929 resultados para Waves -- Mathematical models -- Sau, Pantà de (Catalonia)


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We examined the association between IL28B single-nucleotide polymorphism rs12979860, hepatitis C virus (HCV) kinetic, and pegylated interferon alpha-2a pharmacodynamic parameters in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients from South America. Twenty-six subjects received pegylated interferon alpha-2a + ribavirin. Serum HCV-RNA and interferon concentrations were measured frequently during the first 12 weeks of therapy and analyzed using mathematical models. African Americans and whites had a similar distribution of IL28B genotypes (P = 0.5). The IL28B CC genotype was overrepresented (P = 0.015) in patients infected with HCV genotype-3 compared with genotype-1. In both genotype-1 and genotype-3, the first-phase viral decline and the average pegylated interferon-alpha-2a effectiveness during the first week of therapy were larger (trend P <= 0.12) in genotype-CC compared with genotypes-TC/TT. In genotype-1 patients, the second slower phase of viral decline (days 2-29) and infected cells loss rate, delta, were larger (P = 0.02 and 0.11, respectively) in genotype-CC than in genotypes-TC/TT. These associations were not observed in genotype-3 patients.


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Although many mathematical models exist predicting the dynamics of transposable elements (TEs), there is a lack of available empirical data to validate these models and inherent assumptions. Genomes can provide a snapshot of several TE families in a single organism, and these could have their demographics inferred by coalescent analysis, allowing for the testing of theories on TE amplification dynamics. Using the available genomes of the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae, we indicate that such an approach is feasible. Our analysis follows four steps: (1) mining the two mosquito genomes currently available in search of TE families; (2) fitting, to selected families found in (1), a phylogeny tree under the general time-reversible (GTR) nucleotide substitution model with an uncorrelated lognormal (UCLN) relaxed clock and a nonparametric demographic model; (3) fitting a nonparametric coalescent model to the tree generated in (2); and (4) fitting parametric models motivated by ecological theories to the curve generated in (3).


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Objective: To develop a model to predict the bleeding source and identify the cohort amongst patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) who require urgent intervention, including endoscopy. Patients with acute GIB, an unpredictable event, are most commonly evaluated and managed by non-gastroenterologists. Rapid and consistently reliable risk stratification of patients with acute GIB for urgent endoscopy may potentially improve outcomes amongst such patients by targeting scarce health-care resources to those who need it the most. Design and methods: Using ICD-9 codes for acute GIB, 189 patients with acute GIB and all. available data variables required to develop and test models were identified from a hospital medical records database. Data on 122 patients was utilized for development of the model and on 67 patients utilized to perform comparative analysis of the models. Clinical data such as presenting signs and symptoms, demographic data, presence of co-morbidities, laboratory data and corresponding endoscopic diagnosis and outcomes were collected. Clinical data and endoscopic diagnosis collected for each patient was utilized to retrospectively ascertain optimal management for each patient. Clinical presentations and corresponding treatment was utilized as training examples. Eight mathematical models including artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor, linear discriminant analysis (LDA), shrunken centroid (SC), random forest (RF), logistic regression, and boosting were trained and tested. The performance of these models was compared using standard statistical analysis and ROC curves. Results: Overall the random forest model best predicted the source, need for resuscitation, and disposition with accuracies of approximately 80% or higher (accuracy for endoscopy was greater than 75%). The area under ROC curve for RF was greater than 0.85, indicating excellent performance by the random forest model Conclusion: While most mathematical models are effective as a decision support system for evaluation and management of patients with acute GIB, in our testing, the RF model consistently demonstrated the best performance. Amongst patients presenting with acute GIB, mathematical models may facilitate the identification of the source of GIB, need for intervention and allow optimization of care and healthcare resource allocation; these however require further validation. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective. To analyze, through mathematical modeling, the potential ability of sterilization campaigns to reduce the population density of pet dogs. Methods. Mathematical models were constructed to simulate the canine population dynamics and project the results of control strategies based on several sterilization rates. Results. Even at high sterilization rates (for example, 0.80 year(-1)), it would take approximately 5 years to reduce density by 20%. Even so, other sources of population growth, such as the importing of dogs from other geographic areas, could outweigh the effects of a sterilization program. Conclusions. A program`s effectiveness is contingent upon not only on the sterilization rate, but also the rate of population growth. Sterilization campaigns may potentially reduce population density, but this reduction may not be immediately evident.


