974 resultados para Xanthomonas campestris pv. vignicola


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Yersiniae, causative agents of plague and gastrointestinal diseases, secrete and translocate Yop effector proteins into the cytosol of macrophages, leading to disruption of host defense mechanisms. It is shown in this report that Yersinia enterocolitica induces apoptosis in macrophages and that this effect depends on YopP. Functional secretion and translocation mechanisms are required for YopP to act, strongly suggesting that this protein exerts its effect intracellularly, after translocation into the macrophages. YopP shows a high level of sequence similarity with AvrRxv, an avirulence protein from Xanthomonas campestris, a plant pathogen that induces programmed cell death in plant cells. This indicates possible similarities between the strategies used by pathogenic bacteria to elicit programmed cell death in both plant and animal hosts.


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O Brasil possui uma posição privilegiada quando se refere à produção de etanol. Por questões históricas e geográficas o país é responsável por mais de 30 % da produção mundial de etanol, com uma produção nacional de mais de 28 bilhões de litros em 2014. Para maximizar o rendimento desse processo, está em desenvolvimento a tecnologia associada ao etanol de segunda geração ou etanol lignocelulósico. Os principais desafios desta tecnologia são: melhorar a eficiência de conversão do substrato em produto e a produção em grande escala utilizando substratos de baixo custo. Com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência do processo de conversão foram estudadas proteínas auxiliares (expansinas) que, em conjunto com celulases, melhoram a despolimerização de biomassa lignocelulósica em açúcares fermentescíveis. Além disso, realizou-se também a caracterização de enzimas ativas de carboidratos (CAZymes) de origem termofílica do organismo Thermogemmatispora sp. T81, devido a capacidade que estas proteínas apresentam de manter a atividade e conformação estrutural em altas temperaturas por um prolongado período de tempo. A partir de análises utilizando bioinformática, os genes que codificam para expansinas de Xanthomonas campestris, Bacillus licheniformis e Trichoderma reesei foram clonados e expressos em E. coli, e seus produtos gênicos (as expansinas) tiveram seus índices de sinergismo (devido atuação conjunta com coquetéis comerciais) e atividade catalítica determinados. Adicionalmente, dispondo de alinhamentos estruturais, foi proposto um mecanismo hidrolítico para elas. Em relação à bactéria Thermogemmatispora sp. T81, foram realizadas análises genômicas e proteômicas, a fim de selecionar enzimas superexpressas em meio celulósico. Seus genes foram clonados heterologamente em E. coli e o produto de expressão caracterizado bioquimicamente (cromatografia, ensaios de atividade e perfil de hidrólise) e estruturalmente (SAXS e dicroísmo circular). Os índices de sinergismo determinados foram de 2,47; 1,96 e 2,44 para as expansinas de Xanthomonas campestris, Bacillus licheniformis e Trichoderma reesei, respectivamente. A partir dos alinhamentos estruturais foi proposto a díade Asp/Glu como sitio catalítico em expansinas. As análises de proteômica possibilitaram a seleção de quatro alvos de clonagem, por apresentarem alto índice de expressão quando a bactéria foi cultivada em meio celulósico. Estas proteínas foram caracterizadas quanto a atividade e apresentaram um perfil comum: temperatura ótima de ação (de 70 a 75 °C), pH ótimo de 5, e hidrolisam preferencialmente substratos hemicelulósicos (xilano). A porcentagem de estruturais secundárias das proteínas em estudo foram confirmadas com predições teóricas ao se utilizar a técnica de dicroísmo circular. Desta maneira, os objetivos iniciais propostos neste projeto foram concluídos com a determinação do grau de sinergismo das proteínas expansinas em estudo e a proposição de um mecanismo de hidrólise para as mesmas, considerando que tais proteínas por mais de 20 anos tiveram sua atividade definida exclusivamente como acessória. Além disso, este estudo contribui com a identificação e seleção de genes para CAZymes termofilícas com aplicação biotecnológica devido às propriedades termoestáveis apresentadas.


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A mini-Tn10:lacZ: kan was inserted into a wild-type strain of Acetobacter xylinus by random transposon mutagenesis, generating a lactose-utilising and cellulose-producing mutant strain designated ITz3. Antibiotic selection plate assays and Southern hybridisation revealed that the lacZ gene was inserted once into the chromosome of strain ITz3 and was stably maintained in non-selective medium after more than 60 generations. The modified strain had, on the average, a 28-fold increase in cellulose production and a 160-fold increase in beta-galactosidase activity when grown in lactose medium. beta-Galactosidase activity is present in either lactose or sucrose medium indicating that the gene is constitutively expressed. Cellulose and beta-galactosidase production by the modified strain was also evaluated in pure and enriched whey substrates. Utilisation of lactose in whey substrate by ITz3 reached 17 g l(-1) after 4 days incubation. (C) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper highlights the potential benefits of smoke recovery from the production of biochar in crop management through it application as an antimicrobial agent against plant disease and as a pesticide. The study reports on the findings of zone inhibition assays on selected plant pathogens (Agrobacterium tumefacien and Xanthomonas campestris), growth studies on selected plants (Raphanus sativus and Vicia faba), and toxicity studies performed on arthropods (Myzus persicae and Tetranychus urticae). The results suggested a strong benefit to crop management in terms of crop protection against selected causal agents responsible for plant disease, with zones of inhibition observed on both Agrobacterium tumefacien and Xanthomonas campestris when inoculated with pyroligneous acid (liquid smoke) at 10% dilution. Similarly, its potential as a bio-pesticide are favorable, with a reported 20%–30% of arthropods affected (knocked out/mortality) after exposure for 48 hours.


