923 resultados para Ventricular Function, Left


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Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Área de especialização: Intervenção Cardiovascular.


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La ecografía básica cardiaca (ECB) es una herramienta útil en la Unidad de Cuidados intensivos al facilitar la realización de ciertas intervenciones. No se ha definido el número de repeticiones necesarias para obtener un nivel de competencia adecuado. La evidencia encontrada indica un número mínimo de cincuenta repeticiones, para alcanzar cierto grado de habilidad.


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Objective: Although dobutamine is widely used in neonatal clinical practice, the evidence for its use in this specific population is not clear. We conducted a systematic review of the use of dobutamine in juvenile animals to determine whether the evidence from juvenile animal experiments with dobutamine supported the design of clinical trials in neonatal/ paediatric population. Methods: Studies were identified by searching MEDLINE (1946-2012) and EMBASE (1974-2012). Articles retrieved were independently reviewed by three authors and only those concerning efficacy and safety of the drug in juvenile animals were included. Only original articles published in English and Spanish were included. Results: Following our literature search, 265 articles were retrieved and 24 studies were included in the review: 17 focused on neonatal models and 7 on young animal models. Although the aims and design of these studies, as well as the doses and ages analysed, were quite heterogeneous, the majority of authors agree that dobutamine infusion improves cardiac output in a dose dependent manner. Moreover, the cardiovascular effects of dobutamine are influenced by postnatal age, as well as by the dose used and the duration of the therapy. There is inadequate information about the effects of dobutamine on cerebral perfusion to draw conclusions. Conclusion: There is enough preclinical evidence to ensure that dobutamine improves cardiac output, however to better understand its effects in peripheral organs, such as the brain, more specific and well designed studies are required to provide additional data to support the design of clinical trials in a paediatric population.


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RESUMO - A Terapêutica de Ressincronização Cardíaca (TRC) apresenta benefícios significativos na classe funcional, função ventricular, hospitalização e mortalidade. É uma técnica com custos elevados e, com os actuais métodos de selecção de doentes, a taxa de não-respondedores ronda os 30%. Objectivo: Compreender se a inclusão da dessincronia mecânica (DM) na selecção de doentes para TRC contribui para a sua relação custo-efectividade, na perspectiva do Serviço Nacional de Saúde português. Metodologia: Estudo prospectivo baseado em coortes histórias de 12 meses de dois grupos submetidos a TRC com desfibrilhador, o grupo de intervenção com doentes seleccionados com inclusão da DM (n=133) e o de controlo com selecção baseada exclusivamente nas recomendações internacionais (n=71). Reuniram-se dados clínicos e de custos nos 12 meses subsequentes à implantação, para cálculo do rácio custo-efectividade incremental (RCEI). Resultados: O grupo de intervenção apresentou uma sobrevivência de 91% e o de controlo de 93%, aos 12 meses (p=0,335). O grupo de intervenção apresentou 60 re-internamentos e o de controlo 46 re-internamentos por qualquer causa aos 12 meses (p=0,032), com RCEI=6.886,09€/re-internamento evitado. O grupo de intervenção apresentou 19 re-internamentos e o de controlo apresentou 31 re-internamentos por Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) descompensada aos 12 meses (p<0,001), com RCEI=2.686,26€/re-internamento por IC descompensada evitado. Relativamente à melhoria da classe funcional e da fracção de ejecção não foi possível estabelecer associações com custos (p>0,05). Conclusão: É seguro afirmar que recomendar a selecção com inclusão da DM, nos hospitais com capacidade instalada, é um passo positivo na redução de custos com re-internamentos de doentes com TRC.


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Es el reimplante valvular mejor que el Bentall Biológico Modificado para tratar aneurismas de la raíz asociados a insuficiencia? Obando CE; Gutiérrez HF; Santamaría G, Bresciani R; Camacho J; Sandoval N; Umaña J. Departamento de Cirugía Cardiovascular, Fundación Cardio Infantil, Bogotá, Colombia. Objetivo: comparar resultados funcionales, morbilidad y sobrevida a corto y mediano plazo, tras la realización de Bentall modificado con prótesis Freestyle vs reimplante valvular de Tirone David, en insuficiencia aortica secundaria a aneurisma de la raíz. Diseño: revisión de registros institucionales de 88 pacientes tratados entre enero de 2003 y agosto de 2009 con insuficiencia aortica secundaria a aneurisma de la raíz sin daño valvular, distribuidos en dos cohortes: Grupo 1 (Bentall modificado) y Grupo 2 (reimplante valvular). Se evaluaron complicaciones perioperatorias, transfusiones, estancias hospitalarias y en el seguimiento a mediano plazo insuficiencia valvular, clase funcional, función ventricular y sobrevida. Solidez de los resultados verificada mediante análisis de propensidad con balanceo de grupos. Resultados: Grupo (1) 51(57.9%) pacientes y grupo (2) 37(42.1%). Aunque el grupo 2 es mas joven, patrones similares de coomorbilidad, anatomía de la raíz, función y diámetros ventriculares hacen comparables los dos grupos. Seguimiento de 3.3 años (IQR 2.0-4.4). Mortalidad temprana 2(3.8%) vs 0 p =0.2 y tardía de 2(4.1%) vs 0 p=0.33. El análisis estratificado de covariables en bloques de distribución tampoco identifica diferencias en mortalidad. El análisis de sobrevida de mortalidad y sobrevida libre de eventos identifica desenlaces similares entre los grupos (Log-Rank chi2=0.9, p=0.3); incluyendo Insuficiencia aortica = II temprana (3.8% vs 0, p=0.2) y tardía (3.8%vs 0, p=0.1), transfusiones perioperatorias, reintervenciones por sangrado (2.3% vs 3.4%, p=0.4), arritmias (25.5% vs 13.5%, p=0.2) y disfunción neurológica (5.7% vs 2.9%, p=0.9). Finalmente la hospitalización total (6.5 {1-35} vs 4{3-16} p=0.001) y estancia en Cuidado intensivo (2.5 {1-21} vs 1{1-16} p=0.001) es superior en el grupo1. Conclusiones: el tratamiento de los aneurismas de la raíz aortica asociados a insuficiencia valvular sin daño estructural, mediante reimplante valvular o Bentall biológico modificado ofrece resultados similares a corto y mediano plazo. La preservación valvular se asocia a estancias mas cortas, pero no hay diferencia en complicaciones postoperatorias, estatus funcional, insuficiencia valvular, función ventricular, mortalidad y sobrevida libre de eventos adversos.


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A miocardiopatia diabética é uma doença do músculo cardíaco causada pelo diabetes mellitus e não relacionada às patologias vascular e valvular ou à hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Observações experimentais e clínicas têm demonstrado hipertrofia, necrose, apoptose e aumento do tecido intersticial miocárdico. Acredita-se que a miocardiopatia diabética seja decorrente de anormalidades metabólicas como hiperlipidemia, hiperinsulinemia e hiperglicemia, e de alterações do metabolismo cardíaco. Tais alterações podem causar aumento do estresse oxidativo, fibrose intersticial, perda celular e comprometimento do trânsito intracelular de íons e da homeostase do cálcio. Clinicamente, é possível a detecção de disfunção diastólica assintomática na fase inicial. No momento em que surgem os sinais e sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca, observamos disfunção diastólica isolada, sendo que o comprometimento da função sistólica, habitualmente, é tardio. O tratamento da miocardiopatia diabética com insuficiência cardíaca não difere das miocardiopatias de outras etiologias e deve seguir as diretrizes de acordo com o comprometimento da função ventricular, se diastólica isolada ou diastólica e sistólica.


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Several indexes of myocardial contractility have been proposed to assess ventricular function in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart. However, the conclusions reached on the basis of these indexes may be influenced by ventricular geometry rather than contractility itself. The objective of the present study was to assess the performance of widely used contractility indexes in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart in two experimental models of hypertrophy, the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and infrarenal aortocava fistula. Compared to normotensive controls (N = 8), SHRs with concentric hypertrophy (N = 10) presented increased maximum rate of ventricular pressure rise (3875 ± 526 vs 2555 ± 359 mmHg/s, P < 0.05) and peak of isovolumetric pressure (187 ± 11 vs 152 ± 11 mmHg, P < 0.05), and decreased developed stress (123 ± 20 vs 152 ± 26 g/cm², P < 0.05) and slope of stress-strain relationship (4.9 ± 0.42 vs 6.6 ± 0.77 g/cm²/%). Compared with controls (N = 11), rats with volume overload-induced eccentric hypertrophy (N = 16) presented increased developed stress (157 ± 38 vs 124 ± 22 g/cm², P < 0.05) and slope of stress-strain relationship (9 ± 2 vs 7 ± 1 g/cm²/%, P < 0.05), and decreased maximum rate of ventricular pressure rise(2746 ± 382 vs 3319 ± 352 mmHg, P < 0.05) and peak of isovolumetric pressure (115 ± 14 vs 165 ± 13 mmHg/s, P < 0.05). The results suggested that indexes of myocardial contractility used in experimental studies may present opposite results in the same heart and may be influenced by ventricular geometry. We concluded that several indexes should be taken into account for proper evaluation of contractile state, in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart.


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Background/Aims: To investigate the effect of taurine on cardiac remodeling induced by smoking. Methods: In the first step, rats were allocated into two groups: Group C (n=14): control; Group T (n=14): treated with taurine (3% in drinking water), for three months. In the second step, rats were allocated into two groups: Group ETS (n=9): rats exposed to tobacco smoke; Group ETS-T (n=9): rats exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with taurine for two months. Results: After three months, taurine presented no effects on morphological or functional variables of normal rats assessed by echocardiogram. on the other hand, after two months, ETS-T group presented higher LV wall thickness (ETS=1.30 (1.20-1.42); ETS-T=1.50 (1.40-1.50); p=0.029), E/A ratio (ETS=1.13 +/- 0.13; ETS-T=1.37 +/- 0.26; p=0.028), and isovolumetric relaxation time normalized for heart rate (ETS=53.9 +/- 4.33; ETS-T=72.5 +/- 12.0; p<0.001). The cardiac activity of the lactate dehydrogenase was higher in the ETS-T group (ETS=204 +/- 14 nmol/mg protein; ETS-T=232 +/- 12 nmol/mg protein; p<0.001). ETS-T group presented lower levels of phospholamban (ETS=1.00 +/- 0.13; ETS-T=0.82 +/- 0.06; p=0.026), phosphorylated phospholamban at Ser16 (ETS=1.00 +/- 0.14;ETS-T=0.63 +/- 0.10;p=0.003), and phosphorylated phosfolamban/phospholamban ratio (ETS=1.01 +/- 0.17; ETS-T=0.77 +/- 0.11; p=0.050). Conclusion: In normal rats, taurine produces no effects on cardiac morphological or functional variables. on the other hand, in rats exposed to cigarette smoke, taurine supplementation increases wall thickness and worsens diastolic function, associated with alterations in calcium handling protein and cardiac energy metabolism. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a eficácia e a segurança da cardioplegia sanguínea, aterógrada-retrógrada contínua, por meio da avaliação da função ventricular. MÉTODOS: Os coelhos foram divididos em quatro grupos: Controle-C(n=10); isquêmico e cardioplegia cristaloide-IC(n=10; isquêmico e cardioplegia sanguínea-IB(n=10; isquêmico sem cardioplegia-INC(n=10. Após o período isquêmico do protocolo a função ventricular foi analisada pela técnica do balão intra-ventricular. RESULTADOS: a pressão desenvolvida intra-ventricular (IVDP) foi: C(92,90± 6,86mmHg); IC(77,78± 6,15mmHg); IB(93,64 ±5,09mmHg); INC(39,46 ±8,91mmHg) p<0,005. a primeira derivada temporal da pressão ventricular na sua deflexão positiva: C(1137,50± 92,23mmHg/sec); IC(1130,62 ±43,78mmHg/sec); IB(1187,58± 88,38mmHg/sec); INC(620,02± 43,80mmHg/se) p<0,005. A primeira derivada da pressão ventricular na sua deflexão negativa: C(770,00± 73,41mmHg/sec); IC(610,03 ±47,43mmg/sec); IB(762,53 ±46,02mmHg/sec); INC(412,35 ±84,36mmHg/sec) p<0,005. A relação do coeficiente angular logarítmico foi: C(0,108± 0,02); IC(0,159± 0,038); IB(0,114 ±0,016); INC(0,175± 0,038) p<0,05. CONCLUSÃO: No modelo experimental estudado o grupo isquêmico protegido pela cardioplegia sanguínea apresentou melhor função ventricular que os grupos protegidos por cardioplegia cristalóide e não protegido.


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Previous studies accomplished by our group suggest that tobacco smoke exposure results in cardiac remodeling, with progressive ventricular dysfunction. However, the mechanisms involved in this process are not known. Therefore, our laboratory has been trying to identify the potentials responsible mechanisms for cardiac remodeling induced by tobacco. The blood pressure increase, the renin-angiotensin system and the oxidative stress can modulate this process. On the other hand, the activation of MMP-2 or MMP-9, as well as lipid peroxidation, don't seem to participate of the morphologic and functional alterations induced by tobacco smoke exposure.


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Background: The pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in hemodialysis is still unclear. The aim of thisstudy was to identify the risk factors associated with the presence of PH in chronic hemodialysis patients and toverify whether these factors might explain the highest mortality among them.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of hemodialysis patients who started treatment from August 2001to October 2007 and were followed up until April 2011 in a Brazilian referral medical school. According to theresults of echocardiography examination, patients were allocated in two groups: those with PH and those withoutPH. Clinical parameters, site and type of vascular access, bioimpedance, and laboratorial findings were comparedbetween the groups and a logistic regression model was elaborated. Actuarial survival curves were constructed andhazard risk to death was evaluated by Cox regression analysis.Results: PH > 35 mmHg was found in 23 (30.6%) of the 75 patients studied. The groups differed in extracellularwater, ventricular thickness, left atrium diameter, and ventricular filling. In a univariate analysis, extracellular waterwas associated with PH (relative risk = 1.194; 95% CI of 1.006 1.416; p = 0.042); nevertheless, in a multiple model,only left atrium enlargement was independently associated with PH (relative risk =1.172; 95% CI of 1.010 1.359;p = 0.036). PH (hazard risk = 3.008; 95% CI of 1.285 7.043; p = 0.011) and age (hazard risk of 1.034 per year of age;95% CI of 1.000 7.068; p = 0.047) were significantly associated with mortality in a multiple Cox regression analysis.However, when albumin was taken in account the only statistically significant association was between albuminlevel and mortality (hazard risk = 0.342 per g/dL; 95% CI of 0.119 0.984; p = 0.047) while the presence of PH lost itsstatistical significance (p = 0.184). Mortality was higher in patients with PH (47.8% vs 25%) who also had astatistically worse survival after the sixth year of follow up.Conclusions: PH in hemodialysis patients is associated with parameters of volume overload that sheds light on itspathophysiology. Mortality is higher in hemodialysis patients with PH and the low albumin level can explain thisassociation.© 2012 Greenfield et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: The effects of modern therapy on functional recovery after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are unknown.Objectives: To evaluate the predictors of systolic functional recovery after anterior AMI in patients undergoing modern therapy (reperfusion, aggressive platelet antiaggregant therapy, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and beta-blockers).Methods: A total of 94 consecutive patients with AMI with ST-segment elevation were enrolled. Echocardiograms were performed during the in-hospital phase and after 6 months. Systolic dysfunction was defined as ejection fraction value < 50%.Results: In the initial echocardiogram, 64% of patients had systolic dysfunction. Patients with ventricular dysfunction had greater infarct size, assessed by the measurement of total and isoenzyme MB creatine kinase enzymes, than patients without dysfunction. Additionally, 24.5% of patients that initially had systolic dysfunction showed recovery within 6 months after AMI. Patients who recovered ventricular function had smaller infarct sizes, but larger values of ejection fraction and E-wave deceleration time than patients without recovery. At the multivariate analysis, it can be observed that infarct size was the only independent predictor of functional recovery after 6 months of AMI when adjusted for age, gender, ejection fraction and E-wave deceleration time.Conclusion: In spite of aggressive treatment, systolic ventricular dysfunction remains a frequent event after the anterior myocardial infarction. Additionally, 25% of patients show functional recovery. Finally, infarct size was the only significant predictor of functional recovery after six months of acute myocardial infarction.


