1000 resultados para Veríssimo, Érico, 1905-1975 - O tempo e o vento - Crítica e interpretação


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As empresas que almejam garantir e melhorar sua posição dentro de em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo precisam estar sempre atualizadas e em constante evolução. Na busca contínua por essa evolução, investem em projetos de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento (P&D) e em seu capital humano para promover a criatividade e a inovação organizacional. As pessoas têm papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da inovação, mas para que isso possa florescer de forma constante é preciso comprometimento e criatividade para a geração de ideias. Criatividade é pensar o novo; inovação é fazer acontecer. Porém, encontrar pessoas com essas qualidades nem sempre é tarefa fácil e muitas vezes é preciso estimular essas habilidades e características para que se tornem efetivamente criativas. Os cursos de graduação podem ser uma importante ferramenta para trabalhar esses aspectos, características e habilidades, usando métodos e práticas de ensino que auxiliem no desenvolvimento da criatividade, pois o ambiente ensino-aprendizagem pesa significativamente na formação das pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo é de identificar quais fatores têm maior influência sobre o desenvolvimento da criatividade em um curso de graduação em administração, analisando a influência das práticas pedagógicas dos docentes e as barreiras internas dos discentes. O referencial teórico se baseia principalmente nos trabalhos de Alencar, Fleith, Torrance e Wechsler. A pesquisa transversal de abordagem quantitativa teve como público-alvo os alunos do curso de Administração de uma universidade confessional da Grande São Paulo, que responderam 465 questionários compostos de três escalas. Para as práticas docentes foi adaptada a escala de Práticas Docentes em relação à Criatividade. Para as barreiras internas foi adaptada a escala de Barreiras da Criatividade Pessoal. Para a análise da percepção do desenvolvimento da criatividade foi construída e validada uma escala baseada no referencial de características de uma pessoa criativa. As análises estatísticas descritivas e fatoriais exploratórias foram realizadas no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), enquanto as análises fatoriais confirmatórias e a mensuração da influência das práticas pedagógicas e das barreiras internas sobre a percepção do desenvolvimento da criatividade foram realizadas por modelagem de equação estrutural utilizando o algoritmo Partial Least Squares (PLS), no software Smart PLS 2.0. Os resultados apontaram que as práticas pedagógicas e as barreiras internas dos discentes explicam 40% da percepção de desenvolvimento da criatividade, sendo as práticas pedagógicas que exercem maior influencia. A pesquisa também apontou que o tipo de temática e o período em que o aluno está cursandoo têm influência sobre nenhum dos três construtos, somente o professor influencia as práticas pedagógicas.


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A presente dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos Regionais e Locais aborda o papel do Centro de Informação Popular de Machico (CIPM), entre 25 de Abril de 1974 e 25 de Novembro de 1975. Este agrupamento, surgido logo após o 25 de Abril, constituiu uma associação revolucionária, contribuindo para a transformação sócio-económica e político-cultural de Machico, através da difusão dos ideais da Revolução do 25 de Abril e da dinamização da comunidade local e regional, à luz desses novos valores. O CIPM foi um promotor e organizador de várias intervenções, nomeadamente, na alteração da gestão municipal, na extinção da colonia, na melhoria das condições de vida de diversos sectores profissionais, como as bordadeiras, os trabalhadores das conservas, os baleeiros, os operários da construção civil e os trabalhadores da hotelaria, bem como desenvolveu um conjunto de actividades educativas e culturais. Esta investigação permitiu concluir que o CIPM foi um agente decisivo para a expansão dos ideais da Revolução dos Cravos, em Machico e na Madeira, apoiando a materialização de um grande número de mudanças e impulsionando a instauração da prática democrática, quer a nível local, quer a nível regional.


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Desde su nacimiento hasta la caída de la dictadura de Primo de Rivera, el ferrocarril se perfiló como una industria doblemente creadora de riqueza, estimulando por un lado la ya existente e impulsando el desarrollo económico por otro. Ante sus peculiaridades técnicas, económicas y de mercado, los distintos gobiernos adoptaron soluciones intervencionistas de mayor o menor grado. Simultáneamente, en su primer desarrollo, se produjo el abandono del paradigma clásico basado en la libre competencia, lo que derivó en la conversión del ferrocarril en foco de la retórica anti-competencia y de la práctica intervencionista. En este trabajo realizamos un seguimiento del nacimiento y desarrollo del ferrocarril, centrado exclusivamente en la evolución político-económica del sector dentro de la propia evolución histórica, paralela a la vía nacionalista del capitalismo español, y en la descriptiva teórica y práctica del desarrollo del intervencionismo y las restricciones al libre mercado.


