212 resultados para Wedding


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For other editions, see Author Catalog.


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The man who worked for Collister. --The mask of the lost soul. --The race of the little ships. -- The governor's prerogatives. -- The mountain gold. --The alarm bell. --The Hildreths' wedding day. --The fig trees of old Jourde̲. --The captor of old Pontomoc. --A little mountain maid. --The great state of Johnsing. --Aunt Clementine's old days. --The law and the long bone. --Six brave soldiers. --Mr. Wille's wedding veil.


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The first book with Hawthorne's name on the title page--cf. N. E. Browne, A bibliography of ... Hawthorne.


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On cover: Peterson's illustrated uniform edition of humorous American works.


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v.6. The deuce is in him / by George Colman. Edgar and Emmeline / by John Hawkesworth. Richard Coeur de Lion / [by M.J. Sedaine] The maid of the Oaks / by John Burgoyne. Tom Thumb / [by Henry Fielding] The doctor and the apothecary / [by James Cobb] The first floor / [by James Cobb] The adopted child / by Samuel Birch. The farm house / [by Charles Johnson]--v.7. Lodoiska / by J.P. Kemble. Ways and means / by George Colman. The school for authors / by John Tobin. Midas / [by Kane O'Hara] The waterman / by Charles Dibdin. The author / by Samuel Foote. The old maid / [by Arthur Murphy] The miller of Mansfield / by Richard Dodsley. Comus / altered from John Milton.


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verso: This is a picture of the "First Voters' Republican Club" of Leslie, taken in the fall of 1896, during the gold and silver campaign. Arthur J. Tuttle, captain of the outfit, is shown at the right, in front, wearing his father's silk wedding hat, gilded for the occasion. The horsemen are facing the Michigan Central Railroad traks [sic] and this picture was taken while they were waiting for the train which was to bring Civil War veterans, including General Alger Captain Tanner and several others. The building shown in the background is the old Allen House, which was an aristocratic country hotel at that time. This picture is greatly valued by Judge Tuttle and the only one he has.


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"The turnament of Tottenham, or The wooing, winning, and wedding of Tibbe, the reev's daughter, there: and The feast:" pp. 27, at end of vol. 2.


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Apparently an edition made up from the 12 v. ed. of 1825-27, omitting v. 2-4 and 10.


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Signatures: á⁴ (-á4 (blank?), A-2I⁸ 2K⁴.


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Esta dissertação analisará a recorrência do termo sinal no Quarto Evangelho, tendo como paradigma a exegese de João 6.1-15, perícope denominada como multiplicação dos pães e peixes. O texto da multiplicação dos pães e peixes se insere no Bloco dos Sinais (capítulo 1-12), o qual é marcado por sete sinais, sendo eles: o casamento de Caná (2.1-11); a cura do filho do oficial do rei (4.43-54); a cura de um paralítico de Betesda (5.1-15), a multiplicação dos pães e peixes (6.1-15); andar sobre as águas (6.16-21); cura do cego de nascença (9.1-41) e a ressurreição de Lázaro (11.1-45). A pesquisa revelou, além das peculiaridades narrativas, semióticas e hermenêuticas, próprias do Evangelho de João, que o termo sinal enquadra a narrativa, além de estruturar e proporcionar cadência para o texto joanino. Nota-se tangência e diálogo entre os sinais, de modo que a perícope de João 6.1-15 exerce papel central no Bloco da Paixão por ser um texto identitário dos leitores, bem como da comunidade joanina.


