900 resultados para Web 2.0 Applications in Education


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En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos de la incorporación de tecnologías Web 2.0 y redes sociales en la docencia del Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación. El carácter interdisciplinar de los alumnos matriculados, así como la problemática a la hora de compaginar su horario laboral con sus estudios ha implicado utilizar nuevas técnicas de comunicación que les permita estar actualizados y en contacto directo con sus compañeros, e inclusive con el propio profesorado. Además, se han intensificado esfuerzos en unificar la plataforma on-line de Google Docs de una manera más transparente para el alumnado y más fácil de gestionar por el profesorado. Las nuevas tecnologías y el papel de la nube en la docencia son cada vez más importante y relevantes, por ello en este trabajo se muestran los avances que se han realizado en este campo así como las estrategias utilizadas para la implantación en la docencia universitaria.


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Las prácticas clínicas de Enfermería, son un elemento fundamental para el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Grado en Enfermería. En estos entornos, los estudiantes toman contacto con su futura profesión aplicando los conocimientos teóricos y desarrollando habilidades para la prestación de cuidados a los pacientes. En este trabajo de investigación acción, se describen y aportan resultados de las dos etapas determinadas en este estudio piloto. En primer lugar, se estudia y analiza la opinión de una muestra accidental de estudiantes del grado en Enfermería sobre la organización y distribución de puestos de prácticas en este momento, empleando como instrumento un cuestionario de 15 ítems. Posteriormente y tras el análisis de los datos obtenidos en la fase previa, se decide diseñar y aplicar un instrumento basado en la Web 2.0 y se formula un protocolo en el que la elección de las unidades de prácticas las realiza la estudiante o el estudiante, siguiendo los pasos establecidos.


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La WebQuest corresponde a una herramienta didáctica sustentada en las corrientes constructivistas del aprendizaje, cuya característica central es el uso de Internet. Esta cualidad nos ha servido como antecedente para aprovechar sus ventajas e incorporarla en nuestra labor docente. No obstante, consideramos que antes de querer introducir cualquier recurso TIC en el aula, necesitamos tener un profundo conocimiento sobre cómo estos recursos pueden ser utilizados con un sentido didáctico. Por tal razón, hemos considerado necesario llevar a cabo este trabajo en etapas progresivas. La primera, focalizada hacia la apropiación de la WebQuest como herramienta didáctica, la definición de criterios comunes sobre el qué, el cómo y el para qué de su implementación. La segunda, orientada al diseño de WebQuest en base a parámetros de calidad y de acuerdo a la disciplina de cada docente que conforma esta Red, así como también la generación de espacios de reflexión y valoración de evaluación de las mismas. La tercera, focalizada en la aplicación directa de esta herramienta en nuestras clases y el seguimiento de sus resultados con fines investigativos. En esta comunicación se presenta el proceso llevado a cabo en la primera etapa.


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Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2012 г.


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Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2012 г.


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1. VIOLENZA FRA EGUALI: DAL BULLYNG TRADIZIONALE AL CIBERBULLYNG. 1.1 Concezione e caratteristiche del ciberbullying. 1.2.- Concorrenza di fenomeni di bullying tradizionali e cyberbullying. 1.3 Cifre allarmanti del cyberbullyng. 2. CYBERBULLISMO E RESPONSABILITÀ PENALE DEL DELINQUENTE GIOVANILE. 2.1.- Cyberbullismo: Regolazione prevista dal Codice penale spagnolo. 2.2. Responsabilità penale dei minori secondo l'età e le misure adottate (LORPM). 3. REGIMI LEGALI CHE REGOLANO LA RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE PER DANNI DERIVANTI DAL CYBERBULLISMO. 3.1. Il terzo sistema di responsabilità civile che introduce la LORPM. 3.2 Il ciberbullyng e la responsabilità civile nella giurisdizione penale dei minori sotto l`articolo 61,3 LORPM. 1.


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Este artículo explica los cambios que Internet ha introducido en la lectura de textos juveniles y en la promoción de estos a partir de epitextos públicos virtuales u onlines como los blogs, los foros de lectura y los Booktrailers. Estas nuevas formas de lectura suponen un nuevo tipo de interacción entre el autor del texto y el lector, quienes comparten informaciones en espacios digitales de lectura sobre el contenido e interpretación de la obra literaria. Un ejemplo concreto de este nuevo tipo de interacción lectora es la obra literaria, publicada en Portugal, A revolta dos sátiros (2014), de Ana Soares y Bárbara Wong. A partir de un password, el lector de este texto juvenil puede acceder a un espacio virtual en el que conocerá la continuación de esta, accederá a informaciones muy diversas sobre el texto literario y podrá interaccionar con el autor y los lectores de este texto juvenil.


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Atualmente, uma profusão de soluções chamadas de Web 2.0 e redes sociais está causando um grande impacto no desenvolvimento da Internet, comparando-se à era “ponto-com” em termos de crescimento, investimentos e empolgação. Estas iniciativas possuem em comum um elevado grau de formação de comunidades, e de criação e compartilhamento de conteúdo por parte do usuário, dentre outras características. Acredita-se que as redes sociais possuam um grande potencial inovador e disruptivo tanto para a sociedade quanto para o mundo empresarial. Entretanto, como transformar as redes sociais e aplicações Web 2.0 em modelos de negócios auto-sustentáveis ainda é um desafio para o mercado. Esta dissertação objetiva auxiliar a compreensão e abordagem deste tema propondo uma ontologia específica para modelos de negócios de redes sociais na internet. Isto se realiza por meio do desenvolvimento de um ensaio teórico de viés exploratório, baseado em extensa, porém não exaustiva, revisão de literatura abordando modelos de negócios, redes sociais e demais temas relacionados. A ontologia criada é então aplicada na representação de modelos de negócio de redes sociais na internet. Este trabalho também fornece uma visão geral do fenômeno Web 2.0, abordando algumas de suas principais características tecnológicas e socioeconômicas.


