804 resultados para World Economic Crisis


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[Es]Introducción y objetivo: La actual crisis económica ha llevado a algunos países a plantear políticas basadas en el recorte del gasto social para hacer frente a sus deudas. Los efectos de la recesión económica junto con las políticas de austeridad impuestas por algunos gobiernos podrían causar un aumento en la desigualdad social, que desembocaría en un empeoramiento de la salud pública de la población. El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática es conocer si han existido variaciones en los casos de suicidio influenciados por la crisis económica actual en los países que han sido objeto de un rescate financiero (Grecia, España, Irlanda, Portugal y Chipre) desde el inicio de dicha crisis, en el año 2008. Asimismo, se pretende evaluar si han existido aumentos en los casos de trastornos mentales y de alcoholismo por la misma causa. Metodología: Revisión sistemática en base a las disposiciones PRISMA. Se elaboró un protocolo de búsqueda para ser utilizado en 5 bases de datos (Medline, Scopus, WOS, IBECS y CINAHL) y se consideraron los estudios observaciones publicados entre el 1/1/2005 y el 31/12/2014. Resultados: Fueron seleccionados 16 estudios observacionales, con niveles de evidencia de calidad VI – VII (regular – baja). En la mayor parte de los estudios se observó un incremento en los suicidios relacionados con la crisis económica, excepto en 3 artículos, en los cuales no se evidenciaron cambios en las tasas de suicidio durante los años de crisis. Todos los artículos excepto uno concluyeron la existencia de un deterioro en salud mental, dándose sobre todo aumentos en los casos de depresión. Por otra parte, los resultados no fueron determinantes en cuanto al alcoholismo. Conclusiones: Se observa de forma general una relación entre la crisis y los suicidios y el deterioro en salud mental; sin embargo, es necesaria la realización de más investigación en este campo.


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Since 2008, Western countries are going through a deep economic crisis whose health impacts seem to be fundamentally counter-cyclical: when economic conditions worsen, so does health, and mortality tends to rise. While a growing number of studies have presented evidence on the effect of crises on the average population health, a largely neglected aspect of research is the impact of crises and the related political responses on social inequalities in health, even if the negative consequences of the crises are primarily borne by the most disadvantaged populations. This commentary will reflect on the results of the studies that have analyzed the effect of economic crises on social inequalities in health up to 2013. With some exceptions, the studies show an increase in health inequalities during crises, especially during the Southeast Asian and Japanese crises and the Soviet Union crisis, although it is not always evident for both sexes or all health or socioeconomic variables. In the Nordic countries during the nineties, a clear worsening of health equity did not occur. Results about the impacts of the current economic recession on health equity are still inconsistent. Some of the factors that could explain this variability in results are the role of welfare state policies, the diversity of time periods used in the analyses, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic and health variables considered, the changes in the socioeconomic profile of the groups under comparison in times of crises, and the type of measures used to analyze the magnitude of social inequalities in health. Social epidemiology should further collaborate with other disciplines to help produce more accurate and useful evidence about the relationship between crises and health equity.


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La crisis económica en la mayoría de los países ha sido impulsada tanto por factores externos como internos que dejaron sus economías en un declive continuado y que comenzó nada más estallar la crisis en los países del mundo. Estados Unidos fue quién contagió al resto de los países con su sistema financiero permisivo y sus hipotecas subprime que contaminaron el panorama financiero mundial. El euro y la competitividad tampoco se salvan por sus efectos limitativos del poder de respuesta de los estados. España, por su parte, contaba con otros factores de índole interno (ej. Burbuja inmobiliaria, actuación del gobierno) que agravaron aún más las consecuencias de la crisis.


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[EU]2008.urtetik pairatzen ari garen krisialdia mundu osoko ekonomietan izan du eragina. Depresio Handitik krisi larriena izaten ari dena Estatu batuetan hasi eta bereziki herrialde garatuetan barreiatu ditu bere efektu negatiboak. Testuinguru honetan, lanaren helburu nagusia izango da krisiaren ondorioz gehien kaltetuak izan diren Europako herrialdeen arteko ezaugarri antzeko eta ezberdinak ezagutzea. Horretarako erabilitako metodologia, analitiko-sintetikoa izanik. Aukeratutako herrialdeen ezaugarri nabarmenak aztertu eta gero, bakoitzean krisiaren eraginak azaltzen dituzten faktore esanguratsuenak identifikatu ditugu. Bukatzeko, faktore horiek herriz herri errepikatzen diren edo, aldiz, desberdinak diren ondorioztatzea dugu helburu.


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In this research, we aim to develop a conceptual framework to assess the entrepreneurial properties of the Vietnamese reform, known as Doi Moi, even before the kickoff of Doi Moi policy itself. We argued that unlike many other scholars’ assertion, economic crisis and harsh realities were neither necessary nor sufficient conditions for the reform to take place, but the entrepreurial elements and undertaking were, at least for case of Vietnam’s reform. Entrepreneurial process on the one hand sought for structural changes, kicked off innovation, and on the other its induced outcome further invited changes and associated opportunities. The paper also concludes that an assessment of possibility for the next stage of Doi Moi in should take into account the entrepreneurial factors of the economy, and by predicting the emergence of new entrepreneurial facets in the next phase of economic development.


