999 resultados para Ware, Fabian


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BACKGROUND: Web-based programs are a potential medium for supporting weight loss because of their accessibility and wide reach. Research is warranted to determine the shorter- and longer-term effects of these programs in relation to weight loss and other health outcomes.

OBJECTIVE: The aim was to evaluate the effects of a Web-based component of a weight loss service (Imperative Health) in an overweight/obese population at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) using a randomized controlled design and a true control group.

METHODS: A total of 65 overweight/obese adults at high risk of CVD were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 groups. Group 1 (n=32) was provided with the Web-based program, which supported positive dietary and physical activity changes and assisted in managing weight. Group 2 continued with their usual self-care (n=33). Assessments were conducted face-to-face. The primary outcome was between-group change in weight at 3 months. Secondary outcomes included between-group change in anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, lipid measurements, physical activity, and energy intake at 3, 6, and 12 months. Interviews were conducted to explore participants' views of the Web-based program.

RESULTS: Retention rates for the intervention and control groups at 3 months were 78% (25/32) vs 97% (32/33), at 6 months were 66% (21/32) vs 94% (31/33), and at 12 months were 53% (17/32) vs 88% (29/33). Intention-to-treat analysis, using baseline observation carried forward imputation method, revealed that the intervention group lost more weight relative to the control group at 3 months (mean -3.41, 95% CI -4.70 to -2.13 kg vs mean -0.52, 95% CI -1.55 to 0.52 kg, P<.001), at 6 months (mean -3.47, 95% CI -4.95 to -1.98 kg vs mean -0.81, 95% CI -2.23 to 0.61 kg, P=.02), but not at 12 months (mean -2.38, 95% CI -3.48 to -0.97 kg vs mean -1.80, 95% CI -3.15 to -0.44 kg, P=.77). More intervention group participants lost ≥5% of their baseline body weight at 3 months (34%, 11/32 vs 3%, 1/33, P<.001) and 6 months (41%, 13/32 vs 18%, 6/33, P=.047), but not at 12 months (22%, 7/32 vs 21%, 7/33, P=.95) versus control group. The intervention group showed improvements in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and adopted more positive dietary and physical activity behaviors for up to 3 months verus control; however, these improvements were not sustained.

CONCLUSIONS: Although the intervention group had high attrition levels, this study provides evidence that this Web-based program can be used to initiate clinically relevant weight loss and lower CVD risk up to 3-6 months based on the proportion of intervention group participants losing ≥5% of their body weight versus control group. It also highlights a need for augmenting Web-based programs with further interventions, such as in-person support to enhance engagement and maintain these changes.


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We designed a straightforward biotinylated probe using the N-terminal substrate-like region of the inhibitory site of human cystatin C as a scaffold, linked to the thiol-specific reagent diazomethylketone group as a covalent warhead (i.e. Biot-(PEG)2-Ahx-LeuValGly-DMK). The irreversible activity-based probe bound readily to cysteine cathepsins B, L, S and K. Moreover affinity labeling is sensitive since active cathepsins were detected in the nM range using an ExtrAvidin®-peroxidase conjugate for disclosure. Biot-(PEG)2-Ahx-LeuValGly-DMK allowed a slightly more pronounced labeling for cathepsin S with a compelling second-order rate constant for association (kass = 2,320,000 M−1 s−1). Labeling of the active site is dose-dependent as observed using 6-cyclohexylamine-4-piperazinyl-1,3,5-triazine-2-carbonitrile, as competitive inhibitor of cathepsins. Finally we showed that Biot-(PEG)2-Ahx-LeuValGly-DMK may be a simple and convenient tool to label secreted and intracellular active cathepsins using a myelomonocytic cell line (THP-1 cells) as model.


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It is often assumed that in order to avoid the most severe consequences of global anthropogenic climate change we have to preserve our existing carbon sinks, such as for instance tropical forests. Global carbon sink conservation raises a host of normative issues, though, since it is debatable who should pay the costs of carbon sink conservation, who has the duty to protect which sinks, and how far the duty to conserve one’s carbon sinks actually extends, especially if it conflicts with other duties one might have. According to some, forested states like Ecuador have a duty to preserve their tropical forests while the rich states of the global North have a duty of fairness to compensate states like Ecuador for the costs they incur. My aim in this paper is to critically analyse this standard line of argument and to criticise its validity both internally (i.e. with regard to its normative conclusion based on its premises) and externally (i.e. with regard to the argument’s underlying assumptions and its lack of contextualisation). As I will argue, the duty to conserve one’s forests is only a particular instantiation of a wider, more general duty to contribute towards global climate justice for which the context in which one operates (e.g. whether other agents are complying with their duties of global climate justice or not) matters significantly.


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Um dos maiores avanços científicos do século XX foi o desenvolvimento de tecnologia que permite a sequenciação de genomas em larga escala. Contudo, a informação produzida pela sequenciação não explica por si só a sua estrutura primária, evolução e seu funcionamento. Para esse fim novas áreas como a biologia molecular, a genética e a bioinformática são usadas para estudar as diversas propriedades e funcionamento dos genomas. Com este trabalho estamos particularmente interessados em perceber detalhadamente a descodificação do genoma efectuada no ribossoma e extrair as regras gerais através da análise da estrutura primária do genoma, nomeadamente o contexto de codões e a distribuição dos codões. Estas regras estão pouco estudadas e entendidas, não se sabendo se poderão ser obtidas através de estatística e ferramentas bioinfomáticas. Os métodos tradicionais para estudar a distribuição dos codões no genoma e seu contexto não providenciam as ferramentas necessárias para estudar estas propriedades à escala genómica. As tabelas de contagens com as distribuições de codões, assim como métricas absolutas, estão actualmente disponíveis em bases de dados. Diversas aplicações para caracterizar as sequências genéticas estão também disponíveis. No entanto, outros tipos de abordagens a nível estatístico e outros métodos de visualização de informação estavam claramente em falta. No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos métodos matemáticos e computacionais para a análise do contexto de codões e também para identificar zonas onde as repetições de codões ocorrem. Novas formas de visualização de informação foram também desenvolvidas para permitir a interpretação da informação obtida. As ferramentas estatísticas inseridas no modelo, como o clustering, análise residual, índices de adaptação dos codões revelaram-se importantes para caracterizar as sequências codificantes de alguns genomas. O objectivo final é que a informação obtida permita identificar as regras gerais que governam o contexto de codões em qualquer genoma.


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This document contains the resolutions adopted at the anti-tariff meeting held at the Abbeville courthouse following taxes imposed by the federal government, which members of the state believed to be unconstitutional.


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP