995 resultados para Vidro de Spins
Estudamos transições de fases quânticas em gases bosônicos ultrafrios aprisionados em redes óticas. A física desses sistemas é capturada por um modelo do tipo Bose-Hubbard que, no caso de um sistema sem desordem, em que os átomos têm interação de curto alcance e o tunelamento é apenas entre sítios primeiros vizinhos, prevê a transição de fases quântica superfluido-isolante de Mott (SF-MI) quando a profundidade do potencial da rede ótica é variado. Num primeiro estudo, verificamos como o diagrama de fases dessa transição muda quando passamos de uma rede quadrada para uma hexagonal. Num segundo, investigamos como a desordem modifica essa transição. No estudo com rede hexagonal, apresentamos o diagrama de fases da transição SF-MI e uma estimativa para o ponto crítico do primeiro lobo de Mott. Esses resultados foram obtidos usando o algoritmo de Monte Carlo quântico denominado Worm. Comparamos nossos resultados com os obtidos a partir de uma aproximação de campo médio e com os de um sistema com uma rede ótica quadrada. Ao introduzir desordem no sistema, uma nova fase emerge no diagrama de fases do estado fundamental intermediando a fase superfluida e a isolante de Mott. Essa nova fase é conhecida como vidro de Bose (BG) e a transição de fases quântica SF-BG que ocorre nesse sistema gerou muitas controvérsias desde seus primeiros estudos iniciados no fim dos anos 80. Apesar dos avanços em direção ao entendimento completo desta transição, a caracterização básica das suas propriedades críticas ainda é debatida. O que motivou nosso estudo, foi a publicação de resultados experimentais e numéricos em sistemas tridimensionais [Yu et al. Nature 489, 379 (2012), Yu et al. PRB 86, 134421 (2012)] que violam a lei de escala $\\phi= u z$, em que $\\phi$ é o expoente da temperatura crítica, $z$ é o expoente crítico dinâmico e $ u$ é o expoente do comprimento de correlação. Abordamos essa controvérsia numericamente fazendo uma análise de escalonamento finito usando o algoritmo Worm nas suas versões quântica e clássica. Nossos resultados demonstram que trabalhos anteriores sobre a dependência da temperatura de transição superfluido-líquido normal com o potencial químico (ou campo magnético, em sistemas de spin), $T_c \\propto (\\mu-\\mu_c)^\\phi$, estavam equivocados na interpretação de um comportamento transiente na aproximação da região crítica genuína. Quando os parâmetros do modelo são modificados de maneira a ampliar a região crítica quântica, simulações com ambos os modelos clássico e quântico revelam que a lei de escala $\\phi= u z$ [com $\\phi=2.7(2)$, $z=3$ e $ u = 0.88(5)$] é válida. Também estimamos o expoente crítico do parâmetro de ordem, encontrando $\\beta=1.5(2)$.
Digital magnetic recording is based on the storage of a bit of information in the orientation of a magnetic system with two stable ground states. Here we address two fundamental problems that arise when this is done on a quantized spin: quantum spin tunneling and backaction of the readout process. We show that fundamental differences exist between integer and semi-integer spins when it comes to both reading and recording classical information in a quantized spin. Our findings imply fundamental limits to the miniaturization of magnetic bits and are relevant to recent experiments where a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope reads and records a classical bit in the spin orientation of a single magnetic atom.
When individual quantum spins are placed in close proximity to conducting substrates, the localized spin is coupled to the nearby itinerant conduction electrons via Kondo exchange. In the strong coupling limit this can result in the Kondo effect — the formation of a correlated, many body singlet state — and a resulting renormalization of the density of states near the Fermi energy. However, even when Kondo screening does not occur, Kondo exchange can give rise to a wide variety of other phenomena. In addition to the well known renormalization of the g factor and the finite spin decoherence and relaxation times, Kondo exchange has recently been found to give rise to a newly discovered effect: the renormalization of the single ion magnetic anisotropy. Here we put these apparently different phenomena on equal footing by treating the effect of Kondo exchange perturbatively. In this formalism, the central quantity is ρJ, the product of the density of states at the Fermi energy ρ and the Kondo exchange constant J. We show that perturbation theory correctly describes the experimentally observed exchange induced shifts of the single spin excitation energies, demonstrating that Kondo exchange can be used to tune the effective magnetic anisotropy of a single spin.