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In this contribution the experiences with e-Learning 2.0 applications by using a Wiki for the education in hydraulic engineering are shown. Up to now important information for the students has been prepared by the instructor. For this project the students were asked to collaborate and search on their own for the information they needed. Therefore a Wiki-system was used. For the engineering practice a self dependent realisation of tasks is an important requirement which students should be prepared for. With the help of online communication there should be shown the possibilities for students for working together in an interdisciplinary team. The positive experiences as well as the results of the evaluation of this project plead for a continuation of the application of e-Learning 2.0 for education. The comparison of results of tests without using Wiki and with using Wiki shows a qualitative tendency of better marks. In this contribution we present the application of Wiki in hydraulic engineering but the results can also be used for other engineering disciplines.


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REBIUN study on Science 2.0 and social web applications for research. There are three categories: share research, share resources and share results. Describes the applications and selected resources of interest: scientific social networks, scientific databases, research platforms, surveys, concept maps, file sharing, bibliographic management, social bookmarking, citation indexes, blogs and wikis, science news, open access. The services are evaluated and the report describes his interest to libraries.


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This study presents a review of theories of the so-called post-industrial society, and proposes that the concept of post-industrial society can be used to understand the recent developments of the World Wide Web, often described as Web 2.0 or social Web. The study combines theories ranging from post-war management science and cultural studies to software development, and tries to build a holistic view of the development of the post-industrial society, and especially the Internet. The discourse on the emergence of a post-industrial society after the World Wars has addressed the ways in which the growing importance of information, and innovations in digital communications technology, are changing our society. It is furthermore deeply connected with the discourse on the postmodern society, which emphasizes cultural fragmentation, intertextuality, and pluralism. The Internet age is characterized by increasing masses of information that are managed through various technologies. While 1990s Internet technologies often used the network as a traditional broadcasting channel with added interactivity, Web 2.0 technologies are specifically designed to utilize the network model by facilitating communication between various services and devices, and analyzing the relationships between users and objects in order to produce intelligent insight. The wide adoption of the Internet, and recently of Internet-enabled mobile devices, is furthermore continuously producing new ways of communicating, consuming, and producing. Applications of the social Web, such as social media or social networking services, are permanently changing our traditional social, cultural, and economic practices. The study first presents an overview of the post-industrial society, the Internet, and the concept of Web 2.0. Then the concept of social Web is described with an analysis of the term social media, the brief histories of the interactive Web and social networking services, and a description of the concept ―long tail‖, used to represent the masses of information available in the Web that do not receive mainstream attention. Finally, methods for retrieving and filtering information, modeling social and cultural relationships, and communicating with customers, are presented.


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The confluence of education with the evolution of technology boosted the paradigm shift of the face-to-face learning to distance learning. In this scenario e-Learning plays an essential role as a facilitator of the teaching/learning process. However new demands associated with the new Web paradigm require that existent e-Learning environments characterized mostly by monolithic systems begin interacting with new specialized services. In this decentralized scenario the definition of a strategy of interoperability is the cornerstone to ensure the standardization communication among systems. This paper presents a definition of an interoperability strategy for an e-Learning environment at our School (ESEIG) called PEACE – Project for ESEIG Academic Content Environment. This new interoperability model relies on the application of several coordination and integration standards on several services, controlled by teachers and students, and included in the PEACE environment such as social networks, repositories, libraries, e-portfolios, intelligent tutors, recommendation systems and virtual classrooms.


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This research aims to provide a better understanding on how firms stimulate knowledge sharing through the utilization of collaboration tools, in particular Emergent Social Software Platforms (ESSPs). It focuses on the distinctive applications of ESSPs and on the initiatives contributing to maximize its advantages. In the first part of the research, I have itemized all types of existing collaboration tools and classify them in different categories according to their capabilities, objectives and according to their faculty for promoting knowledge sharing. In the second part, and based on an exploratory case study at Cisco Systems, I have identified the main applications of an existing enterprise social software platform named Webex Social. By combining a qualitative and quantitative approach, as well as combining data collected from survey’s results and from the analysis of the company’s documents, I am expecting to maximize the outcome of this investigation and reduce the risk of bias. Although effects cannot be universalized based on one single case study, some utilization patterns have been underlined from the data collected and potential trends in managing knowledge have been observed. The results of the research have also enabled identifying most of the constraints experienced by the users of the firm’s social software platform. Utterly, this research should provide a primary framework for firms planning to create or implement a social software platform and for firms willing to increase adoption levels and to promote the overall participation of users. It highlights the common traps that should be avoided by developers when designing a social software platform and the capabilities that it should inherently carry to support an effective knowledge management strategy.


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REBIUN study on Science 2.0 and social web applications for research. There are three categories: share research, share resources and share results. Describes the applications and selected resources of interest: scientific social networks, scientific databases, research platforms, surveys, concept maps, file sharing, bibliographic management, social bookmarking, citation indexes, blogs and wikis, science news, open access. The services are evaluated and the report describes his interest to libraries.