956 resultados para World Heritage


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Seagrass meadows are considered important for sediment trapping and sediment stabilisation. Deposition of fine sediments and associated adsorbed nutrients is considered an important part of the chemical and biological processes attributed to seagrass communities. This paradigm was based on work in temperate regions on Zostera marina and in tropical regions on Thalassia testudinum, two species that maintain relatively high biomass, stable meadows. The current study investigates this concept for three species of intertidal tropical seagrass meadows in northeastern Australia. Sediment structure and nutrient status did not differ between vegetated and unvegated habitats in intertidal areas within the central region of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The 'trapping' functions that have been attributed to seagrasses need to be re-assessed for a variety of locations and species before they can be accepted as dogma. In tropical Australia, intertidal meadows are predominantly ephemeral and comprised of structurally small species of low biomass. Consequently, sediment trapping within these meadows is largely insignificant.


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Despite a considerable surge in herpetological research in Australia over the last couple of decades the Australian microhylid frogs (Cophixalus and Austrochaperina) remain relatively poorly known. Herein I present the results of extensive fieldwork and molecular, morphological and call analysis with the aim of resolving taxonomy, call variation and distributions, and increasing our understanding of breeding biology. Analysis of 943 base pairs of mitochondrial 16S rRNA and 12S rRNA provides a well supported phylogeny that is largely consistent with current taxonomy. Levels of divergence between species are substantial and significant phylogeographic structuring is evident in C. ornatus, C. neglectus and C. aenigma, sp. nov. The description of C. concinnus was based on a mixed collection of two species from Thornton Peak and a new species is described to resolve this. C. aenigma, sp. nov., is described from high-elevation (>750 m) rainforest across the Carbine, Thornton, Finnigan and Bakers Blue Mountain uplands, north-east Queensland. C. concinnus is redescribed as a highly distinct species restricted to rainforest and boulder fields at the summit of Thornton Peak (>1100 m). Despite protection in Daintree National Park in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, predictions of the impact of global warming suggest C. concinnus to be of very high conservation concern ( Critically Endangered, IUCN criteria). The mating call of two species ( C. mcdonaldi and C. exiguus) is described for the first time and high levels of call variation within C. ornatus, C. neglectus, C. hosmeri, C. aenigma and Austrochaperina fryi are presented. Such variation is often attributable to genetically divergent lineages, altitudinal variation and courtship; however, in some instances ( particularly within C. hosmeri) the source or function of highly distinct calls at a site remains obscure. Molecular, morphological and call analyses allow the clarification of species distributions, especially in the northern mountains of the Wet Tropics. Notes are presented on the breeding biology of C. aenigma, C. bombiens, C. concinnus, C. exiguus, C. infacetus, C. mcdonaldi, C. monticola, C. neglectus, C. ornatus and C. saxatilis, which are largely consistent with previous accounts: small terrestrial clutches usually attended by a male. Courtship behaviour in C. ornatus is described and the first records of multiple clutching in Australian microhylids are presented (for C. ornatus and C. infacetus).


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The effects of the herbicide diuron on the early life history stages of broadcast spawning and brooding corals were examined in laboratory experiments. Fertilisation of Acropora millepora and Montipora aequituberculata oocytes were not inhibited at diuron concentrations of up to 1000 mu gl(-1). Metamorphosis of symbiont-free A. millepora larvae was only significantly inhibited at 300 mu gl(-1) diuron. Pocillopora damicornis larvae, which contain symbiotic dinoflagellates, were able to undergo metamorphosis after 24h exposure to diuron at 1000 mu gl(-1). Two-week old P. damicornis recruits on the other hand were as susceptible to diuron as adult colonies, with expulsion of symbiotic dinoflagellates (bleaching) evident at 10 mu gl(-1) diuron after 96 h exposure. Reversible metamorphosis was observed at high diuron concentrations, with fully bleached polyps escaping from their skeletons. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques demonstrated a reduction in photosynthetic efficiency (Delta F/F'(m)) in illuminated P. dami- cornis recruits after a 2h exposure to 1 mu gl(-1) diuron. The dark-adapted quantum yields (F-v/F-m also declined, indicating chronic photoinhibition and damage to photosystem H. Crown Copyright (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The recreational-use value of hiking in the Bellenden Ker National Park, Australia has been estimated using a zonal travel cost model. Multiple destination visitors have been accounted for by converting visitors' own ordinal ranking of the various sites visited to numerical weights, using an expected-value approach. The value of hiking and camping in this national park was found to be $AUS 250,825 per year, or $AUS 144,45 per visitor per year, which is similar to findings from other studies valuing recreational benefits. The management of the park can use these estimates when considering the introduction of a system of user pays fees. In addition, they might be important when decisions need to be made about the allocation of resources for maintenance or upgrade of tracks and facilities.