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Sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are biomolecules with a great biotechnological potential. There are few data about PS from high plants. In addition, pharmacological activities of PS from plants have not been carrying out. The aim of this work was extract PS from the angiosperm Halodule wrightii and study their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities. Histological analysis showed the presence of the PS manly in the roots. A polysaccharide-rich extract was obtained from H. wrightii by proteolysis followed by methanol and TCA precipitation. Chemical, infra-red analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis in 1.3 diaminopropane acetate buffer confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides made by glucose, galactose, xylose and sulfate residues in the proportion 1: 0,9: 1: 1. In addition polyacrilamide electrophoresis have shown that extract is mainly compose by 11kDa sulfated polysaccharides. Pharmacological analysis have shown total antioxidant capacity (CAT) that resulted in 15,21 μg for equivalent of ascorbic acid, scavenging activity of the DPPH radical with 41,36 % of scavenging, activity of reducing power with the maximum of 0,290 nm (50 % of vitamin C activity) and scavenging activity superoxide radical (O2-) with a maximum of 32,23 %. Chelating activity of metal less than 4% and scavenging activity of the radical hydroxyl (OH-) less than 2%. Time of activated partial tromboplastin (aPTT) doubling the time of coagulation from 20μg of and protrombin time (PT) was not present. The data indicate that PS from Halodule wrightii could be considered for future applications in medicine, food production or cosmetic industry


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Sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are biomolecules with a great biotechnological potential. There are few data about PS from high plants. In addition, pharmacological activities of PS from plants have not been carrying out. The aim of this work was extract PS from the angiosperm Halodule wrightii and study their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities. Histological analysis showed the presence of the PS manly in the roots. A polysaccharide-rich extract was obtained from H. wrightii by proteolysis followed by methanol and TCA precipitation. Chemical, infra-red analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis in 1.3 diaminopropane acetate buffer confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides made by glucose, galactose, xylose and sulfate residues in the proportion 1: 0,9: 1: 1. In addition polyacrilamide electrophoresis have shown that extract is mainly compose by 11kDa sulfated polysaccharides. Pharmacological analysis have shown total antioxidant capacity (CAT) that resulted in 15,21 μg for equivalent of ascorbic acid, scavenging activity of the DPPH radical with 41,36 % of scavenging, activity of reducing power with the maximum of 0,290 nm (50 % of vitamin C activity) and scavenging activity superoxide radical (O2-) with a maximum of 32,23 %. Chelating activity of metal less than 4% and scavenging activity of the radical hydroxyl (OH-) less than 2%. Time of activated partial tromboplastin (aPTT) doubling the time of coagulation from 20μg of and protrombin time (PT) was not present. The data indicate that PS from Halodule wrightii could be considered for future applications in medicine, food production or cosmetic industry


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Sulfated polysaccharides comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a range of several biological activities, including antiviral activity, anticoagulant, antiproliferative, antiherpética, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. These anionic polymers are widely distributed in tissues of vertebrates, invertebrates and algae. Seaweeds are the most abundant sources of sulfated polysaccharides in nature. The green algal sulfated polysaccharides are homo or heteropolysaccharides comprised of galactose, glucose, arabinose and/or glucuronic acid. They are described as anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-angiogenic, antitumor compounds. However, there are few studies about elucidation and evaluation of biological/pharmacological effects of sulfated polysaccharides obtained from green algae, for example, there is only one paper reporting the antinociceptive activity of sulfated polysaccharides of these algae. Therefore this study aimed to obtain sulfated polysaccharides of green seaweed Codium isthmocladum and evaluates them as potential antinociceptive agents. Thus, in this study, the total extract of polysaccharides of green alga C. isthmocladum was obtained by proteolytic digestion, followed by fractionation resulting in five fractions (F0.3, F0.5, F0.7, F0.9 and F1.2) by sequential precipitation with acetone. Using the test of abdominal contractions we observed that the fraction F0.9 was the most potent antinociceptive aompound. F0.9 consists mainly of a sulfated heterogalactana. More specific tests showed that Fo.9 effect is dose and time dependent, reaching a maximum at 90 after administration (10 mg / kg of animal). F0.9 is associated with TRPV1 and TRPA1 receptors and inhibits painful sensation in animals. Furthermore, F0.9 inhibits the migration of lymphocytes induced peritonitis test. On the other hand, stimulates the release of NO and TNF-α. These results suggest that F0.9 has the potential to be used as a source of sulfated galactan antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory


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Vivemos no tempo e com o tempo. A aparente simplicidade de uma afirmação como esta, ainda que apoiada por uma definição geral de “tempo” como “a duração sucessiva de qualquer fenómeno ou do movimento real das coisas” (Alves, 1975: 1276) oculta a polissemia real deste conceito, profundamente imbricado no nosso quotidiano. Na verdade, por entre a paradoxalidade que opõe à brevidade inimaginável de um milésimo ou milionésimo de segundo a temporalidade longínqua do tempo dos dinossauros; reflectindo sobre o tempo que passamos na sala de espera do dentista ou nos minutos que antecedem um exame final; ou cogitando, por fim, nas designações comuns que opõem ao tempo do trabalho o tempo do lazer ou ao tempo do estudo o tempo das férias, facilmente nos apercebemos como nem todos - indivíduos, grupos ou sociedades - experienciamos um período de tempo metricamente idêntico da mesma forma.


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Lo spazio pubblico urbano potrebbe essere visto come una scenografia mutevole in cui la società rappresenta sé stessa. Soprattutto nei centri storici della città, si perde l’identità di luoghi specifici, così come la coscienza dei cittadini, che porta ad un uso improprio dello spazio causato principalmente dall’assenza di una cultura architettonica. In questo senso, l’obiettivo finale dell’architettura è quello di essere educativa nello spiegare il motivo per cui è stata concepita. La tesi di ricerca tenta di studiare la dimensione educativa e la forza che l’architettura ha nell’influenzare comportamenti spontanei e non spontanei. L’obiettivo è trovare metodi di progettazione e legali in grado di migliorare gli spazi pubblici in termini di qualità della vita dei suoi utenti. Il riconoscimento e la trasmissione dell’architettura, attraverso l’uso dell’architettura stessa, tenta di arginare un’assenza di cultura architettonica e un uso sempre più improprio dei suoi spazi. La domanda a cui, dunque, si tenta di rispondere è: Può la dimensione evocativa dell’architettura stimolare processi di rigenerazione urbana? La tesi si sviluppa in tre parti: la prima presenta alcune riflessioni teoriche sulla progettazione dello spazio pubblico alle quali fanno riferimento altrettanti progetti portati avanti nei mesi di ricerca Dai workshops realizzati sono emerse diverse problematiche riguardo l’effettiva realizzazione di tali progetti evidenziando soprattutto una carenza di tipo normativo che fa “cadere” gli entusiasmi legati al completamento delle opere per la comunità e di conseguenza decade il valore teorico dei progetti. Per questo motivo, nella seconda parte, si tenta di approfondire il tema legislativo per trovare soluzioni alternative agli arresti burocratici che sovente disincentivano le azioni corali della cittadinanza. La terza parte si concentrerà su un progetto per un’area di Bologna da riqualificare, i Prati di Caprara, per i quali si sfrutteranno tutte le conoscenze teoriche precedentemente esposte.


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Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a reliable method for in-situ measurements of the humidity and the solution concentration at the same soil volume. Accurate interpretation of electrical conductivity (and soil humidity) measurements may require a specific calibration curve. The primary goal of this work was to establish a calibration procedure for using TDR to estimate potassium nitrate concentrations (KNO3) in soil solution. An equation relating the electrical conductivity measured by TDR and KNO3 concentration was established enabling the use of TDR technique to estimate soil water content and nitrate concentration for efficient fertigation management.


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This work presents the development of low cost microprocessor-based equipment for generation of differential GPS correction signal, in real time, and configuration and supervision of the GPS base. The developed equipment contains a dedicated microcontroller connected to the GPS receiver, alphanumeric display and multifunction keyboard for configuration and operation of the system and communication interfaces. The electronic circuit has the function of receiving the information from GPS base; interpret them, converting the sentence in the RTCM SC-104 protocol. The microcontroller software makes the conversion of the signal received by the GPS base from the specific format to RTCM SC-104 protocol. The processing main board has two serials RS-232C standard interfaces. One of them is used for configuration and receiving the information generated by the GPS base. The other operates as output, sending the differential correction signal for the transmission system. The development of microprocessor-based equipment showed that it is possible the construction of a low cost private station for real time generation of differential GPS correction signal.


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Tomatoes are one of the most important vegetable crops grown in Brazil and are among the crops that have one of the highest post-harvest losses indexes in the country. The present work aimed at evaluating impact damage observed in packing lines of fresh tomatoes as well as to determine, under laboratory conditions, quality alterations of tomato fruits submitted to impact damage in different surface types. Critical points evaluation was accomplished using an instrumented sphere. Critical transference points found showed variations in acceleration levels from 30 to 129 G (m s-2). Tests carried out under laboratory conditions showed that padded surfaces reduced up to 31% impact damage. Incidence of severe internal physical damage was evaluated by a subjective scale and increased by 79% on hard surfaces for the highest fall drop. On the other hand, it was observed an effective reduction in physical damage on fruits when padded surfaces were used. When a 10-cm drop was performed, the maximum reduction measured was 10% for hard surfaces and 5% for previously padded surfaces. For quality parameters, it was observed for high drops on hard surfaces, highest values for weight loss, total acidity, lower values for vitamin C and Soluble Solids.


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We estimate litter production and leaf decomposition rate in a cerradão area, physiognomy little studied and very threatened in São Paulo State. During the period of study, litter production was 5646.9 kg.ha-1.year-1, which the 'leaf' fraction corresponded to 4081.2 kg.ha¹.year¹; the 'branch' fraction, to 1066.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; the 'reproductive structures' fraction, to 434.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; and the 'miscellaneous' fraction to 65.5 kg.ha-1.year-1. Litter production was highly seasonal and negatively correlated with relative humidity and air temperature. Leaf production was negatively correlated with relative humidity, rainfall, and air temperature. There was no significant difference between litter production found in this study and those in two other sites with cerradão and semideciduous forest, but these physiognomies differed significantly from the cerrado sensu stricto. Leaf decomposition rate (K) was 0.56. Half-life of the decomposing material was 1.8 years and turnover time was 2.3 years.


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This paper studies complex sentences with temporal hypotatic clauses and with conditional hypotatic clauses in order to investigate the degree of grammaticalization shown by these two kinds of utterances. Our hypothesis is that the more the hypotatic clause is integrated to the nuclear clause, the greater is the degree of grammaticalization. Such degree of integration was measured according to three groups of factors, and the results show that, regarding two of the variables evaluated, the conditional clauses are the most integrated to their nucleus, but, in another rank of evaluation, the temporal clauses are the most integrated ones. Considering that this study is based on a functionalist view, the results may be interpreted according to the principle that there is a competition of motivations in the use of language, so that each utterance reflects the balance of such forces.


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The extract of stevia leaves (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) is the only sweetener utilized in sucrose substitution which can be produced totally in Brazil. The objective of this study, was determine the temporal characteristic of sweet and bitter taste of stevia and compare with sucrose at 3 and 10% in the same equi-sweet. The time-intensity curves (T-I) for each substance were collected through the software Sistema de Coleta de Dados Tempo-Intensidade - SCDTI for Windows, where the judges recorded through of mouse the perception of each stimuli inside function of time, for each sample. The parameters of T-I curves collected were: time for intensity maxim (TImax), intensity maxim (Imax), time of decay (Td), time of plato (Platô), area under curve (Area) and total time of stimuli duration (Ttot). The parameters Td, Ttot, Area e Plato of T-I curves, for stimuli sweet in both sweetness level, were significativelly superior for stevia, while Timax e Imax were significativelly inferior (p£0,05), at differences between value for both substances were superior DESS at 10%. Sucrose didn?t present any record for simuli bitter as 3 as 10%, while stevia presented a characteristic T-I curve with intensity and total time of stimuli duration dependent of concentration.


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OBJECTIVE: The intensive care unit is synonymous of high severity, and its mortality rates are between 5.4 and 33%. With the development of new technologies, a patient can be maintained for long time in the unit, causing high costs, psychological and moral for all involved. This study aimed to evaluate the risk factors for mortality and prolonged length of stay in an adult intensive care unit. METHODS: The study included all patients consecutively admitted to the adult medical/surgical intensive care unit of Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, for six months. We collected data such as sex, age, diagnosis, personal history, APACHE II score, days of invasive mechanical ventilation orotracheal reintubation, tracheostomy, days of hospitalization in the intensive care unit and discharge or death in the intensive care unit. RESULTS: Were included in the study 401 patients; 59.6% men and 40.4% women, age 53.8±18.0. The mean intensive care unit stay was 8.2±10.8 days, with a mortality rate of 13.5%. Significant data for mortality and prolonged length of stay in intensive care unit (p <0.0001), were: APACHE II>11, OT-Re and tracheostomy. CONCLUSION: The mortality and prolonged length of stay in intensive care unit intensive care unit as risk factors were: APACHE>11, orotracheal reintubation and tracheostomy.