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Objectives: Cocaine is a commonly used illicit drug that leads to the most emergency department (ED) visits. Chest pain is the most common presentation, reported in 40% of patients. Our aim was to evaluate the incidence of previous myocardial infarction among young cocaine users (18-40 years) with cocaine-associated chest pain by the assessment of myocardial fibrosis by cardiovascular MRI. Second, we also intended to evaluate the coronary tree by CT angiography (CTA). Methods: 24 cocaine users (22 males) who frequently complained about cocaine-associated chest pain underwent CTA and cardiovascular MRI. Mean age of patients was 29.7 years and most of them (79%) had frequently used inhalatory cocaine. Results: The calcium score turned out to be positive in only one patient (Agatston=54). Among the coronary segments evaluated, only one patient had calcified plaques at the anterior descending coronary artery (proximal and medium segments). Assessment of regional ventricular function by the evaluation of 17 segments was normal in all patients. None of the patients showed myocardial delayed enhancement, indicative of myocardial fibrosis. CTA therefore confirmed the low cardiovascular risk of these patients, since most of them (96%) had no atherosclerosis detected by this examination. Only one patient (4%) had coronary atherosclerosis detected, without significant coronary stenosis. Conclusion: Cardiovascular MR did not detect the presence of delayed enhancement indicative of myocardial fibrosis among young cocaine users with low cardiovascular risk who had complained of cocaine-associated chest pain.


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Background-The importance of complete revascularization remains unclear and contradictory. This current investigation compares the effect of complete revascularization on 10-year survival of patients with stable multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD) who were randomly assigned to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Methods and Results-This is a post hoc analysis of the Second Medicine, Angioplasty, or Surgery Study (MASS II), which is a randomized trial comparing treatments in patients with stable multivessel CAD, and preserved systolic ventricular function. We analyzed patients who underwent surgery (CABG) or stent angioplasty (PCI). The survival free of overall mortality of patients who underwent complete (CR) or incomplete revascularization (IR) was compared. Of the 408 patients randomly assigned to mechanical revascularization, 390 patients (95.6%) underwent the assigned treatment; complete revascularization was achieved in 224 patients (57.4%), 63.8% of those in the CABG group and 36.2% in the PCI group (P = 0.001). The IR group had more prior myocardial infarction than the CR group (56.2% X 39.2%, P = 0.01). During a 10-year follow-up, the survival free of cardiovascular mortality was significantly different among patients in the 2 groups (CR, 90.6% versus IR, 84.4%; P = 0.04). This was mainly driven by an increased cardiovascular specific mortality in individuals with incomplete revascularization submitted to PCI (P = 0.05). Conclusions-Our study suggests that in 10-year follow-up, CR compared with IR was associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality, especially due to a higher increase in cardiovascular-specific mortality in individuals submitted to PCI.