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Low concentrations of herbicides (up to 70 ng 1(-1)), chiefly diuron (up to 50 ng 1 (-1)) were detected in surface waters associated with inter-tidal seagrass meadows of Zostera muelleri in Hervey Bay, south-cast Queensland, Australia. Diuron and atrazine (up to 1. 1 ng g(-1) dry weight of sediment) were detected in the sediments of these seagrass meadows. Concentration of the herbicides diuron, simazine and atrazine increased in surface waters associated with seagrass meadows during moderate river flow events indicating herbicides were washed from the catchment to the marine environment. Maximum herbicide concentration (sum of eight herbicides) in the Mary River during a moderate river flow event was 4260 ng 1(-1). No photosynthetic stress was detected in seagrass in this study during low river flow. However, with moderate river flow events, nearshore seagrasses are at risk of being exposed to concentrations of herbicides that are known to inhibit photosynthesis. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Wet Tropics World Heritage Area in Far North Queens- land, Australia consists predominantly of tropical rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest in areas of variable relief. Previous maps of vegetation communities in the area were produced by a labor-intensive combination of field survey and air-photo interpretation. Thus,. the aim of this work was to develop a new vegetation mapping method based on imaging radar that incorporates topographical corrections, which could be repeated frequently, and which would reduce the need for detailed field assessments and associated costs. The method employed G topographic correction and mapping procedure that was developed to enable vegetation structural classes to be mapped from satellite imaging radar. Eight JERS-1 scenes covering the Wet Tropics area for 1996 were acquired from NASDA under the auspices of the Global Rainforest Mapping Project. JERS scenes were geometrically corrected for topographic distortion using an 80 m DEM and a combination of polynomial warping and radar viewing geometry modeling. An image mosaic was created to cover the Wet Tropics region, and a new technique for image smoothing was applied to the JERS texture bonds and DEM before a Maximum Likelihood classification was applied to identify major land-cover and vegetation communities. Despite these efforts, dominant vegetation community classes could only be classified to low levels of accuracy (57.5 percent) which were partly explained by the significantly larger pixel size of the DEM in comparison to the JERS image (12.5 m). In addition, the spatial and floristic detail contained in the classes of the original validation maps were much finer than the JERS classification product was able to distinguish. In comparison to field and aerial photo-based approaches for mapping the vegetation of the Wet Tropics, appropriately corrected SAR data provides a more regional scale, all-weather mapping technique for broader vegetation classes. Further work is required to establish an appropriate combination of imaging radar with elevation data and other environmental surrogates to accurately map vegetation communities across the entire Wet Tropics.


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This research aims to provide a reflection on the preservation practices of Brasilia as Cultural Heritage in four analytical/political dimensions: conceptual, urban, political-institutional and legal. In order to do that, the preparation process for the Plan for the Preservation of Brasilia Urban Set (PPCUB) was taken as research object. This preservation plan is representative of the context which determines the relation between goals and preservation practices in the social production process of urban space. Designed by Lucio Costa in 1957, Brasilia received the Cultural Heritage title 27 years later, in 1987. It was recognized a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) in the same year as it "represents a unique artistic piece of work, a masterpiece of creative genius"; and "an outstanding example of a type of construction or architectural compound that illustrates a significant stage in history" (SILVA, 2003). Brasilia’s urban conception, also recognised in the district and federal levels, gives prominence to the 'urban scales' – monumental, residential, gregarious and bucolic – as the main aspects to be preserved. Despite being an undoubted representative, Brasilia seemingly displays a contradiction. On the one hand, the essential value of the city’s urban design is acknowledged as cultural heritage at international, national and district levels. On the other hand, numerous ways of urban interventions disregard the principles of that conception. In 2012, the international Monitoring Report raised some issues which highlight the following main needs: primary need for clear definition of the urban scales’ characteristics and boundaries; definition of a legal framework that conciliates national and district laws of occupation and use of land; creation of inter-sectors executive authority with both decision-making and financial autonomy; and promotion of heritage educational programs. This report also proposes "to cancel the current process of approval conducted by PPCUB and establish a formal consultation process through a committee made up by GDF and IPHAN, which will enable the active participation of University of Brasilia, the Architects Association, ICOMOS and local organizations" (SEDHAB, 2010). Already in its drafting process, the international recommendations evidence that preserving Brasilia’s urban design conception is not among the goals to be achieved. Thus, this research highlights that the intentional nature of PPCUB’s plans does little towards realizing the current proposals.