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The magnitude of the basic reproduction ratio R(0) of an epidemic can be estimated in several ways, namely, from the final size of the epidemic, from the average age at first infection, or from the initial growth phase of the outbreak. In this paper, we discuss this last method for estimating R(0) for vector-borne infections. Implicit in these models is the assumption that there is an exponential phase of the outbreaks, which implies that in all cases R(0) > 1. We demonstrate that an outbreak is possible, even in cases where R(0) is less than one, provided that the vector-to-human component of R(0) is greater than one and that a certain number of infected vectors are introduced into the affected population. This theory is applied to two real epidemiological dengue situations in the southeastern part of Brazil, one where R(0) is less than one, and other one where R(0) is greater than one. In both cases, the model mirrors the real situations with reasonable accuracy.


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Warranty is an important element of marketing new products as better warranty signals higher product quality and provides greater assurance to customers. Servicing warranty involves additional costs to the manufacturer and this cost depends on product reliability and warranty terms. Product reliability is influenced by the decisions made during the design and manufacturing of the product. As such warranty is very important in the context of new products. Product warranty has received the attention of researchers from many different disciplines and the literature on warranties is vast. This paper carries out a review of the literature that has appeared in the last ten years. It highlights issues of interest to manufacturers in the context of managing new products from an overall business perspective. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The standard mathematical models in population ecology assume that a population's growth rate is a function of its environment. In this paper we investigate an alternative proposal according to which the rate of change of the growth rate is a function of the environment and of environmental change. We focus on the philosophical issues involved in such a fundamental shift in theoretical assumptions, as well as on the explanations the two theories offer for some of the key data such as cyclic populations. We also discuss the relationship between this move in population ecology and a similar move from first-order to second-order differential equations championed by Galileo and Newton in celestial mechanics.


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Em geral, produtos agrícolas são produzidos em larga escala e essa produtividade cresce proporcionalmente ao seu consumo. Entretanto, outro fator também cresce de forma proporcional, as perdas pós-colheita, o que sugere a utilização de tecnologias para aumentar a utilização desses produtos mitigando o desperdício e aumentando sua a vida de prateleira. Além disso, oferecer o produto durante o período de entressafra. No presente trabalho, foi utilizado à tecnologia de secagem em leito de espuma aplicada a cenoura, beterraba, tomate e morango, produtos amplamente produzidos e consumidos no Brasil. Neste trabalho, os quatros produtos foram submetidos à secagem em leito de espuma em secador com ar circulado em temperaturas controladas de 40, 50, 60, 70 e 80 °C. A descrição da cinética de secagem foi realizada pelo ajuste de modelos matemáticos para cada temperatura do ar de secagem. Além disso, foi proposto um modelo matemático generalizado ajustado por regressão não linear. O modelo de Page obteve o melhor ajuste sobre os dados de secagem em todos os produtos testados, com um coeficiente de determinação (R²) superior a 98% em todas as temperaturas avaliadas. Além disso, foi possível modelar a influência da temperatura do ar sobre o parâmetro k do modelo de Page através da utilização de um modelo exponencial. O coeficiente de difusão efetiva aumentou com a elevação da temperatura, apresentando valores entre 10-8e 10-7 m².s-¹ para as temperaturas de processo. A relação entre o coeficiente de difusão efetiva e a temperatura de secagem pôde ser descrita pela equação de Arrhenius.


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Given the necessity of developing jatropha cultivation equipment, this work adjusted different mathematical models to experimental data obtained from the drying of jatropha seeds submitted to different drying conditions and selected the best model to describe the drying process. The experiment was carried out at the Federal Institute of Goiás - Rio Verde Campus. Seeds with initial moisture content of approximately 0.50 (kg water/kg dry matter) were dried in a forced air-ventilated oven, at temperatures of 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105°C to moisture content of 0.10 ± 0.005 (kg water/kg dry matter). The experimental data were adjusted to 11 mathematical models to represent the drying process of agricultural products. The models were compared using the coefficient of determination, chi-square test, relative mean error, estimated mean error and residual distribution. It was found that the increase in the air temperature caused a reduction in the drying time of seeds. The models Midilli and Two Terms were suitable to represent the drying process of Jatropha seeds and between them the use of the Midili model is recommended due to its greater simplicity.