Recentemente têm-se vindo a notar uma crescente utilização do vidro em edifícios motivada pelas actuais tendências arquitectónicas. Se no passado o vidro era visto como um elemento com funções não estruturais, hoje com a investigação científica em curso e com as novas técnicas de produção e tratamento final do vidro, é possível oferecer um vidro com funções portantes à mercê da imaginação dos arquitectos. Este trabalho está integrado num projecto de investigação em desenvolvimento no Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Coimbra, denominado SGlass – Desempenho Estrutural e Regras de Projecto de Vigas de Vidro Reforçadas Externamente, cujo objectivo é dar um contributo para o desenvolvimento de normas europeias para vidro estrutural. O projecto S-Glass centrar-se-á no efeito da temperatura e de acções cíclicas, com e sem a inclusão de pré-esforço em elementos de vidro laminado, para tal serão realizados diversos ensaios que terão de simular com a máxima precisão as situações reais tais como temperaturas altas e sismos que têm forte probabilidade de ocorrerem nos países do sul da Europa. Este trabalho tem o objectivo de proporcionar todas as condições técnicas para que os ensaios sejam feitos com o máximo rigor, garantindo que todos os ensaios sejam considerados validos. Tal como quaisquer outros ensaios científicos, o equipamento utilizado é partilhado por diversos projectos assim como qualquer um que seja necessário adquirir tenha preços elevados, por isso é proposto algumas alternativas económicas e transmitido conhecimento para a manufactura e parametrização de alguns equipamentos de medição. Em cada serie haverá sempre um ensaio piloto para analisar possíveis melhorias a introduzir no layout, assim neste trabalho também serão propostas algumas técnicas de análise assim como a solução para possíveis problemas.
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The polymer matrix composite materials are being used on a large scale in the most different industrial fields such as aerospace, automotive, oil, among others, since the industrial perspectives is currently working with materials which have a good mechanical performance at high service life and cost / benefit. Thus, the determination of the mechanical properties is indispensable for the characterization of waste resulting in greater expansion of this type of material. Thus, this work will be obtained three plates laminated with tereftálica polymeric matrix reinforced by a bidirectional woven E-glass and kevlar both industrially made, where the plates are manufactured by manual lamination process (hand lay-up), all laminates have five enhancement layers, the first hybrid laminate will consist of bidirectional woven E-glass fiber, kevlar fiber interspersed with layers, is formed by the second bidirectional woven kevlar fiber at the ends of the laminate (two layers), and in the center the glass fiber fabric (three layers), the third plate is composed of only the bidirectional woven E-glass fiber. Then were prepared specimens (CP) by standard, to determine the mechanical properties of tensile and bending in three points. After fabrication of the specimens, they were immersed in oil and seawater. After that, there was a comparison of the mechanical properties for the test condition in the dry state. Showing that there was a considerable increase in the properties studied because the effect of hybridization in laminates.
Although efficient from a technical point of view, mortar layers that make up the traditional masonry coating (slurry mortar, plaster and plaster) have to be in contradiction with the new construction technologies and more efficient methods of consumption and work rationalization. From an environmental point of view, the recovery of waste into new composites for the building has been a growing strand of studies in the scientific community, may prove to be a cost-effective solution in some cases. Thus, this research proposes the development of a mortar Decorative Coating Monolayer (RDM), for use in facades, produced on site, incorporating tempered glass waste (RVT) in the cement matrix, as a partial substitute for aggregate. Therefore, we adopted the binder respect / aggregate of 1: 6 (by volume), consistency index 250mm ± 20, sand substitution levels of glass waste 20%, 50% and 80% and relative water / cement varied in many traits. Two additives were used, a polymer, styrene-butadiene-based, and other chemical, besides mineral and silica fume inorganic pigment in colors red, yellow and blue. Mechanical tests were carried out on fresh pasta and hardened, as well as for the applied coating on masonry, so as to demonstrate the feasibility of the material. In addition, it verified the adequacy of the RDM built environment by means of thermal tests. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed RDM with significantly higher values when compared to norms, especially the dash-added replacement content of 20% and addition of pigment in red. Therefore, the study shows the scientific community as an incentive to the use of technological innovations in construction, increasing the range of alternatives available for housing production, with the proposition of a material that achieves the desired functionality and obtain environmental gain, and may be adopted on construction sites as an alternative industrialized mortars.