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This article is a review of the findings of key studies into the potential benefits of pyroligneous acid, arising from charcoal production, to the agricultural industry. Through a review of bioassay studies conducted on known plant and human pathogens (e.g., Agrobacterium tumefacien and Xanthomonas campestris) and arthropods, and germination studies on selected crops, the article highlights a number of potential benefits of smoke recovery in the production of charcoal. In addition, the article calls for further research into the impact, if any, of its long-term use on environmental receptors/humans and for the development of a methodology to guarantee consistency in product composition, quality, and efficacy. In doing so, it is hoped that its widespread use as part of sustainable management practices adopted in the agricultural industry will be secured.


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This paper marks the first in a series of studies into the potential use of pyrolysis products in the development of more sustainable practices within the agricultural industry. In this study, the immediate benefits of the application of biochar to crop yields of Raphanus sativus (radishes) are assessed. Furthermore, the study reports on the preliminary findings into the potential application of pyroligneous acid (wood vinegar) as a biocidal agent against crop disease. Although germination tests undertaken on biochar/compost blends of up to 1: 2, by weight, showed no significant adverse effect from the addition of the nutrient rich carbonaceous solid, evidence of substantial increases in crop yield through the addition of biochar were not observed. In sharp contrast, zones of inhibition were observed at 3-10 vol. % upon application of pyroligneous acid to two causal agents responsible for certain diseases in vegetable and fruit crops, i.e. Rhizobium radiobacter (agrobacterium tumefaciens) and Xanthomonas campestris, highlighting the versatility in the application of pyrolysis products and avenues for exploration in the development of this biomass conversion technology.


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Attempting to achieve long-lasting and stable resistance using uniformly deployed rice varieties is not a sustainable approach. The real situation appears to be much more complex and dynamic, one in which pathogens quickly adapt to resistant varieties. To prevent disease epidemics, deployment should be customized and this decision will require interdisciplinary actions. This perspective article aims to highlight the current progress on disease resistance deployment to control bacterial blight in rice. Although the model system rice-Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae has distinctive features that underpin the need for a case-by-case analysis, strategies to integrate those elements into a unique decision tool could be easily extended to other crops.


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Bothrops jararacussu myotoxin I (BthTx-I; Lys 49) and II (BthTX-II; Asp 49) were purified by ion-exchange chromatography and reverse phase HPLC. In this work we used the isolated perfused rat kidney method to evaluate the renal effects of B. jararacussu myotoxins I (Lys49 PLA(2)) and II (Asp49 PLA(2)) and their possible blockage by indomethacin. BthTX-1 (5 mu g/ml) and BthTX-II (5 mu g/ml) increased perfusion pressure (PP; ct(120) = 110.28+/-3.70 mmHg; BthTX I = 171.28+/-6.30* mmHg; BthTX II = 175.50+/-7.20* mmHg), renal vascular resistance (RVR; ct(120) = 5.49+/-0.54 mmHg/ml.g(-1) min(-1); BthTX I = 8.62+/-0.37* mmHg/ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX II=8.9+/-0.36* mmHg/ml g(-1) min(-1)), urinary flow (UF; ct(120)= 0.14+/-0.01 ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX I=0.32+/-0.05* ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX II=0.37+/-0.01* ml g(-1) min(-1)) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR; ct(120)=0.72+/-0.10 ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX I=0.85+/-0.13* ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX II=1.22+/-0.28* ml g(-1) min(-1)). In contrast decreased the percent of sodium tubular transport (%TNa+; ct(120)=79,76+/-0.56; BthTX I=62.23+/-4.12*; BthTX II=70.96+/-2.93*) and percent of potassium tubular transport (%TK+;ct(120)=66.80+/-3.69; BthTX I=55.76+/-5.57*; BthTX II=50.86+/-6.16*). Indomethacin antagonized the vascular, glomerular and tubular effects promoted by BthTX I and it's partially blocked the effects of BthTX II. In this work also evaluated the antibacterial effects of BthTx-I and BthTx-II against Xanthomonas axonopodis. pv. passiflorae (Gram-negative bacteria) and we observed that both PLA2 showed antibacterial activity. Also we observed that proteins Also we observed that proteins chemically modified with 4-bromophenacyl bromide (rho-BPB) decrease significantly the antibacterial effect of both PLA(2). In conclusion, BthTx I and BthTX II caused renal alteration and presented activity antimicrobial. The indomethacin was able to antagonize totally the renal effects induced by BthTx I and partially the effects promoted by BthTx II, suggesting involvement of inflammatory mediators in the renal effects caused by myotoxins. In the other hand, other effects could be independently of the enzymatic activity of the BthTX II and the C-terminal domain could be involved in both effects promoted for PLA(2). (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Snake venom proteins from the C-type lectin family have very distinct biological activities despite their highly conserved primary structure, which is homologous to the carbohydrate recognition region of true C-type lectins. We purified a lectin-like protein (BmLec) from Bothrops moojeni venom and investigated its effect on platelet aggregation, insulin secretion, antibacterial activity, and isolated kidney cells. The BmLec was purified using two chromatographic steps: affinity chromatography and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). BmLec showed a dose-dependent platelet aggregation and significantly decreased the bacterial growth rate in approximately 15%. During scanning electron microscopy, the profile of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae treated with lectin disclosed a high vesiculation and membrane rupture. BmLec induced a strong and significant increase in insulin secretion at 2.8 and 16.7 mM glucose concentrations, and this effect was seen in the presence of EGTA in both experiments. BmLec (10 mu g/mL) increased the perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance and urinary flow. The glomerular filtration rate and percentages of sodium, potassium and chloride tubular transport were reduced at 60 minutes of perfusion. Renal alterations caused by BmLec were completely inhibited by indomethacin in all evaluated parameters. In conclusion, the C-type lectin isolated from Bothrops moojeni affected platelet aggregation, insulin secretion, antibacterial activity and isolated kidney function.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi a obtenção de linhagens de feijoeiro comum resistentes aos crestamento bacteriano comum, utilizando-se o método de melhoramento por descendência de semente única. Foram obtidas 30 linhagens com resistência ao crestamento bacteriano comum e uma considerável diminuição do tempo para o avanço das gerações.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2016.