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Com a globalização verificaram-se profundas mudanças ao nível político, social, económico, tecnológico, entre outras, originando uma evolução extraordinária da procura do sector dos transportes, com especial destaque para as mercadorias. O sector rodoviário tem sido o que mais tem crescido e consequentemente maiores problemas tem causado, nomeadamente o congestionamento, a sinistralidade, entre outros, com implicações económicas, sociais e ambientais. Uma das soluções passa por equilibrar o transporte de mercadorias entre os modos de transporte, com especial destaque para o crescimento do sector ferroviário, sendo que para tal é necessário investir em infra-estruturas de transporte e em nodos modais eficazes e eficientes, para promover a intermodalidade. A localização dos nodos modais é vital para o sucesso das operações logísticas, onde a economia do tempo e do custo de transporte são determinantes, assim como o enquadramento destas infra-estruturas no âmbito das políticas de ordenamento do território e de transportes e o respectivo impacte nos diversos domínios, a nível local e regional. A localização de centros de tratamento de mercadorias (CTM) é um exemplo de decisão de carácter estratégico, a concretizar num ambiente de crescente complexidade, onde se pretende estabelecer um equilíbrio entre múltiplos aspectos de avaliação. A complexidade inerente a este tipo de decisões advém das constantes evoluções das tecnologias, da estrutura dos mercados, das necessidades sociais e dos enquadramentos regulamentares, assim como da heterogeneidade de critérios de avaliação das acções potenciais que tem associados problemas de conflitualidade, de incomensurabilidade e de incerteza. Este é o retrato do caso de estudo, ao qual aplicamos uma metodologia sistémica de estruturação de situações problemáticas, denominada soft systems methodology, a partir da qual construímos um modelo multicritério de apoio ao planeamento da localização de CTMs. O modelo contempla a aplicação de uma metodologia de apoio multicritério à decisão, o ELECTRE TRI, numa problemática de afectação ordinal de potenciais alternativas de localização a categorias pré-definidas.


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We are concerned with providing more empirical evidence on forecast failure, developing forecast models, and examining the impact of events such as audit reports. A joint consideration of classic financial ratios and relevant external indicators leads us to build a basic prediction model focused in non-financial Galician SMEs. Explanatory variables are relevant financial indicators from the viewpoint of the financial logic and financial failure theory. The paper explores three mathematical models: discriminant analysis, Logit, and linear multivariate regression. We conclude that, even though they both offer high explanatory and predictive abilities, Logit and MDA models should be used and interpreted jointly.


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INTRODUCTION: After the era of rubella vaccine, cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is one of the most frequently causes of mental retardation and congenital deafness. Seroepidemiological studies are necessary to understand the transmission dynamics of the disease. The purpose of the study was to quantify the transmission rate of CMV disease in a community in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Using ELISA test (IgG), a retrospective serological survey looking for CMV antibodies was performed in an non-immunized community. Frozen sera from 443 individuals, randomly selected by cluster sampling technique in the town of Caieiras, São Paulo, were collected from November 1990 to January 1991. Seroprevalence was stratified by age (0-40 years). Mathematical techniques were applied to determine the age-dependent decay function of maternal antibodies during the first year of life, the age-dependent seroprevalence function and the force of infection for CMV in this community. RESULTS: It was observed a descending phase of seropositivity in the first 9 months, but changes in antibody titration were observed between 8 months old and one year of age. The average age of the first infection was 5.02 months of age and 19.84 years, when the age-dependent seroprevalence and the force of infection were analyzed between 10 months of age and 10 years of age and from 10 to 40 years old, respectively. CONCLUSION: CMV infection is highly prevalent among the population studied and infection occurs in the first year of life. This study shows that most women at reproductive age are vulnerable to the first infection, increasing the risk for congenital infection.


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OBJECTIVE: To propose a mathematical method for the estimation of the Basic Reproduction Number, R0, of urban yellow fever in a dengue-infested area. METHODS: The method is based on the assumption that, as the same vector (Aedes aegypti) causes both infections, all the quantities related to the mosquito, estimated from the initial phase of dengue epidemic, could be applied to yellow fever dynamics. It is demonstrated that R0 for yellow fever is, on average, 43% lower than that for dengue. This difference is due to the longer dengue viremia and its shorter extrinsic incubation period. RESULTS: In this study the analysis was expanded to the epidemiological situation of dengue in São Paulo in the year 2001. The total number of dengue cases increased from 3,582 in 2000 to 51,348 in 2001. It was then calculated R0 for yellow fever for every city which have shown R0 of dengue greater than 1. It was also estimated the total number of unprotected people living in highly risky areas for urban yellow fever. CONCLUSIONS: Currently there is a great number of non-vaccinated people living in Aedes aegypti infested area in the state of São Paulo.


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Trabalho Final para obtenção do grau Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial