947 resultados para Vascular Remodeling
In this paper we describe the efficacy of the liposomal-AlClPc (aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine) formulation in PDT study against Ehrlich tumor cells proliferation in immunocompetent swiss mice tongue. Experiments were conduced in sixteen tumor induced mice that were divided in three control groups: (1) tumor without treatment; (2) tumor with 100 J/cm(2) laser (670 nm) irradiation; and (3) tumor with AlClPc peritumoral injection; and a PDT experimental group when tumors received AlClPc injection followed by tumor irradiation. Control groups present similar macroscopically and histological patterns after treatments, while PDT treatment induced 90% of Ehrlich tumor necrosis after 24 h of one single showing the efficacy of liposome-AlClPc (aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine) mediated PDT application, on the treatment of oral cancer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The cellular mechanisms coupling mechanical loading with bone remodeling remain unclear. In the CNS, the excitatory amino acid glutamate (Glu) serves as a potent neurotransmitter exerting its effects via various membrane Glu receptors (GluR). Nerves containing Glu exist close to bone cells expressing functional GluRs. Demonstration of a mechanically sensitive glutamate/aspartate transporter protein and the ability of glutamate to stimulate bone resorption in vitro suggest a role for glutamate linking mechanical load and bone remodeling. We used immunohistochemical techniques to identify the expression of N-methyl-D-aspartate acid (NMDA) and non-NMDA (AMPA or kainate) ionotropic GluR subunits on bone cells in vivo. In bone sections from young adult rats, osteoclasts expressed numerous GluR subunits including AMPA (GluR2/3 and GluR4), kainic acid (GluR567) and NMDA (NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B and NMDAR2C) receptor subtypes. Bone lining cells demonstrated immunoexpression for NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B, NMDAR2C, GluR567, GluR23, GuR2 and GluR4 subunits. Immunoexpression was not evident on osteocytes, chondrocytes or vascular channels. To investigate the effects of mechanical loading on GluR expression, we used a Materials Testing System (MTS) to apply 10 N sinusoidal axial compressive loads percutaneously to the right limbs (radius/ulna, tibia/fibula) of rats. Each limb underwent 300-load cycles/day (cycle rate, 1 Hz) for 4 consecutive days. Contralateral, non-loaded limbs served as controls. Mechanically loaded limbs revealed a load-induced loss of immunoexpression for GluR2/3, GluR4, GluR567 and NMDAR2A on osteoclasts and NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B, GluR2/3 and GluR4 on bone lining cells. Both neonatal rabbit and rat osteoclasts were cultured on bone slices to investigate the effect of the NMDA receptor antagonist, MK801, and the AMPA/kainic acid receptor antagonist, NBQX, on osteoclast resorptive activity in vitro. The inhibition of resorptive function seen suggested that both NMDAR and kainic acid receptor function are required for normal osteoclast function. While the exact role of ionotropic GluRs in skeletal tissue remains unclear, the modulation of GluR subunit expression by mechanical loading lends further support for participation of Glu as a mechanical loading effector. These ionotropic receptors appear to be functionally relevant to normal osteoclast resorptive activity. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Latin America is here defined as all of the Americas south of the United States. In the setting of pulmonary hypertension, there are social inequalities and geophysical aspects in this region that account for a high prevalence of certain etiologies. This review aimed to analyze some of these factors. Data were collected from the existing literature. Information also was obtained from local tertiary-care centers to where patients with pulmonary hypertension generally are referred. Further, local experience and expertise was taken into consideration. Three etiologies of pulmonary hypertension were found to be the most prevalent: schistosomiasis (similar to 1 million affected people in Brazil), high altitude (particularly in the Andes), and congenital heart disease (late diagnosis of congenital left-to-right shunts leading to development of pulmonary vasculopathy). The diversity in terms of ancestries and races probably accounts for the differences in phenotype expression of pulmonary hypertension when a given region is considered (eg, schistosomiasis-, high-altitude-, or congenital heart disease-associated pulmonary hypertension). Governmental measures are needed to improve social and economic inequalities with an obvious impact on certain etiologies, such as schistosomiasis and congenital heart disease. Early diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and access to medication remain important challenges all over Latin America. CHEST 2010; 137(6)(Suppl):78S-84S
Objective: To evaluate the impact of systematic use of intraoperative Doppler ultrasound during microsurgical subinguinal varicocele repair. Design: Prospective clinical study. Setting: Andrology laboratory and male infertility section of the urology department of a tertiary care hospital. Patient(s): Two hundred and thirteen men with clinical varicocele. Intervention(s): Subinguinal microsurgical varicocele ligation using an intraoperative vascular Doppler flow detector. Main Outcome Measure(s): Number of veins ligated, lymphatic spared, arteries identified or accidentally ligated. Result(s): A statistically significant greater number of arteries were identified and preserved when intraoperative vascular Doppler was used. In addition, the average number of internal spermatic veins ligated was statistically significantly greater in the same group. Accidental artery ligation occurred in two cases (1.1%) in which the Doppler was not applied. There was no statistically significant difference in number of lymphatics spared between groups. Conclusion(s): Our findings showed that concomitant use of intraoperative vascular Doppler during microsurgical varicocelectomy allows more arterial branches to be preserved, and more internal spermatic veins are likely to be ligated. This device should be considered an attractive tool to improve surgical outcomes and safety. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010; 93: 2396-9. (C)2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Introduction: This study was designed to examine the effect of masticatory hypofunction and estrogen deficiency on mandible bone mass and compare this site with spine and femoral bone. Methods: Twenty-four rats were ovariectomized (OVX) or Sham-operated (Sham) and analyzed after feeding with hard diet (Hard) or soft diet (Soft). They were divided into four groups: (GI)Sham-Hard; (GII)OVX-Hard; (GIII)Sham-Soft and (GIV)OVX-Soft. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured in the spine and femur in the baseline and at the end of the study, and Delta BMD (final BMD - baseline BMD) was calculated. In mandible bone, BMD and histomorphometry were analyzed at the end of the experiment. Results: Sham rats showed higher spine (GI: 13.5%vs GII: 0.74%, P < 0.01; GIII: 10.67%vs GIV: -4.36%, P < 0.001) and femur Delta BMD (GI: 14.43%vs GII: 4.42%, P < 0.01; GIII: 10.58%vs GIV: 0.49%, P < 0.001) than OVX, but no difference was observed in mandible BMD among these groups (P > 0.05). Soft-diet groups showed decreased mandible BMD compared with hard-diet groups (GIV vs GII, P < 0.01; GIII vs GI, P < 0.01). Similarly, mandibular condyle histomorphometry showed that soft-diet groups presented a significant decrease in trabecular thickness and volume (GIV vs GII, P < 0.05; GIII vs GI, P < 0.01) compared with hard diet. Conclusion: Our results suggest that mandibular bone loss resulted from decreased of mechanical loading during mastication, and was not affect by estrogen depletion.
Myb is a key transcription factor that can regulate proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis, predominantly in the haemopoietic system. Abnormal expression of Myb is associated with a number of cancers, both haemopoietic and non-haemopoietic. In order to better understand the role of Myb in normal and tumorigenic processes, we undertook a cDNA array screen to identify genes that are regulated by this factor. In this way, we identified the gene encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as being potentially regulated by the Myb oncoprotein in myeloid cells. To determine whether this was a direct effect on VEGF gene transcription, we examined the activity of the murine VEGF promoter in the presence of either wild-type (WT) or mutant forms of Myb. It was found that WT Myb was able to activate the VEGF promoter and that a minimal promoter region of 120 bp was sufficient to confer Myb responsiveness. Surprisingly, activation of the VEGF promoter was independent of DNA binding by Myb. This was shown by the use of DNA binding-defective Myb mutants and by mutagenesis of a potential Myb-binding site in the minimal promoter. Mutation of Sp1 sites within this region abolished Myb-mediated regulation of a reporter construct, suggesting that Myb DNA binding-independent activation of VEGF expression occurs via these Sp1 binding elements. Regulation of VEGF production by Myb has implications for the potential role of Myb in myeloid leukaemias and in solid tumours where VEGF may be functioning as an autocrine growth factor. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Recent studies have assessed the direct effects of smoking on cardiac remodeling and function. However, the mechanisms of these alterations remain unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate de role of cardiac NADPH oxidase and antioxidant enzyme system on ventricular remodeling induced by tobacco smoke. Methods: Male Wistar rats that weighed 200-230 g were divided into a control group (C) and an experimental group that was exposed to tobacco smoke for a period of two months (ETS). After the two-month exposure period, morphological, biochemical and functional analyses were performed. Results: The myocyte cross-sectional area and left ventricle end-diastolic dimension was increased 16.2% and 33.7%, respectively, in the ETS group. The interstitial collagen volume fraction was also higher in ETS group compared to the controls. In addition to these morphological changes, the ejection fraction and fractional shortening were decreased in the ETS group. Importantly, these alterations were related to augmented heart oxidative stress, which was characterized by an increase in NADPH oxidase activity, increased levels of lipid hydroperoxide and depletion of antioxidant enzymes (e.g., catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase). In addition, cardiac levels of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-10 were not different between the groups. Conclusion: Cardiac alterations that are induced by smoking are associated with increased NADPH oxidase activity, suggesting that this pathway plays a role in the ventricular remodeling induced by exposure to tobacco smoke. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Introduction: Airway dysfunction in patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is evidenced by expiratory flow limitation and dynamic hyperinflation. These functional alterations have been attributed to closure/obstruction of small airways. Airway morphological changes have been reported in experimental models of acute lung injury, characterized by epithelial necrosis and denudation in distal airways. To date, however, no study has focused on the morphological airway changes in lungs from human subjects with ARDS. The aim of this study is to evaluate structural and inflammatory changes in distal airways in ARDS patients. Methods: We retrospectively studied autopsy lung tissue from subjects who died with ARDS and from control subjects who died of non pulmonary causes. Using image analysis, we quantified the extension of epithelial changes (normal, abnormal and denudated epithelium expressed as percentages of the total epithelium length), bronchiolar inflammation, airway wall thickness, and extracellular matrix (ECM) protein content in distal airways. The Student`s t test or the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare data between the ARDS and control groups. Bonferroni adjustments were used for multiple tests. The association between morphological and clinical data was analyzed by Pearson rank test. Results: Thirty-one ARDS patients (A: PaO(2)/FiO(2) <= 200, 45 +/- 14 years, 16 males) and 11 controls (C:52 +/- 16 years, 7 males) were included in the study. ARDS airways showed a shorter extension of normal epithelium (A:32.9 +/- 27.2%, C:76.7 +/- 32.7%, P < 0.001), a larger extension of epithelium denudation (A:52.6 +/- 35.2%, C:21.8 +/- 32.1%, P < 0.01), increased airway inflammation (A:1(3), C:0(1), P = 0.03), higher airway wall thickness (A:138.7 +/- 54.3 mu m, C:86.4 +/- 33.3 mu m, P < 0.01), and higher airway content of collagen I, fibronectin, versican and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) compared to controls (P = 0.03). The extension of normal epithelium showed a positive correlation with PaO(2)/FiO(2) (r(2) = 0.34; P = 0.02) and a negative correlation with plateau pressure (r(2) = 0.27; P = 0.04). The extension of denuded epithelium showed a negative correlation with PaO(2)/FiO(2) (r(2) = 0.27; P = 0.04). Conclusions: Structural changes in small airways of patients with ARDS were characterized by epithelial denudation, inflammation and airway wall thickening with ECM remodeling. These changes are likely to contribute to functional airway changes in patients with ARDS.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the impact of endovascular surgery versus open vascular technique training in a Brazilian teaching service. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Hospital das Clinicas-Faculty of Medicine University of Sao Paulo, a tertiary institutional hospital Brazil. PARTICIPANTS: We reviewed 1,040 arterial operations performed during 2 distinct time periods: January 1995 to December 1996, and January 2006 to December 2007. Based on the disease treated, the procedures were classified into the following 5 groups: abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), aorto-iliac obstructive disease (Al), obstructive disease of the femoropoplitealtibial segment (FP), carotid disease (C), and others (0). The operations were also divided into an endovascular surgery (ES) group and an open surgery (OS) group. We compared the number of open and endovascular procedures for each arterial disease group during both periods. RESULTS: During the 2006-2007 period, 654 patients were treated surgically, whereas over the 1995-1996 period, 386 arterial operations were performed. A. significant increase in endovascular procedures (p < 0.001) was found from the 1995-1996 period to the 2006-201)7 period (35 vs 351, respectively) in all groups, whereas open surgery showed a slight increase in the number of procedures in the AAA and 0 groups only. In the 1995-1996 period, OS was the primary surgical method for all groups, but in the 2006-2007 time frame, OS was performed more frequently than ES only in the AAA and 0 groups. Considering all vascular disease groups, OS was the technique used in 90.9% (351 of 386) of the operations during 1995-1996, whereas in 2006-2007, OS was performed in only 46.3% (303 of 654) of the procedures. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in the number of ES observed over the past decade has had little impact on OS procedures performed at our medical center, not bringing harm to open surgical training. (J Surg 68:19-23. (C) 2011 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
Arteriovenous fistula involving renal artery and inferior vena cava are rare. We report the case of a 47-year-old woman with a chronic arteriovenous fistula between right renal artery and inferior vena cava due to a penetrating trauma. Another finding was a vena cava aneurysm caused by the fistula. The patient was successfully treated with a covered stent in the renal artery. Diagnosis and postoperative control have been documented with CT scan. Endovascular techniques may be effective and minimally invasive option for treatment and renal preservation in renal-cava arteriovenous fistulae.
Introduction. Chronic allograft vasculopathy is an important cause of graft loss. Considering the inflammatory response in the development of chronic vascular lesions, therapeutic approaches to target the inflammatory process may be useful. We sought to investigate the possible protective effects on balloon catheter-induced vascular injury of thalidomide and tamoxifen, 2 drugs with powerful anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antifibrotic effects, using an animal model that mimics the morphologic features of chronic allograft vasculopathy. Methods. Male Wistar rats subjected to balloon catheter carotid injury (INJ) were treated with thalidomide (100 mg/kg), or tamoxifen (10 mg/kg), or vehicle. Contralateral right carotid arteries were used as uninjured controls. Morphometric and immunohistochemical analyses were performed at 14 days postinjury. Results. Injured carotid arteries showed marked neointimal hyperplasia, which was significantly inhibited among animals treated with thalidomide or tamoxifen: neointimal/media ratios of 1.4 +/- 0.4 versus 0.2 +/- 0.1 versus 0.4 +/- 0.2, for INJ, INJ + Thalid, and INJ + Tamox; respectively (P < .001). The endothelial cell loss was significantly less pronounced among animals subjected to carotid balloon injury that were treated with thalidomide (24 +/- 14 vs 1 +/- 1 cells per section in INJ, respectively (P < .05). Therapy with either thalidomide or tamoxifen effectively maintained alpha-smooth muscle actin expression in the media, similar to uninjured arteries. In this setting, tamoxifen was additionally effective to prevent the migration of myofibroblasts in to the intima. Conclusion. Thalidomide and tamoxifen were effective to reduce neointimal hyperplasia secondary to vascular damage. The vasculoprotective effects of thalidomide were more pronounced to preserve endothelial cells, whereas tamoxifen inhibited smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation. A possible beneficial effect of combined therapy with thalidomide plus tamoxifen should be addressed in future studies.
To evaluate the remodeling of collagen fibers in the articular cartilage of rat ankles, with and without immobilization, after application of muscle stretching protocol. Twenty three Wistar rats were divided into four groups: immobilized (I), n = 6; immobilized and stretched (IS), n = 6; stretched (S), n = 6 and control (C), n = 5. The animals in groups I and IS were submitted to immobilization. After the period of immobilization, the animals in groups IS and S were submitted to a muscle stretching protocol. At the end of the experiment, the animals were euthanized and the joints removed, processed and stained with Picrosirius red. The analysis was carried out using a polarized light microscope. The density of collagen fibers were quantified according to the intensity of birefringence displayed. By way of statistical analyses, the right and left hind limbs of the different groups were compared based on the total density of collagen fibers, the density of thick collagen fibers and the density of thin collagen fibers. Immobilization promoted a reduction in density of the thin fibers and of total collagen. The muscle stretching protocol after immobilization promoted a reduction in density of the total collagen and of the thick fibers, but the density of the thin fibers showed the same values as control. The collagen fibers were remodeled by the different stimuli. Immobilization was harmful to the collagen fibers and the muscle stretching protocol only recovered the thin collagen fibers.
Objectives: To compare prognosis parameters and arterial site involvement in Takayasu arteritis (TA) patients with disease onset at age <= 18 and >= 21 years. Methods: Sixty-two TA patients [American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and European League Against Rheumatism/Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (EULAR/PreS) criteria] were enrolled consecutively and divided into two groups according to disease onset, and matched for disease duration: juvenile TA patients aged <= 18 years (n = 17) and adult TA patients aged >= 21 years (n = 45). The protocol evaluated the following prognostic factors: aortic insufficiency, ischaemic retinopathy, severe systemic hypertension, and arterial aneurysms. In addition, death and remission [defined as stable disease > 6 months (no complaints without immunosuppressive and prednisone use) and normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)] were also analysed. Stenosis and aneurisms were investigated by magnetic angioresonance or arteriography and angiographic classification was defined according to Hata criteria. Results: Mean disease duration was similar in the juvenile and adult TA groups (13.50 +/- 10.73 vs. 13.80 +/- 7.17 years, p = 0.092) and a trend to a lower predominance of female gender in the juvenile TA group was observed (64.71% vs. 88.89%, p = 0.056). The prognosis was distinct in the two groups, with juvenile patients having a lower frequency of disease remission (23.53% vs. 55.56%, p = 0.04) and a significantly higher frequency of aneurism (41.0% vs. 11.1%, p = 0.013). Almost half of the juvenile TA patients had left renal stenosis, a frequency significantly higher than in the adult TA group (41.18% vs. 11.10%, p = 0.013), whereas the stenosis frequency was comparable in all other vascular sites evaluated. No differences were observed between the two groups regarding the frequency of aortic insufficiency, ischaemic retinopathy, severe systemic arterial hypertension, vascular procedures, and mortality. Angiographic classification revealed a similar distribution of arterial involvement in both groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Juvenile TA patients have distinct characteristics, with a peculiar renal vascular involvement, the presence of aneurism, and a more refractory disease compared with adult TA patients.
Background Stroke mortality rates in Brazil are the highest in the Americas. Deaths from cerebrovascular disease surpass coronary heart disease. Aim To verify stroke mortality rates and morbidity in an area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using the World Health Organization Stepwise Approach to Stroke Surveillance. Methods We used the World Health Organization Stepwise Approach to Stroke Surveillance structure of stroke surveillance. The hospital-based data comprised fatal and nonfatal stroke (Step 1). We gathered stroke-related mortality data in the community using World Health Organization questionnaires (Step 2). The questionnaire determining stroke prevalence was activated door to door in a family-health-programme neighbourhood (Step 3). Results A total of 682 patients 18 years and above, including 472 incident cases, presented with cerebrovascular disease and were enrolled in Step 1 during April-May 2009. Cerebral infarction (84 center dot 3%) and first-ever stroke (85 center dot 2%) were the most frequent. In Step 2, 256 deaths from stroke were identified during 2006-2007. Forty-four per cent of deaths were classified as unspecified stroke, 1/3 as ischaemic stroke, and 1/4 due to haemorrhagic subtype. In Step 3, 577 subjects over 35 years old were evaluated at home, and 244 cases of stroke survival were diagnosed via a questionnaire, validated by a board-certified neurologist. The population demographic characteristics were similar in the three steps, except in terms of age and gender. Conclusion By including data from all settings, World Health Organization stroke surveillance can provide data to help plan future resources that meet the needs of the public-health system.