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In most of military conflicts the cultural heritage is being deliberately destroyed. Two main aspects of its destructions are direct and indirect. In the direct destruction the tangible aspects of the monuments are being damaged or destroyed, while indirect destruction of the monument attacks its values – its general context (for instance during the significant demographic changes in the region where the monument is situated, or during the changes of the ideological climate, etc; the monument physically is not changed but its meaning does). When it comes to the recovery of monuments in post-conflict period, most often there are multiple issues. Sometimes the monument can be perfectly restored in its physical aspect, but its intangible aspect (its significance) can remain deformed, which, consequently, affects the perception and the interpretation of the monument. In what measure this incomplete recovery affects the entire monument? Recently in monument protection domain the question of authenticity is being raised, particularly now for the occasion of 20th anniversary of Nara Document on Authenticity, and it is the focus issue of this paper in context of military-conflict related cases. The paper focuses on the case studies of performed recoveries of important monuments in post-conflict zones and it analyzes the success of these recoveries pointing out the authenticity. It also turns on the what way the communities should contribute to the recovery of damaged recoveries (the Nara Document emphasise the importance of social inclusion in the monument protection). The paper features the case studies trying to interpret different aspects of a monument: its material and intangible aspects and their relation. Other documents that this paper relies on is the International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (the Venice Charter), World Heritage Convention, Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention etc.


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In this paper we present a multi-proxy study of tropical limestone forest and its utilization by human groups during the major climatic and environmental upheavals of MIS-2 (29-11.7 kBP). Our data are drawn from new field research within the Tràng An World Heritage property on the edge of the Red River Delta, northern Vietnam. Key findings from this study include 1) that limestone forest formations were resilient to the large-scale landscape transformation of the Sunda continent at the end of the last glaciation; 2) that prehistoric human groups were probably present in this habitat through-out MIS-2; and 3) that the forested, insular, karst of Tràng An provided foragers with a stable resource-base in a wider changing landscape. These results have implications for our understanding of the prehistoric utilization of karst environments, and resonance for their conservation in the face of climate and environmental change today.


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A series of related research studies over 15 years assessed the effects of prawn trawling on sessile megabenthos in the Great Barrier Reef, to support management for sustainable use in the World Heritage Area. These large-scale studies estimated impacts on benthos (particularly removal rates per trawl pass), monitored subsequent recovery rates, measured natural dynamics of tagged megabenthos, mapped the regional distribution of seabed habitats and benthic species, and integrated these results in a dynamic modelling framework together with spatio-temporal fishery effort data and simulated management. Typical impact rates were between 5 and 25% per trawl, recovery times ranged from several years to several decades, and most sessile megabenthos were naturally distributed in areas where little or no trawling occurred and so had low exposure to trawling. The model simulated trawl impact and recovery on the mapped species distributions, and estimated the regional scale cumulative changes due to trawling as a time series of status for megabenthos species. The regional status of these taxa at time of greatest depletion ranged from ∼77% relative to pre-trawl abundance for the worst case species, having slow recovery with moderate exposure to trawling, to ∼97% for the least affected taxon. The model also evaluated the expected outcomes for sessile megabenthos in response to major management interventions implemented between 1999 and 2006, including closures, effort reductions, and protected areas. As a result of these interventions, all taxa were predicted to recover (by 2-14% at 2025); the most affected species having relatively greater recovery. Effort reductions made the biggest positive contributions to benthos status for all taxa, with closures making smaller contributions for some taxa. The results demonstrated that management actions have arrested and reversed previous unsustainable trends for all taxa assessed, and have led to a prawn trawl fishery with improved environmental sustainability. © 2015 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 2015. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.