This work consists basically in the elaboration of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in order to model the composites materials’ behavior when submitted to fatigue loadings. The proposal is to develop and present a mixed model, which associate an analytical equation (Adam Equation) to the structure of the ANN. Given that the composites often shows a similar behavior when subject to float loadings, this equation aims to establish a pre-defined comparison pattern for a generic material, so that the ANN fit the behavior of another composite material to that pattern. In this way, the ANN did not need to fully learn the behavior of a determined material, because the Adam Equation would do the big part of the job. This model was used in two different network architectures, modular and perceptron, with the aim of analyze it efficiency in distinct structures. Beyond the different architectures, it was analyzed the answers generated from two sets of different data – with three and two SN curves. This model was also compared to the specialized literature results, which use a conventional structure of ANN. The results consist in analyze and compare some characteristics like generalization capacity, robustness and the Goodman Diagrams, developed by the networks.
O aparecimento da fibra de vidro deve-se à pesquisa de novos materiais. No século XIX, as fibras de vidro foram pela primeira vez tecidas. Só mais tarde, durante o século XX, com o desenvolvimento de resinas foi possível produzir a fibra de vidro como material compósito. Ainda durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial foi construído um avião de combate em fibra de vidro. Desde então sofreu um grande desenvolvimento, tendo sido aplicada nas mais diversas indústrias. Recentemente, a fibra de vidro tem sido também aplicada em estruturas na construção civil. Nos últimos anos tem havido uma crescente investigação acerca das estruturas de betão armado com armaduras de fibra de vidro (GFRP). A análise de parâmetros como a fendilhação, a deformação e a contribuição do betão entre fendas, é fundamental para a compreensão do comportamento desse material compósito. A aderência entre os varões e o betão é condicionada pela resistência do betão e pela superfície das armaduras, podendo estas propriedades influenciarem a evolução dos parâmetros atrás referidos. Contudo, a investigação neste domínio ainda está pouco desenvolvida e carece de mais estudo, para que seja possível a sua aplicação em estruturas de uma forma mais criteriosa e abrangente. Pretendeu-se conjugar as vantagens do betão estrutural de agregados leves (BEAL), bom desempenho de resistência e a reduzida densidade, com as dos varões de GFRP, sendo necessário estudar o seu comportamento em conjunto para uma boa compreensão dos fenómenos inerentes a esta combinação de materiais. Neste trabalho analisam-se vários parâmetros fundamentais ao comportamento de elementos de BEAL reforçado com varões de GFRP, nomeadamente: a aderência da interface betão-armadura, a fendilhação, tension stiffening effect e a deformação. Para esta análise, considerou-se a variação da resistência mecânica do BEAL, do tipo de armadura de reforço (aço e GFRP) e o diâmetro dos varões. Foi desenvolvido um programa experimental que contempla um total de doze tirantes de betão armado, seis com varões de GFRP e seis com varões de aço, de forma a poder efectuar-se uma comparação directa. Foram também incluídos no programa experimental trinta e seis provetes de ensaios pull out, dezoito com armaduras de fibra de vidro e dezoito com armaduras de aço, igualmente com o objectivo de comparação dos resultados. Na análise dos resultados foi possível verificar as diferenças entre o uso de armaduras de GFRP e de aço nos parâmetros em estudo, assim como a influência da resistência dos BEAL e dos diâmetros das armaduras. Verificou-se que a largura de fendas, bem como as deformações nos tirantes com armaduras de GFRP foram superiores às observadas com armaduras de aço. No que diz respeito à aderência foram observadas menores tensões nas armaduras de GFRP.
