988 resultados para Varchi, Benedetto, 1503-1565.
油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)与籽蒿(Artemisia sphaerocephala)为毛乌素沙地的优势物种,广泛用于我国北方干旱、半干旱区的生态恢复。油蒿与籽蒿种子萌发对温度、水分等环境条件的反应已有较为明确的研究结果,但关于这两种蒿属植物种子萌发对光照反应的研究目前存在两种不同的结论,对飞播技术的改善造成一定影响。 影响油蒿与籽蒿种子萌发对光照反应的因素较多。如种源地、结实部位、种子颜色、种子保存方式与时间、实验条件、温度等。考虑种源地、种子保存时间与方式、结实部位及温度,从多方面系统研究油蒿与籽蒿种子萌发对光照的反应。结果表明当温度较低时(10:20C),萌发率和萌发速率在黑暗条件下显著高于在光照条件下。采自榆林地区的种子萌发状况相对较差,萌发率和萌发速率在大多数情况下显著低于其他两地;各种源地上下部种子萌发率有一定差异,大多数结实部位为上部的种子最终萌发率和萌发速率高于下部的种子;保存几周的种子萌发率变化不大,但在温度较高和较低时,随着种子保存时间的延长,萌发率下降较快,而在适宜温度下种子萌发率变化不明显;种子保存方式的不同造成种子萌发情况的差异,但差异不明显;黑暗条件下比近似黑暗条件下的种子萌发率略低。上述因素对种子萌发均具有一定影响,但总体特征是种子萌发对光照的反应表现为强光抑制种子的萌发,黑暗促进种子萌发。当温度较高时(15:25C),光照与黑暗条件下种子萌发率差异不大,但黑暗条件下种子的萌发速率显著高于光照条件下;当其它条件相同时,种子萌发率和萌发速率显著高于温度较低时(10:20C)。因而,适宜的温度和黑暗条件有利于油蒿与籽蒿种子的萌发。在飞播实践时应为种子创造一定的沙埋条件,创造有利于种子萌发的黑暗环境,促进种子的萌发,提高飞播工作的成效。
气候变暖和氮沉降是全球变化现象中最为重要和广为关注的两个方面,它们给陆地生态系统带来了深刻的影响。目前,已有众多研究就二者对地上植被的影响展开了大量工作;而作为陆地生态系统的另一重要生命组分,土壤微生物群落对二者的响应与适应机制还不明了,还需要相关工作的不断补充和完善。本文正是在温带典型草原通过设置增温、施氮等模拟控制实验,探讨增温、施氮及其交互效应对草原生态系统土壤微生物群落多样性和功能多样性的影响,使我们对该地区土壤微生物群落的响应与适应有了一个初步的了解,有助于全面分析和评估气候变化对温带典型草原生态系统的影响。 目前,全球变暖表现出时间上的不均衡性,即夜间增温的幅度要大于白天增温的幅度,而且这种现象在欧亚大陆尤为普遍。这种气候变暖的不均衡性是否会给草原生态系统土壤微生物群落带来显著的影响是我们所关注的问题之一。在第二章中,于多伦典型草原设置了对照、白天增温、夜间增温和全天增温处理,处理时间起始于2006 年5 月,并通过磷脂脂肪酸和BIOLOG 分析方法分别对土壤微生物的群落多样性和碳源利用能力(即功能多样性)进行分析。结果表明,不同增温处理对土壤微生物群落组成的影响均不显著,而夜间增温对土壤细菌群落的碳源利用能力具有显著的促进作用。这说明土壤微生物群落结构对短期增温处理的响应要滞后于功能的响应,而功能上的响应又首先出现在细菌群落,并且这种响应表现为白天增温和夜间增温的非加和效应。 气候变暖往往与降雨的变化相伴而生,而水分又是半干旱典型草原重要限制因子,因此探讨降雨的变化对土壤微生物的影响有助于更深入的了解土壤微生物对气候变暖的响应。在第三章中,分别设置了对照、增温、夏季增雨及增温×夏季增雨处理,处理时间起始于2005 年4 月,并同样分析了土壤微生物的群落组成和功能多样性。结果表明,增温和夏季增雨对土壤微生物群落结构和功能的影响具有明显的一致性,二者均降低了革兰氏阴性菌的相对含量,并且促进了细菌群落的碳源利用能力。增温和增雨在影响细菌群落结构(即,革兰氏阴性菌与阳性菌之比)上具有一定程度的交互效应。 陆地生态系统生产力普遍受到土壤氮素的限制,由于人类活动的干扰,尤其是农业生产和化石燃料燃烧,使土壤氮素含量增加,改变土壤理化环境和地上植物群落,这将直接或间接地影响土壤微生物群落结构和功能。就已有的研究结果来看施氮究竟如何影响土壤微生物群落尚无定论。第四章主要是针对相关研究结果上的分歧,在2003 年设置的0-64 g N m-2 yr-1 的指数施氮梯度实验上进行土壤理化因子、微生物量、净氮矿化和微生物碳源利用能力的分析。