.The flaviviruses are rarely (if ever) vectored by sand fly species, at least in the Old World. We have identified the first representative of a sand fly-associated flavivirus, Ecuador Paraiso Escondido virus (EPEV), in the New World. EPEV constitutes a novel clade according to current knowledge of the flaviviruses. Phylogenetic analysis of the virus genome showed that EPEV roots the Aedes-associated mosquito-borne flaviviruses, including yellow fever virus. In light of this new discovery, the New World origin of EPEV is discussed together with that of the other flaviviruses.