951 resultados para Wire-toiminta


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The size effects in the magnetization of a long cylindrical wire of circular cross section in the presence of an external magnetic field are investigated. For this study the London theory is used with boundary conditions appropriate for this geometry. Using the Monte Carlo simulated annealing method, the free energy of the mixed state is minimized with respect to the vortex positions. The ground state of the vortex lattice for n = 1 up to 18 vortices for a given radius of the cylinder is obtained. It is found that the finite size of the sample provokes a matching effect in the magnetization, as found in experiments with superconducting samples of finite size but different geometry. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.


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Three-phase three-wire power flow algorithms, as any tool for power systems analysis, require reliable impedances and models in order to obtain accurate results. Kron's reduction procedure, which embeds neutral wire influence into phase wires, has shown good results when three-phase three-wire power flow algorithms based on current summation method were used. However, Kron's reduction can harm reliabilities of some algorithms whose iterative processes need loss calculation (power summation method). In this work, three three-phase three-wire power flow algorithms based on power summation method, will be compared with a three-phase four-wire approach based on backward-forward technique and current summation. Two four-wire unbalanced medium-voltage distribution networks will be analyzed and results will be presented and discussed. © 2004 IEEE.


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In some applications like fault analysis, fault location, power quality studies, safety analysis, loss analysis, etc., knowing the neutral wire and ground currents and voltages could be of particular interest. In order to investigate effects of neutrals and system grounding on the operation of the distribution feeders with faults, in this research a hybrid short circuit algorithm is generalized. In this novel use of the technique, the neutral wire and assumed ground conductor are explicitly represented. Results obtained from several case studies using IEEE 34-node test network are presented and discussed.


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An 8051-based microcontroller tester has been designed to reduce troubleshooting time of the Electro-Hydraulic Actuators (EHA) installed in fly-by-wire aircrafts. The tester algorithm first evaluates EHA pressure and position sensor signals to emit either a pass or fail message. The evaluation is based on predefined ranges of EHA pressure and position signals. Next, the instrument tests the EHA response capability - a way of dynamic response evaluation, again issuing a suitable response. The instrument proved to be reliable after being successfully evaluated in laboratory and in a real model test airplane. © 2007 IEEE.


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This paper investigates the major similarities and discrepancies of three important current decompositions proposed for the interpretation of unbalanced and/or non linear three-phase four-wire circuits. The considered approaches were the so-called FBD Theory, the pq-Theory and the CPT. Although the methods are based on different concepts, the results obtained under ideal conditions (sinusoidal and balanced signals) are very similar. The main differences appear in the presence of unbalanced and non linear load conditions. It will be demonstrated and discussed how the choice of the voltage referential and the return conductor impedance can influence in the resulting current components, as well as, the way of interpreting a power circuit with return conductor. Under linear unbalanced conditions, both FBD and pq-Theory suggest that the some current components contain a third-order harmonic. Besides, neither pq-Theory nor FBD method are able to provide accurate information for reactive current under unbalanced and distorted conditions, what seems to be done by means of the CPT. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper investigates the major similarities and discrepancies among three important current decompositions proposed for the interpretation of unbalanced and/or non linear three-phase four-wire power circuits. The considered approaches were the so-called FBD Theory, the pq-Theory and the CPT. Although the methods are based on different concepts, the results obtained under ideal conditions (sinusoidal and balanced signals) are very similar. The main differences appear in the presence of unbalanced and non linear load conditions. It will be demonstrated and discussed how the choice of the voltage referential and the return conductor impedance can influence in the resulting current components, as well as, the way of interpreting a power circuit with return conductor. Under linear unbalanced conditions, both FBD and pq-Theory suggest that the some current components contain a third-order harmonic. Besides, neither pq-Theory nor FBD method are able to provide accurate information for reactive current under unbalanced and distorted conditions, what can be done by means of the CPT. © 2009 IEEE.


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In order to contribute to the discussion of defining a generalized power theory, valid for unbalanced and non linear circuits, this paper discusses the relationship and discrepancies among four modern power theories. Three-phase four-wire circuits, under different conditions, have been analyzed, since the most conflicting and intriguing interpretations take place in case of return conductor occurrence. Simulation results of different load, power supply and line conditions will be discussed in order to elucidate the author's conclusions and to provoke the readers for additional discussions. © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper presents some methodologies for reactive energy measurement, considering three modern power theories that are suitable for three-phase four-wire non-sinusoidal and unbalanced circuits. The theories were applied in some profiles collected in electrical distribution systems which have real characteristics for voltages and currents measured by commercial reactive energy meters. The experimental results are presented in order to analyze the accuracy of the methodologies, considering the standard IEEE 1459-2010 as a reference. Finally, for additional comparisons, the theories will be confronted with the modern Yokogawa WT3000 energy meter and three samples of a commercial energy meter through an experimental setup. © 2011 IEEE.


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This study compared the effect of the treatment protocol for correcting Class Il malocclusion using the Herbst appliance followed by full fixed Straigh-wire mechanics, in two populations, one Brazilian and one of North American origin As a untreated control sample the data from the University of Michigan Elementary and Secondary School Growth Study (UMGS) was used. Our sample was composed of 12 males and 12 females, with initial mean age of 12 years 7 months and final mean ages of 15 years and 3 months. The Michigan patients comprised 21 females and 7 males, with an initial mean age of 11 years and 9 months and final mean age of 14 years and 4 months. The control sample was paired in number, sex and age to the treated Michigan sample. ln both treated groups, lateral cephalometric radiographs were obtained before the Herbst appliance was cemented and at the end of the fixed appliance phase, The first comparison involved the Brazil group and the untreated controls, which demonstrated that the association of the Herbst appliance followed by fixed Straight-wire appliances provoked positive effects on the dentofacial complex, improving pre-existing maxillo-mandibular relationships, besides increasing dentoalveolar compensations which contributed to correct the malocclusion. The second comparison, involved the Brazl1ian and North-American patients treated with the same protocol. Although the pre-treatment comparison showed that the two groups were not similar in all aspects, they presented almost identical therapeutic modifications, which indicate that the effect of' treatment was very similar. These results point out that, in Class ll treatment, the combination of Herbst/Straight-wire mechanics produce consistent and systematic effects, correcting or minimizing possible skeletal imbalances


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Shape memory alloys (SMAs) provide a compact and effective actuation for a variety of mechanical systems. In this paper, a numerical simulation study of a three degree of-freedom airfoil, subjected to two-dimensional incompressible inviscid flow using a SMA is presented. SMA wire actuators are used to control the flap movement of a wing section. Through the thermo-mechanical constitutive equation of the SMA proposed by Brison, we simulate numerically the behavior of a double SMA wire actuator. Two SMA actuators are used: one to move the flap down and the other to move the flap up. Through the numerical results conducted in the present study, the behavior and characteristics of an SMA actuator with two SMA wires are shown the effectiveness of the SMA actuator. In conclusion, this paper shows the feasibility of using SMA wire actuators for flap movement, with success


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This paper presents an analysis of the impact of the lightning overvoltages on the operational performance of the energized shield wire line technology (SWL) implemented in two locations of the State of Rondonia, Brazil. The analysis covers the periods of 1996 to 2000 (SWL Jaru) and 1997 to 2002 (SWL Itapua do Oeste), and shows that lightning is responsible for most of the system outages. The paper describes the satisfactory results achieved with the system, showing that the isolation and energization of the shield wires does not deteriorate the lightning performance of the 230 kV transmission lines. Comparisons between the performances of the SWL technology, conventional 34.5 kV lines, and thermal power plants in operation in the same region are also presented. The results demonstrate the technical and economical viability of the SWL technology and show that its application can lead to a postponement of investments.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop an efficient numerical algorithm for the self-consistent solution of Schrodinger and Poisson equations in one-dimensional systems. The goal is to compute the charge-control and capacitance-voltage characteristics of quantum wire transistors. Design/methodology/approach - The paper presents a numerical formulation employing a non-uniform finite difference discretization scheme, in which the wavefunctions and electronic energy levels are obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation through the split-operator method while a relaxation method in the FTCS scheme ("Forward Time Centered Space") is used to solve the two-dimensional Poisson equation. Findings - The numerical model is validated by taking previously published results as a benchmark and then applying them to yield the charge-control characteristics and the capacitance-voltage relationship for a split-gate quantum wire device. Originality/value - The paper helps to fulfill the need for C-V models of quantum wire device. To do so, the authors implemented a straightforward calculation method for the two-dimensional electronic carrier density n(x,y). The formulation reduces the computational procedure to a much simpler problem, similar to the one-dimensional quantization case, significantly diminishing running time.