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This study proposes a conceptual framework that explores the correlations between economic dependence (ED), local government management of tourism (GMT), perceived tourism benefits and costs, and support for sustainable tourism development (STD). A quantitative research design was adopted. Data collection was carried out by personal survey applied to 300 residents of the small historic town of Lamego, located within the Douro Valley World Heritage Site. Structural equation modelling methods were employed to analyse the proposed model. Results suggest that GMT has a significant effect on the perceived impacts of tourism, both in the positive and in the negative. The effect of GMT in fostering residents’ support to STD was also empirically supported. Additionally, it was also determined that positive perceptions of the impacts of tourism directly influence support to STD. Nevertheless, ED does not have a significant effect either on perceivedbenefits, nor on perceived costs or on residents’ support to STD. Likewise, perceptions of the negative impacts do not predict residents’ support to STD.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado visa a apresentação de uma proposta de valorização para o espaço edificado do Convento de S. José da Esperança, da cidade de Évora. Procurámos traçar a história do Convento de S. José ao longo de um período de cerca de 200 anos, apresentando ainda as várias funções do imóvel, desde a sua extinção até à atualidade. Abordámos a questão da instalação física do cenóbio, relacionando-a com as razões da escolha da Ordem Carmelita Descalça. Contextualizámos este especto com as origens da Ordem do Carmo, a reforma desta Ordem, originando o nascimento da Ordem Carmelita Descalça, e a sua entrada em Portugal. Sublinhámos a importância das fundadoras e o seu legado testamentário para a subsistência desta instituição religiosa e como essa subsistência conheceu vicissitudes e contrariedades várias ao longo da vida da comunidade. Procurámos depois entender o espaço conventual edificado, pelo que procedemos a uma análise histórico-arquitetónica do conjunto conventual, nomeadamente a ampliação dos espaços, e depois da extinção e da mudança de propriedade, a adaptação a novas funções e as necessárias intervenções nele ocorridas. Por fim, atendendo à história do Convento, à riqueza patrimonial que ele representa tanto para a sociedade em geral como para os Eborenses em particular, atendendo à sua inserção no Centro Histórico de Évora - CHE, com a classificação de Património Mundial atribuída pela UNESCO em 1986, e atendendo ao vasto quadro legislativo nacional e internacional relativo à proteção e valorização do património cultural, apresentámos a nossa proposta de valorização do Conjunto Conventual, que nos parece, em conformidade com o exposto, a mais apropriada àquele espaço. ABSTRACT: This master's thesis aims to propose a recovery area for the valorization of the building space of Convento de S. José da Esperança, in Évora. We traced the history of the Convent of S. José over a period of about 200 years, by exploring the various functions of the building, since its extinction as religious community until now. We addressed the question of the physical installation the life of the religious community, linking it with the reasons for the choice of the Ordem Carmelita Descalça's to settle there. This aspect was then contextualized with the origins of the Ordem do Carmo, the reform of the Order, resulting in the birth of the Ordem Carmelita Descalça, and its entry into Portugal. We emphasized the importance of the founders and their legacy to the livelihood of the subsistence of this religious institution. Along the history the Ordem experienced several setbacks and problems over the life of the community. Our study led to an understanding of the conventual space as a physical building. For that we undertook an historical and architectonical analysis of the conventual set, namely the enlargement of spaces, and after the extinction and the property change, the adaptation to new functions and the necessary interventions that it suffered. We presented our proposal of historical and architectonical valorization of the convent, taking into account the history of the Convent, as a rich heritage, not only for the city of Évora, but also to the country, as a whole. We took into account the fact that the convent is inside the historical centre of Évora (World Heritage City- UNESCO- since 1986), and it must comply to national and international legislative framework for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage. Our proposal of recovery of the conventual set is, in line with the above, the most appropriate to that space.