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Background: Citrus canker is a disease that has severe economic impact on the citrus industry worldwide. There are three types of canker, called A, B, and C. The three types have different phenotypes and affect different citrus species. The causative agent for type A is Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, whose genome sequence was made available in 2002. Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolii strain B causes canker B and Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolii strain C causes canker C. Results: We have sequenced the genomes of strains B and C to draft status. We have compared their genomic content to X. citri subsp. citri and to other Xanthomonas genomes, with special emphasis on type III secreted effector repertoires. In addition to pthA, already known to be present in all three citrus canker strains, two additional effector genes, xopE3 and xopAI, are also present in all three strains and are both located on the same putative genomic island. These two effector genes, along with one other effector-like gene in the same region, are thus good candidates for being pathogenicity factors on citrus. Numerous gene content differences also exist between the three cankers strains, which can be correlated with their different virulence and host range. Particular attention was placed on the analysis of genes involved in biofilm formation and quorum sensing, type IV secretion, flagellum synthesis and motility, lipopolysacharide synthesis, and on the gene xacPNP, which codes for a natriuretic protein. Conclusion: We have uncovered numerous commonalities and differences in gene content between the genomes of the pathogenic agents causing citrus canker A, B, and C and other Xanthomonas genomes. Molecular genetics can now be employed to determine the role of these genes in plant-microbe interactions. The gained knowledge will be instrumental for improving citrus canker control.


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Genetic transformation with genes that code for antimicrobial peptides has been an important strategy used to control bacterial diseases in fruit crops, including apples, pears, and citrus. Asian citrus canker (ACC) caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al. (Xcc) is a very destructive disease, which affects the citrus industry in most citrus-producing areas of the world. Here, we report the production of genetically transformed Natal, Pera, and Valencia sweet orange cultivars (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) with the insect-derived attacin A (attA) gene and the evaluation of the transgenic plants for resistance to Xcc. Agrobacterium tumefaciens Smith and Towns-mediated genetic transformation experiments involving these cultivars led to the regeneration of 23 different lines. Genetically transformed plants were identified by polymerase chain reaction, and transgene integration was confirmed by Southern blot analyses. Transcription of attA gene was detected by Northern blot analysis in all plants, except for one Natal sweet orange transformation event. Transgenic lines were multiplied by grafting onto Rangpur lime rootstock plants (Citrus limonia Osbeck) and spray-inoculated with an Xcc suspension (10(6) cfu mL(-1)). Experiments were repeated three times in a completely randomized design with seven to ten replicates. Disease severity was determined in all transgenic lines and in the control (non-transgenic) plants 30 days after inoculation. Four transgenic lines of Valencia sweet orange showed a significant reduction in disease severity caused by Xcc. These reductions ranged from 58.3% to 77.8%, corresponding to only 0.16-0.30% of leaf diseased area as opposed to 0.72% on control plants. One transgenic line of Natal sweet orange was significantly more resistant to Xcc, with a reduction of 45.2% comparing to the control plants, with only 0.14% of leaf diseased area. Genetically transformed Pera sweet orange plants expressing attA gene did not show a significant enhanced resistance to Xcc, probably due to its genetic background, which is naturally more resistant to this pathogen. The potential effect of attacin A antimicrobial peptide to control ACC may be related to the genetic background of each sweet orange cultivar regarding their natural resistance to the pathogen.