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La época actual de crisis económica ha conllevado una crisis de tipo político también, que tiene como consecuencia una perdida de confianza por parte de los ciudadanos hacia las instituciones y los partidos tradicionales, que supuestamente actuarían como garantes de sus intereses. En Italia y España, dos países que se encuentran en situaciones parecidas, esto ha llevado al surgimiento de dos movimientos que han sabido explotar muchas de las herramientas que la comunicación política ofrece hoy en día, llegando a una considerable popularidad. Podemos y Movimento 5Stelle representan dentro de la comunicación política una autentica revolución y marcan para ella una era completamente nueva.


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Cooperatives, as a kind of firms, are considered by many scholars as an remarkable alternative for overcoming the economic crisis started in 2008. Besides, there are other scholars which pointed out the important role that these firms play in the regional economic development. Nevertheless, when one examines the economic literature on cooperatives, it is detected that this kind of firms is mainly studied starting from the point of view of their own characteristics and particularities of participation and solidarity. In this sense, following a different analysis framework, this article proposes a theoretical model in order to explain the behavior of cooperatives based on the entrepreneurship theory with the aim of increasing the knowledge about this kind of firms and, more specifically, their contribution to regional economic development.


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Desde su invención en los años cincuenta, la política cultural ha sido objeto de análisis y reflexión por parte de las ciencias sociales. No obstante, en España presenta una serie de características diferenciadoras frente a las democracias occidentales europeas como consecuencia del periodo franquista. Con la recuperación de la democracia España adquiere el paradigma dominante de una política cultural democrática basada en la libertad, el pluralismo y el derecho a la cultura. Sin embargo, tras décadas de gobiernos democráticos el diagnóstico de la política cultural en España presenta rasgos de crisis sistémica, además de los efectos de la crisis global financiera de inicios del siglo XXI. En este contexto, los autores diagnostican, aplicando la metodología Delphi y recurriendo a fuentes secundarias, un conjunto de discursos sociales y narrativas que parecen funcionar como recursos cognitivos solucionistas en la esfera artística y cultural y que no están exentos de contradicciones y aporías, fruto de su contraste empírico.


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In light of the current world economic and environmental crisis due in part to
unsustainable development and poor financial planning, 21st Century engineers are faced with unprecedented challenges of developing a sustainable world in balance with the forces of nature to combat global environmental, social and economic crises. The European Union, the United States of America and a number of other countries have identified that smart solutions and highly skilled professionals are needed to survive climate change and create long-term prosperity. In this paper the evolution of the changing career of the engineer will be presented. The policy background to the current system of engineering education at bachelor’s and graduate level in Ireland will be introduced and perceptions of engineering as a profession by society in general, and by
school leavers selecting third level courses will be discussed. The role of the engineer as a specialist, expert or generalist will also be studied in terms of the changing demands and needs of society. Finally the responsibility of universities, through broad-based multidisciplinary teaching and training, to prepare the next crop of engineers will be examined.


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This essay is intended as a self-reflective, auto-critique of the ‘social accounting community’. The essay is directed at the academic community of accountants concerned with social accounting. This `community' is predominantly concerned with English language accounting journals and is preoccupied with the social and environmental practices of the larger private sector organisations. The essay is motivated by a concern over our responsibilities as academics in a world in crisis and a concern that social accounting is losing its energy and revolutionary zeal. This community's social accounting endeavours have taken place in almost complete ignorance of the activities and developments in non accounting communities and, in particular, developments in the public and third sectors. The essay reaches out to the public and third sector work and literature as an illustration of one of the ways in which ‘our’ social accounting can try to prevent itself from becoming moribund.


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Ireland has gained a reputation for peaceable acceptance of austerity following a European Union/International Monetary Fund bailout in 2010. While proponents of austerity praise Ireland’s stoicism, critics of global capitalism argue that individuals and families are paying for mistakes made by elites. However, little is known about the strategies people adopt to cope with cutbacks to welfare entitlements. Drawing on a study of solidarity between generations living in Ireland in 2011–12, this article explores the lived experience of economic crisis and austerity. One hundred interviews with people of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds are analysed using constructivist grounded theory. Data show how austerity impacts differentially according to socio-economic status. While solidarity between generations leads to re-distribution of resources within families, providing some security for people with access to family resources, it reinforces inequality at societal level. We conclude that reliance on family promotes ‘coping’ rather than ‘protesting’ responses to austerity.