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Reconcilable Differences is the story of Miami radio host Adam Painter. Confused about relationships, Adam cancels his wedding and, under the guidance of his bad-boy best friend, delves into the demi-monde inhabited by strippers and hookers. On the air he begins to examine how men and women interact. Adam explores the night world, moving from a connection with its denizens through his talk show to direct experience of its license and loneliness. He fails miserably in his clumsy efforts with women and is fired, sued and arrested. An unlikely, unwilling rebel, Adam confronts change and stumbles almost truculently toward self-discovery. This picaresque novel is told in the third person closely attached to the protagonist. The time scheme covers a thirteen-week radio ratings period. The story encompasses the worlds of radio and the sex industry, using South Florida settings to re-inforce character, plot and theme.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the dramaturgic work of the Bulgarian author Elias Canetti, composed by the plays The Wedding, Comedy of Vanity and Their Days are Numbered, seeking to comprehend how the contemporary critic theories act on his trilogy, making a dialogue with theoretical references which may justify its approaching to the postmodernism. In this perspective, the theories by Jean-François Lyotard, Fredric Jameson and Jürgen Habermas contribute for a better comprehension of the postmodernity phenomenon. Undertaking Canetti’s notes and theatre with the philosophical concepts of Adorno’s negative aesthetics, we realise there is a space to reflect upon the theories which befell, like Foucault’s power relations in Micro-physics of Power and the discourses of resistance and deterritorialisation developed by Deleuze and Guattari in A Thousand Plateau and Anti-Oedipus. Even though Canetti’s plays were written between 1932 and 1956, all of them show a strong critic against modernism, and their characteristics did not help their recognition by the critics, which resulted in a rediscovery of Canetti’s plays after the author won the Nobel Prize in 1981.


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Contains songs, partly from English operas, and instrumental music.


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Cette thèse a pour objet de comprendre la question du mariage forcé vécu par des femmes immigrantes vivant au Québec et, les réponses politiques, législatives et sociales qu’on y apporte. De façon plus spécifique, il s’agit de mettre à jour la diversité des situations et des significations que recouvre la notion de mariage forcé pour tenter d’en dégager des éléments de définition et de compréhension. La thèse vise également à identifier les conséquences spécifiques qui découlent d’un mariage forcé pour les femmes immigrantes vivant au Québec, et enfin, d’analyser les réponses politiques, législatives et sociales visant le mariage forcé au Canada et au Québec afin de prévenir, dépister et d’en protéger ses victimes en contexte interculturel. S’appuyant sur un corpus de dix entrevues avec des femmes immigrantes vivant, ayant vécu ou menacées d’un mariage forcé et de dix-huit informateurs clés intervenant auprès d’elles et provenant de différents milieux de pratique (police, justice, santé services sociaux et communautaires), une analyse intersectionnelle a permis de révéler toute la complexité des mariages forcés due notamment aux interrelations entre des systèmes d’oppression et des vulnérabilités multiples. La recension des écrits et nos résultats indiquent que certains éléments caractérisent les mariages forcés. Premièrement, la préservation de l’honneur patriarcal qui problématise et contrôle le comportement des femmes en ce qui à trait notamment à leur vie sexuelle, mais aussi sociale. Deuxièmement, le fait que le mariage forcé soit un moyen de poursuivre des intérêts plus souvent collectifs qu’individuels. Dimension collective qui devra nécessairement être prise en considération lors des solutions à apporter à cette problématique. Troisièmement, le rôle des femmes (mères, belles-mères et autres femmes de la communauté culturelle d’appartenance) dans l’arrangement des mariages, mais également dans la surveillance et le contrôle de tous les faits et gestes des autres femmes. i Quatrièmement, le potentiel d’agresseurs multiples, y compris la communauté elle-même, dans les actes de violence commis avant, pendant et, le cas échéant, après le mariage. Une autre dimension qui devra elle aussi être prise en compte lors de l’inter- vention. Cinquièmement, le potentiel d’exploitation sexuelle (viol conjugal, grossesses forcées), physique (mauvais traitements, blessures), psychologique (pressions, manipulations) ou encore économique (travail forcé, privation d’autonomie financière). L’ensemble de ces résultats a permis de cerner certains besoins liés à l’intervention, en terme de prévention, de dépistage et de protection des victimes de mariage forcé.


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adesp. fr. 700 Kn.-Sn. podría proceder de Andrómeda de Eurípides y no de una Níobe. Los siguientes elementos de los frs. (a) y (b) pueden responder a lo que se conoce de la tragedia de Eurípides: (a) la semejanza con una estatua; (b) la novia de Hades; (c) el silencio del personaje; (d) la colaboración con las Moiras; (e) el contraste entre la fortuna regia y la desgracia y el sufrimiento de los padres. No es, por tanto, necesario modificar el texto recibido para eliminar μάγους πάγας y la referencia a las trampas mágicas en el v. 5, que cuadra bien con Medusa y Perseo.