This research is about the use of the coconut´s endocarp (nucifera linn) and the waste of derivatives of wood and furniture as raw material to technological use. In that sense, the lignocellulosic waste is used for manufacture of homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS) and lignocellulosic load which take part of a polymeric composite with fiber glass E (GFRP-WC). In the manufacturing of the homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS), it was used mamona´s resin as waste s agglutinating element. The plates were taken up in a hydraulic press engine, heated, with temperature control, where they were manufactured for different percentage of waste wood and coconuts nucífera linn. Physical tests were conducted to determine the absorption of water, density, damp grade (in two hours and twenty-four hours), swelling thickness (in two hours and twenty-four hours), and mechanical tests to evaluate the parallel tensile strength (internal stick) and bending and the static (steady) flexural. The physical test´s results indicate that the LHWS can be classified as bonded wood plate of high-density and with highly water resistant. In the mechanical tests it was possible to establish that LHWS presents different characteristics when submitted to uniaxial tensile and to the static (steady) flexural, since brittle and elasticity module had a variation according to the amount of dry endocarp used to manufacture each trace of LHWS. The GFRP-WC was industrially manufactured by a hand-lay-up process where the fiber glass E was used as reinforcement the lignocellulósic´s waste as load. The matrix was made with ortofitalic unsaturated polyester resin. Physical and mechanical tests were performed in presence of saturated humidity and dry. The results indicated good performance of the GFRP-WC, as traction as in flexion in three points. The presence of water influenced the modules obtained in the flexural and tensile but there were no significant alteration in the properties analyzed. As for the fracture, the analysis showed that the effects are more harmful in the presence of damp, under the action of loading tested, but despite this, the fracture was well defined starting in the external parts and spreading to the internal regions when one when it reaches the hybrid load
Due to the occurrence of diseases in the use of structural reinforcements in composites, with presentation of concrete blanket detachment, has been identified the need to evaluate the performance of concrete reinforced with glass fiber. This study aims to evaluate these concretes by means of testing methodologies, using concrete with low resistance with structural reinforcement for confinement by preimpregnated glass fiber and traditional fiberglass blanket. The first stage of work was the development of methodologies for analysis, opting for four types, such as the acoustic survey, strength to compressive, the pull-off and ultrasound. Next, tests were carried out using the four selected methodologies in 30 of proof-of-specimens by 5x10 cm, 15 were reinforced with the traditional fiberglass blanket with 5specimens exposed to test a marine environment of marine coastline of Natal-RN and 15 were reinforced with a pre-impregnated glass fiber blanket, as well as 5specimens exposed to a test environment of the marine coastline of Natal-RN. After conducting the acoustic survey, it has been verified a lack of delaminating and air bubbles in the samples, confirming the absence of gross shortcomings in the implementation of the ribs both the traditional fiberglass blanket and in the preimpregnated fiber glass blanket. After carrying out methods of pull-off and compressive strengthening test it was observed that the reinforced proof-bodies with pre-impregnated glass blanket showed maximum stresses higher than the traditional fiberglass blanket; consequently a greater grip with the formation of a smaller area of . fracture, unlike traditional glass mat, which showed lower maximum stresses, with a greater area of fracture. It was also found that the traditional fiberglass blanket presented detachment of blanket-concrete interface, unlike the pre-impregnated fiberglass blanket, which showed a better grip on the blanket-concrete interface. In the trial of ultrasound there was no presence of cracks in the blanket-concrete interface, yielding to both blankets good compactness of the concrete. At the end of this work, they were developed and proposed two methods of testing for evaluation of reinforced concrete structures with composites, for standardization, the acoustic survey and pull-off
The growing concern with the solid residues management, observed in the last decade, due to its huge amount and impact, has motivated the search for recycling processes, where these residues can be reprocessed to generate new products, enlarging the cycle of materials and energy which are present. Among the polymeric residues, there is poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET). PET is used in food packaging, preferably in the bottling of carbonated beverages. The reintegration of post-consumer PET in half can be considered a productive action mitigation of environmental impacts caused by these wastes and it is done through the preparation of several different products at the origin, i.e. food packaging, with recycling rates increasing to each year. This work focused on the development and characterization mechanical, thermal, thermo-mechanical, dynamic mechanical thermal and morphology of the pure recycled PET and recycled PET composites with glass flakes in the weight fraction of 5%, 10% and 20% processed in a single screw extruder, using the following analytical techniques: thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), tensile, Izod impact, Rockwell hardness, Vicat softening temperature, melt flow rate, burn rate, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results of thermal analysis and mechanical properties leading to a positive evaluation, because in the thermograms the addition of glass flakes showed increasing behavior in the initial temperatures of thermal decomposition and melting crystalline, Furthermore was observed growing behavior in the mechanical performance of polymer composites, whose morphological structure was observed by SEM, verifying a good distribution of glass flakes, showing difference orientation in the center and in the surface layer of test body of composites with 10 and 20% of glass flakes. The results of DMTA Tg values of the composites obtained from the peak of tan ä showed little reductions due to poor interfacial adhesion between PET and recycled glass flakes.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Energias Renováveis e Gestão de Energia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014