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INTRODUCTION: The opinion on the 'straight-wire' concept has been evolving since its origin, characterized by faithful followers or absolute skepticism. Currently, it seems reasonable to state that most professionals have a more realistic and critical viewpoint, with an attitude that reveals Orthodontics' maturity and greater knowledge on the technique. The most relevant criticisms refer to the impossibility of the both the Straight-Wire and the Standard systems to completely express the characteristics related to the brackets due to mechanical deficiencies, such as bracket/wire play. OBJECTIVES: A critical analysis of this relationship, which is unclear due to lack of studies, was the scope of this paper. METHODS: The compensatory treatment of two patients, using Capelozza's individualized brackets, works as the scenery for cephalometric evaluation of changes in incisor inclination produced by different dimensions of leveling archwires. RESULTS: The evaluation of these cases showed that, while the introduction of a 0.019 x 0.025-in stainless steel archwire in a 0.022 x 0.030-in slot did not produce significant changes in incisor inclination, the 0.021 x 0.025-in archwire was capable of changing it, mainly in mandibular incisors, and in the opposite direction to the compensation. CONCLUSION: Considering compensatory treatments, even when using an individualized prescription according to the malocclusion, the bracket/wire play seems to be a positive factor for malocclusion correction, without undesirable movements. Therefore, it seems reasonable to admit that, until a bracket system can have absolute individualization, the use of rectangular wires that still have a certain play with the bracket slot is advisable.


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Lo studio della turbolenza è di fondamentale importanza non solo per la fluidodinamica teorica ma anche perchè viene riscontrata in una moltitudine di problemi di interesse ingegneristico. All'aumentare del numero di Reynolds, le scale caratteristiche tendono a ridurre le loro dimensioni assolute. Nella fluidodinamica sperimentale già da lungo tempo si è affermata l'anemometria a filo caldo, grazie ad ottime caratteristiche di risoluzione spaziale e temporale. Questa tecnica, caratterizzata da un basso costo e da una relativa semplicità, rende possibile la realizzazione di sensori di tipo artigianale, che hanno il vantaggio di poter essere relizzati in dimensioni inferiori. Nonostante l'ottima risoluzione spaziale degli hot-wire, infatti, si può verificare, ad alto numero di Reynolds, che le dimensioni dell'elemento sensibile siano superiori a quelle delle piccole scale. Questo impedisce al sensore di risolvere correttamente le strutture più piccole. Per questa tesi di laurea è stato allestito un laboratorio per la costruzione di sensori a filo caldo con filo di platino. Sono in questo modo stati realizzati diversi sensori dalle dimensioni caratteristiche inferiori a quelle dei sensori disponibili commercialmente. I sensori ottenuti sono quindi stati testati in un getto turbolento, dapprima confrontandone la risposta con un sensore di tipo commerciale, per verificarne il corretto funzionamento. In seguito si sono eseguite misure più specifiche e limitate ad alcune particolari zone all'interno del campo di moto, dove è probabile riscontrare effetti di risoluzione spaziale. Sono stati analizzati gli effetti della dimensione fisica del sensore sui momenti statistici centrali, sugli spettri di velocità e sulle funzioni di densità di probabilità.


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A way to investigate turbulence is through experiments where hot wire measurements are performed. Analysis of the in turbulence of a temperature gradient on hot wire measurements is the aim of this thesis work. Actually - to author's knowledge - this investigation is the first attempt to document, understand and ultimately correct the effect of temperature gradients on turbulence statistics. However a numerical approach is used since instantaneous temperature and streamwise velocity fields are required to evaluate this effect. A channel flow simulation at Re_tau = 180 is analyzed to make a first evaluation of the amount of error introduced by temperature gradient inside the domain. Hot wire data field is obtained processing the numerical flow field through the application of a proper version of the King's law, which connect voltage, velocity and temperature. A drift in mean streamwise velocity profile and rms is observed when temperature correction is performed by means of centerline temperature. A correct mean velocity pro�le is achieved correcting temperature through its mean value at each wall normal position, but a not negligible error is still present into rms. The key point to correct properly the sensed velocity from the hot wire is the knowledge of the instantaneous temperature field. For this purpose three correction methods are proposed. At the end a numerical simulation at Re_tau =590 is also evaluated in order to confirm the results discussed earlier.