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Following an unprecedented boom, since 2008 Ireland has experienced a severe economic crisis. Considerable debate persists as to where the heaviest burden of the recession has fallen. Conventional measures of income poverty and inequality have a limited capacity to answer this question. Our analysis, which focuses on economic stress and the mediating role of material deprivation, provides no evidence for individualization or class polarization. Instead we find that while economic stress level are highly stratified in income class and social class terms in both boom and bust periods, the changing impact of class is contingent on life course stage. The affluent income class remained largely insulated from the experience of economic stress. However, it saw its relative advantage overthe income poor class decline at the earlier stage of the life-course. At the other end of the hierarchy, the income poor experienced a relative improvement in their situation in the early life course phases. The precarious income class experienced some improvement in its situation at the earlier life course stages while the outcomes for the middle classes remain unchanged. In the mid-life course stages the precarious and lower middle classes experienced disproportionate increase in their stress levels while at the later life-cycle stage it is the combined middle classes that lost out. Additional effects over time relating to social class are restricted to the deteriorating situation of the petit bourgeoisie at the middle stage of the life-course. The pattern is clearly a good deal more complex that suggested by conventional notions of ‘middle class squeeze’ and points to the distinctive challenges relating to welfare and taxation policy faced by governments in the Great Recession.


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The introduction outlines the notion of urban space and crisis in Europe while taking into account the more recent protests and riots in different cities, in and beyond Europe. It is argued that the phenomen of protest is happening alongside the economic crisis underscoring an alternative political public civic spirit expressing to a certain degree the renaissance and timely making of, what might be called in the digital age, #œuvre. Its forces and emotional properties capture a political realm that unfolds as a globalized urban transnational public space, still progressing. Further, it introduces the collection of papers for the special themed feature. Five papers look at affective practices through a Continental European lens, which places the meaning of race, migration and intersecting identity angles at the centre of debates of individual encounters in public spaces. The final and sixth paper, written by Brenda Yeoh, looks through a Singapore/East Asia lens, and comments on the common European threats as well as on the historical specificity and implications of distinctive geo-political spaces for affective practices.


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This article is a short introduction to a special section on economic ideas and the political construction of the financial crash. It begins by explaining why economic ideas and the politics of appeals to certain ideas are so integral to the historical significance of the crash of 2008 and the question of whether it can be considered a crash at all. The first section covers the literature on ideas and economic crisis. The second section highlights that the contribution of the special section is to engage in a stock taking exercise of the empirical and conceptual patterns concerning the politics of ideational change underway in the areas of: comparative fiscal policy; monetary policy and Euro zone debt management; capital controls; and financial and securities market regulation and standard setting. The final section outlines the structure of this special section and content of the individual articles.


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É evidente a crescente preocupação da opinião pública com os conceitos de Sustentabilidade. Nesta época de mudança, de crise económica global, é de todo premente a sua utilização efetiva, em especial na área da construção que tem sido o reflexo desta nova realidade. A Sustentabilidade na construção deve focar para além das fases de projeto e execução, a fase de exploração, gestão operacional, ou seja, em todo o ciclo de vida da construção. Verifica-se que as cidades sendo grandes aglomerados tanto de edifícios como de instalações são os focos de mudança para a Sustentabilidade. As grandes instalações, em especial os Estádios de Futebol, apresentam assim um impacte muito significativo na Sustentabilidade global. Em Portugal, para o campeonato Europeu de 2004, foram efetuados oito novos Estádios e remodelados dois, que tem vindo a verificar alguns problemas na sua gestão, em especial devido à ausência ou reduzida utilização. Estes Estádios podem ter um mecanismo para acompanhar e promover a sua Sustentabilidade. O desenvolvimento desse mecanismo deve ter como base o estudo dos diversos conceitos referidos anteriormente, como têm sido abordados, bem como os mecanismos existentes de avaliação da Sustentabilidade. A recolha de informação relativa à Sustentabilidade tanto nos Estádios Nacionais, verificando em especial a perspetiva dos respetivos gestores, como de outros Estádios Europeus que apresentam na sua Gestão conceitos de Sustentabilidade e os Estádios que estão a ser finalizados para o Campeonato do Mundo de 2014, que é definido que será um evento Sustentável. A partir desses dados desenvolvem-se um Sistema de Gestão Dinâmico para a Sustentabilidade dos Estádios. Este Sistema apresenta diversos mecanismos que devem ser utilizados para a promoção da Sustentabilidade na Gestão dos Estádios, sendo iniciado através de uma Avaliação do Desempenho Inicial da Sustentabilidade. Através de uma Simulação de Avaliação do Desempenho Inicial ao Estádio do Dragão verifica-se a aplicabilidade. Da parte da equipa de Gestão do Estádio do Dragão considera-se o conceito desenvolvido com elevada relevância e aplicabilidade para apoiar a melhoria da sua Gestão com vista à Sustentabilidade. A Sustentabilidade na Gestão de Infraestruturas Desportivas é possível em qualquer fase do seu ciclo de vida, podendo ser desde uma pequena mudança até à aplicação de um Sistema de Gestão para o efeito. As cidades devem potenciar mecanismos para a promoção da Sustentabilidade no seu território, em especial nas grandes instalações, para o impacte na redução de emissões de CO2 ser significativo.