结果表明,土壤微生物群落对施氮的响应存在一个介于16 和32 g N m-2y-1 最优施氮量,即低于最优施氮量施氮处理表现为对土壤微生物的促进作用,而过高的施氮量则表现为抑制作用。这一结果说明施氮量是影响土壤微生物对施氮处理做出响应的重要方面之一,有助于解释目前相关研究中出现的结果分歧。 第五章的研究则是考虑了地形和火烧这两个草原生态系统普遍存在的干扰因素,比较分析二者与施氮处理对土壤微生物群落结构的影响。实验设置在多伦典型草原一个坡度为15﹪的南向阳坡,坡上坡下分别设置对照、施氮和火烧处理,处理的起始时间为2005 年4 月。结果表明,土壤微生物群落结构存在地形上的显著差异,表现为坡下以细菌类群占优势,而坡上真菌类群的相对优势较大;火烧对土壤微生物群落结构的影响显著,并表现出明显的地形上的差异,即坡下微生物对火烧的响应敏感性要高于坡上;而短期的施氮处理对土壤微生物群落结构的影响不显著。第六章的研究主要是针对增温、施氮和增温×施氮处理对土壤微生物群落结构和功能的影响,处理时间起始于2006 年5 月。结果表明,土壤微生物群落结构和功能年际变化显著;增温和施氮对土壤微生物的影响均不显著,但增温复合施氮处理中的土壤微生物群落结构表现出一定的响应趋势。
A large database of 115 triaxial, direct simple shear, and cyclic tests on 19 clays and silts is presented and analysed to develop an empirical framework for the prediction of the mobilization of the undrained shear strength, cu, of natural clays tested from an initially isotropic state of stress. The strain at half the peak undrained strength (γM=2) is used to normalize the shear strain data between mobilized strengths of 0.2cu and 0.8cu. A power law with an exponent of 0.6 is found to describe all the normalized data within a strain factor of 1.75 when a representative sample provides a value for γM=2. Multi-linear regression analysis shows that γM=2 is a function of cu, plasticity index Ip, and initial mean effective stress p′0. Of the 97 stress-strain curves for which cu, Ip, and p′0 were available, the observed values of γM=2 fell within a factor of three of the regression; this additional uncertainty should be acknowledged if a designer wished to limit immediate foundation settlements on the basis of an undrained strength profile and the plasticity index of the clay. The influence of stress history is also discussed. The application of these stress-strain relations to serviceability design calculations is portrayed through a worked example. The implications for geotechnical decision-making and codes of practice are considered.
:雄性生殖道局部免疫在性传播疾病的防治、免疫不育的防治和免疫避孕方面都具有十分重要的作用。本文 结合作者的研究工作,介绍了雄性泌尿生殖道的结构特征、天然和获得性的抗感染因子、抗精子免疫反应、性激素 对雄性生殖道免疫力的调控作用以及雄性生殖道的获得性免疫应答的激活等方面的研究动态,提出了今后的研究 方向,认为除了深入研究获得性免疫之外,雄性生殖道内天然免疫力的研究,应是十分值得关注的新方向。 39600016) ,云南省应用基础基金(96C097Q ,97C092M) 等资助。
Detecting objects in their paths is a fundamental perceptional function of moving organisms. Potential risks and rewards, such as prey, predators, conspecifics or non-biological obstacles, must be detected so that an animal can modify its behaviour accordingly. However, to date few studies have considered how animals in the wild focus their attention. Dolphins and porpoises are known to actively use sonar or echolocation. A newly developed miniature data logger attached to a porpoise allows for individual recording of acoustical search efforts and inspection distance based on echolocation. In this study, we analysed the biosonar behaviour of eight free-ranging finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) and demonstrated that these animals inspect the area ahead of them before swimming silently into it. The porpoises inspected distances up to 77 in, whereas their swimming distance without using sonar was less than 20 in. The inspection distance was long enough to ensure a wide safety margin before facing real risks or rewards. Once a potential prey item was detected, porpoises adjusted their inspection distance from the remote target throughout their approach.
A Ge/Si heterojunction light emitting diode with a p(+)-Ge/i-Ge/N+-Si structure was fabricated using the ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition technology on N+-Si substrate. The device had a good I-V rectifying behavior. Under forward bias voltage ranging from 1.1 to 2.5 V, electroluminescence around 1565 nm was observed at room temperature. The mechanism of the light emission is discussed by the radiative lifetime and the scattering rate. The results indicate that germanium is a potential candidate for silicon-based light source material. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3216577]
Si-doped nonpolar a-plane GaN films were grown on nanopatterned sapphire substrates by a low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system. The structure, morphology and field emission properties of the sample were studied by means of high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and field emission measurement. The XRD analysis shows that the sample is a nonpolar a-plane (11 (2) over bar0) GaN film. The field emission measurement shows that the nonpolar GaN films exhibit excellent field emission properties with a threshold emission field of as low as 10 V/mu m at a current density of 0.63 mu A/cm(2), and a high field emission current density of 74 mA/cm(2) at an applied field of 24 V/mu m. Moreover, the Fowler-Nordheirn plot of the sample fits a near linear relation. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
The mode characteristics for two coupled microdisks are investigated by the finite-difference time-domain technique. In the two coupled micodisks, mode coupling between the same order whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) results in coupled WGMs with split mode wavelengths. The numerical results show that the split mode wavelengths of the coupled first- and second-order WGMs can have a crossing point in some cases, which can induce anticrossing mode coupling between them and greatly reduce the mode Q factor of the coupled first-order WGMs. The time variation of mode field pattern shows the transformation between the coupled first- and second-order WGMs. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America
This paper discusses the algorithm on the distance from a point and an infinite sub-space in high dimensional space With the development of Information Geometry([1]), the analysis tools of points distribution in high dimension space, as a measure of calculability, draw more attention of experts of pattern recognition. By the assistance of these tools, Geometrical properties of sets of samples in high-dimensional structures are studied, under guidance of the established properties and theorems in high-dimensional geometry.
An actively mode-locked fiber ring laser based on cross-gain modulation (XGM) in a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is demonstrated to operate stably with a simple configuration. By forward injecting an easily-generated external pulse train, the mode-locked fiber laser can generate an optical-pulse sequence with pulsewidth about 6 ps and average output power about 7.9 mW. The output pulses show an ultra-low RMS jitter about 70.7 fs measured by a RF spectrum analyzer. The use of the proposed forward-injection configuration can realize the repetition-rate tunability from I to 15 GHz for the generated optical-pulse sequences. By employing a wavelength-tunable optical band-pass filter in the laser cavity, the operation wavelength of the designed SOA-based actively mode-locked fiber laser can be tuned continuously in a wide span between 1528 and 1565 nm. The parameters of external-injection optical pulses are studied experimentally to optimize the mode-locked fiber laser. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.